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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. I was wonder if someone with knowledge of how to put buildings into KSP could create a Mass Driver/Space Bridge like the one in Ace Combat 5 or 7. A working one would be nice, but I know that is next to impossible. Here's a picture of what it looks like btw: To get around the not working bit, maybe someone could create an indestructible sled with wheels? Or a part with so low friction that it can just speed up indefinitely? Anyway, I would love to see this concept brought into KSP. Three would be fantastic, one pointing 90 along equator then one 45 +/- from 90 degrees, but I would be happy with just the 90 degree one.
  2. I seem to get framerates issues with dx11 though, that's why I'm thinking about using dx12. Also, lol at 3rd person talk.
  3. I have not found a fix. Also, it seems Squad has completely abandoned opengl. It's funny, my laptop crashes, but my desktop doesn't. And no, I have not found a fix. Guess I'll just force dx11. Or maybe 12. I heard unity has dx12 support.
  4. Welp, Nvidia is causing the issue. nvoglv64.dll is causing the access violation. Sorry to bother you Shadowmage.
  5. I seem to be getting an access violation whenever I force run GLcore, investigating it further, will tell you what happens if it turns out to be Textures Unlimited. Edit: It's not TU. Turns out, it's not any mods. My KSP just doesn't like force GLcore for some reason.
  6. No, like I said I didn't rescale them at all. Also, is anyone else having trouble downloading Bluedog through CKAN?
  7. I don't know if this is a bug/model error or not, but anybody else have it to where there's a large gap between the Saturn Lunar Adapter petals/doors and the bottom of the Apollo SM? Like the top of the petals seem to be set at a 2.85m diameter instead of 2.5m. I have tweakscale installed, but I haven't messed around at all with the sizes.
  8. It says on the GX engine page that the upper stage would actually be better than centaur for a few reasons, one being that liquid gas is denser than hydrogen or any other rocket fuel, therefore more fuel can be added to the same tank. It also evaporates less, meaning that it can spend longer times in space.
  9. @CobaltWolf I know there's not a lot of information on it, but maybe as a little off to the side add-on for one of the upcoming updates, do you think you could do the GX rocket? And maybe official parts for the Double-barrel Delta? GX Rocket: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GX_(rocket) GX second stage engine(Which interestingly enough runs off, or would have, natural gas): http://global.jaxa.jp/projects/engineering/components/lng/index.html
  10. What did you use for the second stage with the RL-10? And actually, what all parts did you use besides the Delta cores and Delta solids?
  11. I was recently thinking about how to implement thrust for levels over 100% without having to go into the hard code, and I thought, why not just change the mode of the engine instead of the code of KSP. So I was looking to ask if anyone could make a mod that would allow us to change the modes of engines, kind if like the rapier, but instead of changing air to closed cycle you're changing the thrust settings on the engine, so they have extra thrust, at the cost of extra heat. So for example: The KE-1 engine: Min Thrust: 0 Max Thrust: 1350 Heat Production: 175 So I was thinking for every percent, the heat goes up 3 percent with the override. Min thrust also gets replaced by the previous max thrust setting, a draw back to using override, so the over rides would look something like this(All overrides are based on base value times the percent of the override): KE-1 10% over ride: Min Thrust: 1350 Max Thrust: 1485 Heat Production: 227.5(228) 20% Min Thrust: 1485 Max Thrust: 1620 Heat Production: 280 30% Min Thrust: 1620 Max Thrust: 1755 Heat Production: 332.5(333) 30% heat gets a little high, but I'm sue it's a fair negative for the positives. If it's too much and the engines explode instantly, I'm sure it could be lowered to more manageable levels. So, yeah that's my idea/request for a mod. Anyone feel up to it, or feel like this should be a thing? Please leave comments and suggestions! I want to hear how to possibly improve on this idea.
  12. @CobaltWolf In the future, do you think you will add the Saturn V concept evolutions? Most notably the stretched First Stage and the stretched Third Stage?
  13. Awesome Awesome, now all we need is red and blue flashing lights lol. Here's a few other suggestions I came up with: Police Blue Police Black and White Fire Truck Red
  14. @Drakenex White with red cross? @CobaltWolf I might have missed this, and sorry if it's already been asked, but do you plan on adding Apollo Block IV/V's service module? From the pictures I've seen it was about 1.5 times the length of the Block III/III+ SM.
  15. On February 6th, 2018 this very Tesla Roadster along with an assortment of other things began their billion year journey around the Sun. Fortunately, the Kerbals discovered this amazing piece of history and brought it back to their homeworld of Kerbin. Now you can control the launch, and send Starman to whichever planet or moon you desire. Requires HullcamVDS and LazTek's SpaceX Launch Pack for the craft file to work. The 'part' itself does not require these mods, but as of now, the collision mesh is a bit funky so I would recommend installing these two other mods if you don't have them already and using the preconfigured craft file. Features: A Detailed model of Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster and Starman based off of the pre-launch animation Craft file for the stand with the car pre-mounted Don't Panic Sign This mod was designed purely for entertainment and has no real functionality yet. When v2.0 is released, some cool and funny new features, as well as bug fixes, will be included. Download Is there some trick to getting the car to attach to nodes? I've been trying and trying and I can't seem to find any part that it fits on to.
  16. I can't speak for everyone, but I think it's safe to say that if you want to go full RealPlume/Smokescreen and get rid of stock particles, I don't think too many of us would mind. I myself wouldn't mind RP/SS being dependencies. Contares has already done this, and even though I didn't like it, I think I was in the minority, but I have since gotten over it. RP/SS effects look nicer anyway. And the plumes last longer I believe, though I wish the plumes would remain all the way from ground till upper atmo. I know it would be a resource hog, but that's what settings are for right?
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