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  1. Can somebody please give me rocket making tips, so I can know lots more about rocket making. I know lots on how to make some but also I would like to expand my knowledge.
  2. Hello everyone, Is Squad going to add more stock parts? I know they have added some in the past, the making history expansion will be coming out and the recent release of 1.3.1 patch but I was hoping they can add more modern parts into the game. Does anyone know? Also, what do you all think they should add?
  3. Okay while being bored out of my mind i thought, Why not in ksp there's an option to go from that solar system to our solar system
  4. So after seeing @richfiles, and @stibbons controllers, I've started thinking about maybe (key word maybe) making one of these things. Bear in mind that I have no experience with arduino, or anything other than wiring motors and lights to batterys. Here are my basic ideas. Please tell me if some really aren't possible. Kindle fire for streaming navball from Telemachus 7 segment displays for velocity, altitude, apo/periapsis Joysticks for rotation/translation Toggle switches for SAS, RCS, and etc keypad for action groups, maybe a gutted computer numpad Stage button, one of those buttons with the clear cover for abort action group Master caution, like when my ship reaches critical temperature I don't know if this is possibe, but a terrain alarm, with a button that would light up and yell "terrain!" at you, if the ship is under a certain altitude, going above a certain speed throttle lever ??? I might add more to this list, remember that this is all in my head, and I don't know all that much about electronics, so keep that in mind. The main problem about this is money, as I'm not an adult, and I don't have a job. I would love to make this dream a reality, but we'll see...
  5. Hi everyone! I'm Geek0saurus, a starting youtuber (for fun). Over the last months I've been growing more and more into Kerbal Space Program. Because of this, I wanted to make a full playthrough of the career mode with missions, objectives and fun stuff. For this, I could maybe use the help of the community, since I will need a lot of feedback and maybe we can share ideas of bases and things like that. The idea of this thread is to share my journey into our beloved solar system with you and maybe let it become "our" journey All feedback is appreciated and welcomed and I cannot wait to hear any ideas of base designs you would have to share! The first introduction to my journey can be found in the following youtube video. Hope you enjoy it! Introduction to Kerbal Space Program | Career mode
  6. I'm not sure if I just suck at googling as of late..but if I'm the first so be it. I've been trying to figure out how to give suggestions to the mod community. I don't have many and I started this thread only thinking about one in particular. But if there isn't any other place, id like this to be a place where players can give their ideas, some may be extravagant, some small and practical. but I've always wondered how all these mods get created without some central brainstorming type area. I could plead to ksp devs themselves, but this seems more promising. If I'm in the wrong place, please kindly point me in the right direction and ill repost there, or a mod can just move this..to there, thanks. Anyways lets get it started. Suggestion: (Asparagus style?) [3/4/6/8]Multipoint Struts Reason: structural integrity/rigidity Practicality: (-)part count, stockalike? Balancing: scale weight based on number of connection points (3 point= 1.5x weight, 4 point= 2x weight, etc, etc) Idea Summary: a few extra stock alike strut parts. placing large amounts of aerodynamic wings or engines in symmetry, requires many struts sometimes. this will help ease the part count, and prevent your wings from doing the "dragonfly wing effect" as id like to call it when trying to fly without ship rigidity. googling dragon fly slo mo videos will help you understand my analogy if you dont already. . Cheers!
  7. I'm starting up a YouTube channel soon, and I'm looking for some ideas, specifically space stations and bases, but you can show me anything, because I can use anything. In advance, thank you.
