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  1. Greetings to all, I have been encountering a problem that I unable to solve it anymore. Actually I purchased this game from Steam last week. But I am having a problem when I try to launch this game on my Windows 10 PC, it would not. I dont know what could be the issue. Does anyone have any idea about how to fix it? Any kind of help would be highly appreciated. My PC Configuration: Processor - AMD Ryzen 5 3400G OS - Windows 11 RAM - Corsair Vengeance DDR4 8GB*2 3200MHz Storage - SSD WD 240GB HDD - Barracuda 1TB GPU: AMD Radeon™ RX Vega 11 Motherboard - MSI B450 Tomahawk Max
  2. so i tried building a HE 162 and i had a small problem with the col arrow, it is pointing slightly backwards, making my tail want to pull up and making it imposssible to fly the airplane., does anyone know why the arrow is pointing this way? or how to fix this problem? (hopefully without altering the desing too much. heres a demonstation video :
  3. It seems like mountains are much shorter than in KSP1, like the Kerbin's terrain was scaled down like 5~10x. Does anyone know if this is intentional, intended to be permanent, or the reasons why?
  4. I think procedural command parts would be incredible for those of use that love the building element of the game. Examples: Pods - Pick a diameter, slider for height, slider for top node diameter. Makes anything from dragon to fuji possible. To go above and beyond, add curvature sliders to make soyuz and vostok style pods. Probes - Pick a shape and height Rovers - I'm not sure how to do this one Cockpits - mkI or mkII shape, then window style, and length/curvature of the nose Hitchhiker cans - Diameter, height, maybe shape Inflatables? - Please How many kerbals does it fit? - Have the game calculate the maximum sized cuboid that the shape can contain, then calculate how many whole kerbal sized cuboids can be sardined inside that. How much does it weigh? - Use a density for each command type part for the volume - cuboid, then + weight of kerbals Doors, windows, and more. - Make these parts radially attachable. This would open the possibility for built-in containers that can be opened by kerbals, cargo holds, multiple hatches, windows. Think parts like ladders are now. Would this sacrifice IVA? Most likely. But we would still have the old parts for those. Although, procedurally generated IVAs could be done, may not always look great though.
  5. Hey y’all. I’ve noticed that the sentiment towards KSP2 has wained over the past week or so. Just want to know all’ve your opinions.
  6. Any and all spacesuits for Kerbals in KSP were always cosmetic. As long as you had a spacesuit, you could go anywhere in the Kerbol System with no problems. The Breaking Ground DLC added a little bit more gameplay to it but little else. But what if there was more? My idea for spacesuit progression in KSP2 works like this. You start out with essentially an old, decrepit, extremely depressing space suit that doesn't really do anything other than shield your Kerbal from the vacuum of space. You have no jetpack to move around, and rather have to attach many ladders and bars so that your Kerbal can maneuver their way around the craft. Your Kerbal has a tether attached to them, so you can only go so far (it would be nice to be able to pull yourself back to the craft using the tether in case your Kerbal starts to float away). The more science and resources you get, the more base space suits and extensions you unlock. Over the course of the game, you might unlock a general space suit, a high-pressure suit for thick atmospheres, a G force suit that let's Kerbals experience higher Gs before blacking out, a high mobility suit that lets your Kerbal walk/run faster on surfaces etc. You would also unlock extensions that increase a space suit's functionality. Depending on where they're going, you could give your Kerbal headlights, a larger EVA pack that makes them more mobile in vacuum, climbing gear that lets them climb much steeper surfaces, or even robotic arms that lets them do science on the go. To stop players from create these weird frankenstein mech suits that can do anything, suits would have a maximum weight and be limited to one per Kerbal. This would force the player to make unique suits for every mission that they go on, which would aid in the realism department since that's what NASA and other irl space agencies do. What do you guys think?
  7. I've noticed when planning intercepts with distant objects -- such as an asteroid or comet -- or when trying to refine intercepts with planets or other vessels that getting a good view of the intercept point on the map screen can be very difficult. Even when I rotate the camera, the zoom levels are set relative to the focus point distance to the camera position so I can very quickly zoom too far in or so far out that I can't get any extra information. I've found this to be the case in both KSP 1 and 2. I think that having the ability to focus the camera on a specific point in an orbit (rather than a celestial body or vehicle) would be a great feature. Perhaps a center-mouse click on a point in the orbit to focus the camera? Has this been a problem for anyone else? Thanks!
