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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Jeez... I accidentally didn't re-follow your thread with the forum migration and and I missed you posting an update two days ago?!
  2. Hm... I'm running with x64 bit windows and have my shortcut set as "file path" -forceopengl -dx9 -popupwindow - Is the -forceopengl needed or is it overridden by -dx9 or anything else? I was surprised I was able to get KSP running with a three extension shortcut
  3. @V8jester Are you running x64 bit KSP along with -dx9, -forceopengl, and -popupwindow? Or just standard 32 bit KSP for windows?
  4. Vertical movement of particles? What gorgeous thing do you have in mind... Snow? Rising fumes? Rain?!
  5. Merry Christmas to you guys too! It's always great to hear about giveaways and community events. Early congrats to the lucky winners.
  6. Alrighty. I've upgraded the Volta. One is a stock space fighter called "Volta Type X" in the dropbox link and the other is called "Volta IIDB" and it's outfitted with 4 Sidewinders and 2 AMRAAMS. Here's the dropbox link again with the original as well as textures and the newer versions. Always fun doing a bit of mod-mining. https://www.dropbox.com/home/Volta I made an album for the Type X weapon action groups as they are a bit strange. Number represents the action group number and fire order.
  7. Oh one more thing I should ask about regarding the instructions, the forum migration appears to have broken your degrees symbol and I'm not sure if that is meant to say "5 degrees" or "50 degrees" over the horizon. EDIT: Reporting back, it works magnificently. One thing though, the electric charge and monoprop in the lander can are both locked and I found that I ran out of eletric charge by the time I got to apoapsis. I unlocked the lander can's electricity and everything started working fine again. Might be worth mentioning in OP to unlock the electric charge at AP.
  8. Dude... I would be honored if you used it. - I also don't much care about retaining any rights over those icons either so do all you want with them. The textures are fairly high resolution compared to what the default icon resolution is thought of. Toolbar icons show up as 38x38 pixels on your standard 1920x1080 monitor, and these icons are 76x76 pixels, you might want to try half-ing the image size and seeing if it loses any visible resolution. Thanks that's good to know. I shall update.
  9. Jezz how did I miss that... Thanks! I shall check it out and report back.
  10. I see there are no downloads in the OP - Does the white dart SSTO in 1.0.5? I might want to use it for some pointers if it does.
  11. BahamutoD I am unsure as to if this has been pointed out or not, but none of the Radome/radar parts have action groups to toggle. Is this on purpose or have you been too busy to add them yet? Speaking of being busy... I hope your Christmas hasn't been too stacked up.
  12. HatBat? I'm curious as to what exactly you would use the Volta for if you indeed decide to use it? What you want it to be used for can greatly change how I outfit it. I even built a version that actually has dedicated VTOL engines if that's something you want. I made an old video of the Volta which could be informative as well. Thread sauce.
  13. Does it like .tga? I know .dds has had issues reading transparency in the past.
  14. I actually routed the fuel flow from top to bottom first and found that it greatly destabilized the vehicle. I have at least 6 iteration in which I tested various fuel flow setups. It currently half bottom-top drains. The center of mass goes the desired way don't ask me why!
  15. When you do so make sure you test with filling the extra tanks! I didn't mention it in the film but three of the orange external tanks are completely empty by default. You may end up being able to carry more by filling some of them. The sides on the external tank feed each booster and the front and back feed the vectors. Speaking of the vectors... They are also significantly throttled down from what I remember too. That could be worth experimenting with too. Lol.
  16. I can't thank you enough for this. I'm pretty happy with how this craft turned out and it warms my heart to see others who appreciate it for the same reasons as myself - and especially from a judge of Spacecraft Fridays. Thank you!
  17. In making this I did my best to shy away from using the pre-built "shuttle parts". I don't have anything against the parts (truly they're beautiful parts) except that they replace a lot of possible creativity in shuttles with very cookie-cutter designs where ten different people can accidentally all build the exact same space shuttle. I like thinking out of the box.
  18. Hmm... I don't usually use BD Armory so I wouldn't have a clue what a good weapon array would be. If someone here has a good list or some strong BD-background I'd love some pointers. -Also HatBat, would it be more useful as a plane or spacecraft? It looks nice as both.
  19. Indeed. When using large ships with Xaiiers time control mod I would always lock the delta physics warp to stock so it would decrease the amount of calculations per real second by halving in-game time while keeping the game rendering physics at the normal rate. I sounds like this is what your mod does? Xaiier has long since stopped updating his mod so I'm branching back to your mod. His mod was a fair bit simpler and I found it was faster to change time to what I wanted for cinematics. Removing an extra 8-10 seconds saves a lot of time in film production when repeating tasks. Thanks for the fast reply too!
  20. MrHappyFace would it be possible to add a button to lock physics delta to the default setting when you slow down time? Or is it currently set to keep the same physics warp per in-game second as you slow down time?
  21. Well, I don't know if you're in the market for concept fighters, but if you are in need of one the volta is my prettiest plane yet. Also the most agile (It can VTOL, do a U-turn within 100-200 meters, and goes above 300 m/s at fairly low altitudes). By default it has a very small amount of fuel. You can simply add more to the rear Big-S wing strakes making up the body if you need more fuel. It currently is completely stock. It also could be made into a space-fighter fairly easily if you need me to do so. You can check out the custom textures I made for it and view the newest version in my dropbox folder here. The "Volta II" is the iteration updated to 1.0.5.
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