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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. hm... it sounds as though the update changes a number of things in Spectra's configs. In the meantime I suggest playing either without Spectra or without Scatterer, as Spectra has backup atmospheres that enable when it doesn't find Scatterer.
  2. Hm... I do have custom configs. Are the new changes fairly simple to make or do you think I'd need a guide? Scatterer is the parent mod I know the least about sadly I'm surprised that the oceans look different though considering I don't even include ocean configs. Something in the atmosphere must be effecting them then.
  3. Hey! Just a heads up, I've had a number of people post on Spectra that the ocean is black and the clouds look completely different after installing the update. I don't have any ocean configs in Spectra and didn't change anything with the clouds, so I don't know exactly what's up. I'll let you know if I run into anything else.
  4. Spectra is a visual mod based off EVE, Kopernicus, Scatterer, and TextureReplacer. To my knowledge all four of these mods have problems that occur when running with dx11. Why exactly do you want to run -force-d3d11? It was a common practice 4 years ago when KSP wasn't yet 64 bit, but I'm pretty sure the performance increase that it had is gone now that the game engine is better. Did you get the idea from this post? As for your note to changing the textures around, feel free! Spectra is listed as MIT- you can edit it and distribute your edits as much as you like, so long as you link your source (Spectra) and don't change the license.
  5. As far as I can tell that setting is broken in Scatterer. Either that, or I'm not sure how to use it properly. Kerbin and Laythe have vastly different atmospheres in Scatterer. Does it say Laythe/Kerbin for all bodies? Hm... What's your OS? The terminator is caused by Scatterer, specifically it's "integrate with EVE" setting. If you don't have Scatterer+EVE they won't show up sadly. The setting is enabled by default on Windows but Linux/Mac it might be disabled because of compatibility.
  6. Hello again! I've been diving back into my old soundtrack pack and @pizzaoverhead I was curious if you could lend me some help. I haven't figured out how to do planet specific themes. I have it set up to sort before space ambience, but it doesn't swap playlists when I enter the SOI of the specified body. I'll give more info in a bit.
  7. Not quite, I've been updating the VTOL Volta to be more maneuverable and I would be entering it in its place. The real problem is I have never used any AI tuning, and I've only ever used BDA for messing around back in pre unity 5 era. I'd have to enter with a co-sponsor; someone to share the title. In that note: Attention Air Superiority Competitors: HafCo. Industries is hereby looking for an Artificial Intelligence and Firearms expert to co-sponsor the Volta XVII Phantom, the newest installment to the Volta lineup. The Phantom is the 17th iteration of the Volta supermaneuverable fighter jet, equipped with dual tilt-jet Panther engines and newly added Whiplash engines for increased operational time and speed. If you are interested, please PM our representative Avera9eJoe.
  8. hm... I'm thinking of resubmitting. Upgrading the Volta from mkXV to MkXVII
  9. That's probably from Scatterer- There's something bugged about Space Center view where the water randomly changes altitude. If its over the space center the ground looks underwater. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. huh... by any chance could you take Restock out of your GameData real fast and boot up to see if its still there? I haven't seen that before
  11. Huh... That's strange then. The texture looks the same as the default .dds texture when laid next to each other (other than different color/pattern)? Could you mirror the texture vertically and see what it does? Also @shaw sorry for the ping but I was curious- is the reflection plugin working properly in this release? I'm thinking of updating WindowShine but I don't know if the
  12. It looks like an error in your texture. Did you convert it from a .dds to .png? You need to flip the texture vertically if so. *Mirror not flip
  13. I feel you, only yesterday did I update Spectra to proper 1.6.1 (or 1.5/1.6 at all for that matter)
  14. Yeah, in the end I just linked it in extras. Including it would have been a terrible idea anyways since I'd have to get permission from each member of the team, and bearing that I did I would have to update Spectra each time Restock updated. I'm thinking of linking a few more things in add-ons too, like DistantObjectEnhancement, Chatterer, Reentry FX, etc.
  15. Greetings! I was curious if there is a way to make this work with Restock? Docking ports and SAS units still have lights, but most of the parts seem to have been effected by its new meshes/models. How tough would it be to fix?
  16. Update v1.2.1 https://spacedock.info/mod/1505/Spectra Updated to KSP 1.6.1 Fixed Kerbin's terrain disappearing above 14 km Reverted back from TextureReplacerReplaced to TextureReplacer now that its updated Housekeeping Enjoy
  17. I... should have thought of that hahaha I think I'm going to repackage everything into a new release real soon that also includes Restock, and I could add that as an option too.
  18. There are no city lights in Spectra- I didn't like having lights when there weren't actual buildings. I'm a practitioner of the underground theory
  19. You did half the right thing in removing the Spectra Scatterer config- if you go inside that config and just delete the "Kerbin" folder it will fix this issue but leave everything else still correct Afraid not lots of major changes between stock and RSS
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