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Everything posted by Pappystein

  1. Green Appears to be the most common color for Aviation grade GRP in Russia. GRP=Fiberglass for those not in the know Colors other than Green did not exist in large production quantities, that I can verify, prior to the MiG-23 fighter (1971ish.) While the MiG-23 is a 50 year old fighter design, Manufacturing supply Inertia has kept Green as a common color in Russia through the early 1980s at least. Mind you have have no first tier sources to this... mostly second hand western works. So please take this with a grain of salt... and I know a lot of people who live in Russia or one or more of the former Soviet republics are in the forum and can possibly provide more concrete data.
  2. Neat! And the use of any of the mods you listed in the end is not just for the less than average pilot. They dramatically ease workloads on a game that wasn't designed as a flight sim but rather a Rocketish sim Did you fly this with either SOCKS or Kerbolrise on the 2nd stage (for the full Shuttle + Flyback booster experience?) If so how did it fly?
  3. Also or in lieu, have you made certain every part is "Auto-strutted" to either the Core or Heaviest part? I alternate between the two personally. I have had so many problems with KJR and KJR continued that I don't use them any more. Autostrut may take a bit of work (since you have to open every context menu on every part) but it works as well other than the time sink in my opinion
  4. So to put a final nail in the coffin as it were. I found some source materials on the Saturn MLV program from 1965... It is a composite done for Congress (I believe given the lack of major technical details and high level overview) of the entire MLV program to date (focused on Saturn V only) Here is the Summation of the HG-3 engine: Clearly the HG-3 was a "Placeholder" as as way to conceptually work through the technology needed to bring a small (80 inch max diameter) 400klb thrust Hydrolox engine into existence. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19650020081 HG-3 is dead, RL20 is king, all hail RL20
  5. So I figured since this engine has become a Workhorse for me.... Picture tax time: And NO I Ignored NLS and moved right on to important launchers Stage 1) LRB for the Space Shuttle Enterprise: Titan V(CH4) First itteration: Titan V(CH4) Final Production form (in this form with either 4 GEM-63 or 2 SRMU it has launched every component to the ISS except a couple Russian Segments as well as one of the PMAs) Sorry I have no good (no HUD/UI) pics of the Rocket on the ground I have flown the first stage with the "upper" 2nd stage tank as a "tank stretch" I have flown this Rocket with SMRU-2.5 and SMRU-3.0 (2x) and I have flow this Rocket with ACES From the Vulcan mod. Some comments: Make your BDB-LDC derived LRBs for your shuttles shorter than mine. They were disposed of with about 10% fuel remaining. The Drop Tank was ditched with 15% fuel remaining (to safely de-orbit) 125km orbit with a Russian DOS (Zarya in fact) on board. Titan V(CH4) core stack is 3.5-3.25 PLF fairing base, LDC Avionics, Stage 2 tanks 1 and 2, 2 engine mount with LR87-LH2(Vac), Solid LDC Inter stage, Max length upper and lower LDC first stage tanks set to CH4... LDC 1st stage engine mount set to 1 with the STME set to BOATTAIL. I have three Titan V variants. Titan V(RL20) Titan V(LR129) and the (CH4) The CH4 is the most efficient (best over all ISP) But the RL20 version is more controllable. All launches depicted here were to support either my First attempt (crashed and burned literally) and now my second attempt at making a Full up ISS to original specs (so 4 or 5 extra Russian modules and 3 extra International ones IIRC.) Oh, just looked over the thoughts and plans for this mod. I am looking forward to your J-2L for my Saturn Rocket flights! Whoops sorry you have it listed as LTBE
