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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Yeah... i remember getting some part loaading errors from ASET, and IIRC, that is one of the 3 or 4 textures that were throwing... Also, @MOARdV, are you using the Yarbrough IVA for work on this? I'm hoping to get back to improving that whole capsule... I wont bother playing with RPM, Flight Systems or MAS if you're already using it for the dev work for MAS...
  2. Yup... IIRC, thats what Tex determined about it...
  3. Correct.... Altho, there is a version 1.5.3 that exists... Unfortunately, it doesnt seem to be hosted on Curse, as the latest there is 1.5.2... So make sure to use the Mega link instead, as that is for 1.5.3
  4. @cake>pie , I see you were on the forums recently, and was just wondering if you still had plans for this mod? If not, maybe consider changing the license to an open one, so someone else may "continue" this awesome mod...??... Or even just change it enough so others can redistribute it, as-is, if you dont want someone to "continue" it... Maybe you could also consider hosting it on Curse or SpaceDock.info, yourself, as-is... PS- Sorry, All... I tried PM'ing cake>pie a couple times in the past about this, but for some reason the forum software will not let me PM him... IIRC, Tex looked into it...
  5. IIRC, Angel-125 recently mentioned in his Pathfinder mod thread, that he is working on/considering implementing a 3D printer part/module, using either his own plugin, or maybe EL, to "print" ground station modules... Maybe see if you two could colaborate or at least compare notes...??? IIRC, he's often in Discord chat... EDIT: OK, I've read more since the post I quoted, and see you are already working with USI Tools... Might still be able to talk with Angel on how his 3D implementation is coming tho...
  6. @VITAS Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but would it be difficult to display the file size for mods, in each version description (say next to each "download" button), so people know the size of the file before they download it?
  7. Is that Cyrillic I spy??.... Naw!!!... CANT be!... not on a NASA LEM from the Saturn era... Have you been hanging around Beale too much?? Foil is getting there... Looks MUCH better
  8. Doh!... thanx I clicked the Github link on the OP, and got forgot to check the "Releases" button...
  9. I used to "hack" it to be stack-passable myself, but havent in so long, I forgot the exact edit... For quite awhile now, if I use the ALCOR as a ship bridge, I just end up "hanging" it "radially", from the bottom of the front of my craft, by its top node...
  10. Link? would this be the same download linked above, here?
  11. Is MAS far enough in development, and have you considered maybe starting a [WIP] development thread for MAS, where public discussion on it could happen? If you're not ready for that, thats kewl...
  12. I could be wrong, but I beleive thats the way it was designed... You'll see there is a hatch on top, and the back, but NO hatch on the bottom (or IVA floor)... If you want to "cheat" it passable thru the bottom, its a simple matter of editing the CLS .cfg, IIRC...
  13. Hmmm... I would keep it difficult, but simple... meaning why ADD another resource?... Much less another unique one, when CCR has soooo many already? I'm thinking option 2... If the parts are soo expensive, and difficult to get until late game, maybe thats enough.... having them limited that way, then also having a difficult resource to find to power it may be too much... Obviously, that might be the case, since the discussion has come up... While I understand some of the input from others, in the end, right now, being such a relatively new mod, I would go with whatever does NOT make more work, or possible support issues, for yourself @dboi88 Sometimes what sounds great for users, makes more work for a dev, and many dont understand that dev' point of view... And I only claim to know a tiny part of what goes into actually making a mod, so maybe the other options ARE easy enough from that standpoint... However, like I said, I just suggest KISS (Keep It Stoopid Simple), at this point... Thats why I suggest trying option 2... Seems like the easiest thing to try 1st, and change if it turns out too easy, rather than jumping in and making a whole bunch of work for something that may end up complicating things in other ways... Like incorporating a resource that requires a whole nuther .dll dependency... Cuz if you put in a whole bunch of work with this aspect NOW, you will likely be less willing to change it later, so you may be stuck with it... but ultimately, its your decision to decide balance between work effort and whats good for users...
  14. Cant beleive it has taken someone YEARS to do this... And as your FIRST forum post... Dang!... thats quite an entrance to the forum...
  15. A couple tools that may come in handy: (working link in last post) and this:
  16. Also, on the hangars, IIRC, @dboi88 was going to/or did, incorporate use of Allista's Hangar mod
  17. Pretty sure it does not... The latest version I have v1.2.0.0, adds in the upgrade structure for the techtree, but it doesnt unlock everything at once... You can probably just edit the cfg to change the unlock techlevels all to an early level... OR, since KER doesnt need this any more, people might be better off using MechJeb Embedded Universal... It does the same thing, just with the KER modules removed... It has two modes: one that keeps the unlock at different tech levels structure, and a "It's Free" mode, which is exactly what you are looking for: it unlocks everything right at the start...
  18. Ok... so the case scenario I presented, i said "one" sat for relay from a local net back to Kerbin... Yes, two would probably be best, opposite, to prevent blackouts... but my general point stands...
  19. Here's a direct link to the release from that page (that's the repo master): (you would just click the "releases" link on that main repo page) https://github.com/icedown/KSP-ProbeControlRoom/releases/tag/
  20. i have a few ideas I think I might take a quick shot at as well... Are the modules hot-swappable in-flight?...or only in the editor?
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