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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Endermens, thank you so much for keeping this running. It always makes me smile to see the commitment many people have to this fine community.
  2. A highlight showing some of the views looking out of the Ambition, a stock rotating station. Looking mighty fine if you ask me . http://www.twitch.tv/avera9ejoe/v/35422006 Here's where I explain the baring: http://www.twitch.tv/avera9ejoe/v/35422801 Happy Thursdays everyone
  3. I want to point out a bug... I can't use widgets while in WASD editor cam mode. I can't left click at all for that matter or it screws of the camera. - When I left click it pulls the camera position out of WASDcam mode.I've checked settings and there doesn't appear to be a keybind that is causing this. EDIT: This apparently only happens on most occasions for me. It's working as planned now. Interesting to hear if anyone else has had a similar bug.
  4. My most major rule: Stock parts, aerodynamics, and stock part models ONLY. No exceptions to this rule.
  5. I think Rbray89 is actually working on a feature like this for EVE.
  6. Thanks RixKillian! I've created a Grumman style wing with infernal robotics but not with stock. It would be an interesting feat to try and tackle. My bearing is held in place with junior docking ports on either side of the actual thing which hold it in place. The bearing is designed with an axle made from ant engine enclosed in a sort of cage of cubic octagonal struts. Just below the cage is the decoupler which the whole wing assembly is attached to at launch. The decoupler prevents the hing/wings from falling off upwards. Looks kind of like a screw head. It's extremely sturdy at launch before you stage the decoupler. After you do that however it's nearly impossible to get both the side, and is a bit wobbly. You can see in the video that it only sort of works. With a larger plane it would be flopping around everywhere.
  7. I was able to acquire a much need* secondary monitor and decided it was time to give my PC it's own custom backdrop. *College video classes will be so much easier now! And finally now I don't have to read twitch chat on my phone! And I can edit vods while researching at the same time! I hope you enjoy the eye candy I don't know if anyone wants to use it themselves, but feel free to do so if you're so inclined. I made it for myself but if anyone else finds it appealing feel free to use it yourself.
  8. I would love for that I keep this list relatively updated per game release but it would be a shame for this thread to vanish. Thank you!
  9. This is an earlier model of the plane in that video! The wings are docked so I can undock them to rotate the wing for storage. - Speaking of that video, what's your opinion on that music? I thought it would be a funny touch to that video but some people are very much disliking it.
  10. I hope you all enjoy this little snipit from a project I'm currently in the middle of. *Shudder* That thumbnail is atrocious.
  11. I sadly am unable to repeat this bug after rebooting the game, so I'm posting this comedy rather then as a bug report. Although this bug is incredibly entertaining, it is a bug. It most likely has something to do with clipping the armed landing gear with other parts. This craft spawns under the launchpad and performs the landing gear bounce down there, rather than the usual spawning on top of the runway and bouncing. I thought it was just the runway at the start but upon further investigation it appears as though this craft clips completely through every single structure in the KSC with exception of the actual ground. Kerbal can still enter and exit the craft, although the kerbal is also nocliped on everything.
  12. Olympia is coming along nicely. Somehow she performed a water landing...
  13. I want to point out that KSPRC has reflective windows already included in it. So WindowShine is actually not needed at all. However, there is a KSPRC compatibility download in the WindowShine OP for KSPRC v0.2. I don't know if the textures are still up to date with Proots newest work, but if you delete the KSPRC reflection config and paste in that download it should work. Once again though I suggest using Proot's configs, as they are more recent.
  14. Using the 64 bit hack works pretty good... Other than that I don't have more suggestions than to remove the ground textures.
  15. Hm... I can see how that might make sense. Thanks and best of luck!
  16. It appears as though I'm some messages extremely late. I just received a message today that was sent on November 15th. Same for me receiving a message which was sent on December 3rd and 18th. - They mostly appear to be messages I've already read, but the more recent ones have just been arriving late. Not sure if this is fixable or not but is there confirmation that this is a problem with more than just me? Thanks for the read.
  17. Glad to hear! I'm beginning to wean away from the Lego classic space mini logo as I could possibly run into issues with that in the future. I thought my Volta had a nice silhouette and so I thought I'd give it a go! Very glad to hear it's liked.
  18. Hey Proot I couldn't help but notice that you didn't re-texture the Radial attachment point in this release. I actually re-textured it myself a bit ago. If you want the texture and normal map just ask - Also I wanted to say that I am very happy to see that you included reflections in your main download! I am honored you're using WindowShine textures .
  19. I've had problems with this too. It's probably be something related to the aerosurface plus plugin.
  20. Currently this is a fairly heavy WIP so I think he's working on getting this relatively completed, rather than adding compatibility at this point
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