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Everything posted by hieywiey

  1. When is the best time for ditching the boosters on the Atlas? Or is that just something that makes no difference if you eject them too early/late? Also, could you make a Kerbalized Agena (the upper stage, not the Agena Target Vehicle) to fit with the Atlas, to kinda complete the "family" of Atlas upper stages?
  2. Could you add a cool sound when the Kerbals are cloned in a similar way to DeepFreeze?
  3. Could you do the Helios probes? I don't think anyone has made a mod for them in KSP. It doesn't really feel right having them missing, since one of them (Helios II aka Helios set and still holds the speed record for a spacecraft at a mind-boggling 70.22 km/s. And maybe some of the failed Mars probes like Mars Observer, Mars Climate Observer, and the Mars Polar Lander/Deep Space 2?
  4. YES! I've always wanted a hybrid rocket without Interstellar! Thanks!
  5. Thank you SO much for this mod! I love flying it and I get into the routine that if a payload can't fit in the shuttle, then it's scrapped (the payload, not the shuttle:sticktongue:). This is one of the best mods for KSP imo.
  6. No they shouldn't be banned. Plus that would be banning the Saturn V, basically banning pure awesomeness.
  7. Put your suggestions below... I was maybe thinking that Intrastellar might be a good one, since just slapping a 2 or II on the end is kinda boring.
  8. Could you maybe make a separate thing where Galileo, Magellan, Ulysses, and the upcoming TDRS will all fit in the Component Space Shuttle? And could you make the Tilt Table using Infernal Robotics?
  9. Yay! But since TDRS-B was destroyed with Challenger in STS-51-L, I kinda have a inner urge to make some kind of Challenger memorial.
  10. So install the plugins folder? (sorry, i'm just a little confused )
  11. So do I have to make everything real-world scale? Because I don't really want to have to make the game harder than it already is.
  12. The R-7 (Soyuz Rocket, Tavio in this pack) and UR-500 (Proton, ALV in this pack) are now my standard workhorses, I can see how they are so useful to Roscosmos, Sergei Korolev and Vladimir Chelomey were geniuses!
  13. Ooh, Awesome! This looks great! I've had the dev version and this looks so much better (but the dev version was still awesome) and I didn't expect a capsule, but I have been needing one.
  14. The countdown sequence pauses every few seconds, and I'm using 32bit.
  15. Is it going to be called Skylon in the game, or are you going to make a unique name,like how Tantares does?
  16. What about water physics? Like how the only (stock) objects in the game that can sink are asteroids. It'd be cool if that could be changed. It would allow underwater (or whatever Eve are Laythe's oceans are made of) science and that kinda stuff. It would be great if this is possible, but I very seriously doubt it is.
  17. I've never tried playing KSP on a TV, mine is also Samsung. How did you get it hooked up?
  18. can you include a .craft file, I find it very hard to assemble one, even with FShangarExtender.
  19. I can't download it, I get a 404 error.
  20. YES! Now I can start making my (totally safe*) cheap rockets again! *Safety not guaranteed, 0.0000001% chance of safety.
  21. It's too big in the game but the attachment nodes are where they should be (they would be where they are supposed to if the part wasn't gigantic). I'm using 0.25, if that helps. Here's a picture, I included the Mk 1-2 Pod for reference:
  22. Could you make a Mac-compatible version?
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