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Everything posted by hieywiey

  1. I get a 404 when I try, could you upload the .craft file yourself?
  2. This reminds me of the Ender Tank in Minecraft, But less OP.
  3. (SQUEE OF HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!) YAY!!! Does this use less RAM than KerbTown?
  4. Does it add weight to kerbals while they're carrying resources?
  5. Does it have built-in solar panels or a generator (a config file generator)?
  6. Not really, whatever gas Kerbals breathe, and the respective version of water may contain the needed atoms to make Kethane.
  7. Hmm... Something tells me that that computer is homicidal... but I don't know what it is...
  8. This is awesome! But is it just a reskinned/remodeled Mystery Goo?
  9. Could you make the MechJeb module have an alternate with HAL?
  10. LMFAO (Laughing my fabulous apple out of the atmosphere)
  11. Thank you so much! This single handedly saved my Space Program.
  12. Can it survive a 20 m/s crash on the Mün?
  13. The download really needs to be fixed, can't they just make a mirror or two?
  14. Now I will make a cool Space Station V, but now all I need is an Orion III Space Clipper, an Ares IB moon lander, a Clavius add-on for KerbTown, the Moebius moon bus, and to convince Squad to make an excavation site for one of the existing Mün monoliths.
  15. Now I want to make a Fobos-Grunt (which I will call Ike-Grunt) with this.
  16. [quote=pizzaoverhead;1182271 Re-entry scorching is another possibility: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OKmYOqXuRuA/Ui_2KrQf6TI/AAAAAAAAA5c/2pSLdvEeYno/s1600/STagnationheating4.jpg A custom shader would be a good way to go about this. Check out the detail texture here for example.
  17. I was thinking about modding SmokeScreen a bit, but that's a good idea.
  18. Mods like HotRockets, CoolRockets and SmokeScreen all make launches better, but I still see something missing: fire mechanics. But this isn't a flame trench mod, it is a mod that allows surfaces (the launch pad) and parts (launch clamps and fuel tanks) to get damaged (cosmetically only, to prevent Challenger accidents) from engine exhaust and fire "licking" things. This will make Delta IV and Delta IV Heavy launches more realistic and make the launchpad look aged.
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