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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Hm, @Claw is there a chance of recompiling one of the Stock Plus for version 1.3? I really miss right now is flaps auto-locking when in vacuum. I'd love to have that in a mod again.
  2. Yo! I've got a quick question... is this reading good or bad?
  3. Aye I've got a pre-release update right under the main download for the time being
  4. Wait do you get better FPS forcing DX11 or not adding that string?
  5. That looks even better I'll update WindowShine today or tomorrow
  6. How soon do you think the reflection shader fixes will make it into the official release? I ask because if it's within the week I can update WindowShine before going on vacation
  7. I'm doing a quick evening surprise stream and showing off what's done so far of Spectra v0.6 Hoping to have it released shortly after Blackrack has finished updating Scatterer to v1.3, as it re-adds EVE-Integration with planet glow effects. http://www.twitch.tv/avera9ejoe
  8. That's so weird! :L I'm glad to know exactly when it is and isn't working though, if I recall correctly there was a similar bug in the very early stages of WindowShine as well, though I can't recall the parameters though. Thanks for keeping me posted, I'd love to know as much as you can tell about it.
  9. Hm... Are using the support pack for any of those mods? I haven't updated their configs to the new shader so if you're using any of them that would definitely cause breakage. If not I'll look into it when I get home. I've got nothing on my schedule today thankfully
  10. No... what version are you using and can you take a screenshot of your GameData?
  11. Likewise you can also disable the ocean shaders; I've heard that fixes it as well
  12. In all honesty if it means more easter eggs, I'm all for it. Likes wise I'd love Kerbal easter eggs in GTA or BioShock
  13. It probably works fine in 1.3 if you use the updated requirement mods. Could you test it out and report back?
  14. Sure I can tell you how Only reason I haven't updated the header is because Ger_space's edits haven't made it into the official TRR release yet as far as I know. Download this: WindowShineTRv13.2 (dropbox) And use TextureReplacerReplaced Merge the two and everything should work swimmingly
  15. The stock chase cam is unusable for VTOLs. This mod is a godsend.
  16. I'll give it a go when I'm next open Aye I feel as though the team dropped this mod when the stock chase cam was set to follow your COM/velocity. Sad thing is though that it's still completely unusable for VTOL's as your camera angle completely screws up if you turn quickly. I'd love to see this mod continued.
  17. You run so many mods man I bet they added those licenses just to keep you from getting overworked Moving on to seriousness though I feel your pain I'm sad that I can't maintain KSPRC or Astronomer's in any manner due to their licenses. Likewise with a number of other aesthetic packs.
  18. As much as I agree with you, I have to say no for the simple fact that KSP is special for it's lack of stock content. It's special as it lets anyone who plays to whatever they want with it One note to adding Scatterer though... it technically would be against copyright to include it into the stock game as it's using bits of code from other programs to run the ocean shaders. There's probably similar reasons for not including other such visual mods.
  19. New Avatar to match Spectra :) I also got reports of people worried they were going color blind watching my avatar fade to gray every few seconds...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HafCoJoe


      xD Thanks! Your Avatar is new from when I last remember it to actually

    3. Dman979


      Yes, I changed it in memory of my dog. It'll be back to normal in a bit.

    4. legoclone09


      Yeah, the new avatar looks a lot better. Old one confused me.

  20. Just waking up! I've got a quick out of the loop Q - have the part reflection changes been put inside the main release yet, or are we waiting for the OpenGL mac/linux versions before it's merged? As soon as it's out I'll update WindowShine and link the OP to here instead of the old thread I'd like to get back to the old "Install TextureReplacer and then install WindowShine and you're set" as soon as possible
  21. I wanted to report and say that Ger_space's newest release works without a single flaw You've saved WindowShine. Congrats I also cannot express how great it is that the both of you are in talk with each other on this Gar I think it would make most sense for your shaders and code to get packaged inside of future releases of TRR so that WindowShine remains just a config file and textures; it makes it simple for me to update and allows anyone else to add reflections to their mods without WindowShine as well if they like. Also I'd be dropping it inside of the TR plugins folder anyways It's honestly been an incredible turn out week for me... I released update v0.5 of Spectra a few hours ago and @blackrack showed me it's glow effects are working alongside Scatterer-EVE Integration for the very next release. Most notable though is WindowShine, after two full years since I released it will finally have proper cabin lights, highlighting, and heating. Wow As soon as the improved shader version of TRR is released I'll slap your name @Ger_space at the top of the page with a giant thank you. And on top of all this our kitchen remodel has started and is in full blow downstairs and I'm planning my vacation to California as I speak
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