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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. No, because only the owner of the GitHub repo can edit it, but here you can look into the documents to see what difficulty setting makes which parts (not) available. https://github.com/VigilanteInc/BioMass/tree/master/GameData/BioMass/Plugin/pluginData/BioMassDifficulty
  2. I would love to use this pack with Outer Planets Mod. If I disable your config of Eeloo via MM, will it work?
  3. Pre-release 1.5.0 is out Changelog: v1.5.0 Removed Squad reports Fixed framework in files Removed experiments for Sun and Jool .. surfaceSample .. seismicScan Removed Custom Biomes support (not maintained anymore) Fixed wrong biome names for Ike .. Central Mountain Ridge -> Central Mountain Range .. South Eastern Mountain Ridge -> South Eastern Mountain Range Fixed unreadable chars Removed poles biome on Tylo (Tylo has no poles) Added more info in the README Added "Modlist" Added "How to contribute" We still need new science reports for the 0.90 biomes. You can read on our WIKI how you can contribute.
  4. that could solve it If OPM is installed, Berdim becomes a moon of Plock @Kopernicus:NEEDS[OPM,Kopernicus]:FINAL { @Body[Berdim] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Plock } } } Berdim is standard a moon of Eeloo
  5. Yes, it us updated for 0.90 but it doesn't work together with Kopernicus
  6. Very nice, if MediaFire works faster I'll download it. Just a heads up: This will be incompatible with Outer Planets Mod, because they edit the orbit of Eeloo.
  7. I've found my config that I used in 0.25. I modified the range to 800Gm, energy, angle, entrycost, and cost (in VAB). Also gave it a new name, desc, and manufacturer. This config can also be used for the other planet packs that support Kopernicus. You can download it here. I should take 0.003
  8. I can't change the range of the GigaDish1. All the changes are succesfully added but in the flight screen it still shows the old range. { @entryCost = 49000 @cost = 14000 @title = Reflectron GA-53 @manufacturer = Outer Planetarium Industries @description = This satellite is one of the latest technologies for long range satellites. With a range of 800 Gm, you'll be able to stay in contact in the whole Kerbol system and beyond. @TechRequired = advScienceTech @MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] { @Mode1DishRange = 800000000000 @EnergyCost = 6.00 @DishAngle = 0.005 } }$PART[RTGigaDish1]:NEEDS[RemoteTech]:FINAL What is wrong?
  9. Did you changed the planet view and refreshed it?
  10. I think I have a config somewhere that I used in 0.25 for the planet packs. and the cone becomes smaller as te range becomes bigger. The 350Gm has a 0.006 cone
  11. Do I need to set the 'NEEDS' command in front of the 'AFTER' command, or behind it? @PART[RTGigaDish1] :NEEDS[RemoteTech, Kopernicus] :AFTER[RemoteTech] OR @PART[RTGigaDish1] :AFTER[RemoteTech] :NEEDS[RemoteTech, Kopernicus]
  12. Is this going to be updated to 0.90 and the Kopernicus Core
  13. Real Solar System already changes the stock planets to our own solar system, but a new planet pack is always welcome.
  14. With that satellite it will maybe work up to Neidon, but it will be tight. It will sure work by Urlum.
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