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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. yep... me too... @IgorZ is there any chance of getting this listed on SpaceDock?... or maybe also listing the releases on Github?...
  2. @astroadrian99 You could also give this single part "mod" a try... Dont worry that its old, or that the thread title says KSP v0.20.x ... This thing works in EVERY version of KSP... and altho every pic shows it in the flight screen, its actually most useful right in the editor (SPH/VAB) I added a current download link in the last post
  3. Just wanted to add that this part "mod", still works in every version of KSP, from 0.20 to 1.2.2... And since KerbalStuff is no longer, Greys apparently has not been on the forums in quite some time, and since there is a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY 2.0) stated in the README in the zip, I threw a copy of the source up on Dropbox... https://www.dropbox.com/s/81bzvlch7982v3j/Jeb's Big Stick [Source inc.] v1.0.zip?dl=0 @Greys , if you ever wish me to take this down, please just PM me, and I will do so immediately... Thanx for this "part"... I've found it very useful, MANY times...
  4. @alexustas @MOARdV Sorry if this is duplicated in anyone else's KSP.log that may have been linked earlier... I'm getting loading errs for some of the MFD screens... Most of them are from odd-sized .dds textures, which also seem to have duplicate .pngs packaged with them... ?? Am I correct in assuming when a texture is duplicated, but as different file types, KSP will load the FIRST file type it comes across, based on alphabetical order? Because when I delete the offending .dds's, the .png's seem to then load error-free... Here's the relevant log snippet I'm getting: I also seem to be getting a couple errors for a missing texture, as well: [INFO] [GameDatabase+<LoadObjects>c__Iterator4A.MoveNext] Load(Model): ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/Primitive_TRIANGLE_90 [ERROR] [PartReader.ReadTextures] Texture 'ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/PrimitiveDiffuse' not found! [INFO] [GameDatabase+<LoadObjects>c__Iterator4A.MoveNext] Load(Model): ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/Primitive_TRIANGLE_90_Beveled [ERROR] [PartReader.ReadTextures] Texture 'ASET/ASET_Props/Misc/Primitives/PrimitiveDiffuse' not found!
  5. Many mods package and use MiniAVC... For some, they dont like the MiniAVC popups at game loading... Think of ZeroMiniAVC as just an opt-out for MiniAVC... Thats really all this does, unless you have OCD, and all the duplicate MiniAVC files that come with many mods installed that use it, bothers you... theres really no performance gain with deleting them all...
  6. There's no plugins in this mod... ?? I assume you mean the configuration work? The textures & UVing could really use some optimizing... Lots of separate unnecessary textures...Some duplicated textures between the Parts and Spaces folders, too...
  7. @adsii1970 ... OR you could just extract ONLY the two Utility_Light folders from B9 instead of adding any other mods... Also, Fengist's Maritime (or maybe it was the Submarine Pack), have quite a few awesome floodlights... I use them in every one of my KSP installs, by themselves... Same thing, just extract only the folders for the lights... no need to install the whole mod, OR any of the dependencies
  8. @Elthy I'm not disagreeing with you... just promoting discussion & research, before having knee-jerk reactions.... Reading thru the Stylish forums, specifically the Announcement & Update threads, there's been very little mention anywhere of exactly how far the data collection goes... Again, one thing seems sure, its ONLY the Chrome version so far that includes the data collection... I guess its the only version thats been updated since the "new" owner took over, and got in bed with SimilarWeb... Other browser users should be able to go to the Extension settings, and turn off auto update for the extension, to keep using the older version... (I know you can in FF) Also, I came across this possible alternative (at least for FF users): https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylrrr/ And if Stylish does continue persuing nefarious data-collection practices, I'm sure there will soon be other forks popping up without all the analytics... Not to mention, I'm sure (at least Mozilla), will remove it from their approved list/site of addons... EDIT: So I just disabled Stylish, till further clarity comes to this privacy issue, and I transferred all my styles over to StyleRRR Seems to work just as well as Stylish... at least as far as basic functionality, without any Stylish-specific bells & whistles. Its pretty simple to install the same styles Stylish uses, right from the userstyles.org site
  9. A more in-depth article in English: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/2-million-users-impacted-by-new-data-collection-policy-in-stylish-browser-add-on/ Seems so far, ONLY Chrome has gotten an update that includes the new data collection...Firefox, Safari, Opera have not yet... Privacy Policy seems pretty standard, and not much different than the thousands of other websites/companies out there doing data collection... And there IS an opt-out... https://userstyles.org/login/policy
