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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Excellent article that explains a lot. What I get out of that article is that the process depends entirely on luck (aka random chance) to get the right atoms in the right places in the crystals. Maybe if they can figure out the exact configuration that is superconducting, they can nano-print it. That would be game-changing, for sure.
  2. Probably just the outer insulation, if the tanks are even in service
  3. Oh, they probably just used the DSN to blast out a much more powerful signal than usual, strong enough for Vger to detect. Meanwhile, in about fifty thousand years an alien civilization will pick up a mysterious signal that, when finally decoded, will amount to “Turn left!”
  4. I enjoyed working almost under the approach corridor to YVR, seeing them lined up 5 back while outside on smoke breaks
  5. Reminds me of air cadet summer camp, but I’m sure the servicemen here have heard worse. Best was when they cranked up “Danger Zone”
  6. I think it’s part of the Cascades? The peak in the background is Mt Slesse, which has been a favourite target of mine in this thread.
  7. Except it shows a FH to reach HEO, which needs to be crew-rated
  8. My wife has decided to take up golf, mostly as a reason to go for a walk. As a self-taught golfer of 20+ years, I suck. Naturally, since she's only been swinging a club for two weeks and had one lesson, compared to me, she sucks. But that's to be expected. While golfing today, we ran into trouble at a water hazard (it's a hungry course, imma gonna stock up on used balls). One ball finally stopped in the reeds short of the water (instead of going sploosh) so she decided to play it safe and throw it over the ditch/smallpond/swamp and threw it directly. into. the. water. Freakin hilarious, at that point. All in all, a decent day of golf for me, which isn't saying much. I managed my first birdie in years (to be expected when I was playing 1-2 times a year) as well as a couple of pars. I'll take it.
  9. I suppose it works well to balance the craft. Interesting shaft angle though, no doubt chosen for some arcane engineering reason like gyro or torque effects
  10. Those dang air forces keep chasing away my ride home...
  11. I’m gonna guess they can’t be removed without breaking them…
  12. “Can’t you tell, you dirty rotten scoundrel?” ”Who you calling rotten?”
  13. https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/2023/07/26/sinead-oconnor-acclaimed-dublin-singer-dies-aged-56/
  14. Wow is right. I knew Prince was a good musician, but I had no idea he could play like that, if only because I never actually watched him play
  15. Yeah, saw that trailer when we went to Indiana Jones. Did look interesting, although it seemed like basically the same genre as the Terminator franchise (AI takes over, has something against humans)
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jul/21/tony-bennett-us-singer-with-seven-decade-career-dies-aged-96
  17. A prehistoric duel to the death (for both). Fossil reveals the moment a cat-size mammal took on a dinosaur three times its size | CNN
  18. A classic “Science World” demonstration of this is having a red balloon inflated inside an inflated white/transparent balloon. Hit it with a green laser and the red balloon pops while the outer balloon stays intact. Typical applications include medical uses. There’s a video of Atlas V boosters being made, with the isogrid pattern being CNC’d out of huge aluminum billets. Yeah, tons of chips that get recycled into new billets…
  19. Yeah, my kids tried solving it that way, but they never stick the same again… @cubinator well, you got this thing beat… https://imgur.com/gallery/crFWetK But maybe not this one… https://i.imgur.com/jAw07sw.mp4
  20. Still need one to fly while others are in refurbishing, which will probably be hangar queens so they can be milked like cash cows…
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