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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. I dont know what you mean? vOv Oh!.. for that you can use: https://github.com/krupski/MBM_Utilities
  2. WHOA!... lo-fi showing up out of nowhere?? Hiya!! :wave: And even better, stating they have "some ideas"?... and want to poke the source code??? But to answer, and I hope I'm right... I thin Shadowmage replced the KF code, with KSP Wheels... (which is a standalone plugin, IIRC?) Which might mean why its in its *own* repo: https://github.com/shadowmage45/KSPWheel If I'm wrong, hopefully someone will correct me lickety-split Nice to see you around again, Lo-fi
  3. How about now?... I just replied to one *SIX* years old...
  4. I know, RIGHT??... Do I *win* something, for a 6+ yr old necro? Its actually a "two-fer", if you look a couple posts up, and see my *first* necro... lol I also just edited my above necro, to add a link to the standalone KSOS MJ part.
  5. Yeah.. I had a network glitch happen just as I submitted my reply.. i immediatley edited it right after, tho Check again on that thread... I just added a working link for the MJ TomTom part... I also have the KSOS one, as a seperate package, of just that part by itself. Yeah you *could* do that... but IMHO thats just *Ewwww...*
  6. Just wanted to post that the download for this is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BD8CXUcx6KFCKHIWpv3vppiNfT779UHQ/view?usp=sharing And heres a working link for the KSOS MJ part. (Its just this singel part, by itself...dont need ANYTHING from the KSOS mod to use this by itself): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0D_PFGuuyqoUnU4cDhGVldqNEE/view?usp=sharing
  7. I know you may be set with the "stoc" MJ AR202 model, but just thought I'd throw this out... There are two or three other, smaller (& IMHO, better looking) parts out there for MJ. The two best ones, have permissive licenses, so you could pacage *just* the models/textures for the parts... NOT the whole KSOS pack. I always use the KSOS part to replace the stock MJ parts... The KSOS one is the pic that MeCripp posted a few posts down... Its about 1/4 the size of the AR202, and better looking IMHO, especially for tiny rovers/sats. The OP of this thread, is about the little Touch Pad part...Which is also much smaller than the AR202... Just thought I'd let you know, in case you'ld consider adding these, or mebbe using one of these instead...
  8. Plus, no need to create a new Steam account just to get KSP... Or, deal with the, IMHO, absolute torture that dealing with the Steam launcher/webinterface, etc... I initially felt the same when I saw first saw the current state of the new website... But, *they havent finished it yet*** .... so its fine to be worried & concerned, but hold judgement till they are done with it... I just checked this AM, and indeed, it has changed quite a bit, and looks much lie it did, and the big ole "Account" button for login in the top right, is back...
  9. Man, I just wanna say... wow... thats quite the awesome & detailed plan for plan for the mod... So, essentially, instead of the VAB/SPH editor, this could almost be considered an In-Flight editor? So on this point, I was wondering if its still an issue? Have you seen LGG & ValiZockt's KSP PartVolumes ? Mebbe poke that, and see if theres anything in there that might help with optimization/performance improvements, if the above is an issue... vOv
  10. I cant thin of a good, tiny stoc part model to use right now, but how about "welding" in, a "microRTG" to the bottom of the chair? vOv If LGG allows it, the SSR MicroSat mod has a nice 0.325m smol RTG model, that looks like it would make a nice "structural base" for the chair, too... Its the smol, finned, square part shown here at the bottom of this sat
  11. That's one way to do it, and will definatelt work I cant remember if the craft importer part of Taniwha's Blender Importer/Exporter Tools still wors, but I would try that first. https://github.com/taniwha/io_object_mu If you are new to Blender, might I suggest trying BforArtists? (link in my signature)?...It has a better icon/menu based UI, and might be easier/quicer to use, than learning the complicated keymapping of Blender itself. The other option also for Blender/BforArtists, is another tool specifically & only for craft files. Its old, tho, and may not work in new Blender/BforArtists builds:
  12. Idk yet.. I expect, just recoloring the textures... but we'll see Hmmm... I'll have to poke the cfgs...I might have broen the fx when I optimized/modified the cfgs. Thanx for the info I havent really noticed anything out of the ordinary with the fairing texture vOv As to the logo, that should be an easy modification. I'm optimizing/reconstructing the first model & its textures. Looking to learn about adding AO bakes, and this mod could really use it, as the parts look really, id,... *flat?* without it... vOv Also looing to re-UV everything, and redo the textures into atlases... I probably wont be redoing the textures, other than cutting them up (to match redone UVs), & atlasing them by combining the pieces, into less number of textures needed (texture sharing). I would like to get the mod down to between 5~10MB in total size (its only 20 parts). I've already optimized/renamed internal partnames, filenames, folder structure. I dont expect to make it publicly available, as it would be save-game breaking for peeps who use it in important saved games. The models & textures, and possibly ReStock recolor, could possibly be merged with no conflicts into LGG's official version, for release, tho... We'll see when I get further along.
