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  1. Been playing RO/RP-1 for a bit now, and man do I miss the visual & model quality from this mod. 1957-1959 Atlas parts in that does NOT hold up to the new atlas parts and visual work you guys have done in the base mod. Incredible work!
  2. Not only does it still work, but it's set to install by default if you follow the realism overhaul installation instructions here. Its not perfect but its really well done and a lot better to look at than weird empty coastline. Especially when so much of the beginning of an RP-1 playthrough is spent in atmosphere around the KSC.
  3. I agree, I disabled the skybox for this reason as well in my playthrough. I've circled some example areas in red. but in general there isn't a smooth transition through the background gradient, and the "steps" between colors are quite obvious. This is caused by the bit depth of the image and can be added by whatever program is being used to create the image if it's attempting to compress the file size at all at export. EDIT: I've just made a shocking revelation as I posted the image above. It is only visible on ONE of my monitors, mainly the 3440x1400 10 bit color monitor. On my other, which is 8-bit 1920x1080, I actually can't see the issue in my screenshot, only on the even brighter parts of the original texture (closer to the galactic band). This might not have been a noticeable issue as on standard 8-bit monitors it doesn't appear to be so bad. Regardless, here is an example from the same texture file that DOES appear on my 8-bit monitor, meaning the issue is still present, but less noticable.
  4. if you switch to the newer version of Tweakscale all parts should become tweakable by default. I hadn't realized the difference either and the new version is significantly better.
  5. I too throw my vote in for dedicated soyuz fairing (with grid-fin connection capability).
  6. Fixed the panther issue. Was because of poor indexing and brackets in the config file (GameData\RestockWaterfallExpansion\Engine Configurations\PantherRWE.cfg). See fixed cfg below. Just replace the text in PantherRWE.cfg with this for now to fix the issue until officially updated. @PART[turboJet]:NEEDS[Waterfall]:FOR[RestockWaterfallExpansion] { // Removes the stock effect block, and replace it with one that has no particles !EFFECTS {} EFFECTS { fx-panther-dry-spool { AUDIO { name = soundDry1 channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Running_Low volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.0001 1.12 volume = 1.0 1.32 pitch = 0.0 0.3 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike transformName = smokePoint emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.1 emission = 1.0 0.6 speed = 0.0 5.0 speed = 1.0 10.0 energy = 0.0 2.0 energy = 1.0 4.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 7 } } fx-panther-dry-power { AUDIO { name = soundDry1 channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Running_High volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.0001 1.12 volume = 1.0 1.32 pitch = 0.0 0.3 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } AUDIO { name = soundDry2 channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Running_Low volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.0001 1.12 volume = 1.0 1.32 pitch = 0.0 0.3 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } } fx-panther-wet-spool { AUDIO { name = soundWet1 channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Afterburner_Low volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.0001 0.65 volume = 1.0 0.8 pitch = 0.0 0.3 pitch = 1.0 1.5 loop = true } PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_aeroSpike transformName = smokePoint emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.0 emission = 0.075 0.1 emission = 1.0 0.6 speed = 0.0 5.0 speed = 1.0 10.0 energy = 0.0 2.0 energy = 1.0 4.0 localOffset = 0, 0, 7 } } fx-panther-wet-running { AUDIO { name = soundWet3 channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Afterburner_High volume = 0.1 0.0 volume = 0.3 1.12 volume = 1.0 1.25 pitch = 0.0 0.4 pitch = 1.0 1.0 loop = true } AUDIO { name = soundWet2 channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Afterburner_Low volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.0001 0.65 volume = 1.0 0.8 pitch = 0.0 0.3 pitch = 1.0 1.5 loop = true } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Startup volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.2 loop = false } } disengage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Shutdown volume = 1 pitch = 1.8 loop = false } } flameout { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 transformName = smokePoint oneShot = true } AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = RestockWaterfallExpansion/JetSFX/Sounds/GE404_Shutdown volume = 1 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*],0 { %powerEffectName = fx-panther-dry-power %spoolEffectName = fx-panther-dry-spool } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*],1 { %runningEffectName = fx-panther-wet-running %spoolEffectName = fx-panther-wet-spool } MODULE { name = ModuleWaterfallFX moduleID = pantherDry CONTROLLER { name = atmosphereDepth linkedTo = atmosphere_density } CONTROLLER { name = throttle linkedTo = throttle engineID = Dry responseRateUp = 0.01 responseRateDown = 0.01 } CONTROLLER { name = mach linkedTo = mach } TEMPLATE { templateName = stock-kerozine-turbofan-2 overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0, 0, 0 scale = 1, 1, 1 } } MODULE { name = ModuleWaterfallFX moduleID = pantherWet CONTROLLER { name = atmosphereDepth linkedTo = atmosphere_density } CONTROLLER { name = throttle linkedTo = throttle engineID = Wet responseRateUp = 0.001 responseRateDown = 0.016 } CONTROLLER { name = mach linkedTo = mach } TEMPLATE { templateName = stock-kerozine-afterburner overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0, 0, 0 scale = 1, 1, 1 } } }
  7. Had the same conundrum, turns out I completely missed the addition of EVA construction to the game and knew nothing about it. If your kerbal is an engineer, there'll be a wrench icon on the stock toolbar that puts you into "proper" EVA construction mode. Once activated you can manipulate a lot of parts just as you would in the editor (placing struts included), as well as access inventories that are in proximity to your kerbal directly. So what I did was put a cargo container with 10+ struts in the payload bay of my shuttle that brought the S0 truss, and attached them using that mode afterwards.
