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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. I have experience with configs, but I never wanted to touch them because you said you were getting a bugfix ready. Also, you only asked to make biome maps and science reports, so that's what I'm doing.
  2. These issues were fixed with the latest release? are you using 1.7.2? 1. See the post above this 2. Yes there are 3. The first thing that will be added are the moons for Neidon. Then probably a new Plock.
  3. He is a troll on the most planet pack treads, so just ignore him
  4. Do you have CrowdSourcedScience installed maybe? - - - Updated - - - Also can you give the log file whit the error in it
  5. KerbalGalaxy 2 adds stars too. The only difference with this mod is that is isn't a WIP
  6. Downloading now! Will this also work with RT?
  7. Take your time. I also saw that Sido is updating his Urania System to Kopernicus. Can't wait for that.
  8. Ooh can't wait, I loved your planets in PF. I hope you can keep the textures and shapes as close to the original ones.
  9. Aphrodite doesn't have oxygen. The following planets contain oxygen: * Osiris System: Volco, a moon of Isus * Abbadon System: Nix and Violetta * Eravate System: Eden * Gargantua System: Mann's Planet and Miller's Planet
  10. Sigma, you keep going, I can't keep up sometimes
  11. @Everybody I have found the correct values for scale height! I'll add those to the wiki. Kerbol: 43429.45m (result: 600000.03m) Eve: 6514.42m (result: 90000.01m) Kerbin: 5066.77m (result: 70000.01m) Duna: 3619.12m (result: 49999.99m) Jool: 14476.48m (result: 199999.96m) Laythe: 3619.12m (result: 49999.99m) @-ctn- Here are the values for the OPM planets, I added them already to my wiki Sarnus: 22004.25m (result: 303999.95m) Tekto: 7274.43m (result: 100499.96m) Neidon: 8034.45m (result: 111000.03m) Urlum: 9047.80m (result: 124999.98m)
  12. That warning isn't harmful, that is just because KSP uses different texture for every quality settings (low, normal, high) but Planet Packs only add 1 texture so that's why you get that error
  13. Singularity is inside the sun because it is ment to create particles for the black hole.
  14. Use TextureReplacer, it unloads textures from the RAM after KSP is finished loading.
  15. I think something got wrong with your download, because this mod adds hundreds of new reports
  16. Nice addon, Too bad I discovered your mod after crashing some ships on Duna.
  17. We still don't fully understand how KSP chooses a report by random. The new reports worked with earlier versions, the only thing we changed from the original mod is that it adds the reports via MM, nothing else.
  18. Keep up the great work Pk. I love the new textures in 0.2. I landed on Vassa yesterday, forgot to take pictures though.
  19. OFF TOPIC: On vacation with the crappiest internet that exists, but I managed to change the name of the wiki to Kopernicus Planets Wiki. Contributions are greatly appreciated and I'll update the templates as soon as I get back. Now I'm off to enjoy my vacation for the rest of the week.
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