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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Kerbal Civilization VI - the sixth attempt to bring kerbals from the ancient era into the space age without sterilizing the planet in the process. Notice the Ring Sea? That was an earlier Civ...
  2. You seem to be more steeped in the Tower than I am, and that says a lot. I did some more looking into it, and now I see how there is hope for the books yet, as this movie could be considered to happen after the events in the books, so it all makes sense. I'm more hyped for this movie than for SW8: TLJ, and that is the truth! BTW, there's an It easter egg in the trailer. An article... https://www.wired.com/2017/05/dark-tower-trailer
  3. For a long time a life insurance company (Mutual?) advertised a "Freedom 55" plan, basically being able to retire at 55. Meanwhile, here in the north, for a while it was possible to get 40-year mortgages, until the great sub-prime mortgage fiasco in the US. Since I was well into my thirties before being able to buy a house (that 40-year mortgage), the "Freedom 95" joke is that I'll be able to retire when I'm 95. An exaggeration, and the reality isn't that bad anymore thanks to accelerated payments, but it may as well be true. Sorry if I'm turning this into a griping about getting old thread, but another gripe is I can't read the fine print anymore without reading glasses
  4. That's a great way to put it. Roland/King definitely took a walk through the Twilight Zone in the final three books, when he had a glimpse of his mortality and decided he better finish it one way or another while he still could. Having a look through the cast list I don't see Eddie or Odetta, which is disappointing to me. I do see characters from the later (last? They all blurred together) book, which tells me that it will be a 'one and done'. Which makes sense, because Jake's actor would be grey by the time they filmed 7 movies. Maybe someone will make a more "true to the books" tv series out of it down the road. But the trailer looks great. Some slick moves in there, which one expects from the gunslinger.
  5. It doesn't bother me either. What bothers me is getting up in the morning and my foot and elbow hurt for no good reason. And my mortgage is on the "Freedom 95" plan (welcome to home ownership in Greater Vancouver). But my ten-year-old thinks the grey in my beard looks cool. *shakes fist* Get off my lawn ya punk!
  6. Well, after the mid-flight second-stage breakup of a CRS mission (forget which one) that the Dragon survived until impact, SpaceX added an abort/recovery sequence to the software for that contingency. Hopefully it will never be tested/used.
  7. I'm looking at 47 in September. And it seems that I'm feeling every day. Happy Birthday guys
  8. May the Fourth be Ever in Your Favor?
  9. The Fourth Will be With You, Always.....
  10. Thanks for the options guys. I certainly have a good list of eateries to choose from now. I know we have dinner reservations at at least two places, pretty sure the Rainforest Cafe is one of them. My wife is looking forward to Goofy's Kitchen for some reason. I see that the Iridium launch from Vandy has been slotted in for late June, so that's off the table now. But I am still wondering if it would have been visible from a decent vantage point near MickeyMouseLand. I assume it would just be a streak on the horizon, not even audible (especially over the noise of Disney) 29 days until we lock the doors and head for the airport hotel, then stay the night followed by a short shuttle to the airport in the morning!
  11. OMG OMG OMG The Dark Tower will be out in August!!1!!!!!111!!one!!!11!! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1648190/videoplayer/vi2811279641?ref_=tt_ov_vi But... but... but.... I don't see Eddie or 'Detta. I hope this is the first of more...
  12. I agree that 'warp when everyone is ready' is probably the best way to go. Someone waiting for warp has a few options: spectating on other players, co-op playing, or doing something else like kicking around in the VAB or launching something else I haven't made it back to Eeloo in awhile because I try to send something off for every transfer window. Duna missions are then launched and completed while still on my way to Eeloo. Multiplayer would tend to need to agree to either stay in Kerbin SOI or agree to all head for the same destination. Otherwise what's the point?
  13. Not sure if this would be an exact quote, or just a paraphase from memory, but... "Never forget your towel"
  14. Look at it this way: they can launch heavy payloads as a fully expendable booster, or they can launch smaller payloads and recover the booster. They only have to build one size of rocket that way. Same as they only make one engine model (with different engine bells) for both stages, to save costs. Economies of scale are also at work here: it's not going to cost much less to make a smaller rocket. Edit: Finally got to watch the video. That was beautiful!
  15. As a good friend would say: "Lower it, paint it black, flames down the side!" It already ends up black from flames up the side, as for lowering it... Silo launch? More seriously, the problem with black would be absorbing radiant heat, heating the propellants too fast. I still think they should just build a giant air-conditioned clamshell to enclose the whole rocket on the pad. It would give more ability to sit through holds.
  16. Congrats to SpaceX on another successful launch and recovery. All those extra views help make it more interesting as it starts to become routine. I can't wait to get home so I can watch the vids.
  17. Red Kerbal Underwear? Brown would be better if they have to use those EVA 'chutes...
  18. Let's see, LW starting at 7am Eastern, meaning 4am Pacific. Right when I'm on my way to work...
  19. It may not be the most optimal design overall, but it is apparently the most optimal with the components they already have developed and available. Saves a lot of R&D time and money. Given more R&D time and funding, they could probably come up with a more powerful, longer burning core stage for more payload. In the interim, this'll do, just like STS and its Block 1 second stage, with plans for a newer, more powerful second stage to be developed.
  20. And to stack contracts into one launch. If you can line up "Station in ..." or "Satellite in..." Kerbin, Munar, and Solar orbits, one station or satellite can rule complete them all. Throw in an easy part test or two, maybe piggyback a satellite or two, and one launch can finish many contracts.
  21. "Klaatu... Verata.... Nic*cough*cough*" "The contract to build the next-generation Lunar Lander has been awarded to Jeb's Junkyard and SpaceCraft Parts."
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