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Everything posted by monstah

  1. About that last part, I'm looking at Contract Configurator user manual and all I see is how to block contracts. How do you increase the amount generated?
  2. You guys are awesome. The action labels were the first thing I thought of doing. Does RPM have a variable for the precision controls (caps lock) status? I was browsing the user manual during the weekend and didn't find it.
  3. Thanks for pointing that out, it's something that had always bothered me.
  4. Don't forget there's a new policy to be used in the Administration Building which lets you sell off your rep for money in a one-shot (it's called "Bail-out", if i'm not mistaken) I don't know if it's enough money to be worth the trouble, tho, but it's better than nothing
  5. There used to be a first-person EVA mod which made great use of this setting.
  6. You were probably doing cfg editing, like I was? It's probably best to use a 3d editor and import the props/IVA models, place them there and (somehow) export the cfg which is basically a list of positions and rotations. I'm just missing the right tools.
  7. I've been thinking about that myself. Started looking into the IVAs for RPM/stock capsules and for Near Future Spaceship parts yesterday, but realized I'm not getting anywhere with only editing config files. Well, I could, but it seems like the dumb way. How does one go about creating IVAs using the existing interior models and props? I'd guess the easiest way is to place them in a 3d editor and export the config file which places the props in the IVA. I have Blender installed from some time ago. What else do I need?
  8. How 'bout KWh? Still massless, but tells you something.
  9. Yeah, just had some solar panels explode randomly on a rescue mission. Nothing critical, but same bug with FAR uninstalled. Really, this is annoying.
  10. Aw dang, I read that as "there's a mod for hilarious G-force kerbal faces" rather than making them faint/die.
  11. Yeah, this to me. Launching is thrilling when you're new to the game, designing a new launcher, or something like that, but after some time it's just kind of boring. Besides, fiddling around and finding the perfect setting for that particular ship is not trivial, even tho it isn't the same kind of challenge as learning to launch in the first place. Ha. Wish I could rep you twice, now. Make that three times? That's also what I think. I don't use most of its features, but I see it that way, too.
  12. Maybe, but I think it fixed the specific triggers that were happening in my save, at least. I mean, one day I quicksaved a flight just fine, but the ship would consistently explode on load. That's when I started testing, and FAR was the one that did it. Thinking now, I could have run a second test installing only FAR on that same save... too late unfortunately. So far tho, no explosions, so I'm fine for the moment
  13. My issues with exploding batteries was caused by FAR, uninstalling it fixed them. ...which is a shame because I really like FAR hopefully it will update soon.
  14. Ah, at last I find out it's this mod! It was happening with the batteries with me, and a google on 'exploding batteries overheating' or any similar expression will return similar symptoms but for completely unrelated reasons (mostly bad reentry). Uninstalling FAR did it for me, so I'll wait for a fix. Also, I happened to quicksave on a fine ship, which would explode instantly on quickload, so I managed to do a few tests with heat damage off: the whole ship would quickly heat to infinity temperature. Meanwhile, the epicenter battery had constant 4.0 internal temperature, a rapidly growing skin temperature, and constant positive skin to interior flux of around 5-6. I don't know if that positive skin flux means phantom heat being transferred from inside out, while inside was kept cool, or heat going from outside in as the result of high skin temp. I suspect the former, since skin temperature was rising, and the flux was steady. When skin temperature reached Inf., interior temperature went from 4.0 to Inf. immediately. The rest of the ship behaved as expected, getting heat from the absurdly high battery's skin temperature.
  15. I've been suffering from randomly exploding batteries, the inline kind, ever since 1.0.3 came out. I've found some people on Reddit complaining about it up to 4 days ago, but no similar symptoms on the forum posts. The one listed above mentions reentry; my batteries are exploding on orbit, engines shut off. They've popped when I'm coming back from timewarp; just after staging stock fairings (with clamshell mod installed); and even when looking at the map and deciding what to do. I have 50ish mods installed, and since I can't reliably replicate it, testing them is kind of a pain. I can tell you what mods I *don't* have installed, that some reddit posters felt were guilty for them: DRE, procedural fairings. Looking at the others, they're mostly eye candy and information aids, none looks guilty. F3 just says it was overheating, and there were no heat bars before the explosion. Anyone else getting this wanna compare? I'd like to ask for it to be fixed, but I can't even confirm if it's a stock bug or a mod one, having someone compare mods installed could narrow down the problem and see if it's stock or not. Managed to replicate by quicksaving a perfectly fine ship which explodes upon load. Removed all mods and all was fine. So, it's a mod thing; just have to figure which. If I cheat to ignore temperature, I see the battery keep on heating and the heat quickly spreading over the ship until it's all at Inf. temperature. Pretty awesome, actually, if it didn't bog my game.
  16. I don't know if that's in response to my suggestion or previous ones, but thank you very much. MOARrep! - - - Updated - - - Oh, and question: Does that mean we now know the dV from monoprop + RCS thrusters when the ship has no LOX engines like MJ shows? Awesome!
  17. Figure out a payload's terminal velocity on the arrival (atmospheric) body of choice, use separatrons with just that ammount of dV as landing suicide burners.
  18. I had totally misunderstood how this mod worked. It is FUN. I'm sorry Squad and RoverDude for being so negative about it. I changed my mind.
  19. I love how simple things like that are so pretty to see. I look up every day. I live in a city that has low spaced buildings and a great sky field of view, plus really clear skies most of the year. I live in a more lighted metropolitan area now, no backyard, so my 5 inch newtonian has been gathering dust, but I still followed the two planets' dance during last month by naked eye. Stuff like that is always pretty.
  20. Well, it seems I'm the odd one out, not being too excited about this. There is a point I agree, however: The parts do look pretty; couldn't see them before from behind the workplace firewall. Congrats RoverDude on your second (third?) successful official modelling for SQUAD. You deserve the kudos.
  21. Hey there. I replied on the Modding Mondays that I find the Engineer's Report very useless, but please don't take that as bad criticism on your mod. In fact, you could take it as constructive criticism, for there is one single change to the report that would make it a lot better to me (tho I don't know wether it is within your modding capabilities): to make the icon green when the ship is OK, so that when it is yellow it actually draws my attention
  22. Reading the reactions, it's clear you guys enjoyed a lot more than me. I do admit they didn't hype too much this time, and it's not something I'm completely uninterested in.
  23. I saw this post before and I thought it was just his guess, but yeah. Also, I got ninja'd by two pages while I read the blog post. I'm still underwhelmed
  24. "It"? - - - Updated - - - Me, I've been disappointed at every other major annoucement. Plushies? 3D prints? PS4? Smoke on the launchpad? Okay, that last one I actually enjoy. Which shows how much I care for the rest.
  25. It seems to me that, regardless of what solution you use to build the tree, the assignment of parts to nodes should be the same. Specially since loading a custom tree is supposed to be stock now, so custom trees behave just like the stock one (I'm not sure, tho. I was very disappointed when they said they would release the tool they used to create techtrees themselves, but didn't, so I didn't follow on the subject). So, the MM file to assign parts should still work Kept the tab open too long, was ninja'd by a few hours... and probably said something stupid.
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