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  1. I have been studying concepts for missions, and I think I might have one. It is basically an expansion upon the idea of a Saturn atmospheric probe whose relay will escape the Solar System. As of yet, it is nameless, but I have some ideas for what it will be. The carrier-relay probe will have a wide-angle camera with color capabilities, and a narrow-angle camera with only B&W. This is similar to the Ralph-Lorri dichotomy on New Horizons. It may also have some other instruments from the Voyager probes, such as a magnetometer, radio receiver, UV spectrometer, etc. Finally, it will carry an atmospheric probe to descend into Saturn's atmosphere. It will be released not long before the Saturn flyby, and after the relay passes from the shadow, it will relay the data collected from the atmospheric probe, as well as data it may have collected as well. The carrier-relay would look like a mesh between Voyager, New Horizons, and Galileo (with the atmospheric probe), possibly. It would be launched in mid-2034, have a 1.7-year-long cruise phase to Jupiter, then take about 4 years to get to Saturn. After that, a Haumea flyby may be possible, given enough funding directed toward it. A couple of questions, however: Since it's on an escape trajectory from the Solar System, what cargo will it carry for aliens to find? Would it be feasible to have a camera embedded into the probe to take a picture of the Saturnian atmosphere? To get to Haumea, how close would the carrier-relay have to fly to Saturn? Would it be possible to make a mockup of it using RSS? (preferably both imgur photographs AND a youtube video) These are two possible trajectories I might use. They aren't necessary, but is instead a template or guideline. https://drive.google.com/open?id=14YrJYsIIzYcgSTCZa_DjR8acOjPp26Ks https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GF_xSTJa7mQ37aFmDcRsh06SYOPoPD0e Share your thoughts below.
  2. According to this video posted a few hours ago (complete with unnecessarily dramatic music ) by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Voyager 2 has crossed the heliopause and entered interstellar space, following Voyager 1 which passed this milestone in 2012. So, we now have two spacecraft beyond our solar system!
  3. MODS: KSPIE, KJR, Space Y, B9+legacy packs, SVE, scatterer, navhud, kerbal engineer, procedural parts, procedural wing, nebula decals, kerbal foundries continued, simple construction, TAC fuel ballancer, TAC life support, hangar extender, distant object enhancer, DiRT (for changing the skybox get it!)
  4. Hi! as the title says, this is a thread to post your kspi-e warpships to other star systems (that use no other mods), but there is also a contest: who can make the best warpship. About the contest: your goal is to create the best warpship for the advancement of kerbals to the nova kirbani (kerbani?) system, where they have found a good candidate for colonization. however: the kerbals went competitive. now is the race to make the best warpship! scoring system is as follows: - +1 point for every m/s of delta v when you are about to use the drive - +15 points if it is in size 2 format - +1005 points if it is an ssto - +220 points for every kerbal on board - -10 point penalty if you keep the extra monoprop in the cockpit (with no docking system) - +115 points for a docking system - +1 point if you keep all the monoprop in the cockpit if you have a docking system all of that is then divided by the mass of the vessel, and 6666 points will be added if you impress me and 789 points will be added if you go beyond the nova kirbani system. averything is then roinded to the nearest whole number. you are disqualified if: - you cannot reach interstellar space. - use a warp drive that destroys every other vessel. - you disobey Wheaton's law - cheat. - use an external seat. P.S. I am new to the forum so please reply and the contest is optional (which is the reason this is in the spacecraft exchange at the time of posting)
  5. Has anybody made an interstellar arkship, capable of going to various star systems and colonizing them? I've created one, the Genesis, but it's very primitive and hard to control. Does anybody have pictures and/or can help me with my galactic colonization ambitions? And some mods to help make the ships would be nice too!
