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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Yeah, I noticed that too. My machine is 4GB RAM, so while I'm happy for others I don't get a boost from 64. Multicore, however... - - - Updated - - - Hadn't read these when I replied. Hope's still up.
  2. Okay, makes sense. I thought being very, very draggy applied to the engine's node since its large and concave, but not to the cubic strut.
  3. What about the cubic octogonal strut (is that its name?)? It has a very low drag and shouldn't block the thrust significantly.
  4. But I thought trimming and SAS didn't work together? I'm usually with SAS on, and it took me a long time to realize that's why trimming wasn't working for me.
  5. I support your attempt! I'd just like to reiterate something FreeThinker said in the second post: the game's UI is undergoing a major overhaul in its code; there are currently some 3 or 4 different systems being used in different parts of the game, and they will be unified into Unity's new UI (or something). So, thread carefully, and don't burn yourself out before the new version comes out.
  6. I'm lost on your math here, guys. 1+0.5+0.25+0.125+... = 2, no greater or less than. Floating point roundups are a diferente thing, but shouldn't be significant.
  7. That was my understanding, which is why I never messed with them before.
  8. To me, it's this. I agree with RIC's dV method, but as a simple approximation this one is the best IMO. but then, (Mass / Force) = (1 / g * TWR), which he has already (approximating g by 10m/s²)
  9. ... just dropping this. Read it, found it interesting. Hope it helps someone!
  10. Is that an Escape Velocity avatar??

  11. I agree that the beauty of USI is its simplicity. I like point #3 of scavenging, but #1 and #2 are not my cup of tea. That's Earl Grey, either plain or amaretto-flavoured, please?
  12. Yesterday, I had Danlotte remove some obsolete panels from her Mun station. Then her, a scientist and pilot were shuttled back to Kerbin, I realized the ship had NO CHUTES. I used the little remaining RCS to set a Pe low enough for an aerobrake, but not enough for a landing. Danlotte saves the day again by removing the panels and RCS blocks, so they don't blow up during that risky maneuver. Do I then rendezvous them with an SOS pod? Hell no, I send a mini-probe with chutes attached. Danlotte saves the day again, by kludging those into her Charon ship, and using the probe's Spark engine to de-orbit it. Thanks, KospY, for the awesomeness added to the game. Sent you a small donation. Eat some cheese for me. I friggin love french cheese.
  13. Oh, but do try mods! I understand getting to know the game in stock, but once you're familiar with it, you'll see mods open up a galaxy of possibilities.
  14. I agree with the rationale, problem is alt+tab is a Windows shortcut to switch between running applications. Please never mess with alt+tab
  15. Not satisfied at flaming at sarcastic responses to the original irrelevant question, people are now flaming at a sarcastic question making fun of that very irrelevant one? This. So much.
  16. Including people mistaking the eventual golden sarcasm for douchebaggery! Lovin' it.
  17. I have seen these numbers elsewhere, I think the wiki. They're hard-coded, right? I tried looking for them in config files, to no avail. Instead, I found the science bonus that scientists don't give anymore because it was de-implemented lingering around.
  18. Also, if you create a maneuver node, and have the camera focused on the ship, the first hit on Tab will focus the node. Sometimes (tho not many) that is incredibly useful.
  19. Yes, very much! I've not found RSS or RO much fun because of all the hassle. Yes to large systems and dV requirements, no to convoluted gameplay! Which is exactly why I found this mod so appealing. Thanks!
  20. That's not hard mode. That's masochist mode.
  21. Me? I'm happy someone transcribes them so I don't have to watch. Did it a couple times. Almost ripped my hair off.
  22. I agree with RoverDude: LS adds not just complications, but planning needs. It also gives you something to do: unless you have big, heavy, expensive and power-hungry greenhouses on your station, you can't just forget about it, but must keep it supplied. I'm in for a simple implementation, like stock Ore. No influence/inactive Kerbals/dead Kerbals seems like a good enough difficulty choice to me, too. - - - Updated - - - Also: I wish for the least ammount of new parts possible. Consumables may be added to pods. The Hitchhiker compartment could have a better ratio of supplies per inhabitant, so it could be thought of as "living quarters", and a greenhouse... well, that would be new.
  23. Heya, subscribing and reading this. Just read the book last week - REALLY. GREAT. BOOK. The final sequence had 45 seconds of my hands sweating profusely, 20 seconds of me catching my breath, followed by another 40 seconds of tears manly tears. Hoping the movie is nearly as good.
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