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  1. Dang, there are so many mods, so hard to keep track... Anyhow, I'm pretty sure I saw a mod the other day that would alert you to science being available (but does not auto perform experiments). Am I crazy or does anyone know of such a mod?
  2. SO i was wondering if there was a way to copy the claw module from the claw part and to put it in a wheel config. It would be useful for things like aircraft carriers and things like that. Thanks (PS> I know that this is probably in the wrong forum so could a mod please move it into the wright forum)
  3. I can't install the opt space ship parts mod. Im on version 1.3 and I've tried downloading from like 5 different sites but it still won't install. I was told to put the file in the game data and that works with most other mods but it still won't install. can anyone help?
  4. HELP ME GAME CRASHED BUG ALL MODELS 1.3 BUT ALWAYS BUY THIS HAT BUG FİLE : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6pNiIxsE7JfTk1sZ0NlZjFXcFE
  5. So I have a modded install of KSP(I will list mods below) and when I go to open the solar panels, there isn't an option to. I will post a screenshot below. Help please! Mod List: B9PartSwitch CommunityResourcePack(Also TechTree) Distant Object EVE FShangerExtender Interstellar Fuel Switch Planetary Base Systems Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Kopernicus MechJeb2 NearFutureElectrical NFPropulsion NFSolar NFSpacecraft PersistentRotation Scatteerer SVE Tweak Scale Warp Plugin Screenshot Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1079029199
  6. Ive been trying to install all the Near Future mods, in addition to cryo rockets, kerbal atomics, and a few other mods by Nertea. With near future propulsion, engines show, but none of the fuel or fuel tanks that accompany. Some of them show while loading, but i can't find them at in the game. Please help
  7. Ksp is kinda getting repetitive. You know, launch, orbit, escape kerbin, and so on. So I'm looking for any mods that could help spice things up a bit. Things like RSS and solar system rescale mods. Things that add a whole new way of doing things. Things that add another aspect. If you know any good mods to shake things up post them here!
  8. The BD Armory section is there when I'm in a hangar and I can see multiple guns, rockets, bombs, and ammo, but no weapons manager. When I tried to use a gun, it didn't fire, even with ammo boxes. I used CKAN to install the mod.
  9. A mod I want to download RSS Expansion by pozine https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/232931-rss-planets-moons-expanded-0-11-0 requires 1.0.5. Steam offers a revert but it wont work for me. It will download and say the version of KSP is 1.0.5 on steam but if I look on CKAN or Launch the game, it says the version is 1.3. does anyone know how to help? Cheers!
  10. Hello, I'm new here but I've played KSP for a while. I'm also a huge fan of Star Wars and I am a discussions moderator in the Battlefront Wiki. I just now started getting interested in mods and I have had lots of fun with them my favorite mods are FASA, Half RSS, and US Rockets pack- when I use this one now, the game crashes. NathanKells RSS doesn't have as many moons and dwarf planets that I wanted, so I downloaded Half RSS also by NathanKell. It has dwarf planets and more moons and I was happy with it for a while. Now I'm kraving more- see what I did there ;). I want to download Real Solar System Expanded by pozine https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/232931-rss-planets-moons-expanded-0-11-0. It adds even more moons, asteroids, dwarf planets, and planetoids. The problem is that the max version the mod supports is 1.1.2. I download KSP from Steam and they give you the option to play the game in previous versions 1.0.5,1.1.3, and 1.2.2. I had to revert to previous versions before for certain mods and I had no problems. In order to download RSSE I had to revert to 1.0.5, which I haven't done before. It doesn't work. when I try to download In CKAN it says the version is 1.3, the same is true if I launch the game. So my question, is there a fix so I can revert KSP to 1.0.5 on steam? Is there any other way to revert the game to an earlier version? Has anyone downloaded RSSE before and can give their experience? Cheers!
  11. Essentially, it would be an extension of Procedural Parts. To prevent it getting overpowered, It would work like this: You enter size, propelant used, whether or not it requires pressurised fuel tanks (This would would be done with RF) Nozzle size, amount of time engine turns off and on (Or infinite) AND then using those calculations, it comes up with a range of thrust. You would select what thrust. Say, my pressurized, 0.5 meter, Aerozine and NTO burning engine has a thrust range between 5-20 KN (just an example) and I then select which thrust I want. from THAT, the computer figures out efficiency. What do you guys think? Can anyone make this? (preferably for 1.2.2, so I can use it with my RO save)
  12. Hi guys, I've not played KSP for a while and i'm starting again with what mods i use. One thing i've noticed adding a bunch of mods at once is that the module manager .dll is duplicated a lot. Should i let these duplicate with (1),(2),etc or overwrite? I'm assuming duplicate as I overwrote them last night and some mods didn't activate in game. Bonus question: Why do some modders leave the 'game data' folder in the zip file when you have to move the mod into your own game data folder?
