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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Yay entertaining things to read! We sadly don't get too much snow up here but we did have a particularly long outage when there was a gigantic wind storm around 2009 if I recall correctly. Fun in a boring sort of way... Hehe.
  2. Around an hour ago the power went out so here I am stuck on my phone using the remnant of my battery life. Anyways, discuss and post stories of your own power outages if you want. :confused:
  3. Your side bar says you've crashed into Duna... I'd call that getting somewhere . I have faith in you!
  4. It's been a blast. Best of luck with what comes next Miguel! We'll miss 'ya... Also hello Dr_Turkey! I can't wait for what the future holds.
  5. Another +1 to the idea of having gimball fix defaulted to on when enabled.
  6. This is a known issue I have down in the OP. It's a glitch with TextureReplacer's reflection plugin that will hopefully be fixed soontm.
  7. Btw do you have any plans to work alongside KSPRC when it is fully released? My cloudpack was designed to replace KSPRC's clouds and play along side the rest of it's mods. You could you might try to do the same? EDIT: Also on an unrelated topic, does Duna use it's own specific cloud texture or is it's texture used on other planets as well? I used a variant of that same texture but with the midlands having a red-brown colored clouds and the polls having white. I'm stopping development of my cloudpack so you could use it if you want.
  8. Yay! I like my stock level lighting too much .
  9. The glow effects for auroras aren't handled by planetshine actually. I messed with auroras quite a bit when getting them working in my cloudpack and the glow is created through a number of parameters. Auroras are basically a cloud layer with an extra bit of code that makes them ignore daytime/nighttime. How it exactly does it though... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What I understand for the time being is that the 'glow' parameters have been removed, or rather not added yet.
  10. What you're looking for is a bump map to normal map converter. I haven't tested this site out too much but I've messed with it in the past. Is this what you're looking for? http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/
  11. I might even try asking one of the texture modders out there to create a detailed surface map for the various planets. I'm not skilled enough but I bet Proot is. - This might be an unrelated response though.
  12. Dude... the download size is just about half it was in the last release of KSP. It's good to see your fixes are sure enough becoming stock
  13. And guess what else guys! Taurus HCV compatibility has just been added! See compatible mods for a dl if you want it.
  14. As a heads up I am planning on adding WindowShine support for Taurus. EDIT: Compatibility pack is now complete! See the OP under Mod Support to have a peek for yourself.
  15. This thread is too great... Also my rep has risen since the last OP update! No rush though.
  16. WOO! Thank you so much! And ps your multiquote answers should be regarded as an art form.
  17. I'm unsure if you answered this yet or not, but I was noticing while creating my own configs I couldn't make the atmosphere fade quicker. I could change it's height and density, but not the edge fade distance like you could in old EVE. Is this a planned feature that hasn't been added yet? So far all the atmosphere configs I've seen from new EVE look as though the atmosphere is ablating high into orbit (Like, 400k up).
  18. SPPCC v0.12 is now released Notes are in the updated changelogs. Have at it and keep posting possible fixes! SPPCC v0.12 (Dropbox)
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