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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. @Shadowmage I can't seem to run your mod on my laptop. I have the latest 1.1 build of ksp. The only mods I have on it are ModuleManager and your mod. Laptop specs: Windows 8.1 64-bit AMD A8-4500M APU 6(5.5 useable) GBs of 1600 mhz ram It loads up until the AJ10-137 engine and then just stops loading, the loading bar not moving off of that AJ10-137. Any insight into this problem?
  2. Found another bug, No exhaust or flame for the RS-68 engines. They still produce thrust though. I am using Realplume and Smokescreen if that's the problem.
  3. @Shadowmage Found a bug, idk if it's because of all the mods I have or just your mod, but the side decoupler when right clicked expands to 10m and stays there. Mods: http://imgur.com/eV7JP0Q Edit: Checked the debug menu, I get no errors when placing the part or right clicking it.
  4. Can't someone come up with a new srb fuel which actted like LF/O? Like PBAN or APCP as in the real SRBs? And make it to where PBAN actually gave higher performance than APCP?
  5. I already use and love your mod, and I can't wait till you update it to 1.1, but I'm looking for stackable segments so I can make srbs as long as I want. As for messing with a cfg file, I wouldn't know where to start.
  6. Does anyone know of a mod or could create a mod with SRB segments that you can stack together and they work like in real life? I know there are mods with procedural SRBs, but that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want sliders, I want to actually make my SRBs using segments. If a mod like this does not exist, could someone take a crack at it?
  7. Oh, so it is a secret? Well now I can't wait for 1.1's official release and the release of 1.1 KSO. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say.... *Throws darts at a board with suggestions* 3.75m shuttle or... *Throws another dart* Interplanetary KSO.
  8. Is that the good way of saying that or the bad way? And if good, good as in you're keeping some secrets from us or good as in it works brilliantly?
  9. Imagine launching a rocket during an earthquake. That would be terrifying.
  10. Not really. Modders have full access to the experimental build, as does anyone. Their mods will be most likely in stable release before 1.1 even drops.
  11. Okay, but Microsoft has been giving away free copys for console of you bug the game for pc and free console versions for people who buy pc. I am all for supporting the devs, but this question had just been nagging me. And I would really like a dev to answer the question.
  12. I've been thinking on this question a long time now and I'm finally going to ask. Will PC users get a free copy of console KSP? I want to know if there's going to be a program step up to where we send you our gamertags and you send us an invite/free code to get KSP on the consoles, if it will be a limited time, or will we have to buy it? If you guys are undecided, I have an idea for you, maybe have a limited number of codes? Maybe like ten to fifty thousand? I would love it if any dev could get to this question as I am super curious as to what you have planned.
  13. @Shadowmage Two more requests I just thought of. Saturn Nova Eight engine mounts, both the cross and circular version. Cross: https://mix.msfc.nasa.gov/IMAGES/HIGH/9902050.jpg Circled: http://martins-models.co.uk/Sales/144/C-8/saturn%20c-8%20c.jpg And The eight circle J-2 and J-2X mounts seen in the circled pic above. Please. ^^
  14. That's not it. This is what I'm talking about. @Shadowmage I didn't say the SLS or Saturn V mounts had anything wrong with them, I just said they didn't fit the feel of ARES mount.
  15. Anyone else having this visual bug? Also @Shadowmage , are you planning on adding the ARES V mount into the mix? I know there's the SLS, but it doesn't look right. And the Saturn V mount doesn't look right either.
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