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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. Regolith automatically adds resources to all planets, moons and asteroids. If you want I can make a config for your mod. Can be done in 30 minutes. - Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon are gas/ice giants, like Jool, so they can only hold Water and Karbonite. - Hale is a captured asteroid (I think), so Hale has no resources. - Nothing special for Ovok. - Slate used to have an atmosphere thousands of years ago, so it can have Karbonite, Minerals, Ore and Substrate. The 'Seabed' and 'Floodplains' biomes can have Water that is under the crust of Slate. - Because Plock replaces Eeloo it will have Karborundum. Eeloo already is in the Regolith API, so no extra resources. - - - Updated - - - I updated my Regolith configs (v6) to add resources to Tal. DOWNLOAD. Changelog v6: Added Water to Tal (because it's covered in ice). Added MetallicOre to Tal's Impact Basin. Features: Adds CarbonDioxide to the atmosphere of Tekto. (Mod support for DunaDirect) Adds Karbonite and Water to the atmosphere of Sarnus, Tekto, Urlum and Neidon. Adds Karbonite to the SOI of Sarnus, Tekto, Urlum and Neidon. Adds Karbonite, MetallicOre, Minerals, Substrate and Uraninite to Slate (Crustal). Adds Karborundum to Tekto and Plock (Crustal). Adds MetallicOre to Tal's Impact Basin (Crustal). Adds Water to Tal (Crustal). Adds Water to Slate's Seabed, Floodplains and Poles (Crustal). Prevents crustal resources for Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon.
  2. No, everything will be fine. I say: "How newer the version, the better for KSP"
  3. Write in a text editor the science reports and save as a .cfg @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#id[surfaceSample]] { %RESULTS { CloySrfLanded = "Science report" } } Change the id to the respective science name. EDIT: You need to have ModuleManager installed to work
  4. If I use REGOLITH_GLOBAL_RESOURCE, will this add the resource to all planets/moons or do I need to use REGOLITH_PLANETARY_RESOURCE to add the resource to a planet? I want to add resources to 3 planets.
  5. We where with only max. 3 volunteers that created those reports. Thx to the other two volunteers.
  6. They found it yesterday after 12 years of losing connection because the solar panels wouldn't deploy. Yesterday they saw a refection on the surface where the Beagle 2 originally landed, when they took a closer look they saw it was the Beagle 2 fully intact. More info on ESA. Now back on topic guys.
  7. That's weird that some guys have that problem. I almost never get the same report twice.
  8. Very cool, no need to recover and launch a craft again to refuel it
  9. There is an up-to-date list of all the biomes here (except for Kerbin location biomes) That would be great
  10. There is also the Biomass mod. They are updating it for 0.90
  11. They are making progress, they updated the new dll on github, but no release yet
  12. In your KSP folder right between "KSP.exe" and "Launcher.exe"
  13. In MM 2.5.8 will the "&" fix still be in there for CSS (Crowd Sourced Science)?
  14. The nodes aren't accurate. I already made a part and defined a top node with the position "0.0, 2.8, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0". But the when I activate the Node Helper it shows a node position of "0.0, 3.525, 0.0". I only installed this, BioMass and MM on KSP 32bit.
  15. Big storages with lesser and matching parts (engines, command pod, strutural parts).
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