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Everything posted by Apollo13

  1. Which mods need to be updated for AGE to work specifically? I'm using the latest AGE. I'm using other mods, of course, that are not associated with AGE. Oh. I need Blizzy toolbar? I thought it was in stock toolbar. Just downloaded/installed. THANK you for continuing the development. I missed it. And, AGE does not appear in the VAB. It used to appear automatically. EDIT: Having installed Blizzy's Toolbar, I don't see AGE as an option in the Toolbar Button Visibility UI window.
  2. I don't see AGE in the VAB nor in flight. I've used the mod previously without any problem.
  3. Sarbian, I've been using vers 791 since you released it. However, today, when I added MJ to my vehicle, I no longer see the MJ menu tab nor in the stock tool bar. When I attempted to download 791 again, I got the virus warning (which did not occur previously). Both Chrome and IE showed that. Thanks to your post on Thursday,, I'll clean that up meanwhile, I downloaded with Firefox with no problem, which I installed. I started a new sandbox game with only Squad and MJ2 vers 791. The MJ menu/tab still does not appear in the VAB when I put MJ on the single probe core. I reverted to vers 789, and the tab appeared in the VAB and in flight again. However, mys staging does not appear at the right side of the VAB window.
  4. Thanks for updating the mod. It is essential for my trips to other planets, because I use USI-LS. BTW: you are distributing a very old version of Module Manager. Current version is 3.0.6
  5. I've used Corvus for several years now. When I noted that KSP 1.4.1 added a "Gemini", I thought that I would no longer need Corvus. Due to the size of the stock Gemini, and it's odd diameter, I'm sticking with Corvus. Thanks for updating this.
  6. Linuxgurugamer, thank you for updating this. I've been watching and waiting for this. I was afraid it might have been abandoned. Squad/Take-Two/whatever, REALLY needs to replace the editors with this. I use the Attachment Mode extensively
  7. thank you for updating for 1.3. I can now load my KSP 1.2 savegames, which have these parts on space stations.
  8. Looking forward to using a *real* LEM. Thank you.
  9. My Engineer placed the experiments just off the Launchpad. However, my Scientist could not calibrate nor start the experiments. I've used SEP on Mun and Minmus in KSP 1.2.2. Does SEP not work on Kerbin? My Scientist and Engineer are Level 1; might that be the problem? Thanks.
  10. @softweir Thank you for your response. I will follow him.
  11. This mod causes a CTD for me, even when my GameData has ONLY Squad and ProceduralFairings. It contains no other mods. KSP1.3. It worked fine with other mods in KSP 1.2.2 ksp.log file output_log.txt file
  12. If you need a mod that takes atmosphere into account, use the Trajectories mod. I've used it for years.
  13. KottabosGames demonstrated a bug in his mod review of 11 April, and I see it is still not fixed. KottabosGames Review Go to 5:30 1) In VAB (or SPH), hide part(s) 2) Click the Show Blocked Parts to verify it is listed 3) Leave VAB 4) Return to VAB 5) Click the Show Blocked Parts Result: No parts are listed, but there are entries under the Where for each part and an Unblock button is displayed. A bit frustrating, making the mod unusable for me at present. I really would like to use it. KottabosGames loaded KSP with no other mods, so there is no mod conflict.
  14. I really love this mod. As others have said, it gives a reason to continue to collect Science. Suggestion: add a parameter in the parts.cfg file to limit the percentage that parts can be improved. For instance, for gameplay purposes, I limit my parts to 50% improvement. After all, if I improve the dry weight to 100%, then it has no weight, right? My suggestion is a universal limit for all parts and all parameters, not a per part limit. That said, I've accidentally improved some part parameters past 50%. Is there a way to go backwards? A file to edit perhaps? I've looked in the GameData/KRnD subdirectory without success. Is it in the persistent.sfs file?
  15. Confirmed. Pathfinder kills my framerate and responsiveness to keystrokes and mouse clicks or click-and-hold. I had about ten mods installed, including ModManager, and framerate and key response were quick. I then added Pathfinder and the game studdered, even when accessing the main menu. It actually pauses for several seconds. There is a severe hit in the VAB as well, even when no Pathfinder parts are being used. Scene-switching is also considerably delayed. When I do a full load of my 80 mods and no Pathfinder, framerate and responsiveness are fine. Much as I like Pathfinder, I gotta pull it. I'll lose a Minmus base. You need to look at your DLL to see what's hijacking system resources, such as the cycles.
  16. A bit frustrating. I had one experiment, the Magnetometer, that had only 3 minutes remaining. Then the sun went down and all power lost. The experiment reset to 11 days, even when the sun rose again.
  17. Ahhh...night time. Of course! At this point, it is 3am and there is no longer power. However, you'll note that the Seismic experiment is not requiring power. Other experiments do indicate "Not enough electric power", such as the Cool-Cathode Neutral Ion Detector. When there was power, the CommNet was active. However, also at this point, CommNet is down due to lack of power. When the sun rose, the experiment time dropped to 4 days and CommNet was re-established. So, DMagic, you may be on to something.
  18. Something is failing with the timing functionality. Specifically, I set out seven experiments; the longest duration was 10 days. I set Kerbal Alarm Clock for that period. When KAC notified me the time was completed, I opened the SEP control panel from the KSC. It indicated the experiment still had 8 days to run. I reset KAC for 8 days. Eight days later, I opened SEP control panel; the experiment indicated it still had 4 days to run. This problem has happened multiple times with multiple experiment types. Eventually, with patience, the experiments complete. I like SEP and have used it since it's inception when placing experiments on the surface caused explosions. I got around that problem by placing the experiment on the head of the Kerbal. Didn't have the Central Unit then, so that wasn't a problem.
  19. Thanks for the answers. I'll look at my rovers and see if those are the problem. I gave forum Rep points to each of you. EDIT (5 mins later): We have a winner. Checkout the Navball : EDIT: I set the Cockpit part to "Control From Here", and the Navball now shows blue on top of brown, as it should be. The rover still pitches forward, but I believe that to be my design flaw. I should have the front wheels directly under the cockpit. I've somewhat corrected that situation by disabling the back wheels and powering the front wheels, so the rover is being pulled by the motors versus pushed.
  20. On Minmus, even the simplest rovers are uncontrollable. I'm using stock wheels. When I attempt to go forward, I go backwards, Yes, before you ask the obvious, I've set the context menu correctly so the wheels are to go in the proper direction. I've tinkered with the Traction and Friction controls to no avail. I've tried various combinations of powered back wheels and no-power front, and powered-front, with no-powered back. I've tried making the wheels steerable and non-steerable. Even going 2 kph, I can flip the vehicle. The wheels lack traction, or friction, or whatever and just skitter around. Is there a mod with decent wheels? Stock wheels are crap require some fixing. Note: I'll post screenshots when I fire up KSP after my rage-quit simmers down.
  21. @Kenny Kerman What's your question? Perhaps if you explained what you're seeing vis-a-vis your expectations, an answer may be forthcoming.
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