  6. Nice Standard ISS! I am going for a heavily altered one based on the fully proposed but not built ISS. Using BDB, Habtech2, Tanteres, and both SOCKS and Kerbalrise for shuttles (not that I use them for much... Everything you see was launched on Saturn INT23, Titan V(LDC Titan with CH4 engines) or various modifications to the Angara A5. I am planning on introducing all of Earth To the Sky's Space Station Freedom to the ISS (currently have Skylab up but not the addendum modules) While I can make a valid UDM and DSM with Tantares parts, the SPP as well as RM-1 and RM-2 are a bit tougher. I would have preferred to make the Russian Segment out of SSTU's DOS parts but A) not updated for current KSP versions and B) follows too strict of scaling (rather than expanded scaleing like BDB and Tantares are now using, All the docking ports would be either tiny or HUGE) The Launchers are from BDB: Delta IIH-HOSS (delivers small items only), Delta IVH (one launch only just to experiment), Titan LDC (Titan V CH4 with STBE from Rocket Motor Menagerie the bulk of the station including Zarya) And Saturn INT23 for Skylab (the anchor part to this floating asteroid target!) Eisenhower Astronautics: Angara A5+ and A5++ (A5+ has RD-191V for 2nd core stage instead of RD-124 and A5++ is like A5+ but with core first stage stretch and CASTOR 2 SRBs) SOCKS: US Style "Moonraker upgrade" Shuttle fleet, including Enterprise, Columbia, Discovery, Endeavor, Explorer, Independence... and well MANY more :D. All shuttles have upgrades structures and launch on an All Liquid launch (two LRBs based on Titan V LDC with STBE engines above from BDB and RMM) Alternatively the USS Enterprise is flown on the Tantares Energia (as described below) Kerbolrise: KR1 and KR2 family of Shuttles are used in conjunction with Tantares Energia that is stretched with the aft RD0120s cambered to center up COT with COM Tantares: Given I have been unable to orbit anything except Energia in JNSQ play-through Energia is the only LV from Tantares I use..... Shuttles quickly took a back seat to Transtage and other stowable fuel tugs given my PEBKAC issues with robotics. But I will be still using them for supply runs.
  7. Got Bob to the station to fix the broken solar wing. Good news too only 4 eva parts (IE it was totally destroyed as 4 is the max you can use) But as you can see both my cobbled together Russian SPP segment is up and the solar wings on the the Skylab are down. Meaning my patch worked (Thanks @Zorg for the shove.) I sort of crashed my Original "Full ISS" Friday... Didn't even realize it until yesterday when I was loading up and getting ready to launch one of the Truss parts... The ISS was Already starting Atmo. I saved half of the crew on the BigG (the station broke up before I could save everyone.) Rage quit and start a new career... the above is where I am currently at! I really messed up the re-positioning of Z0 and S0 Trusses to cause that Fully synopsis here:
  8. So I finally settled on a configuration using Tantares Parts for the SPP section of the Russian Segment of the ISS... Has become: Yes that is a standard ISS Solar Wing on-top of a REALLY stretched TKS and it is inline instead of on-top of the Russian Segment. The Key to why I did this was there are no solar arrays small enough that are dual axis tracking that would fit on what would be a 1.5m hull form. And yes the Part at 90 degrees to the rest is the UDM (Universal Docking Module) I have 2 of the missing ISS parts already in orbit.... Just need to finish the truss, launch the already completed DSM and then figure out RM1 and RM2. Because of ETS Spacelab + the SPP my layout is changing from the full proposed ISS layout a bit to make more room for docking. Full walk-through of this Station is on the Habtech2 forum:
  9. Yep THAT is the real color of Altas Tanks For the most part (some did have paint on them but that was mostly for test launches and NEVER White unless it was a contrast color to black)
  10. So I totally destroyed my first "Full" ISS build. Had my second COVID Shot on Thursday.. Friday while attempting to fix my Backwards S0 Truss I crashed the entire station into the Atmo.... I am blaming the 102.1 fever I had when I did it I never noticed Periapsis was below 80km... SO Attempt #2. I am hampered by the lack of suitable parts to make the SPP for the Russian/European Segment. The GOAL: The Progress: Future plans: Build the Port and Starbord trusses and add the two additional Solar Wings to each Truss, Launch the ETS European Lab and dock it with the Skylab core: Launch the DSM (likely the first thing I will do) re-Layout the rest of the International Segment to better make room given Skylab + full Russian Segments. Oh and PS: I got the Truss and the Z Node correct this time (along with their attending compartments!)