  6. Fly 999999999999999 meters far from Kerbol Rules: No cheats, mods, plugins, Max 50 stages (with engines) Must be new uncrewed vessel Hard mode: Max size 2 allowed Impossible mode: Max size 1 allowed You can do anything mode: Max size 0 allowed Post photo of launch vehicle, mode you played, photo of you are 999999999999999 from Kerbol
  7. For some time now, I have been working on a project with three PartModules, countless physics bugs, and fourteen builds of the same plugin. It has no custom models/textures for the parts, but they are localized(in English only for now, sorry) and they work(more or less) as intended. So, I present: the Jump Drive! The parts right now: BMS-01 "Somewhere Else" Hyperdrive This is currently a clone of the J-33 Wheesley jet engine, now with 100% less regular engine functionality! However, it is currently experiencing bugs that prevent it from loading. "A small engine, useful for going somewhere else. Be careful, though, as this technology is experimental, and you have no idea where you'll go if you use this. It does, however, have a "Back to Kerbin" feature, which allows you to go back home easily. There is also an error that will send you forward in time approximately 9 days. You are teleported to a flyby with the random celestial body chosen by the engine. Warranty void if used to teleport surface-to-surface." BMS-02 "Somewhere Else+" Hyperdrive This is a clone of the LV-N, and it is slightly improved over the BMS-01... "This drive is the improved version of the BMS-01. Most issues are mostly fixed, although we still can't choose where to go. The forward-in-time issue is reduced to 2 seconds. You can also teleport directly to orbit around your chosen target, rather than that annoying flyby. [REDACTED- FIND OUT WHAT GOES HERE WHEN IT'S RELEASED]" And... the BMS-03, which doesn't currently have a name, will be a clone of the Mammoth engine cluster, and you will be able to choose your destination. Likely release date: Summer 2018
  8. Sorry if this is the wrong subforum. I'm trying to build a fusion-engine-powered ship with Interstellar tech, and I'm running into something that I think is weird, but maybe somebody has some tips? Or maybe it's supposed to work this way and I'm needing to design around it better. I have the ship in the screenshot below. The problem is when I throttle up the engine. The reactor and generators will gradually come up to the power level needed to run the engine at the selected speed, but this dips into my MJ reserves. Now that would be fine, except when the reactor/generators catch up, they only reach equilibrium, and don't actually produce any power to replenish my batteries. Same problem with the radiators, but in reverse - my WasteHeat will rise until the rads panels catch up and begin dissipating the heat, but they never work hard enough to bring my WasteHeat back down (which means my part temperatures go up, which means my generator efficiency drops, which means the MJ drain is bigger the next time I tap "Shift" to bring the throttle up a little bit more.) I was able to get this design up to maximum throttle by opening the throttle in very slow increments, but that's kind of annoying. How do I tell my generators and radiators to actually do their jobs (replenish my MJ reserves and cool the ship)? Or am I somehow using the wrong combination of parts? I have KAS, KIS, TweakUI (hence the giant radiators), Procedural parts, and a couple other mods installed. Is it possible one of them is conflicting with Interstellar somehow? Thanks in advance.
  9. I may be entirely daft here - it's likely, but I have my space station set up, with its fuel tanks. I have 3 tanks for monopropellant, and 3 tanks for Liquid fuel and oxidizer. I filled them all up at launch with monopropellant. Now 3 are empty - i want to convert these empty tanks to hold Lq and Ox. How do I make it do this as it won't let me transfer LQ and OX into them Below is a picture hopefully explaining what i mean... P.S. I have interstellar fuel switch installed.
  10. So I wrote this story a while back, sort of based on my pondering about what a slowboat interstellar mission in the next 40-ish years. It's decent writing, and I spent a long time on it, so I would appreciate you reading it. It's pretty long, so I'm gonna put the majority in a spoiler, but here's the title and 'cover' un-spoilered. It's bursting with references, from Doctor Who to Avatar (the good one with bending, not Pocahontas with blue people) to Steins;Gate to all the little things that I'm not remembering. It's mostly names, but I have no clue as to all the crap I put in there. Cheers! Project Odysseus
  11. I've been working on a new project for a while. The mod, which currently adds in 3 exoplanets, 4 moons, and another star, is currently in progress; I probably won't release it for another month. Currently, I have not made any biome maps and there is only one star system (Delta Cyclonus). The completion of the Delta Cyclonus system is expected sometime in early October, but again, the mod will only be released once I have completed the second star system. Another feature of this mod will be some new parts that will improve your robotic exploration of space: a camera, an ultraviolet spectrometer, and a magnetometer. For those of you who can't wait another month for the release of the planet pack, here are a few peeks at what is all ready completed. Note that eve support has been completed, and I have started working on the optional cloud mod for this planet pack. If you download the mod a month from now, you have to install eve and the optional cloud mod in order to get the clouds, auroras etc. seen in the pictures. Magmus (Venus analog) https://imgur.com/a/ru2G3 Qwerty (Ringed Terra) https://imgur.com/a9aub6X Segway (Moon of Qwerty) https://imgur.com/ujW22NF Arval (Moon of Qwerty) https://imgur.com/CEQzlql Yirga (Cold Exo-Jool) https://imgur.com/5Ji9DwA Weltron (Moon of Yirga) https://imgur.com/PSarvUD Oblon (Moon of Yirga) https://imgur.com/NbBS5bx
  12. Does anyone know where I can find a suite of mods that would allow me to replicate, in it's entirety the film Interstellar? I already have assembled a number of mods for this purpose but I am curios to see what others have come up with!!!
