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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. Nice! by the way - it looks like you have my mod installed (the radiator modules on the wings). The latest versions have the thermal color disabled for the wing parts - I am curious if you prefer the wings to gain that red color on high wasteheat, or if you just haven't had a chance to update?
  2. Version 2.2 Helium3 resource fixed. Fixed MM error when neither RF nor MM are installed. Tritium resource volume scaled down to .7% of base-tank volume for negative-cost reasons. I justify based on radiation shielding? InterstellarFuelSwitch-adding patch now adds properly-scaled tank to all parts that have only a LiquidFuel resource (in stock, now also modifies the mk1 LF part, as well as the end-game heavy wings). Structural (no resource) option added.
  3. If we are re-purposing it - might I suggest implementing the singularity power source/thruster? I've been working on an outline of how to make it workable... the main issue is that the RL thing would literally be many kilometers in size, so any implementable such device would not be anywhere near it's true size. That said, that it can consume any mass is obviously a great advantage. Such a part would presumably be mainly useful for Kopernicus systems with multiple widely separated stars, especially when their relative velocities are very high. Furthermore, perhaps a super-duper Alcubierre part could require so much energy as to basically require this... Did I mention that this device is actually called a Kugelblitz? - it already has the K! Clearly, this is meant to be. http://io9.com/how-to-power-a-starship-with-an-artificial-black-hole-1502929100 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kugelblitz_(astrophysics)
  4. Helium-3 is priced at 2 per unit - it's less expensive than Hydrazine (2.008 Tritium is 288 per unit - I will multiply it's volume by 0.00694. this way it will only be a problem if hydrazine is a problem. i'll Handwave it as radiation shielding - - - Updated - - - There are MM packs to add fuel tanks to wings. The B9 procedural wings have that built-in (via MM). Procedural Parts code currently does not include FuelSwitch compatibility... I could probably write something up for fuel-switch wing tanks, though. I'll work on that, I guess. - - - Updated - - - Helium3 Issue found: I was using the old resource name: fixed what other resources are doing that? MM error found - that node was missing the '@': fixed Also I did switch the resource order, they are in alphabetical order. The alternate order was... hard to remember for me when looking for a resource. Would it be preferable to have any specific resource as the first (default) one, while retaining the alphabetizing? Or some other order?
  5. the transform name is a property of the part model (part of the model is called by that name in the .mu file, basically). the transform names are copied from the original configs for the part-models.
  6. V 2.1 is up! InterstellarFuelSwitch: Added Hexoborane, Helium-3, Tritium, & Deuterium options. InterstellarFuelSwitch: Alphabetized the order of the resources for ease of use InterstellarFuelSwitch: Removed the combined Methane/LqdOxygen & Ammonia/LqdOxygen tanks due to unresolved MM bug involving them InterstellarFuelSwitch: Fixed bugoccurring when RealFuels is NOT installed. InterstellarFuelSwitch: fixed tank mass issues Radiators: No longer glow odd-red when wasteheat builds up Radiators: Now ONLY wings & other control surfaces will have the module added (now excludes lifting-body parts) VASIMR & Plasma Thruster part-models & internal names swapped (tl;dr) Vista fixed. Radiator Module Removed (bugs). Magnetic Nozzle FX still not working. if they work for you, please note it on the forum thread. NT007 "Aftershave" Nuclear-Thermal Turbojet: deprecated, in same manner as Gas Core Reactor (included as .txt file) Ctrl+replace 'Mk2Ramjet' with 'M2X.AtomicJet' to avoid missing-part issues R4D "Rontgen" Atomic Thermal Jet: removed built-in reactor, produces bugs in the KSPI module, & is now the sole Thermal Turbojet
