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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I fear even with the latest version the issue is not fixed, unless I've got something else going on, on my end. I undated, and re-completed old contracts in my list, and lo-and-behold: I still have repeat contracts, and I'm reasonably sure that's not supposed to be a repeateable contract.
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7lmpz772dd4ulgq/AAD4S_XcXppNbVjIHSSfvELna?dl=0 Save file
  3. @nightingale I mentioned yesterday that updating your mod group reset my progress on the anomaly surveyor contracts, making me once again revisit the Monoliths on Kerbin which I had already done, so I accepted the contract to revisit the monoliths again, did the one right outside KSC, then got the contract to visit the others, got the one just to the west of KSC, and the one at the abandoned Space facility, and suddenly the contract to check the Monolith right by KSC has popped up again. as available. I suspect it should not continue to recycle those contracts? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9go905ecacflbnh/AADyyp8hqOp0y0-s5jPauZtHa?dl=0 <--Outputlog if you wish to see it.
  4. Yes all my mods, were up to date at the time. Also, just today had a contract to haul a Mk-1 crew compartment to 5000 meters. It completed on this craft, which has no crew compartment:
  5. Roger, no problem. side note, any idea why updating reset all progress on the contract pack anomaly surveyor? I'd just flown out to and explored all the kerbin monoliths, and had contracts to go to the Mun for a crash site and anomaly, but now all of a sudden the monolith contracts on Kerbin are showing again, but I still have the Mun ones. Just confused. Wait, there's a limit to contracts you can have running on the Level 3 mission control facility? I don't recall ever hitting one. I swear I had one game back before I started using Contract Configurator where I was running 40+ contracts at once, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. EDIT: additional side note, updating reset my Strategia focus. Cancelled my Mun landing focus for some reason. doesn't look like it imposed the penalty for cancelling though, so no worries.
  6. @nightingale Gratz on the big release, love the changes, but just out of curiousity, is there a way to change it back to using the old system, while still keeping up to date with the mod, and assoiciated mod packs? or plans to include an option to revert to the old method of contract creation? I have one particular save file I'd prefer to continue using the old way of doing things, and if I have to I'll do a separate install and keep it apart from my main install, its not that big of a hassle. Was just wondering.
  7. I Have also seen the issues with the helicopter, and I think it started around the time of the last hotfix update for KSP, when they added the missing body lift multiplier back into the game, before that I could fly the Helicopter no problems, now, as soon as you give it any kind of tilt, the center of mass and lift get Kraken'd out. and the heli spirals out of control. I hadn't reported it before, as I grabbed the mod: And I thought that it was messing with the helicopter's flight characteristics. But after seeing the above post, I removed the CorrectCoL mod, and am still getting horrible control issues. I have the latest version of the mod, and all dependencies. Also haven't tried to fly the KSO or super 25 since before that time either.
  8. Okay, so had a chance to boot up the game this morning, and, now it's not doing it. so.... random bug that just happened to hit me right after installing pathfinder? Never mind and sorry to waste your time.
  9. Yeah next time I get a chance to play, I'll grab the logs and drop them in my dropbox and shoot you a link. might be a day or two before I get a chance. I go back to work tonight, and dad's got Dr.'s appointments coming up I got to take him to.
  10. So, I just downloaded this today, because I loved the MOLE mod, and figured lets add this one and Buffalo too. I'm not seeing the issue Geschosskopf had with the repeating switchbacks in the tech tree, but I am seeing a huge loss of FPS in the research screen since adding this and the Buffalo mod. It's not unplayable, nor am I really complaining, just wondering if anyone else has seen this issue as well?
  11. Every time I start the game, I'm informed there is a newer version of this mod, but redownloading doesn't fix it. I think the version number didn't get updated in the most recent update, and the update notifier program is being confused. Just wanted to let you know. Love the mod otherwise.
  12. I use both MOLE and this mod, @DStaal Surprisingly, its one of the few science mods I use that don't seem to have issues with KEI. MOLE has been safe to use for me. Some one forgot to tell the testing crew they weren't supposed to lug around a giant tank of water to test it in at each KSC biome?
  13. Got another experiment pack that throws science to the player where it shouldn't with this mod: As an example: Requires a planet or moon with no atmosphere. heh, Oops. there's a thousand extra science points thanks to Strategia's Local science 3. ;P
  14. @inigma I got the recondition island airfield mission today, and it went pretty well, but the flag requirement didn't complete, and I'm confused as to whether I did something wrong, or if the mod wasn't recognizing my flag for some reason? I tried 3 times moving the flag closer to the tower each time, but no dice. Any suggestions?
  15. That is amazing, no I wish I'd done a bit better job on that. Some music, explanation, something, not just a silent video. Still cool!
  16. @RealGecko I've noticed something I want to bring to your attention, and I don't really think its a bug, per se, but I play with Kerbal Construction Time, and it gives you the ability to construct additional launch pads and switch between them. they can be at different upgrade levels, and switching between them triggers science log spam for 0 science. It's not massively horrible, and I can live with it, but I do get a slight performance hit with it constantly rolling, so I thought I'd mention it.
  17. Interesting. it did not for me the other day. I've been using it pretty regularly for the parachuting contracts from Inigma's giving aircraft a purpose contracts. CorrectCoL is the only mod I've installed since I last used the chutes, when they worked. Sorry, I just assumed... will test further.
  18. Just an FYI, this mod seems to have an incompatibility with: And when you actually make it to the ground, you are launched into space at 5000m/s+
  19. @RealGecko Just a thought, but have you considered having this mod balanced by having some kind of cost associated with it? I mean, it seems like you're outsourcing the testing/gathering of KSC science to an outside.. company? so having the process cost some funds would seem to make sense, and balance it against, oh look here, all the science for free. Just a thought, curious to know what you think.
  20. Yeah when my tracking station upgraded, it triggered and holy cow, I'm using the Strategia mod by nightingale, and had the local science III strategy going, which gives massive bonus's to science around KSC, I jumped from 359 science to 4040 science when this mod fired.
  21. Does not seem to update a game already in progress, unless something is needed to trigger it. Or I'm a dolt and installed it wrong, but not sure there, will experiment.
  22. By the Kraken's unholy eye..... You sir, this is GLORIOUS! hm... wonder if it will work correctly if added to a game in progress... only one way to know!
  23. Sorry if this has been asked/answered somewhere before, but are the smaller, LV909 engines supposed to be silent? they are the only engines in my game that have no sound with this installed, so I was just wondering.
  24. Wait... Wait.... this.... Does this do all the KSC science for you!? No more tedious hopping around the KSC doing time consuming science hunting for all the correct biomes!? Am I understanding correctly!?
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