  13. Welcome to Raptor Aerospace Industries. My name is Raptor22, President and CEO of Raptor Industries. Please, enjoy your stay. Here at Raptor Industries, we are dedicated to bringing you reliable aircraft, spacecraft, and other aerospace systems that will serve you throughout multiple missions. From cargo planes to faster-than-light starships, we will ensure that our systems are versatile and affordable. We are not to be confused with Raptor Aerospace Concepts and Solutions. If you mistakenly came here, go here: View our products on KerbalX: Visit Raptor Industries! While in the past, Raptor Industries (or, as it once was called, Raptor Aviation and Aerospace Technologies) mainly created aircraft, in recent times the company has shifted to creating ships for interstellar travel. Our Star Fleet division (inspired by but not affiliated with CBS’s Star Trek) specializes in creating the finest star ships, star bases, and shuttlecraft for the United Kerbin Defense Force, along with other contractors. In addition, we still serve the KAF (Kerbal Air Force), and have many military systems, alongside the civilian market. Our defense systems are among the best on Kerbin. As such, victory is almost always assured. We often incorporate military technology into civilian projects to provide the best safety systems that you can hope for. All modded aircraft will be incorporated with aviation lights for safety. If you have even more concerns, we may grant special requests to outfit certain civilian aircraft with electronic warfare jamming systems, flares, and chaff, to provide the utmost defense against enemy attacks. We will always do our best to provide as much information as we can about our systems. We shall ensure that each vessel in our catalog has the following statistics listed clearly: All action groups Resource values (i.e. maximum fuel load, electrical charge, etc.) Maximum Proven Altitude (unburden, or without a payload or weapons) Maximum Proven Airspeed (criteria for determining such shall be determined later) Maximum number of passengers and crew Other statistics, such as maximum payload, range, and endurance, are hard to obtain, and may vary from user to user as a result of different handling of the systems. While some may be aiming to squeeze every last drop out of a system, others may simply be aiming to get there quickly, regardless of fuel usage. We do not dictate how our customers operate our systems, but we will provide suggestions in order to make sure all of our customers are satisfied. Stock Market Modded Market If you wish to become one of our corporate partners, we shall be sure to include information about your company (profile) here. Here is a list of our Corporate partners: WaffleTech Military Technologies, Lead by Joseph Kerman. Visit them here: We thank all of our corporate partners for their support If you have any suggestions or complaints, please contact us at [email protected] Please bear with the current lack of craft for the time being. I'm still making the first iteration of aircraft and designing their pages, so it will be a little empty for now. But please, stay tuned. I'll be uploading my craft very soon.
  14. I have been toying around with different long range rockets in the Interstellar mod, and i just cannot for the life of me find a comprehensive guide to the different types of fuels and how they interact with the engines. I have seen notated here and there in the forums that things like Hydrazine provide extra thrust? But i also see some places that Hydrogen is used often for first stages, and most engines have "higher base isp" for Hydrogen; yet, when i compare hydrogen to LiquidFuel for example, i come out with FAR less dv according to KER. Unfortunately, i cannot find a definitive explanation and comparison between the types of fuels, and the Interstellar wiki seems to come up short. I have schooling experience with liquid water reactors, and i enjoy learning about high tech systems and the physics behind how they function, but like i said earlier. Just having trouble finding some kind of write-up with the niche uses of each type of fuel. OBVIOUSLY they would have a use if they exist in the game...right?
  15. There used to be a ton of mods that replaced Kerbol with a black hole and added a ton of extra star systems but I can't find any that work with 1.3. Are there any such mods?
