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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Hey Proot! I'm looking forward to any updates of your clouds (as linked on the first page of this thread) as well as your other "Pimp My..." packs. Thank you for sharing your work, and I can't wait for your compilation pack!
  2. It's obviously hard to tell with a static image ... but I've seen that effect flash / flicker and it's fairly annoying.
  3. And it honestly deserves it's own ribbon for being completely badass.
  4. Spacebar! No, but seriously -- if they're staged properly, they should just "work" in the default configuration Alternatively, you can assign "arm" or "deploy" to an action group, or right-click the part and do it by hand. EDIT! Ha-- I had mistaken this for the real-chutes thread. Sorry about that. Space-f is the command to deploy the 'chute, but you can still alternatively right-click the kerbal in quesiton to select partial/full deploy. You also have to make sure you grab one from the parachute case, or use the "kerbals always have an EVA 'chute" sub-mod (which I can't find the link to).
  5. What's the issue? If your rocket doesn't fly, you may need to add a fuel tank...
  6. Would this mod need to make use of modmanager features in order access rockets that may be modified with HotRockets! etc?
  7. Oh shoot. I thought those were cute little indicators of what's inside...
  8. How does one land/orbit a craft w/o killing the Kerbals on board due to G-Forces? I've tried reading around on this forum and on the Kerbaltek site, but no dice. I have more than a few mods, but maybe one of them is allowing death due to high G-forces. Danke!
  9. I'm still getting engine overheats if I don't swap out the deadly reentry .cfg for the patched one from HotRockets.
  10. Beautiful! Thanks for these fixes.
  11. The cheap -n- cheesy way would be to prefix the filenames -- is it sorting audio files by alpha?
  12. Thanks for looking at that -- I see what Rubber Ducky was asking -- some of the 'enable' buttons seem to indicate that the feature is "on" while others seem to imply you need to click it to switch that feature on.
  13. Ah--I had always assumed I needed to position objects I wanted to keep inboard of the rim of the heat shield
  14. I had noticed a very similar thing to this condition, and even realized the pattern of no matter what ship I sent up, it would Kraken-ify at ~6000 meters. I have no clue what mod combo could have been causing this (I also never tried a ship w/o a parachute), but your latest update "fixed" the issue.
  15. True --but if you want, you still get to "build" the shuttle in the VAB... What would be awesome is if the KSO parts could be combined with other parts for awesome shuttle biplanes and extended cab creations.
  16. Indeed! --Though much of the billowy white stuff at the pad is steam from the massive amounts of water (and boiling frogs) used to muffle the sonic effects of the launch on the vehicle. A more general observation: the smoke in the game tends to start immediately at the nozzle--it should appear at or near the end of the flame cone, yeah? Or maybe it could start white-hot and then transition back to brownish-gray?
  17. That would indeed look cool -- but the image has more to do with the camera/exposure than the *actual* lighting. I do like the idea of general lighting tweaks, though.
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