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  1. Dawgs I need help. My kerbals equipped the modern suite which is apart of one of the dlc's (dunno which), but the texturing is wierd. Have a look for yourself. Google Drive Image I know that I need to put some mods out there, so Here's the mod list: B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.20.0) BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont 2.3.13) Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1) ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1: Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator v2.6.1.0) Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2:3.7.3) Contract Pack: Clever Sats (ContractConfigurator-CleverSats 1.4) Contract Pack: Exploration Plus (ContractConfigurator-ExplorationPlus 2.0.1) Contract Pack: Field Research (ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.2.2) Distant Object Enhancement /L (DistantObject v2.1.1.13) Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2.1.1.13) Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.3) Editor Extensions Redux (EditorExtensionsRedux 3.4.5) Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR 2:EVE-1.2.2-1) Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3: Harmony 2 (Harmony2 HyperEdit (HyperEdit Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1) MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2 Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.3) PlanetShine (PlanetShine PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4) SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary Stock Waterfall Effects (StockWaterfallEffects 0.7.0) TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer v4.5.3) The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset 0.3.8) Toolbar (Toolbar 1: Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1: Trajectories (Trajectories v2.4.3) VesselMover Continued (VesselMoverContinued v1.12.0) Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.9.0) WaypointManager (WaypointManager I manually installed blackrack's VC (which is stunning!) I hope someone knows how to fix this and sees this.
  2. Please help me if there is a new download link for DSL And Zeus space telescope by Yogui87 DO NOT SEND MALWARE LINKS Before you click any links, test if the link is legit or not
  3. The TUFX mod says that it saves the profiles to ksp.log, but I don't know where it is. I checked my logs folder and I couldn't find anything related to TUFX. I checked the actual TUFX folder for anything, but it failed. I really don't want to redo the TUFX profiles each time I load back into ksp. Was I supposed to do something or am I missing something?
  4. Hey everyone, a few months ago we showed off an alpha version of our mod manager for KSP2 (previously known as 2KAN). We have returned with our newest version, which is a complete rework from the ground up using C#. This new version brings some much needed uplift in both performance and looks, we've also added a few QoL changes, as well as themes support. We are also actively working on integrating KSP 1 support which we will release as an update at a later date. If you'd like to check it out, you can find it on our GitHub page. We are also looking for some people to test our MacOS and Linux versions as we have only done limited testing on these platforms, if you're interested, drop by our community discord channel. The project is fully open-sourced, so if you run into to any bugs or have anything you'd like to add, feel free to create an issue or open a pull request on the GitHub!
  5. Module Manager is a pretty useful mod for practically managing mods, basically, in sarbian's words: "is mod that let you write patch file that edit other part at load time. With is you can edit squad (and other mod) part without overwriting their file." Now, again, this will mostly be for Windows. Step 1: Go to this link, and scroll down slowly to where it will say "Downloads:" And it should look like this. Link: Step 2: Find your KSP version, the latest version is pretty much 1.10, and I have that version. So I would go underneath it and click on either the zip, or dll. I do not know the differences between them but I just did zip. Step 3: When it downloads, open the location in your files. Find the zip or dll, and open it. Step 4: Now when you open it, you should see a README and a dll. Click the dll and get the GameData folder up. Now, drag the dll into the GameData folder. Step 5: Put the Module Manager dll into the GameData folder, make sure its not in any of the files inside the GameData folder. Step 6: You may now rerun KSP. If anything went wrong or didn't go as planned, please let me know so I can help you out with your problem.
  6. Mission Briefing With the advancement of the Galilean Space Program, mission control has demanded you to establish a permanent presence on another celestial body in the Ciroan system. You try to argue that there is still plenty space on Gael for the population to grow, but they don't respond to your cries. Objective: Develop a colony where Gaeleans can live in comfort, permanently or for extended durations of time. (And also get some cool screenshots ) Points More points = More good! Baseline - Start with 50 points Setup System x2.0 - Rescale GPP to 2.5x x3.0 - Rescale GPP to 10x Varying multiplier depending on what celestial body you establish your colony on: Life Support *Only one of these can be used at a time 2.0x - Used Kerbalism (Reliability recommended to be turned off) 1.9x - Used MKS + USI-LS 1.75x - Used only USI-LS without MKS 2.5x - Used Kerbalism + MKS 1.75x - Used another life support mod (TAC-LS, Snacks, Kerbal Health, etc.) Propulsion/Power *In general, restricted more or less to near future technologies. Nuclear and electric propulsion is fine. KSP-IE is fine when limited to earlier engines. 