  7. It consists of a number of independent parts, which all have NEEDS[] fields to avoid conflicts. Minimum Requirement is InterstellarFuelSwitch: This will trigger the addition of that module to the LF-only Mk2 and mk3 parts. Included in that is a patch which will prevent conflicts with RealFuels (tested). Optional & Recommended: WarpPlugin: This adds the KSPI Radiator module to all wings & control surfaces, using the lifting coefficient to approximate area. The B9 modular wings will receive a radiator based on their 'default' size & shape - not a big problem, just any custom wing smaller will be [slightly] more powerful than it should be, and anything larger will be less powerful. As the start-size of those parts is small, and the effect of the wing-radiators is small in any event, I do not expect this to be a significant balance issue. WarpPlugin & Mk2 Stock-a-like Expansion Pack (by SuicidalInsanity): This adds the part [models] that allow for the mk2-form KSPI engines & reactors. - - - Updated - - - I saw that - for the wings, it seems reasonable that the lifting coefficient is a reasonable approximation for the radiator area, as lifting area is itself [partly] a function of surface area. Also, for wings the more advanced ones presumably are light per unit surface area (better materials - lighter for wings), so a mass-based approximation would probably under/over-estimate a large proportion (assuming realisticish masses)
  8. I am trying to do the opposite - assign various formula-derived custom values to indices of resourceAmounts... In any event, it seems that I actually can do a simple assignment as follows: resourceAmounts = #$value0$;$value1$;$value2$;$value3$ apparently, # only should appear once, at the start of the line, which was unclear to me from the documentation.
  9. ok - it's not problem, there are a couple of nodes that are only applied if RealFuels is NOT present, I wanted to make sure I was looking at & fixing the correct node.
  10. I am not clear on exactly what the that means? could you write me an example of that?
  11. In the stock thermal file: foldingRadMed, upgradedRadiatorTemp = 630 should be upgradedRadiatorArea = 630 foldingRadSmall, upgradedRadiatorTemp = 22.5 should be upgradedRadiatorArea = 22.5 radPanelLg, upgradedRadiatorTemp = 90 should be upgradedRadiatorArea = 90 radPanelSm, upgradedRadiatorTemp = 7.5 should be upgradedRadiatorArea = 7.5 radiator-universal-1, upgradedRadiatorTemp = 90 should be upgradedRadiatorArea = 90 radiator-universal-2, upgradedRadiatorTemp = 450 should be upgradedRadiatorArea = 450 radiator-universal-3, upgradedRadiatorTemp = 345 should be upgradedRadiatorArea = 345
  12. Hello: I having the following issue: the code: MODULE { name = InterstellarFuelSwitch resourceGui = Liquid Hydrogen;Liquid Helium;Hydrolox;Methalox;Liquid Oxygen;Liquid Methane;Liquid Ammonia;Hydrazine;Liquid Nitrogen;Liquid CarbonDioxide;Liquid CarbonMonoxide;Water;Kerosene resourceNames = LqdHydrogen;LqdHelium;LqdHydrogen,LqdOxygen;LqdMethane,LqdOxygen;LqdOxygen;LqdMethane;LqdAmmonia;Hydrazine;LqdNitrogen;LqdCO2;LqdCO;Water;Kerosene resourceAmounts = 26880;26880;21504,5376;14972,10632;26880;26880;26880;26880;26880;26880;26880;26880;26880 @resourceAmounts[0,;] = #$/../RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ //LqdHydrogen @resourceAmounts[1,;] = #$/../RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ //LqdHelium . . . . is returning these errors: [WRN 21:23:38.536] InsterstellarFuelSwitch: error parsing resourceTankAmountArray amount 1/0: '#$../RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$': '#$../RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$' with error: Unknown char: # [WRN 21:23:38.538] InsterstellarFuelSwitch: error parsing initialResourceList amount 1/0: 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Double]': '#$../RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$' with error: Unknown char: # [WRN 21:23:38.539] InsterstellarFuelSwitch: error parsing resourceTankAmountArray amount 2/0: '#$../variableone$,#$../variabletwo$': '#$../variableone$' with error: Unknown char: # [WRN 21:23:38.540] InsterstellarFuelSwitch: error parsing initialResourceList amount 2/0: 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Double]': '#$../variableone$' with error: Unknown char: # [WRN 21:23:38.541] InsterstellarFuelSwitch: error parsing resourceTankAmountArray amount 2/1: '#$../variableone$,#$../variabletwo$': '#$../variabletwo$' with error: Unknown char: # [WRN 21:23:38.543] InsterstellarFuelSwitch: error parsing initialResourceList amount 2/1: 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Double]': '#$../variabletwo$' with error: Unknown char: # It looks like the array insert does not work with the variable reference? What am I missing? thanks!