  16. So, I love planet packs. I love exploring new worlds, establishing communications, and setting up colonies. I love habitable worlds. I love strange and interesting new worlds. I appreciate some fine little dust balls, and I enjoy gazing at the majesty of real purdy gas giants. But my problem has always been that new planet packs might add a half dozen (or more) new planets, and I only really want a couple of them. Some huge packs only add a handful I REALLY love, and many packs put new planets so far away from Kerbin that It would take ten thousand Kerbal lifetimes to get there, or leave the solar system so chaotically arranged that planets actually collide (or, you know... just kind of.. clip through each other... like wall hacks.) Some packs use their own textures, some reference CTTP, or their own textures. Sometimes, the same exact artwork is loaded in multiple different folders, saturating my system memory with three instances of the same high-def picture of some lovely, lovely dirt. So I built my own solar system in an attempt to capture exactly what I want in my little sandbox. I call it "Kerbal Impossible Solar System." I wanted many planets, and even new systems to explore. I wanted a veritable smorgasbord of habitable planets to colonize, recourse rich bodies to exploit, dangerous worlds for Jeb to go give his life for the cause on. Well, I've filled it up with planets that many of the very talented modders have created and shared with us. I've combined and organized all the extra resources that they use, like textures and decals, and such to reduce the memory overhead. I've adjusted the science values to be more appropriate, and I'm in the process of creating descriptions and appropriating mining resources. After that, I'll be working on setting up EVE atmospheres and Scatterer configs. Maybe I'll add mod support for things like research bodies, if I'm feeling especially willing to punish myself. At this point, I've put a pretty large amount of work into this project, and I would share it so you can see where I'm at so far... I totally would... But, I've stolen, BLATANTLY STOLEN the fine work of MANY of the modders in this community. I haven't asked anyone for permission to use their planets in a pack yet, because I wasn't originally planning on uploading this. While I am sure *some* of the victims of my wanton theft would be happy to share their colormaps, heightmaps, biome maps, and Normals, others, I am sure, would not allow me to make use of their artwork and files. I'll start asking some of the folks that I have... erm, "Borrowed from" and see if they mind lending the fruits of their labors to this ridiculous enterprise, but I don't suspect that every planet artist will be on board to have their products so shamelessly exploited. We shall see. So, I guess I'm just kind of posting, first of all, to test the waters and see if this is a project that would generate any real interest. Those in search of realism obviously wouldn't be interested, but there are plenty of other packs that strive for realism. This pack seeks to maximize the things that an intrepid explorer, a true capitalist... a conquest minded imperialist, would appreciate. Even just people who want to get out and explore, don't really care where they end up, and don't want to have to worry about transfer windows, or plan gravity assists Kerbin years ahead of time. And secondly, to ask if anyone has planets that I may use? Maybe you are the creator of a popular planet pack, and would be happy to let me pilfer your artstuffs. Maybe you've made planets in the past, but never found a place to put them to good use. Maybe you are just really good with GIMP and like making planets, and wouldn't mind helping me fill in the gaps with some custom requests. Anything helps. (I can't actually draw / draft planets myself, so I really am totally dependent on the charity of this community if you guys want to see this come into fruition. Of course, credit will be given where it is due.
  17. A while ago I saw a video on YT of a recreation of the ISV Venture Star from James Cameron's Avatar. The spacecraft in the movie was part of a fleet of twelve vessels meant to carry people and cargo to Alpha Centauri. I love sci-fi. I really love sci-fi when they do their research and make something that is a lot closer to sci than fi. The ISV Venture Star falls into this category. It is quite the gorgeous ship and really quite practical and realistic (for a fictional interstellar starship) when it comes to parts, equipment, design, etc. The ship in the video was quite the amazing spacecraft and a very nice build, but I wanted to get as close to accurate as my rinky dink little computer can handle. So for the past few hours that's exactly what I did. Hope y'all enjoy! Here is a diagram and picture for reference: And here is mine (I tried to recreate the image, but then realized I had it rotated 90 degrees). Oh well.. It is approximately 925,000 tons fully fueled and about 1400 meters in length (slightly shorter than the diagram due to the fact that I did not include the shields and only the protective mirror). Astonishly I was able to make it with only 192 parts so my caveman computer can run it just fine (definitely could go twice that, but would be dealing with about 5-10 fps). I may even be able to make two valkyrie shuttles and attach them without it setting on fire! Thanks to whoever made the original video and craft as you are my partial inspiration for this! Let me know what y'all think! Cheers, Taylor EDIT: I will be spacing out the radiator slightly and extending the rear truss to more accurately match it. I'll eventually add the shields (I think) at which point I'll also angle the engines outward slightly to also more accurately match the spacecraft.
