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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Vixiea: you need the low-res version. That's symptomatic of your graphics card not supporting 8192x4096 textures. rbray: woohoo! Thanks so much, awesome as always!
  2. Me, I'm just chuckling at "Galt Industries!"...."Commons...share-alike." Neat parts tho.
  3. Proot, can't wait to try this! A note: you might want to consider using RSS to directly tweak the atmosphere objects rather than using EVE cloudlayers to do so.
  4. Hurrah! Great news recovering that stuff. I'll check out the updates, finally gives me an excuse to update FASA too
  5. Shukinen: please don't both post and PM. I do read the forum, as do others, and we'll get to your issue. As I said there, have you installed RSS exactly as directed in the readme? Have you installed all required mods?
  6. Well yes: as the OP says, if you up the exponent like that, you also need different heatshields. EDIT: Ok, I really now believe I'm not stating things clearly enough in the OP. People who've been using this mod for a while and get the various options, what are your suggestions for clarifying the OP?
  7. Please, please, please just in-place delete the parts you don't want. You do not want to make a habit of moving parts, renaming folders, etc--more may depend on folder names than just MODEL nodes, for example paths in plugins, plugins detecting other plugins, etc.
  8. Hmm, that's a very interesting suggestion! Makes a lot of sense.
  9. Aazard: no worries. Belated response that I just finished: % really only works well for values; I'm not sure how (or whether) it works right for nodes. If it did, though, you'd have to do %NODE[node_name] not just %NODE. Also, I'm really not sure why you're applying it to so many things? The flagdecal thing, for example, which your changing won't do any good (if a model already has such an object, you can bet that the cfg already supports that module; and if it doesn't, adding the module won't do any good). Further, these changes will overwrite the changes made by part-specific patches (like the FASA patch, or RealismOverhaul's patching of the Mk1, Mk1-2, and AIES pod). So in general, unless you really need to, I don't recommend using that kind of wildcarding. What you might do is some kind of check for a module that you will know will be present if a pod supports RO, and not present if it doesn't yet; for example, checking if it has the oxygen resource, or a ModuleSPU--but both these aren't sure things. If you have the patience, I'd highly recommend making patches for individual parts, using wildcarded patches only as the last resort. (Hey actually, this might be a perfect usecase for tagging things: part-specific patches would tag their parts RO = true and then the generic patches, executed later, would only affect parts without those tags. Anyway.) That said, here's what I'd suggest based on the clip you posted. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[1],!MODULE[ModuleSPU],testBLAH]:Final // or whatever the syntax and test you want. { @MODULE[ModuleCommand] { !RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]{} RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.2666666 // 0.1 for base systems, 0.1666666 for operation per kerbal // Depends on the pod, really, but 266 watts is probably fine. } } @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] // it's gonna have EC { @amount = 64320 // 24000 base + 12h charge (including life support) @maxAmount = 64320 } //rather than doing this (if you were worried about EC not existing), // instead of using % (which may not work for nodes) you could do: !RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] // will remove if exists //then RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 64320 maxAmount = 64320 } // which will add it back. This will work whether or not EC exists in the part... !MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] // RO will be switching to totally getting rid of these. // snip stuff you're not changing... //if % doesn't work for nodes, you can do this this way !MODULE[KASModuleContainer] MODULE { name = KASModuleContainer maxSize = 20 } // same for the RT2 stuff--I'm not sure what's a reasonable packet cost, check brooklyn666's configs. } I think that expirement thing will work, yes, but I'm not sure. I'm not so up on wildcards. You can ask in the current (1.5.6) MM thread. MM tweaks can be in any file; all cfgs in GameData (excepting those in PluginData folders) are loaded by the game, and MM trawls through all confignodes loaded from cfgs. ....uh, I think I missed some edits and your new post. I'll respond to those too, gotta eat now.
  10. catas4trophy: since in real life Earth's atmosphere extends out to 10,000km (and causes drag all that way out--although imperceptible over short timeframes), I figured at least extending it to 180km would be ok. And yes, ingame you *do* get drag all the way out to 180km, although it might take a week for you to deorbit at that height. I believe MedievalNerd's RPL experiments plugin will allow setting situation as desired; also, once eggrobin's Principia is done atmospheric height might shrink again by a bit (since it will handle on-rails drag); the idea is to place KSP's atmsopheric height at such a point that an interplanetary craft (i.e. 15km/sec or so) will still experience only 1Pa of dynamic pressure at that height, as otherwise you'll hit a "wall" going from Q=0 to Q=lots and bad things will happen. SpacedInvader: great work with that heightmap!
  11. You're just insanely good, aren't you...even the OP is now amazing.
  12. That cfg, since it's in plugindata, is not loaded automatically by KSP (all files in PluginData folders are skipped by the GameDatabase loader; that's why, for example, I stuck textures in there for RSS). So you won't be able to change it via MM patches. This mod is licensed CC-BY-SA, so you're fine; and I can't imagine TaranisElsu would have a problem with releasing a customized cfg anyway...
  13. Yeah, all tanks should be ModuleFuelTanks, otherwise you don't get realistic functions (support for pressure fed engines, support for cryogenic boiloff, etc). Another couple issues I've seen: the two Baby Sergeant clusters don't have ModuleEngineConfigs defined, and the antenna whips on the Explorer probe don't seem to extend. Also, the Explorer probe has a top node, which I suggest deleting. Anyway, sending you some suggested changes. Oh, also: when firing the single Baby Sergeant, I get really weird stuttering in the sound effects. Does anyone else get that? I'm using the version of FASA these configs were designed for AFAIK (i..e quite some FASA versions ago).
  14. Uh, yeah, please add me to the begging section. I've had to roll back to 6-3, basically.
  15. There's a "Kerbal-scale" RSS add-on config in the RSS OP.
  16. I've already explained what your issues are... Aazard: response coming.
  17. Neat stuff! I've wanted a Shenzou orbital module for, like, ever. A note, though: Orionkermin's stuff is *not* free for derivatives; the OP of the Homegrown thread says "All Rights Reserved."
  18. Bob Braeunig's site has average draw for Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo...that's about all I know, and it's not broken down.
  19. Drop staging on a lighter Atlas-like launcher. Stage-and-a-half booster, hypergolic upper, solid TLI kick stage. Verniers for after booster-engine drop. (1 fairing removed at bottom so inside can be seen)
  20. I've been using the inline cockpit a *ton* recently. I *really* want the MW 05-BW, too--that looks perfect for all manner of 50s jets like the Delta Dagger/Dart, the Mirages, etc. What's the license on these parts? I've been trying to reskin the cockpit some, and I've been fixing its attach nodes.
  21. A note. I have been busy of late but this remains Not Dead. I'm having to remake the JRC Mk4 *again* to be AJE-compliant (and also the various other planes I've demonstrated). Expect to see, at some point in the not-too-distant future: Jane's All the World's Jet Hunters Missiles to Boosters: A Look at Late-War Projects Wikinger For now, a JRC Mk4 in progress:
  22. Aazard: Yes, the manifest for the bundler defaults to RPL/RO+RftS/RSS etc. I *think* it has RedAV8R's pack added; if not, give a holler on the thread. (I don't use the bundler, I just approve of it ) Yeah, we tried to update the OP into such a guide but it's a bit outdated; an update would be great. As to the pack: see the RO thread. MedievalNerd: errr, yeah. Anyway, do think you're making the right call and as always happy to help out.
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