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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Calling 911 because you found some dead bodies, and they tell you to get out of the mausoleum
  2. Reminds me if this old Spiderman trailer, featuring a scene that was deleted after certain events
  3. Factorio 1.0.0 is out, so giving that another run. Upgraded art is nice, but getting a new production line set up can still feel like a chore sometimes. Although it's a nice feeling when everything is ticking along nicely...
  4. Sudden mental image of going to replace the model rocket igniter...
  5. SciJr inside the fairing base, or the service module? It should be fine inside the service module, and there’s no room for it inside the fairing base. So dropping the fairing base should be fine
  6. "Second verse, same as the first!" Elon tweeted awhile back that the plan was to streamline and debug the launch process, so it would go smoother with less hiccups
  7. Some bad news in our area, which is reverberating through the daycare world. A four-year-old child was struck and killed by a falling tree while on a nature walk at daycare. A teacher was also injured trying to grab the kid out of the way. This child used to go to a daycare my wife worked at, so she's a little shook up too. It's left them wondering not only why (as in "Why God, why?") but how it could have been prevented. I assume the tree was felled by wind; I don't recall how windy it was that day. I'm left wondering if a large bird, such as an eagle or heron which are known to nest in the area, would be enough to give a rotten tree the push it needs while taking off or landing? Licensing will probably take this and say "No more nature walks! You can't control what happens"
  8. I have the opposite sort of game... I have a labernese, which looks like a stocky black lab (I call her a "Mountain Lab". At 100lbs (oops, 45kg) she's built for power, not really speed or endurance, as she tires fairly quickly running. But she has good endurance swimming; it keeps her cool. Anyways, for her usual exercise we drive to a nearby field, where I throw the ball using a "Chuck-Ittm" for long throws. It's only two or three throws at first until she's tired enough to not want to drop the ball. So we walk around the field, and I'll get the ball and throw it when I can (usually when she drops it while sniffing something), maybe another two or three times. Once we're back at the car and she realizes it's time to go, then she will voluntarily drop it for me to throw. This happens anywhere from one to five times while I stand by the open car door. When she's had enough and is tired enough, she'll just get in the car with no prompting from me.
  9. To put it another way: as well as your orbit velocity around the mun, you also have the mum’s orbital velocity around Kerbin. By burning in the same direction as the Mun is orbiting, you’re increasing your orbital velocity around Kerbin even more, raising your Kerbin Ap orbit on the other side of Kerbin. So you need to burn prograde (relative to the Mun) on the near side of the Mun, backwards to the direction the Mun is orbiting, to decrease your orbital velocity around Kerbin, which will lower your Pe over Kerbin, on the other side of Kerbin.
  10. That’s not a good sign. Maybe ULA will have to buy some Raptors To use on Vulcan instead... Yeah, I know, not a simple proposition
  11. Camping 2020, with an Xbox and two laptops, streaming video, etc. Expecting pouring rain tomorrow...
  12. It’s the extreme difficulty of coming up with new ideas these days. That, and if it wasn’t made with CGI at first, now they can! Speaking generally, if before it was animated, now it can be live action (with the help of CGI of course). Kind of expecting live action versions of Pixar movies eventually...
  13. Sure, now it is. But what about hundreds of years ago, when an inch was the length of the king’s thumb and a foot was the length of his foot? When a new king is crowned they had to throw out all the old rulers and make new ones...
  14. A good day for the dog beach... Usually a few boats anchored around. But this was a first:
  15. Well and truly stuck in my head this morning... And don’t. Forget. To boogie....
  16. I wore that T-shirt to Disneyland... As for the picture war...,
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