  18. So I'm playing on ksp 1.2 with kerbalism and interstellar and some other mods I'll post them later but,I'm trying to make a warp ship to blalo in kss which can carry 1000 tons. I hope that some of you guys can help me out and also learn from others. -Thanks Devan
  19. Hello! I'm working with @FreeThinker of the Interstellar Extended mod to try and get his antimatter engine spacecrafts to be more accurate. Primarily, we want to make sure we have the correct exhaust ISP and reactor output for an antimatter reactor. We're looking at beam-core specifically, but while we are at it, looking ant anti-matter catalyzed fusion or being open to even more efficient alternatives would be great. Here is the mod forum link (you can find the mod itself on CKAN) Now, there are a few designs out there in existence which we can reference as-is. However, many of these have specific mission parameters in place at the get go. They also include a surplus of mass for use as shielding against gamma rays generated from the use of the antimatter. That goes way beyond what is necessary in Kerbal, modelling shielding from gamma rays would be a a lot of work. Also, depending on the configuration of the reactor, that shielding might already be in place. Different Physics than Tsiolkovsky The first and most important thing to realize is that the traditional rocket equation no longer holds. Some of your mass wet mass is literally annihilated and converted into energy. This means that you can reach substantially higher delta-V than simply calculated from your Isp. You can read more detail from this source, but here are the basic eqs. The problem for KSP is that once you take the derivative of this to model the fuel loss, you can't solve it symbolically for the total Isp. Ship Designs There are a few different designs out there, some in the VERY early stages of NASA Tech Readiness Level, others are far ahead in fiction alone. Here's a list from Orion's Arm which I summarize below as well, and add ACF. Antimatter Catalyzed Fusion Uses antimatter reaction to trigger D-D or D-T fusion ICAN-II: A study by Penn State Picture by my friend Seth Pulsed Explosions AIMStar Solid Core - (ISP = 1000 s) high energy conversion efficiency, but very high thrust and low ISP - little thermal decay Gas Core (ISP = 2000 s) Plasma Core (ISP = 10^5 s) Beam Core (ISP = 10^7 s) Project Valkerie Project Frisbee Gamma Ray Photon Rocket Right now the mod is focused on Beam Core, Gamma Ray photon rockets are well beyond the scope of any serious study right now. Here's two charts which show the propellent/dry mass and antimatter/dry mass ratios. Beam Core is the best, hands down. For every 1 mT of dry mass, to reach 33% light-speed, you'd only need roughly 2 mT of fuel, or 4 mT for acceleration and decelleration. For Anti-Matter, for 1000 kg dry mass reaching 33%, you'd roughly hit parity. You'd want an amount of antimatter nearly equal to your dry mass. Or twice that if you need to decelerate too. Or seen this way at just direct mass 10^6 g is 1 mT Antimatter Storage Density and Energy Requirements So first, we should look at mechanisms for storing antimatter - it needs to be tight. Generating antimatter is important as well, but the mods that @FreeThinker has does a great job at that. We actually do have antimatter stuck in the Van Allen Belt, and so does Jupiter. It can be harvested. And it's already used, it occurs naturally in lightnight strikes, and PET Scans used in hospitals are actually generating positrons from isotope decay to track gamma rays being generated inside your body. Insane right? Antimatter is NOT for energy production, it's for energy transport. It is the most efficient fuel known to physics. Antimatter can be stored in a number of ways, but here are the most prominent. Antimatter can be an anti-proton, a positron, or anti-hydrogen. Conceivably you could have heavier anti-particles, or exotic anti-particles, but those are for another time. Some of those particles though, pions, are created and destroyed during the annhilation process of larger particles. Positrons might end up being easier to store, but they have much less mass-energy than an anti-proton. Positrons are 0.5 MeV, Anti-Protons are 938 MeV. Ultimately, a LOT of your dry mass will end up being just the components necessary to house the stored anti-matter. Penning Traps - generally pretty large and energy demanding, but can hold large amounts of either anti-protons or positrons. These get a lot better with superconductors. These could potentially scale up into larger electromagnetic