  13. It shouldn't fly, but it does. KER gives incorrect thrust/Acc data. the Right-click menu makes sense, based on drag & gravity (and that the speed of the 'air'craft was stable). -for no reason I can determine, specifically changing ModuleEnginesFX to ModuleEngines in my patch file fixed the thermal turbojet. The ModuleEnginesFX FX still work.... maybe there is an interaction somewhere??? I don't even know anymore... - the thermal turbojet with the built-in reactor might still broken. working on it. - going to check the fuelswitch thing now EDIT: Found & fixed fuelswitch thing (for no apparent reason, the MM append thing was only appending a non-0 value to the first tank). found an alternate method, testing now EDIT: nope. gonna have to go to the MM forum EDIT: VICTORY In case any poor soul is googling multiple variable module manager, or module manager array or something - the '#' should ONLY APPEAR ONCE - before the first '$'. 2.0 is up happy flying
  14. Sounds reasonable. EDIT: I have added a patch to do so: For all parts with ModuleLiftingSurface or ModuleControlSurface, that lack FNRadiator: It sets radiatorArea to 2*deflectionLiftCoeff, and upgraded area to 1.5*radiatorArea. Wasteheat capacity is set to 200*radiatorArea so the Swept Wings, coeef of 1.37,for example, will have: area of 2.74 upgraded area of 4.11 wasteheat capacity of 548
  15. Version 1.9 for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.4 Released on 2015-08-17 Mk2-E R4-D "Rontgen" Atomic Thermal Jet is now a nuclear Thermal Turbojet, with included fission reactor Mk2-E Ion thruster is now a Plasma Thruster Mk2-E Pluto nuclear engine is now a DT Vista engine, with included radiator Mk2-E ESTOC is now a VASIMR thruster Mk2-E G-120 "Vector" is now a Magnetic Nozzle Fission Reactor is now a Pebble bed, upgrades to Dusty Plasma when regular Dusty Plasma is unlocked. Fixed InterstellarFuelSwitch MM errors Added missing NEEDS the Thermal Turbojet parts still will not function properly, this is being investigated. The Gas Core reactor is now deprecated. If you wish to continue using it, rename GasCoreReactor.txt to GasCoreReactor.cfg. If you have current vessels with it, and wish to upgrade, open up your persistent.sfs, and all other .sfs files you wish to edit, as well as any saved ship files, and CTRL-replace: M2X.Reactor.GasCore with M2X.Reactor.DustyPlasma .
  16. in warppluginsettings.cfg, check that 'RadiationMechanicsDisabled = True' - - - Updated - - - Here's what happening there - the thermal turbojet part is requesting energy, but the reactor does not seem to notice - it continues running at minimum throttle. I get a very small thrust, from the small amount of power produced at that throttle. @FreeThinker: Is it possible that the ModuleEnginesFX for the thermal turbojet isn't getting seen by the power manager?