  11. So I was an idiot in my first attempt at the ISS (full proposed build) So here is the first launch for my second attempt (new save) Oops! The fairing hit the Solar panel (300 force was breaking the Airlock fairing base!) my skylab is real Excluding the Addition of Skylab as well as a few other modules from ETS and other space station mods... here is the "proposed" ISS:
  12. well I now know what I am doing after the USS Enterprise arrives at the ISS. (and gives a new PMA + Node + returns with 2 Transtages!)
  13. True, But Skylab wasn't also supposed to be part of other space stations either I guess I am suggesting an Alternative B9 Switch for the revamp. "Historical" "ETS" "Retracting Historical" "Retracting ETS" Suggestion is to increase lego-ability
  14. So A Skylab "Simple" Request. Can the Solar wings be made retractable? I won't post the other images... the Radiator clears the solar wing by INCHES in KSP....at this juncture the ISS has more power available with that one solar array than both of the arrays from Skylab and the Russian sgement combined.
  15. Not a dev so take what I am saying with a grain of salt. 1) there is already the Langley lander for using with Gemini to land on the moon as well as bigger SM and such. 2) The Dev's focus right now is getting the existing Saturn Assets rebuilt to the new higher quality standard. THEN they will look at what the future should bring. Alt History wise.
  16. Not really. The FWC-SRB predates SRMU by more than 5 years. After all it was in testing when Challenger exploded in January 1986. I was just saying that the outer surface would be smoother similar to the SRMU vs UA120x. FWC =Filament Wound Case
  17. No, the MLV booster was what became the 150" Shuttle SRM/SRB/RSRB whatever. The main changes were the fore end (after the nose cone) a collar was attached (this is the Thrust bearing for attaching to Saturn. The Bottom "gimbal" cone is replaced with a similar thickness Cylinder at the bottom (to the top one.) I THINK the Gimbal range was reduced to 3 or 4 degrees (early Flexroll/Flexseal Solid motor nozzle gimbals was much smaller in movement than the final production Shuttle boosters. The Composite wound SRB would be smoother... Similar to the Titan IV SRMU. But still much bigger (122" vs 150" IIRC) It would still show the half segment splits like the Steel ones. The RSRB/SRB/SRM for the Shuttle was made up of 8 segments (that were factory joined into 4 segments) A 9th segment IIRC was used for the Gimbal assembly (and has no fuel in it) This made the bottom Nozzle segment the longest single segment in the RSRB/SRB/SRM for Shuttle (by 20 or 30 inches IIRC.) ***CAVIET*** I just had my second Covid vaccine shot and it is messing with my head a bit today (lypmhnode swelling.) Memory & recall is NOT perfect today (truly it never is but today worse than normal.) Pictures and info:
  18. So, this is not a request for new parts (please PLEASE don't take it as that) But I am curious if there was/is any thought to making either Saturn compliant or the Composite cased (Pre challenger) SRM versions? Most of the MLV artwork depicts Thiokol SRMs for the 156" SRM for Saturn MLV. Only one drawing shows either a Lockheed or UTC/UA 156" SRM and it is so featureless that it might as well be a place holder. The Thiokol one slook ALMOST like the final Shuttle ones.
  19. Yep, and you really won't feel it if either the INT 12/13/14 or Saturn S-III stages ever get added to BDB because the E-1 can lift all of them (currently you can jimmy up a S-III stage with the S-IVC parts and 2 J2s from the BDB ETS Saturn MLV parts. Just the S-IVC expansion tank + the 2 engine J-2 mount (then use the standard S-I to S-IVB interstage... mount a 2nd of the same interstage above... The OG (pre Silverstein) Saturn C-2 It is only after the Silverstein eliminated the S-III stage as "wasteful" do we get un-buildable (with current BDB parts) C-2... C-3 is currently un-buildable without tweakscale or bringing parts from other mods in (four a 4 J-2 S-II stage and also for a twin F-1 First Cluster (or not) First stage.
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