  8. Launch into Kerbin orbit, Fly and land on Duna's surface, return and land 10 kerbals safely on Kerbin's surface... Without encountering a single bug. Any bug or glitch qualifies as an immediate faliure and the challenge must be restarted. Should be easy, am i right? its not like im asking you to land on a big body... like Jool proof would be good on a video to ensure there's no cheaty exploitation either. no infinite fuel or strength. just stock KSP2
  9. Im thinking about buying a Gaming PC worth about $2042 cause i don't feel like building one but im not sure if it can handle KSP2 or not. I looked at the specifications for KSP2 but im only smart for Aerospace stuff and Princess Daisy, not Computer tech. (sorry if i include some unnecessary info): -CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-13600KF 3.5GHz -GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX 3060 12GB GDDR6 -Motherboard: ASrock Z690 PHANTOM GAMING 4-ATX -Memory: 2x 8GB DDR4-3200 Patriot Signature Line (16 GB total) -OS Storage: 1TB Kingston NV2 M.2 NVMe SSD
  10. Managed to get my interplanetary vessel + lander assembled in LKO today. The nuclear tug has about 11km Δv when laden with the lander, which itself has about 2.3km Δv. Any recommendations on where to transport such a craft first? The Joolian system seems like the obvious (though standard) answer... Pictures of the mission so far: https://imgur.com/gallery/pTH8God
  11. v0.1.1.0 bug You can still adjust and control ships in the tracking station by pressing Z and X to set the throttle See video:
  12. Hello everyone. After being away for 3 years, i am completely shocked at how mixed the reviews are for KSP2. Too often do i hear about performance and bug issues, too often do i hear "Parallax 2.0 is better than KSP2", and too often do i hear people whining, complaining, and glooming over an amazing game in early access. Wake up people, Its EARLY ACCESS! I think some people have forgotten what Early Access is. "Early access, also known as alpha access, alpha founding, paid alpha, or game preview, is a funding model in the video game industry by which consumers can purchase and play a game in the various pre-release development cycles, such as pre-alpha, alpha, and/or beta, while the developer is able to use those funds to continue further development on the game. Those that pay to participate typically help to debug the game, provide feedback and suggestions, may have access to special materials in the game. The early-access approach is a common way to obtain funding for indie games, and may also be used along with other funding mechanisms, including crowdfunding. Many crowdfunding projects promise to offer access to alpha and/or beta versions of the game as development progresses; however, unlike some of these projects which solicit funds but do not yet have a playable game, all early access games offer an immediately playable version of the unfinished game to players." - Wikipedia We all know KSP2 got us all hyped at some point or another. I remember my first stroke with KSP2 was the most blind ever. On August 20th, in the middle of the night, only a few hours after the KSP2 first cinematic trailer released, i curiously typed up KSP2, looking to get a good laugh at some clickbait. When i saw the trailer, all i can say is that it touched me so hard, it teared me up. I watched it about 50 more times that night. Later on, the community was the biggest hype train i've ever boarded upon. And it stayed like this for more than 3 years. Sure we had our ups and downs. You do not want to know how many people who were willing to boycott the KSP2 game just for the "procedural wing" feature. Well guess what? That was one of the first things to be added. Over time, as new episodes were released from the Kerbal Space Program channel, and as Nate Simpson and other dev. members shared more information, boy we were hyped as ever. That's all i remember though... because I left the forum. Little did i know that people would tear the game apart for Performance requirements and bugs, both things that come with most beta to early access games. What do you think of when you hear the word "Version 1.0"? i can tell you, Early Access is not one of them. Haven't we not realized this is a work in process? Have we not realized this is an investment to the future of the KSP Franchise. The some of the same people who i saw worshipping KSP1 are now brutalizing the successor. So what if only 3% of steam users meet recommended requirements? Do we not realize we have in our hands what is possibly the most expansive game ever? This is literally Minecraft 2.0 that we have here. Of course it's going to be hefty on the CPU/GPU! And better part is, the developers are already hard at work at optimizing this. I guess people are frightened that the KSP2 devs are going to turn into the mindset of Nintendo, who sells half completed games that