holding cells - but it's still pretty risky to keep it all in one place. Micro-Trap Arrays (source)- "Atom chips are now being proposed for trapping antiprotons, positrons and antihydrogen." - Source Intended for positrons at the moment, but microtrap arrays are also used in Quantum Computing and a lot of solid matter physics experiments. You can trap heavy ions in these things, it happens all the time, and these microarrays are far safer. If one fails, you might have an explosion, but not necessarily a chain reaction. A microtrap array would probably be much heavier than a large penning trap, but it could still remain relatively small since you can arrange the traps in 3 dimmensions. It's hard to get a good estimate on possibly storage limits, because most of the time these traps are used in QC where you are trying to have only one atom per trap, not several. But - if you include "cooling lasers" to the mix, it might be possible to scale things up pretty large. There are no listed numbers available for max storage capacity for Microtraps in a serious large scale use - however - "It was computationally shown that each microtrap with 50 µm radius stored positrons with a density (1.6 × 10^11 cm−3 ) even higher than that in conventional Penning-Malmberg traps (≈ 10^11 cm−3 ) while the confinement voltage was only 10 V" Source Since microtraps are basically tiny coils on a wafer, once can see how these could easily scale up. Taking the mass of a positron at 9.1e-31 kg, and the number of positrons at 10V, which is 10^8, you get 1.45e-20 kg/trap. Each trap takes up 50 micron radius, which gets you to a number of 1.47e-9 kg per square meter. So the surface area required to reach 1mT of antimatter is... 6.76e11 m^2 So that's still a lot, and mostly because positrons are so tiny, but you could fold a lot of surface area into a tiny volume if you wanted to. If you stacked all of those traps linearly, you would be 41,000 km long, but only 50 nm wide. Now... I think I did my math right, but I wouldn't mind being checked. You could possibly fold that 41,000 km into thin sheets that were 100m x 100m - assuming that EVERY microtrap has a spacing of 50 nm, I calculated that you could fit the entire aparatus into a box which is 100m x 100m x 164m, or roughly a box that is 117m^3 - again, that's for 1 mT of Antimatter Bump that up to 120m^3 for posterity, and you get a figure that says you have 5.7e-4 kg/m^3 of antimatter, or 0.57 g/m^3 Now, let's say that you bump up the potential from that 5-10 V to something more like 100 V, you now would have 12 KG/m^3, because storage scales logarthimically AND folded arrays scale cubic. You also could possibly shrink the trap size but retain a similar positron count. Realistically, you probably will want more space between the cells - but you'll run things at a somewhat higher voltage because otherwise you can't store enough. The "dry weight" here would probably be comparable to an average data center, but I'll have to calc that out when I have more time. Buckyball, CNT, Physical Binding- more coming soon. Neutral Molecular Binding - look up positron dynamics, this is a very promising technique too, definately a hell of lot easier to create en-masse than a 3D circuit of microtraps that is ~100m in diameter. Here is the chart @FreeThinker put together for his storage estimates on his antimatter tanks. - I will review tomorrow - but I think splitting tank types might be a good idea, since tech level will determine storage capacity. Diameter 0.625m 1.25 m 2.5 m 5.0 m 10 m 20 m Antimatter (mg) 1695 13192,25 105538 844304 6754432 54035456 432283648 Antimatter (kg) 0,013 0,1 0,84 6,75 54 432 Tank Mass (kg) 25 50 100 200 400 800 1600 Tank Mass (ton) 0,025 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,4 0,8 1,6 Antimatter Beam Core Reactor Energy More to come on this soon - will try to derive from the charts above. Help appreciated. Magnetic Nozzle Exhaust Velocities I will expand on this soon. Basically though, it's variable based on what reactor you use, but enough sources out there claim an upper limit of about 10,000,000 ISP, while some only predict 100,000. ISP, Exhause Velocity and Delta V are again related, but not via the traditional ratios of the rocket equations. See above. ALRIGHT - this is my first draft - I'll update this first post with relevant information as we revise things. Also - I'll probably post another thread for the MagScoop Sail too - since that can handle the bulk of deceleration (interstellar 'wind' drag) andthus cut your fuel needs down by nearly half.