  13. Hey there So I had some trouble with this career games first landing on the Mun. Figured I'd not got the balance of the lander correct. When I went in the VAB, I found that any rocket I designed had a lift vector. I tested with an unmodified game, and I guess it's not supposed to be like that, since it didn't happen then. Has anyone encountered this before? Thought I'd ask here first before I start trimming mods to find the problem. Possibly something that updated recently, as the unmanned lander I sent previous didn't have any difficulty landing. Thanks to anyone who takes a look. KSP.log output_log.txt
  14. So im trying to get tweak scale to work but its not so could someone please help ive put soem photos of my mod folder in so couldm someone explain whats wwrong with it Thanks so much (PS. the gamedata file is also tweakscale) http://imgur.com/fy0yU49
  15. Hey, people, I just got into modding and I've downloaded a few mods. Most of them aren't functioning properly and KSP doesn't recognize that modded parts are even there. The only ones that are working right are MechJeb 2 and SCANsat, and even SCANsat is causing the font to be pixelated or square like. The mods are put into Kerbal Space Program>Gamedata. Mods downloaded include: MechJeb 2, SCANsat, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Planetary Base Systems, Near Future Solar, TweakScale, and TacLifeSupport. None of these mods work alone or with the other mods. Please help. Edit> MechJeb and SCANsat work alone and with each other fine, I forgot to clarify that in the second to last sentence.
  16. Ok, this is attempt number umpteen to fix this. I could seriously use the help at this point. Ever since I upgraded to 1.3, my game will not launch. I've removed all mods that I can find that aren't 1.3-compatible in CKAN, and yet I'm still crashing to desktop during the initial loading screen. If I completely empty my Gamadata folder (except for the Squad folder, naturally), the game works... but even using (from what I can tell) all "1.3 compatible" mods, I'm CTDing every. single. time. Can someone take a look at my output_log and tell me what the heck is causing this issue? Thanks in advance. Log found HERE
  17. What they fear...will come to pass... Oh, if you see a new chapter in the topic, and it's not uploaded yet, check back in a few minutes. I may be working on it. Updates Every Monday! ~~Table of Contents~~ Chapter 1: Mission to Arctica Chapter 2: Mactop To the Rescue! Chapter 3: What Is It? Chapter 4: Meanwhile at Duna... Chapter 5: The Rescue at Duna, Part 1 Chapter 6: The Rescue at Duna, Part 2 Chapter 7: In The Shadow of Duna Chapter 8: Cat Out of the Bag Chapter 9: Seclusion CHAPTER 10: Accedens Ignis Chapter 11: Kerb Zero Chapter 12: Adventures in Babysitting Chapter 13: Missing Chapter 14: Firebird Chapter 15: Never Corner a Big Cat Chapter 16: Close Encounters Chapter 17: Jeb's Revenge Chapter 18: Onward and Upward Chapter 19: Riding the Phoenix Chapter 20: Top Gun Chapter 20.5: Elsewhere... Chapter 21: Alone Chapter 22: The Aftermath Chapter 23: A Major Setback Chapter 24: Kerbal Down Chapter 25: For Jeb! Chapter 26: Hackin' It Chapter 27: Superunit 0003 Chapter 28: The Launch of KSS Haydi Chapter 28.5: Before the Beginning Chapter 29: Return to Flight Chapter 30: Elysium Chapter 32: The Flight to Ike Chapter 34: The Battle for Ike Chapter 35: Wernher's Decision Chapter 36: Chasing Evil Chapter 38: KSS Wernher Chapter 40: The Launch of KSS Wernher Chapter 42: The Final Push, Part One Chapter 43: The Final Push, Part Two Notes: Also used - Surface Mounted Lights 1.2.2, Other_Worlds (for the endgame) Welcome to my humble story! This was created in Sandbox mode useing most of the mods listed above. I started this in Notepad with the intention to post it when I was finished, and it's actually easier for me because I can go at my own pace with the story while STILL hopefully giving you all a thrilling storyline! Enjoy!
