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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Note that I've found lots of uses for both ground and orbital bases (and their requisite contracts) while setting up Karbonite bases in my most recent playthrough. With resource collection coming in to stock these contracts will see a lot more usefulness.
  2. I am SO glad I read about stakes before setting up my first ELP base since spring of last year. I'm totes going to redesign my starter base to not be so clunky
  3. We've already had this thread and the consensus was that 1.0 is special, and should be named "Kerbal Space Program"
  4. Kludgey workarounds aside, I still would like to be able to set what part should be controlled from in the VAB. Sadly it doesn't seem to be the root part, and is instead the first part placed. It is not always easy to just rebuild your ship around the new capsule you realize you want to control from.
  5. I don't care if they post crap on Reddit, Twitter, SomethingAwful, 4chan, or just text it to their parents. IT SHOULD ALSO BE HERE. Preferably with a link.
  6. I switched from Kethane to Karbonite. I like how it doesn't deplete and how it works in the background. Those were my two biggest gripes with Kethane. I think they're of roughly equal difficulties for a new person who's never dealt with ISRU before.
  7. I didn't realize this change would be so drastic. If it makes it so much harder to get high (as in > 1) TWR at Kerbin's surface, I can see why they didn't want to make it until they changed the aerodynamics model. Assuming, of course, that the new model is as close to (and perhaps even more deep than) FAR as it appears it's going to be. Launching straight up for 10km with 1.1 TWR is no fun. Moar Boosters, no matter how amusing a phrase, is also no fun after the dozenth time or so. This change would have forced one of those, it seems. Or both. But in FAR, low TWRs aren't a big deal and are actually FUN to launch. I still personally go for 1.5 or so but I'm a bit of a madman. The decision to both keep the horrible-terrible-broken-omgitssolol method we have now in tandem with the atmosphere we have now makes more sense to me than ever, and actually gives me more respect for Squad and their thought processes.
  8. I have used docking mode a total of 2 times. Once to see if it made docking easier (It did not) and once to see if it made rover driving easier (it did not). I am similarly worried about the chase cam in docking because I do it the same way you do, but I suspect that if it can follow a target we'll be fine. As with all these other changes they're putting in 1.0, we'll have to wait for the full official release of the game to see how they actually work. As usual, I kinda wish there was some community beta testing going on during beta.
  9. Sirrobert gives a good explanation, but it may help to see it for yourself. Build a rocket, payload and all. Youv'e got your Mun lander (or whatever) on top and your booster and stuff below it. There will be a decoupler separating the two. Have the subassemblies tab up. Click the decoupler to "grab" it. This will also grab the entire booster section, assuming you build your ship top-down and started with the lander. Drop that entire thing in the "Drop subassemblies here" box in the lower left. Name the assembly and it'll create a new one in the upper left. Click that new thing you created. You'll get a new booster the same as your old booster. Re-attach it to the Mun lander. Voila, you just created and used a sub-assembly.
  10. Kerbin (and Laythe and Eve) has a "water planet" sphere in addition to the land sphere. Could the same be done with Moho and have a "Lava" sphere? And could you dynamically cause that sphere to grow and shrink, so the lowlands (which of course are science rich) have unpredictable periods where lava slowly rises, sits, and then lowers? And then could we make it so you can get more science by taking readings inside that biome while the lava is rising?
  11. Yes, more helpful than almost every other filter they have already.
  12. I fly with my little eye, something starting with X. What did my eye fly?
  13. Dres really can't change its spin randomly, but a super high spin is kind of a cool idea. Also, spinning faster than orbital is impossible unless Dres is a solid object, like a ball of metal. But say 50% orbital velocity or something? Sure!
  14. Actually I rebooted Bases, and it's my current series. My first series I was still learning a lot (I'm even now still learning, just not a lot any more). I've only done two interplanetary ejection in that series, and I'm not sure I described them very well. You would likely be better of watching my old series. Every set of episodes around a planet was pretty fully documented. You're going to Duna, so I suggest you watch Ikepollo or Dunpollo to see how I did it.
  15. I'd be happy if they snapped to those points if close, with of course an override such as holding down ALT while placing or moving the node.
  16. Totally fair Though I would suggest in that case sending a few probes first on flyby and impact trajectories may be in order. Knowledge is power in this game, and can frequently save you hundreds if not thousands of m/s in dV.
  17. I have wondered this many times, but with how often they don't do everything that the most vocal say is necessary for KSP to not be the worst game ever, I tend to doubt it
  18. As I cautioned against all those "Here's how Squad should do drilling for fuel" posts when Squad merely posted that there would be a way to do deep space refueling, I will continue to caution against freaking out and assuming they'll only let Engineers named Herman Kerman do it if he's seated in a Mk1 pod that's landed on Eeloo at least once since it launched. The only thing I see consistent about Squad is that they tease vaguely and leave stuff open to interpretation. Which annoys the ELF out of me, but is no cause to jump to conclusions.
  19. You don't want to just fly by. You want to use Duna's atmosphere to slow down, so you get about 500ish m/s of dV for FREE. Why would you burn into Duna orbit when you can use aerobraking?
  20. Wow, one tweet and we've got an assumption storm going on here. I don't see where Maxmaps said there would be no VAB dV chart or where you'd have to have higher-level Kerbals on your ships to get a dV readout in any situation. Regarding mentioning it everywhere but the forums, yeah. That cheeses me off to no end as well. I feel like I need to start watching the evening news again just in case someone pops on there to drop a tasty tidbit about the next version.
  21. I'd rather wait, but if it's a ton of work and you've got the simple to display that's cool too. One option: Dole them out as you get them complete.
  22. Yes, though it's been a while and I was starting to hopefully suspect that they'd fixed it. There seems to be some weird effect (Not sure if it's a force per se. It always seems to affect the the periapsis of your next encounter and it always seems to make it go down. I've never observed it go up or normal, just inward). The easiest way to fix it is to reload. IIRC f5/f9 doesn't work but going back to the space center and coming back to your ship does, but I'd try F5/F9 first. As I said, it's been a while and I don't remember the fix off the top of my head.
  23. I just tested this and it doesn't work for me the way it seems you reported it worked for you. I had a Kerbal, Kyle Kerman (Hi Kyle if you're reading this!) who wanted to be a scientist. I had him in the game as a scientist named Kyle Perman, because Kyle Kerman was a Pilot. I used ShipManifest with the new DLL to rename him Kyle Kerman. Sure enough it said he was still a scientist in the ShipManifest window. When I went back to the KSC however and looked in the Astronaut Complex, he was a Pilot.
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