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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. merge the files, then I'l launch my ships (unless preferably someone else does their module first)
  2. no to dlc, not until we have done at least 77+ more iterations MINIMUM... don't even mention dlc, *unless you want your thread banned* and also the probability of it is low, it would mean maintaining 2 versions(this is why nasapack which was going to be dlc became an update) and its terrible when you have multiplayer(planned feature) and dlc, because it means its nearly impossible to find a mach for one version. really, expansion packs are ok, when the game is a 1 release by a big company (and as a money grab for nothing excuse) but dlc is freemium for non mmo games. --on topic-- I think the best thing for commercial planes is kind of a contract for companies to make planes with certain specs, that you make in the space plane hangar.... (and test)
  3. what version are you using ? if its v0.23 or lower, please use the launcher and update or login on steam...
  4. maybe I could draw up a concept picture for page ? otherwise I only know a tiny (pointlessly pathetic) bit of python and that's all I can think of... will edit post when I'm finished the concept pages...
  5. might I suggest have a big label : DO NOT POST THE LATER VERSIONS ONLINE !!! you know, no spoilers cmon you know you want to post demo builds on your site !
  6. well, haven't read everything here but I think we should have 3 main categories in the search engine : part pack, plugin, .craft and allow modders to choose multiple of these categories... don't allow more than 1 thing with the same name (or with a number attached) to prevent cluter.. even further, could have another set of categories for the searchbar like : rovers&boats, bases&stations, rocketry, aerospace(planes), career mode&realism. Allow modders to choose multiple here too..... but yes, first off, get uploading&downloading back-end things done first, search engine seems like an inflammable topic..
  7. there is already 64bit for unity, but in the version KSP uses(will change nxt update I believe) it is only stable for linux. and yes, it is being worked on right now for the other platforms. no rage needed in this thread.
  8. well, lets put an end to this : for linux there is already 64bit for other operating systems, 64bit is unstable and being worked on : http://www.twitch.tv/hocgaming/b/443077849?t=1h0m15s , http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Planned_features Now please stop asking, if another thread like this comes up copy paste this post. hope this satisfies you. edit : whoops wrong thread, but still if you watch the twitch vid, it still gives an answer (part loading is like this so we can support mods easier instead of the game lagging every time you want a new part.....)
  9. well, school projects is over, now have the time, I'l wait till the save gets uploaded again for now.
  10. Okay, found the thread again, I can't do my module right away, MAYBE during the week or next weekend (mass spontanious school projects assigned at same time.......)
  11. well, I think for one thing we should remove the shielded solar panels, or give them more use. Just replace those 2 and we're fine I think...
  12. you simply need more chutes, things do tend to break easier in water, but you might as well consider it as if your thing had exploded on land... Or if its that you don't see things in the tracking station, you simply need to click on the debris icon near the top of the screen, this will show you debris where you can recover it...
  13. I DID IT, I CREATED A WEAK KRAKEN DRIVE, WOOHHOOOOO *unrelated game crash* anyways here is the craft file, it accelerates very slowly and requires 0g to accelerate at all.. download : https://www.dropbox.com/s/e05tb46ndimp7m9/new%20kraken%20drive.craft hope Jenkins can dirive something from it.
  14. yup, this is a necro of a necro in-fact.....
  15. Hey we're getting started !!! *goes on cakeninja's channel* wait, now I need to think of more things.... will edit for my reaction later ! OKAY PEOPLE JOIN NOW, WE ARE STARTING THE BASE edit : wait but you didn't upload...... what happened to your module on your save ?
  16. I think I have it, but I haven't tested if it works anymore....
  17. I think, especially now with asteroids some changes need to be made : 1 : for all the major moons that are basically asteroids, make then asteroids with giant settings (nearly impossible to move) and same goes to vesta. 2 : if using planet factory, then make inaccessible one of the real moons that is a ellipsoid. 3 : move the asteroid generation area into where the asteroid belt is, and copy paste the generator to make it complete.... also disable the areas of the script that make the asteroids encounter with Kerbin.... BUT FOR NOW ONE OF BEST MODS EVAR edit : yup came across starstrider's mod, seems that you can set minimum and maximum sizes for the asteroids, maybe there is a way to set minimum mass.... or the best alternate to the current configs would be for somebody to create the remaining solar system planet(oids) and moons using planetfactory CE, if not already, then we wouldn't need a star as sedna
  18. new to realism overhaul, but, I use the planet factory config and what's wierd is that when I get the ordinary planets to show the new textures and height maps + orbits etc. to work then the planet factory planets revert to their ordinary state, yet when I don't have the ordinary planets working then the planet factory ones do get their changes. COULD SOMEONE PLZ HELP ??? installation order ??? or should I copy paste, this message in the RSS thread ? edit : nvm, think I can fix it.... edit 2 : fixed !
  19. slider sure, but really for lag ridden stations it would actually be a bad thing to increase the range...
  20. nope, they are working on the ship building and microverse generation I presume.
  21. Well, there wouldn't be much incentive to go to the mun if it was harder to get to than minmus, because it would be harder in all ways, the current set-up gives players 2 options, get good at transfers to get to the easy place to land or practice landing in hard places without much effort getting there..... And it might break some things and make people angry.
  22. That's Xona, I've done experiments with a kraken-drive and it goes something like "m-km-gm-pm-em-zm-ym-xm" and I never travelled beyond 10 exa meters (not high enough for the altimeter to change) and Danny has travelled in yottameters.... Congrats you beat Danny to travelling farther than the observable universe...
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