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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Well it seems you're going to get your wish, if the Devnotes keep going in the direction they're going now. I fully expect next week's devnotes to have a cat video or something in them. And nothing else.
  2. The modes are misnamed. They are actually: Not Much Grind Average Grind Lots of Grind The custom sliders allow you to fine tune the amount of grind you want or don't want to do in any given playthrough.
  3. Everything that happened in my life between the ages of 15 and 18. Seriously. I'm an odd mix of embarrassed and proud at the stuff I both survived and got away with during those years.
  4. I can imagine plenty of planets and moons that aren't Eeloo clones. I just can't imagine Squad - who have made quite a few planets and moons in the game already into Eeloo clones (Seriously, what is the functional difference between Eeloo, Moho, Dres, Val, and Ike? Not much) - would add a bunch of NEW planets that are anything else.
  5. Yeah there are engines you should run in atmo, and engines you should run in space (Generally the divider isn't "space" but 10-12km up). Ideally, you should never run "space" engines in the lower atmosphere. You can find these engines by checking their stats in the VAB. If the Isp range is wide and really low on one end, don't use them in air. If the Isp values are close together you can use them anywhere, but they're better as atmospheric boosters than space.
  6. That is one of DMagic's Modlets http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120731-
  7. Yes it is ridiculous. I recently returned to Kerbin at 6.3km/s and all I lost was 3 of my 4 solar panels. I had no heat shield or fairing or anything. Just a ship with all the parachutes stuck to the outside. You can do 2 things: 1) Wait for 1.0.3. No guarantee it will balance it better, but that is - I believe - one of their goals. 2) Install DRE.
  8. I snagged Road Redemption because Road Rash ate multiple months of my life back in the 90s.
  9. I would assume capitalizing the N is to imply that whomever wrote that was in a crazed hurry and wasn't paying attention to the details. A.K.A. he was a Kerbal
  10. I think it has more to do with he fact that the fairing you put over that thing would more closely resemble a coin than a dart. You're making your ship aerodynamically stable backwards. After a few days of launching some crazy stuff without fairings, I've decided to forego them. Usually a couple fins on the back gives all the stability I need, and the extra drag doesn't outdo the extra mass of having fairings.
  11. The life span of (individual) games is limited KSP is a massive exception in that I still want to play it more than a year after starting. If 99% of my steam library disappeared tomorrow I'd not even notice it. Plus, oh no years later the $100 I've spent over the past decade will be gone. I could spend that in a fancy restaurant and it'd be gone the next time I went to the bathroom.
  12. 10 ships each with their own engines have the same TWR/Isp/dV/etc as 1 ship that is 10 times the size, with 10 engines. The former is easier to construct and each piece may be easier to fly, but the latter - once you've got it down - is quicker and easier to maintain during the mission. Also, you likely don't need that 1 ship to be 10 times the size, nor does it likely need all 10 engines.
  13. I recently re-entered the atmosphere with no heat shields going 6.3km/s. All I lost were a couple solar panels. It was terrifying, but very anti-climactic. I have decided it is completely unnecessary - at least at Kerbin - to EVER use a heat shield. Here's hoping 1.0.3 will reintroduce that need.
  14. in-line they get all wobbly. I'd design them to fit closer together, and connect them to the main stack with the smaller decouplers. If possible, I'd also make the main stack a girder or truss so they're even tighter in, making the fairing less wide.
  15. The Mk2 Lander Can says, in its description, "don't expect it to survive atmospheric entry or even a sneeze" In reality it can survive re-entry just as well as any other part.
  16. You didn't play KSP for a week because a 5-second workaround to a minor bug is your only option? How have you stomached the game up until now?
  17. I've had that happen several times over the years. ...but never with a ship with the Claw on it.
  18. Corollary: But buy the game now if you want to play it now and think it's a fair price.
  19. So far this year I've spent $2, on Mount & Blade. I expect by the end I'll spend $20 or $30 total, tops. Less if I don't find anything. But yeah, if you can afford a computer that can play modern games, you can afford a couple games from the Steam Sale.
  20. Yeah dirt or mechanical failure of the fan are the two biggest probabilities, followed I'd guess by the power cord running to the fan itself. Maybe you snagged it and broke it or pulled it loose. With the computer in a situation where the fan would move, reach in there and give it a spin if you can, or at least tap on the case. It may just need to shake loose an obstruction. But if your computer is only a couple months old, I'd warranty that bad boy. If it's already having problems it's more likely to get worse than better from here on out. Not to mention the possibility that it's already been damaged from heat.
  21. Am I the only one who routinely uses the Claw to carry ships across interplanetary distances, in time warp, saved and exited the game and come back in, and never, EVER had a problem with them? The ONLY time I've ever had a Claw-related problem was when I tried (and failed) to make a crane out of 5 of them. Not only did the crane not work well, but the Kraken ate it.
  22. I have this as well, though I haven't gone back to the ships to check up on them. I just assumed it was a display bug, counting down as if there was one Kerbal when there were 0 Kerbals. I fully assumed that - when I went back to the ships - they'd have full stores.
  23. You should post this on the Paradox C:S forums. I've not heard much about crashes and haven't had any myself. I installed a "make a save every 10 minutes" mod which I would recommend. I've never needed it, but I'm happy it's there.
  24. I don't know. They didn't accept my selfie. Is it bigger than a breadbox?
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