  18. Hello all! I have a problem and was hoping one of you much more KSP talented people could help. I have a aircraft that I absolutely LOVE (its an f-35 STOVL craft). However, the problem is it requires quiztech aero, BDArmory and adjustable landing gear to work. However, I cannot find a version of adjustable landing gear that works with 1.3. I already tried setting my KSP back to a later version using the preferences inside steam however then BDArmory and quiztech aero don't work. All I need to do is somehow remove those landing gear and the craft will function perfectly. I have also tried editing the craft file to no avail. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  19. Hey there, KSP community! I posted a couple years ago a thread regarding my desire to create probe parts, as I felt probes in KSP were desperately lacking the love they deserve. Unfortunately, despite the kind words and encouraging comments, the process quickly overwhelmed me, as I was unsure how to process with the mod-creation process, and my texture work leaves alot to be desired. Well, that was two years ago, and now I ask all of you a seemingly simple question: which areas of the game do you believe need improving upon; what niche or niches need to be filled to make the game more of what it can be? Of course, Squad provides us with the results of their hard work and we appreciate what they give us, but there are many of us that are left wanting more. Perhaps we feel that the game should be more realistic, and thus we want more mods like FAR, DRE, RemoteTech, and Kerbalism. Or maybe we feel that our dreams cannot be fulfilled by the limited collection of parts, so we yearn for more parts. Whatever the reason, there are many who are left wanting more. And that is where this thread comes in. So, please, don't hold back, and tell me what you all would love to see. My main area is in 3D Modeling, with a little basic programming under my belt. What I don't know, I am willing to learn, so even if it seems complex, I will try my darndest at making it happen. Thank you for your time, and I can't wait to see what my fellow members of the KSP community have to say regarding this subject!
  20. So I myself have a heavily modded install, with about 45 folders in gamedata not counting the squad folder. So I want to know why do you use certain mods.
  21. Hey everyone...and for those of you in the US (or just prone to celebrating) happy 4th of July weekend! Over the past months I have been playing KSP daily. I have been using CKAN to mess around with dozens of mods, and most notably I have been helping @The White Guardian beta test his massive Evolution mod TWG is making a massive overhaul of Evo, so I thought this would be a good time to unisntall everything, update KSP to 1.3, pick some new mods for the future (I want a very simulation-like experience with life support, stage recovery, and failures etc). So I uninstalled and deleted everything and then reinstalled KSP and CKAN. Every time I do that and go to play the game stutters terribly. I can go up to a minute without one, but sometimes it pauses for three seconds every 10 seconds. I did free flight the other day and it was less common, but on my career mode every time I tried to do some SCIENCE! it paused, thought about it, then eventually decided to go ahead. But that was for every experiment. It basically made it a science slideshow. Is there anyone here that has any idea what could be causing this or that can help me fix it? It's not my PC, let me say that (6700K, GTX 1070, 32GB ram, SSD) as it never did this before anyway. I have a very long list of mods, but it's not more robust than it was necessarily. Let me know if anyone has suggestions or can help me with this. I would be happy to provide a mod list if necessary. Thanks! EDIT: forgot to mention I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times and it still happens. It also happened with stock planets and another planet pack.
  22. I really dont know, came back to ksp, auto updated all my mods, went in game but some of the textures are really buggy and my game crashes alot. Can someone tell me which of the following mods to delete because i have no idea how to check which one is causing the problems I basically had all the mods from here https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/37nedh/installing_mods_to_make_ksp_look_nicer_step_by/?st=j4atev6i&sh=8cacf8ac Which one should i delete from this list?
  23. Currently Steam Auto-Updated my game to 1.3 and I reinstalled all the mods. But it frequently crashed with mods,but runs smoothly without mods. I had tried throwing out some but it keeps on crashing! I don't know why that happened. Please help! (P.S. Unfortunately this happened too at 1.2.2) Mods Installed: JSI,ASET,KAS,KIS,Mark IV Spaceplane,Prakasa Aerospace, Malemute Rover,Feline Rover,Texture Replacer,Plantary Base, Cryo Engine/Tanks and Hyperedit
  24. Hi everyone, I am having an issue where I crash to the desktop upon clicking the green launch button in the VAB/SPH. It seems like it tries to load but doesn't quite make it. I'm playing the 64 bit version and have tried OpenGL and forcing DX11. I'm running 25+ mods but didn't have trouble running this many around 6 months ago before I took a break. Please let me know if you have any input. Thanks in advance. Here's the details from the latest of my many crashes. Error: https://www.dropbox.com/pri/get/error.log?_subject_uid=496818895&w=AABnuL1IPibza1W1M_M9S17i_AGl4zeUX37acZFJiTybbw Output Log: https://www.dropbox.com/pri/get/output_log.txt?_subject_uid=496818895&w=AAA-tbO06tm6nJOI_3DPJg3oFSQK2LTmk7YxGINe_vpBRw
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