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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. You CAN just not abuse the parts. Instead of putting them on cubic octagonals you could instead put them on I-beams or the trusses that are larger than the cubic octagonals. That'll also make the other solar panels not look so bad in comparison. I have a personal rule that - unless I'm trying to abuse the game for some contest or another - I never connect 2 cubic octagonals together. They are there merely to provide a mount point for parts that won't otherwise radially attach. I agree though that the Gigantor needs to be balanced. Luckily for both of us, they're starting that process now. I hope in the future a Gigantor will be slightly cheaper and mass slightly less than a comparable concoction of I-beams and 1x6's would mass and cost. Likewise, the 1x6s and 2x3s should mass and cost a little less than the number of OX-Stats they're replacing mass and cost. Or at least cost, if they simply cannot get away with giving them mass.
  2. I think I've tested pretty much every rocket I've flown in the past year. For me, a "test" is to put the rocket on the pad, fire it off, watch what happens, and then revert the flight to make changes. This iterates anywhere from several times to several dozens of times, depending on the complexity of the rocket and the difficulty of the target and/or mission. I usually don't test beyond getting the ship to LKO or MAYBE doing whatever ejection burn I'm going to do, but sometimes I will also Hyperedit parts of my ship to the destination and see if they have a chance to succeed there. Eve and Tylo are biggies for that sort of thing. For both of these, I used to use a separate sandbox save, but these days I find it easier to back up the persistent file and then do whatever I want, and then just restore it when I'm ready to actually launch. After this, though, if I'm launching I launch and deal with the consequences. I try really hard to only restore from quicksave when the circumstances are very extenuating (game crash, bug, and before the Trajectories mod, I allowed quicksaving to get aerobraking right).
  3. Doesn't the perspective stretch near the sides of the screen skew the accuracy of holding something near the screen? I know it would in flight, don't know if the VAB/SPH does similar. I do think this should be a thing. I don't understand why this long line goes out the BACK of the COT marker, but nothing extends FORWARD into your rocket. It seems really strange. And for the OP, if you'd like a mod to make this (and tons of stuff relating to getting thrusters of all kinds working in the VAB/SPH) easier to determine, try RCS Build Aid. Different system for telling you things than you're proposing, but it WILL always tell you when things aren't lined up.
  4. I normally don't like to suggest mods to fix in the stock things but you mentioned mods yourself... Check out Kerbal Alarm Clock. You and not only set it up to slow the game down and alert you on SOI changes an maneuver nodes (and dozens of other things), but you can set it up to do so AUTOMATICALLY. Once you set it up, you will never miss a major event unless you specifically told it to ignore it.
  5. So this is actually a problem with docking MODE? Not just docking and undocking ships? That would explain why I've never seen it. My brain does not function correctly when you change what all the major keys on the keyboard do in the middle of a game, so after about 10 seconds of experimenting back 18 months ago or so, I've never used docking mode. It's a terrible suggestion I suspect, but have you tried docking without switching modes? I can dock with no problems controlling my ship with wasdqe for rotation and ijklhn for translation. I don't even think about it anymore and just do it.
  6. Ew. I had that once. Worst week of my life.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if some major publication made it the term of the year for 2015, with all the stuff coming out from HBO and CBS and others. Heck, there is even a spinoff term "cord nevers" for adults who have never paid for cable TV. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised to learn a publication made it their term of the year last year or the year before. I AM surprised you've never heard it, though I'm also surprised by comments in this thread about how every apartment in their area is furnished or how you either own a home or are a nomad, so I suppose to each their own
  8. (none taken but really this thread lost its way about 5 pages back anyway)
  9. Sweet, QuickSearch is going to come in SO handy. Here's a request if you can do it, hotkeys to decline contracts while you're browsing the available ones. I think it'd be great to be able to just click a contract and hit "x" or whatever to cancel it. It would save me from about 99% of mouse movements on that screen
  10. IMHO anybody who thinks other people SHOULD do things their way - regardless of what those other people want - needs to check their privilege.
  11. Did someone say Baron? Totally agree, I *like* (most of) the stuff that's not realistic. For the most part it makes the game better. Right, but a set of things can be various shades of realistic. You can say that Gravity is more realistic than Star Wars even though both are not realistic, and there is worth in noting where they fall along a spectrum.
