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Everything posted by cfds

  1. In that case you will also need "Procedural micro-brew of the day"....
  2. Procedural Fairings all the way. For the purists, there is even an option to set the basic parameters (radius, start of cylindrical part, end of cylindrical part) by hand.
  3. The fact that you can generate enough energy from burning fuel and oxidizer to produce that and more fuel and oxidizer shows that the system is broken far before "power consumption during timer warp is not modelled".
  4. The obvious solution is to attach them all to a service bay, that you keep open in atmosphere and close in vacuum. I am sure the "disable while stowed mechanic" deactivates stowed control surfaces (and I _am_ keeping a straight face at the moment).
  5. The "soundtrack of KSP" is royalty free stuff from the internet and can be used by everyone who wants to use it. The iconic "you have reached space" melody appears in other games as well.
  6. The things you miss when you use only the "first" stack decoupler and tweakscale....
  7. What is so bad about the Ant? Since 1.0.x it has ok TWR and rather good ISP. It is my preferred engine for satellites.
  8. I cannot imagine any reason but pride on the developers' part: removing it now would mean admitting that it was a bad idea from the start. Luckily for them there are enough apologists about that are happy that they can accidentally deploy gears and antennae without destroying their craft. For all the others who have mastered the rare skill of "not pressing 'G' when they do not mean to", all that remains is frustration..
  9. Well, history teaches us that SQUAD will concentrate on fluff (like a space dock and submarine parts) and fixing the the career mode will be left to the community...
  10. The reason why only "a minority of physicist favor MWI" is just a consequence of it being misconstrued to mean "there are a bunch of parallel universes where Hitler killed Marilyn Monroe, and they are just one malfunctioning teleporter away". For most application of QM, it does not matter whether receiving the measuring result "A" means "the wave function collapsed into state A, the probability of that was pA" or "the experiment and experimentor entered a state sqrt(pA)*A + sqrt(1-A)*anti-A and the experimentor's conscious is following the first path". In both cases, "A" is observed. If you want to analyse delayed double-slit experiments, MWI is helpful. In other cases, it might be helpful to avoid possible misunderstandings and not talk about parallel worlds. Take from it what you want. But if MWI denies a certain kind of FTL communications, there is no way that a CI analysis will show that it works since the basic math is still the same.
  11. Another (hopefully helpful) comment regarding curse: could you post the kerbal.curseforge link (http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/interstellar-fuel-switch?gameCategorySlug=ksp-mods&projectID=237233) instead of the other one? I do not want to try which of the ten tracking scripts I have to allow to get to the download and I am sure that I am not the only one.
  12. But why give us a display for the craft mass? Pretend to be a rocket scientist and add up all the masses of the single parts. It's more fun that way!
  13. What I find interesting about the patch is that the eagle on the knight's tabard is facing sinister (' recursant') , which is rather rare in heraldry.
  14. I believe you that you did not edit in the error message. When I heard that this issue was fixed I assumed that this whole check was just removed (because: Why does anyone need an automatic check for occlusion when activating a part? If you do not want to activate shrouded engines/antennas/landing gears just do not activate them.), but now it looks like it was just patched around. With predictable results.
  15. So the only actual improvement between 1.0.4 and 1.1.2 for a linux player is actually broken? Nice to know...
  16. I would also estimate that less than 5% of the customer base launch the game a second time after playing the tutorial and failing to reach space after an hour of tinkering.
  17. Slightly related: Does the feature of recovering/deleting the vessel that sits in the list under the button due to through-click still work?
  18. Hasn't Squad wasted enough developer time on jet engines yet?. You could have a look in the modding section though, there should be engines for every situation.
  19. @Plusck: Is your example not the classical case of "garbage in, garbage out"? KER deltaV readout is correct enough for most cases (and probably more correct than most of the displays in the engineer report). I see no problem providing a display of the deltaV a rocket will provide assuming no Isp variances (be it throttling, disabling engines, changes in atmospheric pressure or designed cosine losses).
  20. Huh, looks like I was running on severely outdated information (that may never have been true anyway..).
  21. Now if only Kerbal Konstructs could use the (Tier 3) KSC assets to provide at least a bit of a consistent look... The lack of modability of the KSC in general is not nice, I believe it is not even possible to change the conditions the different tiers provide (like the max parts for the VAB). On the other hand, the last building added to the KSC was in .90 (if I am not mistaking something), so there may be no one left at SQUAD who knows how to change anything at KSC apart from some graphics...
  22. That assumes that the land actually provides enough food for the farmer. And even then the problem is not he government of the land the farmer works but the governments of countries of highly industrialized farming that try too push their overproduction into every other country that is not powerful enough to say "keep your crap". The prize of wheat and corn in African countries is not controlled by African government, it is controlled by US, EU, China and Russia. But according to you, these countries have to be "free to do what they want in their countries".
  23. What is a "graphite pad" supposed to be? I don't see how a slab of a very brittle variant of pure carbon can withstand even a moderate explosion. And I have no idea how it will catch the fission products of a nuclear explosion.
  24. I do this since the "full release". With about one explorer page of mods the game might be worth $40, but SQUAD deserves at most five of them.
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