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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. No, they showed the lander detaching from the muner transfer vehicle, which I suspect has a docking port on the front to allow the lander to dock and return to Kerbin.
  2. Yeah, but... they can still add it into game. Maybe a quest to make 1000 grams of anti-matter could unlock anti-matter engines, tanks, etc.
  3. Unless they have a second vehicle coming to pick them up... and I'm not talking about Jeb breaking the landing craft. I mean, they have no way to get back to Kerbin, even if they reach Kerbin again. I saw no reentry pod, no heatshield, nothing that would insinuate that they can go home. And I know, "It's just a trailer." I nick pick some times. But, yeah, Jeb and Val are stuck not only on the Mun, but they will also be stuck in space. Kerbals, never thinking ahead right?
  4. Well, I understand that you can learn from the old code, and I did say they might use a minute portion of the old code, maybe update or rewrite, so it's more streamline, it even, but I imagine that at least 75% to 90%, somewhere closer to the 90%, of the code is written from scratch, since they want KSP 2 to do things that KSP 1 can't. Why else would they say "We're building KSP 2 from the ground up," if not to insinuate that they are rewriting the code almost entirely?
  5. They have stated that the whole game is built from the ground up. They aren't reusing old code, or rewriting the old code. They are coding it themselves. Of course that's not to say they won't use the same code in some minute areas, but they did state from the ground up quite clearly.
  6. Probably liquid nitrogen or helium cooling system as I believe that is a magnetic plasma engine.
  7. I was looking around the internet and found this article: https://cosmosmagazine.com/technology/antimatter-ion-drives-nasas-plans-deep-space-propulsion So apparently there's ideas for an anti-matter engine. This is NOT warp drive. This is an ENGINE not a warp reactor. Anyway, the anti-matter explosion will propel the spacecraft, and seeing as a gram of anti-matter can cause an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb, an anti matter drive could be just like an Orion Drive, without the deadly radiation. Also, if you increase the amount of anti-matter, you could reach higher speeds. Article said one gram will get you to Mars in 45 days. I wonder how many days it will take with a few grams.
  8. Not the thread to discuss what you want. Please take your wants to the hope and wishes thread.
  9. Well, as of right now the consensus is leave it to the modders leading by 9 votes, leave it in the menu not as a difficulty setting but it's very own setting trailing with 7 votes, and people dont care one way or the other is in third with 6 votes.
  10. https://www.gamespot.com/videos/kerbal-space-program-2-gameplay-gamescom-2019/2300-6450778/ I just noticed that Jeb is reacting to G-forces inside the plane @4:10 in the video. That's a nice little feature I didn't think about. You can clear see the plane rolling do to the sun light fading in and out of the cockpit and Jeb's head is leaning out of the turn.
  11. New Speculation: In the pre-alpha footage you can faintly make out the sound of a launch controller's voice in the background just before launch of the first rocket. I speculate that they have added audio countdown, in kerbalneze, to launches.
  12. I know, but I'm wondering if KSP 2 will have stock refueling on the launch pad/landing pad. No claw vehicles, no wireless transfer, no mining, just the fuel that comes from the base's fuel tank storages.
  13. I feel a on the pad refueling system, at least for colony launch/landing pads, should be implemented. Detach cargo, refuel, fly up to the resupply ship and head back to kerbin to resupply.
  14. *Flails so violently the kraken is scared*
  15. Well, they say we're going have to bring supplies from Kerbin until the colony could become self-sufficient. My question is, can the landing pads/launch pads refuel rockets that land on them.
  16. I just had a thought... will we get on pad refueling? Especially on colony pads? In the trailer, they show us landing on a pad at the end. Now, this is obviously meant to be a reusable craft as it does having landing legs. So, is it too far of a stretch to say they will give us on pad refueling? Or will we have to recover the vessel then relaunch it up to the colony/resupply ship?
  17. Ah, sorry, didn't see that part.
  18. The slow built up is obviously just for cinematic purposes. Our rockets won't be built on the pad over time. The trailer itself says that's not gameplay footage.
  19. Yes, let's pollute our water supply, fun. Omg... very Kerbal.
  20. They will when they have something they can show. True, but KSP was coded poorly from the start from what I hear, KSP 2 is coded to work from the start, and it's an actual game company with experience under the belt. https://steamdb.info/app/954850/history/ Scroll all the way down to the bottom. And I was wrong, it's been a year since the steam page has been up. So at least a year of development has gone into the game. Still, that's only the Steam page. They've obviously been working on it longer than that.
  21. Yeah if the No Nukes In Space treaty didn't come along, they probably would have went, "Let's green light this project." And we would be at Mars already.
  22. They aren't borrowing any code for KSP 1, they are rebuilding KSP from the ground up... I just realized that's a pun... well played Star Theory... Anyway, also, in one of the interviews or articles, the reporter said they plan to release it in March of 2020, before Take Two's fiscal year is up, so they do have a deadline to make the corporate overlords happy... I just hope it doesn't effect development. But since they've been working on it for years (At least 2 that we know of), I'm confident it will work out.
  23. Parking lots that would be glowing green after every launch. And they would have to find a new launch site any time they used it. Not to mention the air pollution radiation.
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