  20. So I have built a vessel to carry my crew to the Jovian system in KSP. I am trying to leave the Kerbin system with a DT Vista Fusion Engine, but I keep running into the same problem over and over. Out of the blue, my thrust drops to 0. I check Kerbal Engineer and it says that my fuel is burning and all other resources are being consumed as normal. Check the engine itself and it says it has 600Kn of thrust, but my orbital speed isn't changing at all. There is a constant supply of power coming from the Nuclear fusion generator, keeping the power above 2.5Gw. This isn't happening right when I start my burn either, I will use 1,750DV in a certain direction with perfect output from the engine, but after that it just stops, with 250 more DV required to finish my burn correctly. I have been looking over this all night and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing this constant failure in engine output. Any advice? Anyone else seen this weird bug?
  21. Hello, UranianBlue here from Delta Sigma Mods!! I have been starting a new project that will create extra star systems. Because of the extreme distances, I recommend using the Interstellar Extended mod. Also, if you have not seen my Heidon Mod, try it out! Pics will come soon. Release will be in May or June. Post your suggestions down here; this is your chance to alter the mod to your preferences.
  22. Easy Mode: Do a manned flyby of every body in the Antares system found in this mod. You may only use stock parts and stock game mechanics. The only other mods allowed are visual aid mods such as Kerbal Engineer and Trajectories. Then return all astronauts safely to Kerbin. Normal Mode: Do a grand tour of the Kerbol system on the way home. Hard Mode: Land on everything except the stars and gas giants. Do atmospheric flights of the gas giants. Extra Hard Mode: Do the same with the Kerbol system. Ultra Hard Mode: Impress me. How to Impress Me: Figure it out. *BTW This must be done in KSP 1.2.2.
  23. I have a mod idea, and the title says it all - procedural systems connected by wormholes that unload the previous system and load in the new one to avoid the problems that come with ludicrous distances in KSP. Here's how it could work: Obtaining Parts In career mode, after you have visited all the inner system planets (Moho, Eve and Kerbin) and at least one of the outer system planets (Duna outwards) a mandatory mission will appear asking you to send a ship to investigate an anomaly detected near Jool. Upon arriving at the anomaly, you will be instructed to get within 100 meters (yes, meters) of it to analyze it. However, it expands and you are pulled inside, cue loading screen. Upon arrival in the closet procedural system, you finish analysis and fly back through the wormhole to Kerbol, and then back to Kerbin. The science team then makes some cool new parts for you to play with! New parts Wormhole Drive (WDrive) A part that can be used on ships that uses ludicrous (10,000+) amounts of EC to generate XM (Exotic Matter). The part can hold 100 units of XM, and each unit of XM generated allows one LY (lightyear) of wormhole travel, allowing for a maximum 100 LY range per usage. Opens up a menu to allow you to select systems and subtargets (planets, moons, WGates, WBeacons) within those systems. Can hold 1 crew member, a Pilot will provide better jump accuracy (arriving closer to subtarget), an Engineer will improve XM generation rate, and a Scientist will do nothing. Wormhole gate (WGate) A part that can be put in orbit that has the same capabilities and requirements as a WDrive, except it opens up the wormhole in a gate that smaller ships can pass through. Has subtarget capabilities. Useful if you want to transfer supplies to your colony but don't want to send one of your expensive WDrive-equipped ships. Can hold a destination queue, essentially allowing you to, for example, put three cargo ships in line and tell the WGate which ones are going where and in which order. It will automatically open the wormholes in the order you specified and send the ships through. Same crew bonuses as WDrive. Can send to other WGates and WBeacons. Wormhole Beacon (WBeacon) A part that can be equipped on stations to allow them to be subtargeted for travel by WDrives or WGates. Only requires a few units of EC/sec to keep it going. No crew bonuses. Wormhole Comm (WComm) To allow probe control and crew communication over interstellar distances, the WComm was created. It uses a micro-wormhole suspended within the radially attached device to communicate with satellites that are also equipped with WComms in Kerbin, or directly to KSC if no satellites are available. Uses a few units of EC/sec when active. Uses 0.1 XM/LY to open or readjust the wormhole to your target. Wormhole