0.8x - Used antimatter/fusion engines/reactors/Far Future Technologies/black hole drives/etc. 0.8x - Used FTL drives, warp gates, or Blueshift 0.5x - Used obvious unbalanced parts 1.2x - Used no nuclear engines/reactors whilst abiding by the above (good luck lol) In-Game Sustainability Kerbalism 1.5x - Crew can stay indefinitely in the colony, and only "need" to be cycled due to stress 1.25x - Crew can stay in the colony with resupplies of nitrogen/ammonia to grow food every ~20 years (cannot be combined with above) 1.3x - Replaces above if nitrogen/ammonia is shipped from a planet other than Gael 1.1x - Has some way to circumvent part failures (if enabled) +5 - Per comfort (panorama, call home, etc.) +1 - Per 10m3 of habitable and pressurized volume x0.8 - Crew is not adequately protected from space radiation, radioactive parts, and/or space weather x0.8 - Crew needs shipments of food, water and/or oxygen to survive MKS / USI-LS 1.5x - Crew can stay indefinitely in the colony (meaning for the rest of time!) 1.3x - Crew can stay indefinitely in the colony, but requires Machinery shipments (cannot be combined with above) 1.1x - Crew can stay indefinitely with fertilizer shipments (cannot be combined with above) 0.9x - Crew needs to be cycled due to habitation (cannot be combined with above) Other life support mods 1.25x - Crew can stay indefinitely in the colony (meaning for the rest of time!) 1.1x - Mostly self sufficient but requires occasional shipments every ~20 years Crew Capacity +5 - For each Gaelean on board +1 - For each extra seat that is not occupied Base Placement +25 - Place your colony at the highest point on the celestial body +25 - Have the majority of your base submerged or floating in liquid, and the only parts that should touch land are ISRU and an airlock +50 - Place your colony on the seabed of Tarsiss, Tellumo, or Hadrian Other +5 - Fly a big flag! +30 - Have an asteroid, mined or not, be part of your base 1.5x - If you have a mod that increases the size/weight of asteroids to realistic proportions +40 - Produce RocketParts and launch vessels using Extraplanetary Launchpads +20 - If using MKS; where you need MaterialKits and SpecializedParts Challenge Rules -You must use GPP, no GPP secondary -Keep everything at stock balance; if you use RealFuels, turn off realistic masses, leave tank mass the same, and keep engine mass above 3.2 -No usage of Alt F12, HyperEdit, VesselMover etc. unless if it used to fix damage caused by a kraken attack -If you want to use your own patches, make sure they're balanced -Be honest! And most importantly... Impress me Recommended Mods These can all be found on CKAN -Kerbalism; link above -MKS / USI-LS; link above -RealFuels when used with Kerbalism with stock balance configs; ask me if you want my custom configs -Rational Resources; there are configs for the original resource distributions -Rational HydroDynamics; helps if you're trying the seabed challenge -Moldavite Machines; greenhouses for more than just food -KARE; nuclear ramjets useful for various bodies -Near Future Technologies; useful reactors, engines, fuel tanks, etc. -CryoTanks/CryoEngines; more useful tanks and engines Badges *not pictured, send me some if you want to* Gallery *none yet* Best of luck to anyone who attempts!
  7. Hello there! I'm writing a C# plugin to make player pay salary to kerbals. I'm new to plugin development, so, I don't know most of things that devs can use. Well, how to get a list of all kerbals and then get their roles (Pilot, Engineer, Scientist, Tourist) and XP levels? Thanks in advance for your reply
  8. Hello Modders! I'm developing a mod for the game that let's you load reference images directly into the editor so you can build around images, IN-GAME! It makes it really easy to make near-perfect replicas of real life vehicles. Thing is... I really need some help finishing this thing. I've ran into some problems when loading the texture into the game. KSP seems to be able to load the image, but not properly apply the texture to said image. That's where YOU come in! If you have any prior experience in Unity KSP modding I would love your help with loading these textures into the game. Thanks in advance for any help! Below are some screenshots of the mod doing it's thing:
  9. Every time I tried to orbit with Mechjeb2 with the ascent guidance, the periapsis will not go past 70km but the apoapsis always meets my targeted orbit altitude. I've looked through youtube and forums but there is nothing. It may be something stupid but I don't know.
  10. SpaceDock is the premier mod hosting site for Kerbal Space Program and Kerbal Space Program 2. Download and upload mods for: Kerbal Space Program 2 Kerbal Space Program 1 Site newes and announcements If youre having problems with the Advanced Search help beeing in the way reload your browser cache by pressing Shift+F5 OR Shift+ click reload
  11. THIS MOD IS STILL IN DEV GO TO THE ORIGINAL FORUM POST TO DOWNLOAD THE MOD I've been working on updates to this mod but they aren't ready yet and I don't know when they'll be ready, my schedule has been all over the place for the past few years and honestly I really don't want to be redirecting traffic. The original mod STILL WORKS with the latest version of KSP (at least it did the last time I checked). GO THERE. Thanks, Geo
  12. KSP: Latest - OS: Linux Mint Problem: Game crashes when i decouple, no clue whats causing it, but its not an issue without mods,. Mods installed: Realistic Progression + Recommended CKAN Mods (.ckan file included with the logs) Reproduction steps: when i decouple the two decouplers my game just exits. I've included the log file, save file and .ckan mod list for you all. Log: <link>https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18qLFoulDWnTaLFHhwWVwz0ytxeXfI4x-?usp=sharing
  13. I have TUFX, PlanetShine, Scatterer, EVE, RSSVE and GGE installed as visual mods. First of all, I had this problem with clouds not working so I first reinstalled Scatterer and EVE, after that it did not get fixed, but the shadows on all the gas giants were fine. Then I reinstalled RSSVE and the clouds were back and working, but now for some reason the shadows on all the gas giants are very sharp and doesn't look right. Please help! Images:
  14. What mod/s will add a realistic smoke effect to my game? I'm looking for something like this. I have researched for a bit but nothing came up. Thanks for any responses.