  17. The ion engine has a typo - "exhaustDamage = flase"
  18. - Near Future Electric also replaces the config of the MX2 reactor which causes the game to not load. Is it possible to have the KSPI reactor be a separate part from the Mk2 KSPI integration? Fixed, those parts were missing the NEEDS[WarpPlugin] - The KSPI Mk2 reactor is a gas core and according to my testing and comments from FreeThinker is that the reactor suffers from buoyancy effects causing thrust to drop significantly when under acceleration making this not such a good reactor for engines in a gravity well. Perhaps Pebble bed or Dusty plasma? Or both? hmmm - good point, I went with Gas core due to TWR issues with the molten salt. Since CP can now drive thermal engines (which I just learned about 5 minutes ago ) I will switch to dusty plasma. - Already mentioned, the fuel capacities and dry weights of the Mk2 Short and Long liquid fuel tanks is the same trying to figure out why MM isn't doing what I want it to. at worst, I will write explicit configs instead of the formulaic one I have now - The length of the stack from generator > reactor > turbojet is quite long and doesn't leave alot of room for balancing.Also this may account of the non standard shape of the Mk2 fuselage and realistically store fuel on the side. hmm i'll see about that keep in mind that the reactor does not have to be directly connected to the engine anymore - there is a penalty per part in between for thermal power transfer (for this one, multiply thermal power by 95% per extra part in-between). Charged particle does not seem to have a deficit -I was unable to get a well balanced FAR capable design due to the light weight in the back of the plane. KSPI has this issue as well though... engines/reactors may need to be a bit heavier. Adding a smallish integrated fuel tank on these parts would be ideal since we could use the fuel to balance the weight of the plane. I reduced the weight assuming the KPSI tweakscale and part mass exponents to radius of 1.44 - maybe I'll bump up the radius estimate a bit... - The Mk2 VASIMR unlocks before the VASIMR unlocks in KSPI fixed
  19. Good Idea! I have made a forum thread for my stuff: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131806-Starlion-Industries-KSPI-patches-for-stock-parts-modpacks I will look into the turbojet thing - was that with all reactors?
  20. Starlion Industries currently specializes in patches that enhance synergy between KSPI and various modpacks. Spacedock Download/Github Download (Also available on CKAN) Adds KSPI's InterstellarFuelSwitch to all Liquid-fuel-only parts, properly balanced. The available fuels depend on what other mods are installed. The only true dependency is Interstellar Fuel Switch (also available on CKAN). If that is not installed, this section of the patch will be inactive KSPI or Community Resource Pack & Realfuels: All KSPI fuels, as well as Kerosene (but not LiquidFuel). KSPI or Community Resource Pack & Modular Fuel Tanks: All KSPI fuels, as well as LiquidFuel. Neither KSPI nor Community Resource Pack: Options are: LiquidFuel, LFO, XenonGas, MonoProp. [*] If Mk2 Stock-a-like Expansion (Also available on CKAN) & KSPI (Also available on CKAN) are installed: The MK-X Generator model is used to replicate the various KSPI Reactors & Generators (balanced to be equivalent to be equivalent to the respective KSPI part tweakscaled to 1.965 meters (based on my calculation of cross-sectional area of the mk2 shape)). Certain of the engines from the Mk2 Stock-a-like Expansion are edited to function as the following KSPI Engines: DT Vista Inertial Fusion engine Magnetic Nozzle Plasma Thruster Thermal Turbojet VASIMR thruster [*]Adds KSPI Electric RCS Module (with in-flight switching of propellant supported) to the Mk2-E RCS parts (they are noted as such in-game). This allows use of Intake Atmosphere as RCS fuel while in-atmosphere. [*]Adds KSPI Radiator module to all wings & control surfaces. [*]If RealFuels is installed: Adds RealFuels modules to the non-air-breathing Mk2 Extended Engines if RealFuels is installed. Some of the engines that would get RF modules will have KSPI modules instead if both are installed.
  21. well, if we are talking about something like remotetech's cover-every-point-on-the-planet, all you really ever need are three at a high equatorial orbit.... maybe a check for sufficient number with min(SMA of satellite >= geosynchronous,sphere-of-influence*.5) would be better.... even in my game, where I use remottech, I usually have 5 or 6 in end-game - the three geosynchs, and then a couple of high-eccentricity 45 degree ones with best dishes, to avoid being blocked by kerbin, moon, etc. to long-range stuff in sun polar orbit...
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