  8. Outer of My Ideas: Rings For Laythe One or Multipes Moonlets For Laythe a Flag For Laythe a New Continent (Called Brazilen) a New (unnamed)Mon for Jool a Empty Space Station(Easter Egg) Montains For Laythe and a Great Spot For Jool
  9. Planet Staus: A Concept, No ideas or textures. Just Started making, May be a name and texture. First Prototype. May be planet pictures. Pre-Release: I will leave a link to download the planet for peeps to test. I want some feedback if you were to test it. PLS This means the planet is complete and it will be downloadable in a planet pack when it is released. The Planets A Hot-Jool Planet at about half the orbit of Moho with alot of moons Moon 1: A lava moon. May have another small moon orbiting it Moon 2: A less Lava-y Moon. May have a big crack in it Moon 3: A very small red Asteroid moon Moon 4: Another moon may be a small moon or an asteroid one. This planet would have rings Fazo/Faza : An asteroid Moon of Moho Moho may be re-textured A third Kerbin Moon/Probably a asteroid Moon 2 water planets, 1 between Eve and Kerbin and one between Kerbin and Duna Get rid of Ike for 2 smaller duna moons. Sarna: A Gas Giant bewteen Duna and Jool Dres and Vall are moons Will Probably add more moons Jool will have many more Asteroid Moons and will probably. Goal 20 moons. Uarnus: Has a odd ring and many moons orbiting in weird inclinations Nedo : A Planet with a heavy atmosphere which gives it oceans Neiden : A Light Blue gas giant with not as many moons as Jool. Will have many weird and Interesting moons. Armedia: One of a few dwarf planets on the kerbol system outskirts Pluti : Another Dwarf Planet. Erno: A third Dwarf Planet Xi : A ROuge planet that entered the outskirts of the Kerbol System Stars: Sol: This star holds our home system. Alpha Centari Trappist:1 A couple rouge planets. Maybe a random pulsar. A made up 2nd solar system. Contents unknown This are my ideas so far. If you have any ideas or name suggestions pls comment them. I want more things and this is a ll i got
  10. I know that I personally am not the brightest bulb in the box,but I have had a couple "good" ideas,so I'll start with my first one, As you can see jeb doesn't approve... but he does now! Sorry for all of the GUI getting in the way but I did this awhile ago.The idea was to create a single ship powerful enough to land on the moon,and come home without any docking(at the time docking was the hardest thing ever,still sorta is ).So I attached a couple terriers on the sides and my ablator on the top,so that I can bring it all back,reducing the cost of the ship.
  11. Visual enhancements is a great part of moding community, it always fascinated me, that you can turn your game into something so beautiful. Sadly, I never had a chance to become a modder myself. Despite that, I had a few ideas that are not crazy and even accomplishable. 1.Lightning. Some of the atmospheric worlds like Jool and Eve are very dull and even a bit disappointing when you land, because everything you see is fog/nothing. My idea is to have a small but invisible light emitter spawn at different places for a short time, it will make it look like a lightning, and won’t make a lot of lags and it won’s decrease FPS drastically. 2. Rain. As far as I know, developer of Astronomers wanted to add rain. But it was long ago and probably will never happen. We can have a large object (with collider off) that will have one animation repeating as it is continuing to rain, it will last a 7 real life minutes. 3.Light from every celestial body. And no I don’t speak about reflection I am speaking about a different thing. For example, make Moon (mun) emit pale white light from one of its sides, it will cause water and probably terrain to be colored in this color and be less dark.Perhaps we can have it being emitted from a special altitude for it not to be blinding on the surface (I know it kinda not physical as natural bodies don’t emit light, they only reflect it) 4.New texture for Sun! I always wanted to make sun something different. And there is textures from Space Engine that are so great! Can we have them? 5.Making craft’s texture change with the environment. It is a bit sad that after hardcore reentry there is no scorch mark on your craft or no sign of dust on landing legs after landing on Duna/mun/any dusty planet nor a thin ice cover after high altitude flight. 6.Better Kerbal animations. I know, I know, there is a mod that allows to make animations and that devs wanted to add some new animations, but can we have it fixed? Because my Kerbals move like they are very drunk or totally lost control of their body. The other sad thing is that they are like glued to their seats and do not make anything but try to wiggle. 7.Make more objects like rocks/trees. I know this is kinda stupid, though it would be nice to see more different objects to be scattered across the surface. For example: monolithic structures (sharp, pointy stones) on Moho, small earthquake fracture on Vall and Etc.
