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Everything posted by ScriptKitt3h

  1. I built a new SSTO and a 4-passenger rover... I then attempted to park said rover underneath the overhang of the Astronaut Complex. What you don't see: the rover teleporting into the roof, shaking with intense Kraken-forces, and the exploding alongside the building itself. THE POWER OF SQUAD COMPELS YOU!
  2. You mind waiting till the end of March? I've got a contender I need to complete.
  3. Would you be willing to make a render of this: In 1080x1920 (HQ)? https://www.dropbox.com/s/zkyqh651elz2lud/MU%20MSS-2%20%27Guardian%27.craft?dl=0 Also, I'm really tempted to try doing this once I get my new PC built later this year.
  4. Thanks- yeah, each ammo type is for a different task. I-beams: fragging fightercraft/drones, and softening up larger hulls. SRBs: meant really as a simple, low-part-count way to obliterate an unarmored ship in one shot, or to disable a light-to-medium-armored ship. ASMs: with guidance capability, LF/O engines, and a warhead that behaves like a barbed fish hook (impales itself through most armor, then gets stuck inside the victim's internals), these are meant for use against heavy warships, and for large battles. Trust me, I'm not immune to lag with my ships. I just have to try and mitigate it to the best of my ability.
  5. 958 parts, 150 tons, hybrid drive system. Munitions: 2x 6-shot I-Beam missile pod, 2x AP SRB, 2x guided ASM.
  6. I'd like to see how this would be handled: 958 parts, 150 tons, and enough firepower to level all of KSC. (It does feature action groups, and is controlled via two hidden probe cores in the center of the ship's spine.) DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zkyqh651elz2lud/MU%20MSS-2%20%27Guardian%27.craft?dl=0
  7. Just finished my next ship in my series: Clocks in at just under 960 parts with a full missile load. Dual ion+LVN engine systems mean it has options...
  8. Just finished a new one: Clocks in at just under 960 parts with a full missile load. Dual ion+LVN engine systems mean it has options...
  9. It's not too shoddy for just using the ions, but then again, the Shade does have a single LV-N for higher-thrust maneuvering, while the ions are meant as uber-efficient but slower means of movement. Due to the continued tweaking, I'm not sure of the DV yet, but I'm going to try and get it as high as possible.
  10. Thanks! Yeah, the new line of ships is going to need lots and lots of compound ion engine nacelles, to help reduce my LV-N usage.
  11. and these old ones: This bad boy had BDArmory on it, or at least a variant
  12. I'm starting a new line of sci-fi warships. I've begun with a tech demonstrator: I'm going to try and upgrade the design over time, making larger, crewed ships with the same overall layout. Wish me luck!
  13. So... I've gotten back to playing KSP after a long hiatus. My fleet's pretty old now, and so I'm likely going to be phasing out some ships, and adding new ones. These new vessels are going to be all of similar aesthetic design, and feature a ion-LVN hybrid engine system. I've already made a tech demonstrator drone for the line. I call it the Shade. It's essentially a scout drone on steroids, although it's still not as strong as my old ships. However, that's alright, as it'll help me refine the framework for the next new ship, which will be a larger, improved version.
  14. I really need to get back into KSP, but here's some of my monsters...
  15. I'm not even mad... I'm just glad to hear that everything's alright! I'll see if I can rustle up some new craft.
  16. I need to get back to building surface units... :/
  17. Look at the already-released DMP multiplayer mod. They fix that issue by having a "subspace" for each player to timewarp in, and if you want to interact w/ said player, you get near them in space, and sync your time/subspace to theirs. Problem solved!
  18. I just shivered thinking about what would happen if an intelligent life form with a tech level like ours was on one of those ejected worlds... who knows, maybe we'll find some ejected planets out past Pluto, in the Oort cloud?
  19. I wonder if that white dot's some sort of recent crater.. or maybe it's some sort of geyser (since it is an icy body). Oh well, if we get some color images closer up, that'd be cool.
  20. This is amazing! I'm tempted to start experimenting with roller coasters using stuff like this....
  21. Oh, don't mind me, I'm just hiding in my good 'ol uber-reinforced bunker on Eeloo...
  22. *Grabs second bag of popcorn* This is getting good.
  23. Cool, someone else actually cares about MOX fuel tech... Shame the U.S. govt. keeps trying to shut down the one project they're doing...
  24. I'm tempted to try and make an all-stock extrasolar mission.... just to see how far I can get in .90 (I'd likely find a K-Drive to power the ship, since I don't feel like launching a full heavy lift rocket into LKO for the departure burn).
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