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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Damn. I gave that post a like, but it wasn’t news I liked to hear. While I wasn’t a huuge fan of Rush (unlike a friend of mine), I was fascinated by Peart’s drumming.
  2. For every action a worker does (“tie-down secured, sir!”) two others have to verify it was done properly and fill out the associated paperwork, which then needs to be reviewed before moving on to the next tie-down.... Or something like that... Or else expensive space hardware ends up falling on the floor (insert old image of fallen weather satellite on the clean-room floor here)
  3. “That guy has really bad teeth!” -my son, at Universal Studios, after encountering Beetlejuice for the first time. He’d never even heard of Beetlejuice before. We watched the movie soon after getting back home
  4. Well, I have a “magic box” setup, and I can still go In and change all the settings (admin pw is also on the side). That said, my area is well served and see no need to switch to Starlink for myself. If I lived a few hours north of here, I’d probably need Starlink. Congrats on yet another perfect launch and landing for F9!
  5. Well, I've been rather lax on trying to make progress on toilet-training the cat since my last post, what with life and so on. So Malibu had most of a year to get nice and used to the toilet-seat-litter-pan on top of a box (I did turn the seat to face the other way on the box top, so he had much less of a 'porch' to stand on). But by the time my Christmas holidays came around again, I had thought of a new approach to the next steps. I bought a new Sitz bath (the old one was rather chopped up), filled it with litter and put it on the regular toilet. It's easy to take out when a human needs to 'go,' and hopefully reminds the human to scoop if necessary. With months of practice on the mock toilet already, that change went very easily. A few days ago, I cut down an old ice cream bucket to the same height as the sitz bath, filled it with litter and put it in the bath. Kitty has slowly started using this (although trying harder than usual to get outside, which he did a few times. Once out he's usually gone for a few hours), so this transition seems a little slower. But still, making progress ! The next step will be putting some water in the bath around the bucket, but I can't put much because I quickly found out that the wheat-based flushable litter is pretty light and the bucket will float on surprisingly little water. I think I have a pretty good shot at having this cat litter-free within three months, if not sooner. It's taken longer than it probably needed to, but patience (or laziness ) is required for this and the result will be worth it.
  6. Don’t forget “calling 911 because you were woken up by an ‘Amber Alert’ text message “
  7. Odd, I could have sworn that was the solution. According to this article I was wrong. Maybe drilling holes was considered but ultimately not chosen. Not only that, but the cracks were theorized to start at holes (I’ll cover my butt by saying that I didn’t say a crack couldn’t start from a hole).But then, metal fatigue (from thermal expansion/contraction in this case) is a strange beast. Anyways, enough of this riveting tangential conversation for me
  8. Aside from the fact that it’s been said the tiles won’t be riveted, a hole will not start a crack, but a crack will continue to propagate once started. Fun fact: The shuttle was grounded for a few months in the 2000’s because cracks were discovered in the (liner of the?) main fuel feed lines inside at least one orbiter. The solution was to drill a hole at the end of the crack to stop it from propagating. I’m at work right now or I’d dig up a link. Maybe later.
  9. I agree one thousand percent. Hopefully Squad can add it to their list of QoL features to get done. If they can add the ability to edit action groups on-the-fly, they should be able to add this. As long as they can figure out how to do it without stepping on the original mod creator's toes. Snark up the pressure on Squad to do this, please!
  10. Val went for a flight with Bill He said he would give her a thrill So without any fuss, They flew to Minmus, But he just wanted to Kerbflix and chill
  11. It sounds like there’s a feline sensei in the jungle, training cats to be tigers...
  12. Happy 2020. Yeah, I’m late, I was too busy playing Factorio
  13. Well, it could be argued that it is single-point in that one faulty sensor would crash the plane if the proper corrective action is not taken by the crew. But these accidents ultimately fall under the swiss-cheese accident model. The thing is, gaping holes were left in at least three slices of cheese; from hardware to software to pilot training. Engineering too, if they are stretching the basic 737 design so much that they have to resort to these tricks to keep the beast stable.
  14. I think the biggest problem with D2 propulsive landing is the toxic hypergolics contaminating the landing area. Perhaps Musk was a little short-sighted in abandoning further D2 evolution in favor of concentrating all resources on SS, since the road to man-rating SS will be a long one. Figuring out propulsive landing of D2 (with 'chute backup) for quicker turnaround may be worth more than he thought, if problems arise with SS. The best path I see to accomplishing that is to convert the Draco/SuperDraco system to G/L oxy with Rp-1 or methane, possibly battery-electric pump fed. I'm sure that's much more difficult than it sounds. Also, mount the landing legs similar to the SD pods, extending out and down, so they don't have to go through the heat shield
  15. As much as I cringe at the thought of rebooting the originals, it would make sense to do so if they took it along the EU storyline, with Thrawn, Mara Jade, Karrde, and others.. It would essentially follow the Marvel model of different movie story arcs following different characters who occasionally run into each other. The Witches of Dathomir could easily become another Disney series
  16. So after buying Factorio on the 26th, I've logged 26 hours at it in two days. Id say i'm hooked. My wife feels like a Factorio widow, and has been commiserating with the Desperate Housewives of Hysteria Wisteria Lane in rerun heaven in the meantime. I think I'm going to pay for my indulgence with housework today....
  17. A very good question... "But.... but... but... repeating the test will cost billions and delay the program even longer. It's just a software bug, we'll fix it, we got this!" Never mind that we've seen how Boeing lets bugs slip and then fix them so quickly after a problem.....
  18. In typical BigSpace fashion too. Did they really need all those people in the control room(s)? I wonder how many people SpaceX had monitoring their Demo-1 flight of D2?
  19. I haven’t considered how these would mesh with gameplay, but here’s some of my fave space-theme tracks... Deep Purple: Space Truckin’ Rush: Countdown Boney M: Nightflight to Duna Venus And for when Jeb is flying.... Prism: Armageddon
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