  12. Well, I have been trying my best to get as many ideas as possible from this awesome community and I have done my best to put as many viable suggestions as possible in! Make sure to reply any thing else you think should be added! Kerbals moving around in spacecraft on IVA. Ability to upgrade EVA suit. Graphics Update (Seriously!) Engineers building in space. Other space centers and airfields and the ability to ship passengers to different airfields (like an airport) Other space programs launching rockets that are visible on map. Asteroid science and the ability to plant flags on them. Interior spacecraft editing. More sizes of rocket parts such as between Cockpit Mk.1 and Cockpit Mk.1-2 More realistic terrain, more command pods, walking robots that are unlocked in late tech tree, music when flying within kerbin's atmosphere and during kerbin EVA, more nuclear and ion powered engines, More liquid fuel engines, more solid fuel boosters, sub-classes (the ability for kerbals to learn new things) More parachutes, more rover compatible parts, smaller plates, buildings in grasslands, lights on dark side of kerbin, clouds and weather on kerbin, more kerbal animations and the ability for them to wander within a small area, surface sample robotic drills, drone IVA (using rotatable cameras), more rocket wings, programs (kinda like Apollo from NASA), radial ferrings, more external seats, bigger jet engine, more sepatrons, more "precision propulsion" for probe reasons, kerbal health "in a bar", kerbal supplies, kerbal "medic" class, kerbal in-built parachute in EVA suit, ability to take off EVA suit. More realistic destruction (Like maybe parts splitting in half!), asteroid science and the ability to plant flags on them, more lander compatible tech for rockets, recovery cool down and cut scene, Stronger docking connections, probe "programming" option, kerbal flight planning, more contracts available in mission control at one time! That's what I think should be in KSP! Make sure to reply anything else you want in the game!
  13. Hey guys! Thanks for clicking. I'm wondering, do you guys have any ideas you'd like to see be put into a video? I have a few stocked, But I'd love to hear what you guys think. Any music to go with the video would be nice too. My channel is here, just to make sure that no ideas are repeated. Keep in mind that my next video is already fully recorded, and the second will probably be a redo of this mess. I'd love to hear some ideas. All the best!
  14. I'm chock-full of ideas for stories and novels. Most of them sci-fi, but some aren't. Here's a list of my ideas and the order I'll be doing them: Here's my books already being written: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149532-fly-higher-a-scifi-novel-chapter-2-update/#comment-2794024 https://www.wattpad.com/333316704-world-war-iii-a-war-story-part-1-wip-chapter-1-a (Warning: Violent and potentially offensive) And the books I have completed: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/143762-my-book-outpost-update-chapter-18-the-end-completed/#comment-2675169 As I get started on more ideas, I'll be posting the links to their individual threads above. As I get more ideas, I'll be putting them down in the comments below. If you have any suggestions, please put them here!
  15. I love stock KSP, but there's obviously a lot of room for improvement. While mods do a great job of improving KSP, there's still some desires of mine that I've never seen addressed. I might as well share these ideas. These aren't requests, but just for discussion. Super fast interplanetary travel. I recently read a sci-fi novel (2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson, if you're curious), and in it humanity uses super efficient and powerful means of propulsion to cross the entire solar system in just weeks. They do this by continuously burning their engines as they travel to their destination. I'd love to see something like this in KSP, because not only does it make interplanetary missions almost as easy as travelling to the Mun or Minmus, you can leave for your destination at any time you want (no waiting or the launch window). Automated space exploration and construction. Launching every individual spacecraft you'll ever need and managing them yourself gets old. One idea I've had is to automate the process. By giving orders to the space center and off-world construction sites (orbital docks, surface colonies), they can build and launch spacecraft on a given schedule. For example, suppose you want a huge colony ship to be constructed and launched out to Laythe every time the Kerbin-Jool launch window arrives. Tell your colony to build the specified craft and send it into orbit, and soon enough it'll be on its way without you ever lifting a finger. Once it lands it can then do whatever you want it to. Politics and conflict. For decades you've maintained colonies around the solar system. However, your colonists and their offspring have grown tired of your control. They break away and start exploring space on their own. Now there's another space agency in the solar system, which will manage their own spacecraft and missions, and the connection between you and them is crucial. You can maintain a positive interaction with other agencies by trading resources between colonies, working together on join space missions, and sharing technologies with your partners. You can cooperate with old governments on Kerbin or new ones around the system, all with unique personalities and benefits. Or you could have it all once again by launching warships to take your colonies back by force. Surface and space events. First, let's discuss how to make planet and moon surfaces more interesting. Each world can have their own unique environment; for example, hurricanes and winds on Eve, sandstorms on Duna, quakes on Minmus, geysers on Vall, etc. All would have the potential to harm your mission, but also could return a huge science boost. Then there's space: Eve, Kerbin, and Jool would be surrounded by deadly bands of radiation; CMEs and other solar storms from the Sun; micro-asteroids (a warning would be given, of course). Again, running into them could make or break a mission. What do you guys think? Any criticisms? Additions? Sorry if any of these ideas are commonly suggested and/or already are mods; I've been away from KSP for over a year, and thus haven't checked out the modding scene in a while.
