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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Why are some of the .zip files password protected? Rather than having people download them, only to find they cant get into them, unless they THEN contact you after the fact, maybe you should either unlock them on the public links, OR, have people PM you for private links in the first place...??? Not sure if distributing password locked .zip files break some kind of forum rule or not?... Much less the rules of the hosting sites...??
  2. So, basically, you want them to connect to EVERYTHING..?? I can see some people wanting to have that, but I can see other cases, where you would only want them to connect to, say, one relay sat in each planetary network... in which case, everything in each planetary SOI network would connect to one sat, which is the ONLY one that connects back to Kerbin... That way you dont have EVERY single probe/sat/station/craft in the game, all connected to Kerbin individually...( which i "think", might be YOUR point?) Does MY point make sense??
  3. @Beale I see you have CoM and CoL using the same exact offset... Are you sure that should be?.. Maybe offsetting the CoL off-center, opposite the side that is "tilting" the wrong way, may compensate?...or maybe just moving one to slightly ABOVE the other, on-center, may work?
  4. There are several other mods (even very old ones) like Graphotron, and IIRC, even MechJeb, which can save logged data... IIRC, I think the rules are strictest with source code, but as long as its stated in the OP that the mod can create and save its own files as well, i belive youre good to go... Best to ask, but I think thats the gist of it... Theres even a couple mods, that their ONLY purpose is to pull data from the KSP logs, and save it in seperate log files they create themselves...
  5. Would it be a lot of work, to have it maybe save as a .csv? So people could import to text or spreadhsheet type of their choice?
  6. So I take it that means it wont work for plots between bodies in the stock system, with any bodies in any extra-solar planet/galaxy packs? If not, yeah, adding that would be kewl...
  7. Maybe I'm way off base with this, but there are TONS of different modded antenna parts out there... I would like to see a way to limit (or expand, depending on the way you look at it), the way those antenna parts are used. For example, aircraft comms antennas (short range, LoS); science transmission antennas (ONLY for transmitting science, NOT for comms as well); a GPS antenna; as well as being able to setup specific antennas for specific comm channels... Yes, maybe role-playing, but I like the idea of having reason to use the many different antennas available... Currently, other than range, theres no real reason to use different antennas other than aesthetics... And this is also why I would like to see the "freqs/bands" dependant on the antenna parts themselves, rather than on a craft basis... This mod seems to be going in that direction... And I agree with the points of, even if ALL this mod does is declutter the mapview mess, THAT alone is reason enough for me to use it...
  8. Would it be difficult to add change the zoom levels?... Its all good, up to 100km... then it goes up to 300km, which is a bit too far out, leaving lots of empty screen space, and overlapping the map quite a lot... Would it be possible to add 200km level, or change the 300 to 200? I guess i should ask, since different bodies have different zoom levels, that some bodies go to a 3x zoom level as the final level (ie 100km to 300km), while some do go 2x instead (ie 100km to 200km)... So I guess I'm asking if maybe 2x could be added or changed for those bodies using 3x as a final zoom level?
  9. ...and people could at least beta test it while you finish Energia... ??? Also, the link for Angara 1.3.3 in the OP is dead? EDIT:...whoops, thats on your other thread
  10. Maybe uninstall hullcam, and try the camera in RPM? ... See what that might do? There was also an old mod, that had a large in-game viewscreen as a part, which could display camera views??...
  11. @dsonbill When it says "IVA Keyboard Input" in the OP features list, do you mean you can use your computer keyboard for input in IVA, or do you mean the monitor that is included in the ASET Alcor pod? If not the IVA monitor, COULD you make it so?? Heres the one I mean:
  12. You have an outdated version of RPM...?? You need to set the texture resolution to at least "half res", in the game settings...
  13. Regex's WHOLE statement, is probably one of the most concise and accurate summations of the whole point of this thread... Wish I could be as eloquent and less long-winded when trying to convey points/opinions...
  14. The thing with the rims, and some greebles, and some of the curvatures of many parts (while some cant be helped), are also inconsistent with the colliders... Meaning, when surface attaching some parts, those parts "sink" into said rims/greebles/curvatures, ruining the aesthetics... Granted, this is a little issue, and probably getting off topic... But I mention it, just to illustrate, that yeah, the rims (and larger diameter of those awful decouplers), can ruin the overall look & effect...
  15. Wow... HOW did I never see this before, or catch mention of it in The Dev Hole??... Definately adding this to my toolbox... Should compliment Felbourn's NodeHelper mod pertty well... Thanx, Komrade!
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