  13. Kewl Actually, another point I didnt make, was, if someone has already created the wheel, why try to recreate it yourself? But yeah, sounds lie you've already put some thought into it... so keep doing what youre doing... I think theres some experienced modders already aware of what youre doing, and prolly keeping an eye to how it comes out, and if they see potential issues with other mods or anything, or mebbe have suggestions about how to go about something, hopefully they'll speak up with advice...
  14. When I posted to look at Rational Hydrodynamucs, I didnt mean you *should* try to copy its methodology, or anything. Even if its not a direction you want to head in, or use it, or interact with it, I guess another point i didnt state, was, if you want to actually publish something of the magnitutde you are talking, its still good practice to now about mods that deal with subject matter you're delving into. That way you can get ideas from them, decide to support/interact with them, or even to know what NOT to do like them. I mainly mentioned Rat. Hydro., becuase I know Jade's work... I havent even looked at the mod yet, but I'd be fairly certain he defines specific resources, units, and how they get used, all in a balanced manner, regarding "aquatic/oceanic" "stuff"...and I would be very surprised, if there were not a "Ballast" resource defined in there, already... vOv I think I read that you all want to define a "ballast" resource. Thats good... just, if you define it similar to what RH does, or in a similar way that another mod(s) may do, thats where mods end up interfering with, and stepping on each others toes. Thats prolly the main reason Community Resource Pac was created. Now, I'm not saying any direction you want to go in is good or nad, just that its good to know what others do/do not do. You dont want to be *that mod*, that causes issues for other mods, because you lone wolf it, when theres already a way for several mods to not do that... Again, I like what you are all talking about, and woring on, and I'm not trying to say do it one way, or another... Just saying it might be good to now how the community has avoided stepping on each other, and worked out generally accepted practices... MM also helps HUGELY in that department. Also, keep in mind, putting MM patches directly into, or globally changings things in *your* part cfgs, may in effect cause the very issue you mentioned, about not liking global changes from mods. Its always easier to enable/disable a single MM patch from one mod, that may have a hundred seperate patches in it, than to enable/disable 100 MM patches strewn throighout 100 seperate part.cfgs Anyway, thats just my 2 cents... Keep going with the good ideas...
  15. I'm sure you all know that Angel-125 is working on an underwater mod... and that JadeOfMaar, IIRC, has released a mod that I think deals with underwater resources & stuff, in preparation & support of it... If you havent, you may want to go take a look at them, especially I suggest poking it, and seeing if it does some of the same stuff you all are trying to do. Or, mebbe you can use the cfgs/patches as examples/templates to work from?
  16. While I appreciate the effort and plan, for having 1024x1024 textures, based on the amount of detail/layout of the textures, and the smol size of the parts (I mean, how close and often, are you gonna be max zoomed in on the parts?)...I decided to see how resizing as many as I could, w/o significant loss of quality in-game would go. So I have the mod down to ~22MB currently. Debating whether I want to spend the time trying a texture revamp, and/or giving the mod a ReStock color treatment... :thinking:
  17. Are the engine effects (smoke and plume), for the Bambi not visible, for anyone else?
  18. @linuxgurugamer I quickly checed 3 SSR parts in both Blender, and using PartVolume... numbers match... vOv
  19. I was gonna use PartVolume for this too... lol I already managed to trim about ~10.5MB off the mod, just by converting the 3 remaining .mbms to .png Thinking about downsizing the testures from 1k, to 512 or even 256
  20. I dont know... but QuizTech needs Firespitter to handle all that switching & effects... There doesnt seem to be any patch or MM stuff in QuizTech that refers to Firespitter (the FS stuff is directly emmbedded in the cfgs)... I would see if you have some other mod doing patches for Firespitter that may be interfering or deleting Firespitter stuff from your install... vOv
  21. I dont see this engine in Cold War... what is the exact in-game part name of it?
  22. So I'm going to be looking at the models for this mod today... Anyone have any known issues with models or textures to look at? I dont see any issues shown on the repo.... vOv What exactly is wrong with the SAS Chip? FYI @linuxgurugamer @FiiZzioN you wouldnt still happen to have that RealPlumes cfg for this, floating around, would you?
  23. I'll just drop this link here, where this mod is still available for download, before the forum mods close down the thread, thanx to the... uhh, "ever so useful" post above... https://archive.org/details/ModifiedIVA-5.0.rc1b
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