fully release... and are still very bad. Private Division and the devs are different. These are run by individuals who are known and trusted by the community. Many people are from the community itself and got fortunate with real promotions with joining the KSP2 development team. Heck, i even think i once got a promotional offer (although i may be wrong on this). The bugs are minor; we shouldn't be busting our heads over it. People say that Parallax 2.0 is better than KSP2. Well, if KSP2 is already competitive in early access, imagine what it will be like in a completed state! If KSP1 was as good as KSP2 is right now, there would be little need for Parallax as it would look the same. Plus, its convenient not to downlad external mods. With 281 bugs smashed in the last patch, there will be much more bug smashing and squishing to come. For KSP2 to be a success, it needs to reinforce the one thing that kept KSP1 together. That is, community feedback. This is exactly why early access is surprisingly one of the best things to happen to KSP2. Unless, of course, you're willing to wait until 2025 for perhaps almost a full game. The community feedback will help prioritize fixing the game internally before we go on massive ambitions, such as colonies, interstellar travel, and automatic trade routes (which totally caught me off guard). I think bringing the game down with criticism is unnecessary. We are always going to move on. What we made of a big stink like with "procedural wings" will be the next fresh breeze. This game is going to get better! If KSP1 did it good, KSP2 can do it better! Hopefully we can all look back and have a good chuckle on this matter but whatever happens in the end, all i know is: "When i purchase the game, Nate Simpsons definitely got my 50 dollars." Let me know what you guys think. i might edit this more so it carries more weight.
  13. Reason for removing twin-boar and mammoth engines was that you can do the same by attachment on engine plates. But in KSP2 it's so difficult to make rocket with several medium/big engines in most cases, because engines have big mount, which often goes over the edge of engine plate. Only vector engine suits well for engine plate way of building rockets, this is unfair. I suggest to make different variants of mount like in making history, it will make engine placement more comfortable, even if their nozzle is bigger than mount like KE-1 in last example I think it's not so big problem, just reworking of model. It will make creation of craft more comfortable and some engines and plates more useful. It will be more convenient to balance TWR by changing engines configuration on different stages, you could use available on current stage of career/progression mode engines more creatively, and also it will be good feature to make accurate replica
  14. https://photos.app.goo.gl/vLRMTP9GoYQyk97m9 hope you guys like it! Depending on how y'all like this one, i may make a second one
  15. The attachment nodes on the Mk2 "Tuna Can" are not aligned with the center of the part:
  16. Lets see what the community has to say, with these three questions: Are you happy with KSP 2 so far? (from release to current version) Are you excited and hopeful for the future of KSP 2 and its upcoming planned updates? When the game was first released, what was your opinion of the game? (multiple choice) Not a debate and there is no right or wrong answer(s) I like polls
  17. Add shrouds for solid boosters in KSP2, because this capability was in KSP1. Now you are unable to make solid rocket upper stages, but I in KSP1 made several rockets with 3-4 serial solid stages as some vehicles in real life. I don't want to miss some creative solutions for early stages of campaign and in general As proof I found rocket with serial solid stages, because I don't want to reinstall KSP1 https://kerbalx.com/LaytonVu226/solid-science
  18. I feel the reentry heating wasn’t substantial enough in Kerbal 1. Even with the heat setting set up all’ve the way, it wasn’t uncommon for your craft to come out unscathed for the most part, only having a destroyed engine or thingamabob (especially on Kerbin). It’s more realistic to have most of if not all of your craft destroyed. Same thing for really hot engines such as the nuke engines. You could get away burning your nuclear engine for pretty long time without any heating happening. I think that adding radiators should be a must in Ksp2, especially for the larger nuclear engines. Now explosions. Explosions in both Ksps are mostly cosmetic. They don’t create any tangible shockwaves as far as I’m aware. But what if they did? Rocket explosions irl are humongous, creating shockwaves comparable to that of bombs. Representing this in Kerbal 2 would give larger rocket launches higher stakes since you wouldn’t want to destroy your colony or space station. It would also make multiplayer a lot more interesting.