Inhibitor (WInhibitor) Should you ever want to prevent any sort of wormhole travel in or out of a certain area, the WInhibitor can be deployed, preventing inbound or outbound travel from occuring within a 10km radius. Any destinations within this area will be colored red on the subtarget menu, however ships can still attempt to jump to these locations and will be dumped just outside the affected area. EDIT: MORE PARTS Probe WDrive Just like a regular WDrive, except cannot generate XM (uses XM fuel tanks) XM Fuel Tanks Would come in a variety of sizes and capacities. Designed mainly for probes, but can be equipped on larger ships for travelling further without refuelling. XM Converters Converts space particulates into XM. Would be disabled by default - if enabled for an extra challenge, XM Converters and EC would be required to refuel, and if you were to add on more converters, XM would be collected quicker. DISCLAIMER: Do not let kerbals near an active converter - the magnetic field generated may pull them into the conversion mechanism, turning them into XM. XM Generator Can be equipped on a station or a larger ship - generates XM for transfer into ships docked to the station or large craft, used for refuelling small ships and fuelling probes. Other Ideas WDrives can be configured to hold wormholes open like a WGate at the cost of EC and XM for each ship that travels through the held-open wormhole. WDrives, WGates (except those with a special part) and WBeacons cannot be used in the atmosphere or on the surface of planets. (Configurable at extreme risk for those who want to jump into the middle of a mountain) Procedural systems will span out anywhere from 500ly to 10,000 ly. (Configurable) WDrives and WGates must be at least 500km away from the surface to be used. (Should be off by default) Surface WGates. This could be extreme, but an extra radial part on two WGates, one on say, Kerbin and one on Duna, to allow instant transit between the two. Configurable chance of drive malfunctions dropping you into interstellar space tens to thousands of LY away from your target system. So what does everyone think of this idea? Anyone think it would be cool if it were included in stock KSP? Cheers, UbuntuLinuxKing
  24. Galactica 'An interstellar mod' Description: Galactica is a mod which (only for now) adds a binary solar system, Kerbol-Kerbrus. Kerbrus is distant from Kerbol, however not outside of its sphere of influence. There are no planets orbiting Kerbrus, but it is accompanied by a small brown dwarf, heated from Kerbrus' light and radiation. In Kerbol's planetary system, however, there are four planets and three dwarf planets (although this may change). Currently the only major objects in order are: Istrocene, a semi-ocean and desert planet, holding with it one purple desert moon, Hyomascae. Menochiton, the largest planet with four moons. Menochiton has a large ring system, although no large objects are within it. Its moons are Euranum (sandy moon), Neupheia (ocean), Ceuliene (home planet), Curea (scarred moon). Azarmea, a toxic/acidic planet with green rings. It has one moon, Ochrae. Styre, which is a purple gas giant with three moons, all of which are ice moons. As for dwarf planets: Predail, a small lonely planet burning up near Kerbol. Femmon, a larger dwarf planet with Remailas as its primary moon and Sneodas, a captured asteroid. Nismah, an ice planet orbiting between Azarmea and Styre. Outside of the solar system is Slago, a supermassive singularity which (doesn't) contain a vast accretion disk from a former blue star. Compatibilities (Suggest which mods I should add compatibilities to) Distant Object Enhancement Scatterer Planetshine (buggy) Upcoming/Suggestions (Open to development team) Soon, I hope to add asteroid belts and periodic comets/inter-Kerbrus asteroids, which are in an orbit distant enough to be influenced by Kerbrus. EVE Compatibility. Timewarp limits SciDefs Nismah Credits: Thomas P: Kopernicus Compatible-Mod developers (making this mod better than it otherwise would've been)
  25. Hello everyone, my name is Brandon and I am a pathetic loser that can't make any of the reactor-powered nuclear engines work. Vista, Tokamak, VASMIR, Plasma, Warp Drive. I have the latest versions of KSP and KSPI-E. The problem I am having is that both the Pebble Bed and Dusty Plasma both show outputs of several MW not GW, and I can't get a fusion reactor to actually start even after experimenting for several hours. I won't even mention antimatter... Look, I fully expect to be torn a new one for my ineptitude. My experience with internet forums is not a good one. But with any luck there will be enough kind souls that will help me figure this out.
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