  8. Glad to see screenshots finally. Did you use the old welding mod as a starting point for creating the parts? If so can you share some details about what it took to make it work? I used it all the time back in day to keep part counts down, but when I tried to get it working in 1.12.5 the other day but wasn't able to.
  9. Please change my name to " BLUAV8R " God I came up with "sippyfrog" when I was 12 I think, this is the final thing remaining to update lol
  10. Besides the "What did you do in KSP 2 today?" thread (which appears to be the biggest KSP 2 related thread in general), I think the biggest mod-related would be this: I generally bounce between the KSP 1 mod releases forum and KSP 2 mod releases/development forums daily just reading replies, it's sad how little activity there is by comparison. Looking forward to a day where KSP 2 can have the same level of activity.
  11. I know very little about what it would take from a development standpoint, but from a player's perspective I can imagine this: - trusses can be docked together like normal in station construction using parts from some mod that is deemed "what this is designed to be used with" - the S1 truss would be either launched with, or attached later, a part that is the rail system and base that the arm structures would attach to (basically a gantry) and it would by default be only as wide as the S1 truss. - using a mod structure similar to B9 part switch, the user can then select how long the gantry will be in flight, similar to how a player can change fuel tanks to labs using orbital wet workshop parts - the user can select how long the gantry should be on either side (1, 2, or 3 truss segments or maybe in meters IDK) and the model grows accordingly, allowing further gantry movement down the new track Now I have no idea what it would take to accomplish this, but this is how I imagine it would work if someone told me it existed and I had to guess how to use it.
  12. I'm in the process of installing v0.2 and I feel as though what I had to do to make it work, well is not how it was intended to be as my first attempt did not work. I looked at the EVE configs you have and the necessary file paths to the textures, and well I had to rearrange everything so it would work. I did the following: - Install the Ad_Astra folder - Open the 43k clouds zip, extract them, and then create a new folder inside textures called Cubemaps, and then placed the Kerbin folder with the actual cubemaps inside that - Open the AVP 8k textures zip, then navigated all the way down to the Textures folder, and installed that into the textures folder of Ad_Astra, then deleted the included City Lights folder as the city lights are from JNSQ not AVP. Now because I understand how EVE configs and filepaths to make this stuff work all interact, I was able to troubleshoot it and install it correctly after my second attempt. However, if I was not as KSP mod experienced, and I was going solely off of the readme.md included in the download, well I would not end up installing it correctly as it said: and I think the bolded text is just a little too vague as even I messed up the install the first time, since I opened up the zip files to gamedata -> mod name -> and then installed all the files and folders here into Ad_Astra, which led to the majority of textures being located now: Ad_Astra -> EVE -> Textures instead of the intended Ad_Astra -> Textures and the cubemaps being Ad_Astra -> Textures -> Kerbin instead of Ad_Astra -> Textures -> Cubemaps -> Kerbin like it needed to be in order for the configs to work. Overall though, really impressed with your work and I understand that little things like this slip up and go unnoticed as the majority of your focus is on the content of your mod and it's amazing visuals!
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