  19. Add easter egg/monument on dark side of Moho, because it will be (unique) object in unique place, which you will see after passing a bunch of unusual and difficult challenges Firstly, let's remember, why Moho is difficult place for travel. Interception of Moho is difficult part, because it has elliptical and inclined orbit, which is quite challenging for Hohmann transfer trajectory. Also it is the most closest planet to Kerbol, which brings another difficultes for maneuver planning. All this factors make Moho transfer dV amount is the biggest, bigger than for the farthset planet - Eeloo And when you come to the Moho, you can notice one feature, which is important for my headline - Moho is tidally locked with Kerbol. This means that half of planet always is covered by darkness. And the most, if not even all players will fly only to sun side of Moho, and won't see surface of night side, even on map. Very good place to hide something. All prefer travel by day, but to reach this easter egg you must try to land in darkness on undiscovered relief and travel through it by night. So easter egg will become motivation to finally visit dark side of Moho Let me repeat all steps: you have to transfer to planet with the most complicated orbit and you have to land on surface, which you won't be able to see by day never. Candidate on final boss planet, doesn't it? Maybe this easter egg will be important or not, but it will be certainly great achivement after all challenges you overcame UPD!: I realised that Moho isn't tidally locked as it was said in the description. There are 2 variants: Moho's parameters will be corrected to make it tidally locked, or, pessimistically, Moho's description will be changed. But I think, it'll be good to have monument on Moho
  20. Because for today in Dres ring are no collisions, I thought, how will they work in the future. There are so many oblects which must be uploaded while you fly in rings, and I think that uploading many data, like updating space rocks which is in craft's phys range right now, can cause perfomance decrease. Especially if in KSP2 will be gygantic protoplanet disks (I'm sure they will). I believe that rocks, which is not predicted to crash in your craft, won't be complete game objects with collision mesh in some kind I'm not unity game programer and my ideas can be wrong. I tried to visualise the concept of collision system for rings and how I understand this: In VAB you had craft parameters like lenght, width, height, I made a box with them around my craft. I have attached to craft normal vector, which sets orientation of this box. I add vector of craft relative speed, which is relative to speed of ring in its part, where is craft now. Using this vector I create collision space by creating a section of the box perpendicular to the vector of relative velocity, and lengthening it backwards so that the craft is in collision space space, and forwards by the length optimal for the calculation at a given relative speed. Forward lenght can be formula from relative speed or lenght can be equal to phys radius range. If rock enters collision space (like some of its mesh node enters this space or another method) you can make it an complete game object with collision mesh and physics and calculate interations with it I tried to solve problem to get rid from data of objects, which won't obviously collide with craft, like objects backwards and on left and right of craft. If you have suggestions or experience in some tech stuff, you can point out my mistakes and/or make a suggestion how to improve collisions in planet rings
  21. As someone who has and is living in a heavily forested area, the trees don’t look right to me. They don’t blend into the environment like you would expect them too, but instead stick out like a sore thumb. Different species of trees are also in the wrong places. Being at the equator, the KSC should be mostly surrounded bushes, palm trees and a more tropical environment past the mountains. Instead it looks like the English country side. The island with the runway also has pines on it? I know it’s nitpicky but these kind of details really help with immersion. It’d be really cool to land in a rainforest, desert, or a large forest with redwood trees. Seeing animals would also be pretty cool ngl .
  22. I have downloaded the game 5 days ago from today (27/3/23) and haven't been able to even get a glimpse of gameplay because it crashes and shuts the game. I have seen that only a few others have had the same issues and I have tried all of the recommended 'fixes' and still nothing. I get an application error box which I will link a picture of below. If anybody can find a fix for this I will love you dearly.
  23. KSP Version Operating System and version: Windows 10 64-bit CPU and GPU models: intel core i7-9750H nvidia geforce rtx 2060 This 3 patrs bug automaticly change camera viev on launchpad to orbital camera mode. Then if decoupled camera won't follow command module, you can control previous stage,next stage don't show up in tracking station. Bug won't ocurr when deleted any of theese 3 parts Parts are: TD-25 (decoupler) 100KN No crossfeed MEM-125 (structual) Lengh: 0,40m Fairing: enabled Deploy type: shroud AE-FF250 (payload fairing) Ejection force: 100KN Fairing: enabled Deploy type: clammshellX2 https://imgur.com/a/CDZChTl
  24. I might be probably the first to create the Hypetrain in KSP2
  25. if the modding community make's all the features we don't have yet will the devs still add them in or improve on what the modders did?
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