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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Yup... I know that feeling... have you tried PM'ing parameciumkid?... he was last on only about a month & a half ago
  2. Even if someone has a copy, there's no license stated in the OP or the .zip, so it defaults to ARR, meaning NO ONE can redistribute it... So unless @parameciumkid comes back and changes the licensing himself, then this mod is done... See his last post on his plans for this mod:
  3. I have the complete download, too... As well as a ton of stuff prior to KerbalStuff even coming online... Yes, it is EVERYTHING... It does include lots of mods that have closed licenses, so it would have to be sorted to see what can actually be redistributed at all.
  4. Any chance you'ld be willing to share that?
  5. @SpannerMonkey(smce) , Thank you for that answer. Thats the most informative I've found in my searches for this err. Again, I stated, "IIRC", as to the information I got, possibly from Nertea... I know we had a short discussion, as I've had with some others, so theres a good chance I didnt remember exactly where that response came from... Unfortunately, I have a REALLY bad memory... I've been digging around some old mod parts, and many have this err, so I'll be happy to see if this fix fixes them... Thank You
  6. IF Squad offers this free to anyone who bought KSP prior to April 2013, and if it's possible to do, for you "old timers" who get the expansion free, and still wouldnt mind paying up for it, why not ask your favorite mod dev if you could buy it FOR them? That way you would be killing, uh, SUPPORTING, two birds with one stone, as the saying goes...
  7. Not sure for 1.2.2, but look here in the new thread for this mod: I recently PM'd the dev, @artwhaley but got no reply...
  8. @DoctorDavinci I wont speak directly for @Nertea, but IIRC, it was he that I recently asked about the box collider errs... Its not just his mods throwing them, but many others... IIRC, his response was that its caused by parts that were modelled in Unity 4.x, and the errs appear when played with an updated KSP version after it updated to Unity 5... So, IIRC, nothing to be done, other than to re-model the parts in Unity 5... THAT being said, IIRC, his MkIV mod had recent discussion about collider issues, especially with the cargo bay parts, that I think were unrelated to this err... ???
  9. Ok... so I removed the 2nd part of my statement... I stick to the 1st part...
  10. Thats a downright rude, vulgar and insulting way of putting down someone's free choice to limit their decision to protect or limit how their work is used or exploited...
  11. Hey, you could just take the easy way out, and steal @Angel-125 's flight deck pieces/textures from his Heisenberg mod, and slap a big ol' flight deck on top...
  12. Yes, been fine for me also... I grab several mod updates DAILY, and I have not noticed any issues for awile... also in the northeastern US...
  13. Example threads or sources, pleeze? Hmmm... I've been around daily for almost 4 yrs, and I seem to remember just the opposite... Modpacks have 90% been looked down upon here, for as long as I can remember... As stated previously, SOME modpacks have extras added in, such as compatability configs, or "tweaks", that arent generally available elsewhere, done by the "mod packer", that make the contents of the modpack all work together... Chaka Monkey or the SETI-<stuff> are prime examples... And again, permission from the included mod's devs is usually obtained... So continue, pleese...
  14. @gabyalufix Any plans to revive this mod?... If not, would you consider adopting an open license, so other people could possibly do something with these?
  15. Hmmm... Off-hand this sounds like an issue of those mods not having updated .version files... Which is up to each mod dev to maintain... In the past year or so, I've been seeing more incorrect or outdated .version files getting packaged with many mods...
  16. Noice!.... Now, for the cargo bay, what about adding Allista's Hangar mod support?... lol
  17. So, if you model several different length models, you end up with that many separate parts... However, if mesh switching is used, you could probably just have ONE part, configurable in the editor to the length/perfomance parameters you want to use... The only thing is, it would then require a mod dependency... There are several plugins out there capable of this... Is this something you would consider? (having a mod dependency)
  18. @MacLuky, Unfortunately, AAR (All Rights Reserved) license means you absolutely HAVE to have SPECIFIC, VERIFIABLE permission directly from the dev to do ANYTHING with it... Including even redistributing ANY part of it... you may want to take down your hosting link until you hear directly from cBBp... If you have questions about it, you can probably just PM any forum moderator with questions, and best course of action to take...
  19. Just saying maybe SD is now more active/popular than Curse... Some people prefer the simplistic interface of SD over Curse... Same as, obviously some people prefer Curse instead... I'm also a believer in having multiple host listings, just for redundancy... I wasnt sure if Curse automatically generates the NetKan/CKAN file or not... Gotcha on the three "places" to update... Since you update Github already, is it extra work to host the actual release package there, along with the source packages as well? Again, i dont know github that well, so forgive me... Anyway, it was just an option i was throwing out... I'm sure you've considered it before, but just thought i would ask... I certainly hope no one takes it as trying to badger or argue you into extra work... So, thanx again for the mods... (and I think we can now put the subject to rest, before anyone else posts... i think points for/against have been made satisfactorily...)
  20. Curse seems to take several hours to approve the release, and it also does not seem to be as active as SpaceDock... I know some people think SD is too slow to download from, and occasionally has outages that may last a day or two for some, but other than the occasional outages, I'm not seeing any issues with SD speeds...?? Also, Curse seems to be averaging just a few new releases every month, and maybe three or four updated mods a week, where SD averages three to six updated mods a DAY... Plus, for those devs who want their mods hosted on CKAN, CKAN updates, I believe, can be done automatically by just clicking a button on SD... Granted, I am biased toward SD, as I prefer SD rather than Curse... You say youre updating on three places already???... I thought KIS/KAS releases were only presently hosted on Curse??? Either way, @IgorZ, I totally appreciate the work you do, and am glad both mods are availiable at all... I just thought since the source gets updated on Github, that it might not be that much extra to just add the actual release there as well.. (I dont know too much about Git, tho...) And like I said, i'm just partial and biased toward SD over Curse...
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