  16. I've been thinking or I hope you think of new updates ideas and here we will develop our ideas for updates in the future like mine idea and is that the kerbals had to plant food for survive or you die because now the game is not so realistic but this will help much of the users in Kerbal space program.
  17. Kerbals can live for extended periods of time without food and they are green. Is it possible that they are mild autotrophs? Since they can exist for long periods of time in metal capsules and EVA suits perhaps their chloroplasts are optimized for something other than p680 photons? Maybe Kerbals are most efficient when exposed directly to low and medium levels of gamma radiation? Kerbin, being as small as it is, probably has a very weak magnetosphere and only a wee bit of protection from solar radiation. This means the Kerbals likely evolved on a planet bathed in radiation and have also developed an uncanny knack to repair their own genes. While there are different Kerbal sexes, there are no observable Kerbal children and no references to Kerbal reproduction. Perhaps Kerbals need to get into space to support their asexual Kerbal reproductive cycle? Are Kerbals clonal? Are the clones math-literate at creation?
  18. Hey everyone! Just a quick survey After you've explored all the planets and moons, what do you do next? (I am nowhere near exploring all of them, I barely made it to the mun this last weekend. xD) I would just like to know what you all like to do after. Thanks! Sincerely, Andrew Ridgely
  19. Recently I have been playing Kerbal Space Program and I was surprised by the random placement of asteroids. This annoyed me slightly as I liked to think of the ksp solar system being like ours. If a large concentration of asteroids were between Duna and Jool it could make navigating space craft to Jool more interesting. Also you could have asteroids of different sizes so you could catch small ones in cargo bays.
  20. Would it be possible to make a mod that allows a separate window for ksp map view? That way i can have both up at the same time. If that already exist please link me to it. Thanks
  21. hi guys, this is not only a poll but a thread to suggest some stupid mission ideas. i did search the challenges and mission ideas not only on the forums, but on everything, reddit, google bing, everything. they just isn't stupid enough. i want challenges that is almost impossible and fun because i don't really want to wait for 2 minutes with max time warp while going to eeloo. plz reply cause i would be happy, u dont wana make me cry do u, ;-;
  22. hai all, so i have a youtube channel that is about ksp stuff. for somewhat reasons, i kinda ran out of stupid ideas. if i think your idea is possible and i can do it, i will make a video on it and give some credits to you. plz help meee!!
  23. I just developed my first shuttle. After a lot of hard work and calculations, it is done. Unfortunately, it is made from Mk2 parts. I cant pu many things inside that cargo bay. It has 2 CRG-08 bays. I am asking you, Kerbal-killers, to help me get ideas for funny and interesting shuttle missions. I already have interplanetary probes waiting for transfer window, but I think that wont be enough for me to feel like I used the shuttle as much as I can. Shuttle has enough delta-V to lift anything that can fit inside those cargo bays. Thank you in advance!
  24. Hey all. I am not that new to KSP, but I am pretty new to the KSP community, and would like some medium difficulty mission ideas and anything else you think would be good for me to know.
  25. wouldn't it be cool to see a UFO or a alien on the ground but quickly disappears once and a while. Or maybe a few ruins of aliens a bit more often like a UFO trapped in ice or a alien space station orbiting Eeloo or Duna, something like that. Anyway, i think the aliens should be and abstract colour than a kerbals colour like purple or yellow. Maybe the aliens could be humans or something. I don't know i just wish there would be a bit more abstract events and objects when landing or flying.
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