  12. Odd poll options but whatever. I'm a strange case. I became a cord cutter before "cord cutter" was a term. I moved from one apartment to another in 2008 and just never turned cable on (except for Internet). I have an 8-year-old 45" TV (yes, bought the year before I dropped cable) and am starting to think of getting a bigger one. I watch Football over the air, and watch Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime videos, and DVDs (mostly from Redbox) on the TV and feel absolutely no need to pay for commercials cable TV due to all the options available elsewhere. I can't tell if the 2nd sentence I quoted contains that "Here" qualifier from the first, but if it doesn't then I am proof against it. I've rented and I've owned, and will never own a home again. But I've lived in the same apartment for 7 years and if I move again it may be the last time until I retire.
  13. I voted "Fiction." The system simply cannot happen. The Sun is way too small to ignite. Kerbin is too dense to even exist in our universe IIRC. No atmosphere works like any of the atmospheres we've ever encountered. All planets' poles are aligned perfectly with the sun's "north" which is also galactic "north" (well, I suppose it could be galactic south) yet they have inclined orbits. Some worlds have 0 eccentricity. There is more but I'd have to start doing research. Those were just off the top of my head
  14. What's "the OPM"? I googled it and got "Outer Planets Mod" but that doesn't seem likely to cause the gui of other mods to change.
  15. Did you start playing in 0.90? I started before career was a mode, so I started in Sandbox. I was confused for a long time but muddled my way through. When career mode (what is now Science Mode) was introduced, I at once jumped into it happy for direction but also saw it as a great place for new people to learn the game. When actual career mode was introduced (and what used to be "career mode" turned into "science mode" I still felt that the way to go was full career for a new person, but suggested to anybody having trouble making money to switch instead to sandbox mode. Now that 0.90 has made career mode significantly harder (which I love for me personally) I would no longer suggest a new person try career mode. I think - until you are at LEAST comfortable getting a rocket to Mun and back - you play around in science mode. Not sandbox, because it's too easy to drown in the choices. Not career, because it's too hard to even get into orbit ever unless you play very well for a total beginner. Science: Where you have to work but can make as many mistakes as you need to learn.
  16. Note to anybody who is using any sort of javascript blocking, if the first page looks like this: ...enable "api.twitter.com" to run javascript.
  17. If you want to date and hang out with cool people, lie about who you are and be unhappy so you can "get a date." If you want to meet someone who you'll be happy with, be yourself and eventually you'll find someone who actually wants to be with you and not someone you're pretending to be. As for me, of the 3 major relationships I've had in my life, I met my ex-girlfriend at a party, my ex-wife at a bar, and the woman I'm going to spend the rest of my life with on an online game. I think that says it all, really
  18. Assuming that Kerbin's year is actually 1 revolution around the Sun* then all you need to know is where Kerbin is radially around the Sun at a certain day, and what angle the AN and DN of Moho are. Then simple math will tell you at what date and time every year Kerbin will be at those angles. *That's not assured. I think 1 6-hour day is not what we here would define as a day; the Sun does not rise at the same time each "day."
  19. Not a probe, but I'm pretty proud of this cheap Mun rocket I made in FAR. I only left the tail fins off because they were too expensive, and the rocket was shockingly easy to fly without them.
  20. I totally agree. How can he keep being right with you proving him wrong all the time?
  21. I played around in SETI. Very fun, but a bit limiting at first. Love the "one of everything, but it's procedural" concept, and wish the stock game was that way.
  22. I didn't even know there WAS a wiki. I have over 1000 subscribers on YouTube but no Wiki account, could someone be kind and add me? https://www.youtube.com/user/5fhHorseman
  23. Thanks for looking into it. I also Googled but did not see that steam thread. I'll try another reinstall with just the bare minimum mods, and only add the other mods as I need them.
  24. He's not talking about the orientation of Moho's ORBIT, he's talking about where Moho is on its orbit. Burning to lower your Apoapsis in Sunar space is less efficient than when you're flying by Moho and taking advantage of the Oberth Effect. It's not MUCH, but it IS less efficient. I personally don't care about it. I go to Moho using this exact method with the exception that I don't bother to match planes. I do that all when I'm coming in to Periapsis around Moho, as I'm slowing down. EDIT: Oops I answered your second question as if it was your first. I blame how the forum won't let you quote quotes.
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