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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Elon Musk has said that fuel is less than 1% of the cost of a launch. While I imagine LH2 costs more, it's still a minor cost. It's the engines that cost the most. I have a 160ton-to-orbit lifter (aka Goliath) where the only disposable parts are 36 S1 srb's. The 14orange jumbos and 7 mainsails are recovered along with a metric crapton of 'chutes. It can loiter in orbit until I'm ready to land it.
  2. I would go with this, and make it so a given monolith unlocks a specific tech. If that tech has already been unlocked, then too bad, so sad. On second thought, that may lead to disappointment, and the game guides would definitely say "....don't forget to visit this monolith before...." So I'll suggest that a few non-essential techs can ONLY be unlocked by 'sampling' a monolith. Might I suggest LV-N's are unlocked by 'sampling' the monolith above Minmus (if it's still there)? Maybe unlock wheels at the KSC monolith?
  3. Repacked parachutes can only be opened manually or with an action group. While custom action groups are only available in the tier 3 SPH/VAB (which is annoying), basic AG's are available at tier 2, and you can still put whatever you want in them. I tend to put solar panels under 'Abort' and 'chutes under 'Brakes,' since my rockets don't usually need those anyways.
  4. Shaft will be re-opened (as an open pit) after warp core explodes. Abandoned due to Creepers, zombies, skeletal archers and bigass spiders
  5. According to the website I linked it from, it's a merge of an X-wing and a Hapan fighter (The Courtship of Princess Leia mentions Hapan, IIRC). I think it looks like the love child of an X-wing and a new-style Cylon Raider Edit: ninja'd! 10/10 Haven't seen that type of TIE fighter before
  6. I think that's a somewhat new S.O.P. that hospitals started to enforce to cut down on malpractice suits. The video says Bob Rivers but I thought Weird Al did it first. I remember hearing it some 15 or more years ago
  7. Gus Grissom reincarnated as a Kerbal! ROFL
  8. Another general-purpose lander that can land anywhere except Eve and return from anywhere else except Tylo. The LV-N's also double the thrust of the tanker-lab for interplanetary burns. Ignore the oops where I went mono RCS high and vernors low.
  9. 8/10 Looks huge I was going to post an X-wing, but then I found this:
  10. I think it's only the starter capsule that flings kerbals out the door. The kerbal generally stays on the ladder when exiting other capsules
  11. I also took the "eject a class E from the Kerbol system" back in .24, and latched onto a 3600ton monster. So far I have 2 tugs and some RCS/reaction wheel units In place, all lined up for a 230m/s burn for a slingshot around Kerbin which will sling the orbit out to near Duna's orbit. I also have 10 spearships (tugs) split into 2 phalanxes on route. They will attempt a burn during the slingshot and see where that takes me. My first attempt at the first burn was off center and resulted in a spin. Then .90 came out. One day I may go back to try and finish it.
  12. I second the req... demand for a hint. Many things like birth and death both fit as far as I can tell but apparently not what you're looking for.
  13. The descriptions suggest that there should be different ranges for different antennas. Hopefully they'll implement that when they polish up science
  14. This one time, on Gilly, when the kerbal went EVA he would slowly drift up the ladder. When he reached the top, the Hell Kraken ate him. This happened a few times in a row, until I started him down the ladder as soon as he left the capsule. There's also a glitch at the end of the "Target Practice" vid in my signature, trying to switch vessels during an imminent lithobraking maneuver
  15. My little surgery anecdote was second-or-third-hand info, probably something I read somewhere. The Army approach was a smart idea in a hectic environment, while the civilians probably had a little problem with professional pride. I'm glad to hear that they've seen the light, probably being shone on them by malpractice lawyers. For a more personal story, my brother had a long fight with Worker's Compensation because their doctor said his right leg was fine. *facepalm* His LEFT leg had the problem.
  16. 9/10: Nice Apollo replica, but that doesn't look like a 2-stage lander.....
  17. I feel like I wandered into an episode of Big Bang Theory.... I look forward to seeing it. I'm not huge on accuracy although I do nitpick when I catch errors in movies. I'm mainly in it for the eye-candy spectacle
  18. I really doubt they would deliberately launch directly over housing, which is probably largely for space center staff Edit: Ninja'd by the above post; I stand corrected.
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