  10. Thanx! Uh, did I already post asking for this?... If so, i apologize, I have CRS pretty bad, and for real...
  11. Yup... and again, abuse of the system and not how it was meant to be used... And those people who "like" every stoopid post, just to inflate numbers, so they can say "Ooooo, LOOK AT ME!!! I have 5000 rep...<even tho 4900 of it is inflated excrements and fake>", ruin the whole system for everybody else anyway... So whats it matter if there's a limit or not?
  12. Heh... as if its not already abused by those who would abuse it... and those of us who would us it as its meant to be, get penalized...
  13. Cant believe this mod isnt getting more love... Its awesome...
  14. Awww... but those are the hangars @ MCAS Tustin... near where I used to be stationed at MCAS El Toro... I was fortunate enough to be assigned temporary duty with a maintenance squadron for a few weeks at Tustin, and got to check out the hangars first hand, when they were still in use for helos... pics just dont do them justice... I guess there were 17 of these hangars built on 10 bases across the US at the beginning of WWII... All 17 using the same plans and design,,, I guess only 7 survive... I actually read bac9's blog article on how the "new" VAB was created for KSP... Unfortunately, I'm thinking it would be way beyond what little knowledge I have of modding, to add these hangars to the game... And now we return the thread to its regularly scheduled programming, now that I've derailed it... lol Sorry...
  15. Unfortunately, probably not... I know it worked in 0.25, and possibly 0.90 or maybe 1.0.x, up to 1.0.5... but 1.2 definitely broke any plugin from previous KSP versions... Would be nice if someone who knows how to code, or at least recompile, could take a look at it, and see if it could work in 1.2.x...
  16. Yes, it works as-is, but IMHO is not nearly as good as DimmableVAB was, as LightsOut still leaves the lights on in the building... Its funny ironic, since DimmableVAB COMPLETELY turned off the lights, not just dimming them; and LightsOut ONLY dims the lights, and does NOT turn them out...
  17. If you dont want the post previews, and ONLY the thread titles will do you, you can click the "Expanded View/Condensed View" buttons at the top right, to switch between... (Personally I dont like the post previews, so I have the thread titles only...) Also, dont know if you know this, but if you click the blue star or circle at the front of the thread title, it will automagically take you to the last UNread post of the thread...Nice for threads you visit a lot, and dont want to hunt for where you left off last... The first pic shows what I mean, and how I have my stream set up... (I also got rid of the annoying "tags" at the end of the thread title https://imgur.com/a/eLpXv
  18. Per t he first link on a Google search for "kerbal gamedata structure": http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Root_directory So you want /GameData/<mod folder>/ , NOT GameData/GameData/<mod folder> you cant embed images directly into this wonderful forum software You have to upload your image to an image hosting site, like imgur, photobucket, embedly, etc, then paste a link into your post
  19. @TaxiService , so would it be possible to somehow split off the functionality of science transmission from the stock module? Basically, I would like to have antennas specifically, and ONLY for control/communication, and OTHER antennas that ONLY do science transmission... Currently, it seems stock antennas ONLY do both together...???
  20. But cant I hint at suggestions to mod dev's repeatedly, until they finally give in, and give us plebians what we want?
  21. @blackheart612 This is AAR, but would something similar be something you'ld think about doing?
  22. So will there be a lot of optimization/cleanup, and possibly modularization done for 2.0? At last one benefit might be easier/quicker updates to the mod? lol
  23. @Voodoo8648 Check the Telemachus thread, there was a recent update released, and IIRC, Houston was either integrated, or someone had forked an update of Houston
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