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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. FAR models wings as thin surfaces (i.e. only area is taken into account by FAR, other parameters are assumed). No information about thickness is passed to FAR, either, since there's no way *to* pass that to FAR. DYJ, that new wing is soooo pretty! <3
  2. The sheet does have some attempts I added to try to calculate efficiencies. They are somewhat documented by comments.
  3. v1.6.0 released on git. It includes taniwha's fixes to work in .24.
  4. Most *guided* missiles are 3-axis-stabilized, yeah.
  5. POST LOG. Snjo, like Sarbian, does not have a magic wand. How's he supposed to magically know what's crashing if you don't tell him? Don't you think that if he knew what was causing the problem, he'd have already fixed it?
  6. As the OP states, the planets *represent* their counterparts. I have the name-changing disabled because it breaks tons of stuff. Regarding an update: I have a workaround to the mesh issue in, and I have found a way that will not break saves. Waiting on getting the textures exactly sorted, and a couple bugs SpacedInvader reported. You can always download from git if you must play an unsupported version. :]
  7. rynak: so you mean you've exported all the multiple gigabytes of SQUAD textures from the KSP_Data folder and resized them too? Don't think that all the textures KSP uses are in GameData. Where do you think the planet textures come from, for example?
  8. Have to run. Will release this when I get home. I have RSS almost done; then it's time for RF and PP.
  9. Correct. Gonna have to post it this evening though, about to go out.
  10. Still seeing no license added to the first post, under the rules of Addon posting I have removed the links. The forums require you to put a license in your opening post and in the downloadable file. Addons without licenses are to be removed.
  11. Justin Kerbice: So let's see. Sarbian is maintaining four mods, this one of which was mostly created out of hacking obscure Unity FX code that no one really knows how it works, and you're upset because...he didn't tie it up in a ribbon? Docs are great. That said, you might try (a) asking questions about how stuff works, then ( writing up the docs yourself (and, y'know, contributing to the discussion. Or you could try option ©, biting sarcasm at a mod author because he hasn't done quite enough work for you. Which do you *really* want to be picking?
  12. That might be because Real Fuels hasn't been updated for .24
  13. Hmm. I can try making a special version that doesn't touch the FX, and you can see if that helps?
  14. You realize your wing loading is higher than the space shuttle's, right? And it landed at about 100m/s. 50m/s is about 111mph, which is lower than the loaded stall speed of some WW2 prop planes. So a 100m/s stall speed sounds about right. KSP spaceplane parts are for heavy spaceplanes. Expect spaceplane like performance. If you want appropriate wing loading for that thing as a *plane*, put almost twice as much wing on.
  15. I have thus far heard no reports of this updated version itself breaking in .24, so I now encourage plugin developers who use it to try it out, and if it passes their tests, to let me know (and release their updates) and I will push an official release of this and edit the OP.
  16. This is because of the way KSP is written: IIRC apparently unless your class's data types are explicitly whitelisted (like, say, strings) they won't be serialized.
  17. MachXXV: KSP requires compiling against .NET framework version 3.5. It may not *fail* if you compile against, say, 4.0, but (a) if you use any functionality that 4.0+ added it *will* crash, ( it might fail anyway, and © that makes interacting with your plugin very hard (as mentioned in the report).
  18. Ruedii: per the DebRefund thread, (a) that's obsolete, it now works with RC and ( what you propose doesn't work anyway...
  19. Hi! I know you're new here (welcome!), but as a general rule it's a very good idea to read the last page or so of the thread before replying. Had you done so, you would see that that is all anyone is talking aboutand no it doesn't.
  20. This is a sign that tree order got bugged. It seems to happen mostly with pwings, but occassionally other mods. However, we desperately, desperately need info: the output log from after causing the problem, and reproduction steps. Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
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