  15. Time becomes 999 y, 499 d, all world disappears and i can do nothing. The last mod I installed was Parallax with it's dependencies but it didn't work properly. Think better uninstall them.
  16. I was thinking about mod platform. I mean official mod platform like for example in Factorio game. In KSP I was searching for mods on many pages (Curseforge, GitHub etc), forum, Ckan, and so one. And I never was 100% sure if this is the newest, if there is no official dependencies or incompatible with other mod. It would be nice to have official server for mods, ease to download, ease to find updates, other recommended mods to install together etc etc.
  17. Ok, so I saw this wiki article, and it got me thinking: I should try to make my own planet pack! Then, a few hours later, I gave up, because it was way too difficult for me to figure out all the syntax and stuff, and I was having so many issues, and in the end, I was left with a glossy ball with the texture directly mapped onto it. So yeah. But, this also got me thinking: would it be possible to make a user-friendly editor to, at the very least, edit planets? I have very little modding experience, so I'm not sure if this is possible, but if it is, that is my suggestion for a mod. It doesn't necessarily have to be in game, but I just want it to be user friendly. Maybe something like SimpleRockets2's Planet Studio could work! I, and I'm sure at least a few others, would greatly appreciate such a mod.
  18. I was looking at GameLinx's mod development tutorial , and I got to the part where he's adding references from the browse section, but when i looked in my KSP folder there was no KSP_x64_Data folder. Here is my KSP folder, as well as my mods I'm running an Intel i3 Mac Air with MacOS Monterey Any help appreciated
  19. This might be too much to ask for but i would like a list of almost EVERY visual mod available for the most recent version of ksp. I have the basics like EVE and scatterer, but once i learned about how many more there really are, i'd like to know as many as the community knows about.
  20. Hello, recently I got a new PC so I decided to go get some better visual mods. This exact video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJCCDIBmrBI really caught my attention. Though, no matter what I do I can't seem to figure out how it looks so good and what mods he uses. I even followed the mod tutorial he did but it looked different than the video. Does anyone know what mods i could use or what he does/uses to make his game look so good? Thanks!
  21. Hi there, recently I have saw a mod called 'Spectra' and thought it looked really good. Especially one image really stood out to me. Basically whenever I install the mod and all the needed dependencies the clouds and some few other small things don't seem to be working even though it works for other players. I want to recreate this exact look https://imgur.com/a/GjOpQ3L (image). If anyone knows how to both make my game look like that and fix spectra to show clouds i would be really greatful. Another small thing is that KSC Extended isn't working properly but that is less important right now. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V-EK49RnClrO8FA8l4KjR5ln9KRDVE1k/view?usp=sharing (KSP.log)
  22. First, I just want to say I'm pretty new to KSP and modding the game So, I was opening KSP and thought about one of the loading screens and I always thought it looked really good. I was wondering if anyone knows how I can make my game look like this? I really like the colors the lighting and the shaders. Just the whole look in general. If anyone knows how to make my game look like this I would be happy. And if I need any configs maybe someone knows them. https://imgur.com/a/xUAGlEG (The image) Thanks!
  23. I just wanna say that im pretty new both to KSP and modding So, I have seen people say chatterer is a really good mod and it works on the newest version of KSP. I tried to install it from ckan, from spacedock and from github and none of these worked. But for other people i see it works even on the newest version. Am i doing something wrong?
  24. BDarmoury was THE weapons mod for Kerbal Space Program. With a sequel coming up, it will be interesting to see what gets improved. The original mod was good, but the variety was a little low. Also, there were no space-based weapons or items, apart from that one missile (if you were going to add 1 thing specifically for space, why not add more?) One of the features I am most excited about adding to BDarmoury will be colonies. The potential the has is massive. Firstly, it will be possible to set up colonies, then go to war with others. This may add an interesting aspect to the mod, especially if unique mechanics are integrated to facilitate this. Another thing that is harder but wayyy cooler is extra structures for colonies that are military focused. Examples include: AA guns Ammo storage depot Long-range (perhaps interplanetary) Missile silo Short to medium range missile battery I don't know what could be added for interstellar travel integration, but it would also be interesting. It could allow for grand conflicts across multiple systems, with many Kegadeaths of casualties. For this to work, the tech tree must have a decent progression path for weapons/other equipment (unguided rocket goes to laser guided goes to active radar missile that impacts at retavitlistic speeds). Let me know if there is anything you would want for BDA 2.0
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