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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. I'm sorry to say it but I don't have the skill or drive anymore to change the base coat of parts to black. I wouldn't use them myself so I don't have a use in adding them to SPC, and I tried and failed at getting a good result. With the adapters, I wasn't able to make a better transition than the one Porkjet designed so I'm leaving them as is too. You'll have to live with this for the time being, Sorry. EDIT: That being said, I'm not stopping SPC or anything, just saying that I don't want to add black base coated parts
  2. This one is a visual pack, though its also going to make filming easy with how it includes config files for many different visual mods. Make sense? ;P
  3. Hm, I recall there being an old planet pack with a planet that spun so fast you couldn't land at the equator - does anymore remember the name of the planet or planet pack?
  4. I just updated the OP to make it a bit more clearer Go back to the download link and it should be more readable. It was a bit obscure now that I realize
  5. You didn't install the KSPRC textures. Make sure you go back to the OP and install them; everything should work correctly when they're installed. I fixed your image link too:
  6. Those should be right if you're using KSP 1.3? Everything works on my end so I don't know why it isn't for you
  7. Are you running KSP 1.3 or 1.2 and did you use the links I made in the OP or the links from the mod home pages? My guess is you either installed it incorrectly or you installed the wrong version of TRR? I know my links are correct - I just checked on a vanilla install and it works perfectly fine
  8. Can you send me a picture of your GameData? It looks like the textures aren't loading/being found. Did you install it in the correct place? The WindowShine folder should be free floating inside GameData
  9. Speaking of that I'd be happy to help you out Proot if there's anything I could do? In the meantime I'll be working on Spectra
  10. I found the culprit. The snow layer on Kerbin was eating up 10 frames. I'm removing it from Spectra until I can find a less intensive way to add snow :P Without it it should be just about as intensive as SVE :)

  11. I sadly don't know what's causing that The textures don't have anything unusual to them when looking in paint.net. Have any ideas @Ger_space? It looks like it's boring a hole straight through the part. @voicey99 I updated the OP with download links for 1.2
  12. For 1.2 you'll need to use RangeMachine's unofficial TextureReplacer update and WindowShine version v12. I'll see if I can get you links in a few minutes. V12 was before the shaders were fixed so cabin lights/highlighting/reentry heating won't work. That together with the general hackjob nature of grabbing the unofficial TextureReplacer made me decide to remove the link
  13. Yeah... I did a comparison between SVE and Spectra's clouds, and on average Spectra is ~20 frames slower :') time to simplify.

  14. D: that doesn't sound good... If I'd have a guess I'd bet there was something missed when Scatterer/EVE integration became a thing and it's similar to the black cloud bug that was happening in earlier releases? I'm pulling at strings though. @blackrack this is the issue I'm having (I hope it's a good enough explanation, only 2 minutes long): EDIT: It's got something to do with the relation between whiteCapSTR and Shore foam. Strange things happen when you mix values around... it seems that when Shore Foam is a higher value than whiteCapStr there's a visible line.
  15. I'll post a short clip of the problem I'm having. It might be the same root as yours? What's the biggest issue on your plate though? I might be having it as well.
  16. I've been attempting to add more whitecaps to your standard ocean configs and I'm running into a problem with white caps disappearing past a certain distance from the camera? Doing more testing as I type.
  17. Getting back to work on Spectra. Sometimes the mood just strikes you, you know? :P The main thing I'm hoping to improve though is frame stutters I'm getting fairly frequently. I'm going to work from the ground up to try and locate what's causing it, and fix it.

    @Galileo I might also try to adapt your lightning into Spectra if it's alright with you? It looks gorgeous. :)

  18. Thank you so much Miromed! It warms my heart knowing there are people who prefer my mod That being said though... I'm not happy with the current performance impact of Spectra. It looks pretty, but if you compare Spectra to the current release of SVE you'll notice that it's far more laggy. I'm hoping to fix this sometime soon, though I have yet to find the root of the problem. It could be that it's just a far more graphic intensive mod in which case I can't do much to free up space ;P I hope I can though.
  19. Hm, which parts would you want in black? Just the Mk2 parts/jet fuselages and wings? That could probably be doable without much problem. If you're using paint.net, could you take a screenshot of the settings you're using to get that black shade? Either way around though I'll need to judge how much time it'll take.
  20. Ah @Vorg and @DeltaDizzy sorry about that... The link should be fixed now. Whoops
  21. Version 0.13.3 is released! Now working with TextureReplacerReplaced v0.4 Enjoy!
  22. @HaArLiNsH It works I'll run an update of WindowShine later today
  23. Is the new version going to work with WindowShine? Because v0.4 doesn't work with WindowShine - It's the reason I'm still using v0.3 as well
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