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  1. I already made a post about this issue, but it went sideways, and for readability reason I'm making a new post. KSP Version v0.1.1.0 Operating System and version Arch Linux x86_64, Kernel 6.2.7-arch1-1 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant AMD Ryzen 5 7600X, AMD ATI Radeon RX 7900 XTX Description of the bug. Expected Behavior In level flight, the 4 forces acting on an aircraft are the following: Lift, is a force acting perpendicular to the flight path or the airflow; Drag, is a force acting parallel to the airflow or the flight path; Gravity, or weight, is a force acting toward the center of the celestial body, and should in level flight be acting parallel and opposite to the lift; Thrust, is the force produced by the propulsion system . Those 4 force in level flight should be in equilibrium. Source: NASA In order to simplify the calculation thrust will be assumed to be parallel to the airflow and opposite to the drag. With this in mind, in order to achieve level flight, the drag must be the same intensity as the thrust, and the lift should be the same intensity as the weight. In this case equilibrium is achieved and we can fly without losing altitude or accelerating. Observed Behavior In order to achieve level flight, the airplane require much more lift than it's weight. This requirement appear to be link to the longitudinal static stability margin of the aircraft. Steps to Replicate Use this aircraft. (I don't know how to upload save file so I copied the whole .json file in the following spoiler). Moving the main wing front and back should allow to change the longitudinal static stability margin by moving the relative position of the center of pressure in function of the center of mass. The design below has been chosen to simlify any calculation. The wing, horizontal tail, and vertical tail are square. The propulsion is aproximatly inline with the center of mass. Flying and trimming the aircraft while monitoring the aeroGUI should allow you to observe the same issue. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) None. A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None. Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) The test below show the effect described above. The airplane is flown and trimmed until it reach quasi level flight (easier said than done). This has been done for two postition of the wing, changing it's longitudinal static stability margin. Them the lift was recorded. The measurement was repeated at 4 second interval to assess the quality of the level flight. Wing position 1: Wing Position 2: Measurement: Wing position 1: Higher longitudinal static stability margin; Dry mass: 3.34t; Total mass: 3.98t; Mass: 3.78t; Weight: 37.069kN; avg Lift: 59.91kN; Ground speed: 179 m/s; Load factor: 1.62. Wing position 2: Lower longitudinal static stability margin; Dry mass: 3.35t; Total mass: 3.99t; Mass: 3.80t; Weight: 37.265kN; avg Lift: 50.93kN; Ground speed: 185 m/s; Load factor: 1.36. It is important to note that the load factor in level flight is supposed to be 1.0. It is also interresting to note that the thrust is higher than the drag. And if we look at Wing Position 2 the mach number slightly drop while the drag is lower than the thrust. It is also part of the problem. I'm unable to assess if this is an aeroGUI bug or an aerodynamic model issue. But issue there is. Thanks to @Buzz313th , who helped me understand that the issue might be linked to longitudinal stability. (Maybe) Linked issue:
  2. Today I wanted to try aerodynamics. I ran into a lots of issue. The first one is that the shape of the airplane does not seem to influence the ability of the airplane to break the sound barrier. As can be seen from the image below the airplane fly in low atmosphere at Mach 2.6, without any shape optimization. Either the aerodynamics does not simulate the shock wave drag and its relation with area rules or the thrust of this motor is way too high! Second issue I had is about trimming. As can be observed in the screenshot below, the airplane is gliding at around 250 m/s, with all control surface at 30° deflection to increase lift and pitching moment. It is generating around 170kN of lift force and weight about 40kN. Even with a lift that is enough to fly a 4G maneuver, the airplane can almost not pitch up. When the engine is running it is perfectly trimmed at those speed but without engine it is flying like a stone. All of the above is extremely counter intuitive and seem very unrealistic. I suppose some more work is urgently needed in the aerodynamic simulation section.
  3. I landed on Mun on third attempt and I walked around and the issue began after planting a flag. I was returning to the lander and the options to climb and board were showing but the Kerbal is not interacting with it. I did press a button that made a peep noise but didn’t know what it was when typing out the description for the flag. I cannot climb or board the lander.
  4. After re-entry the rapier engines did not relight in either air or closed cycle mode. Intakes were reading that there was intake air. The fuel readout showed burning fuel in closed cycle but no thrust animation or actual thrust.
  5. I have landed a craft on the surface of minmus with a Mk1-3 command pod. I brought out all three kerbals on EVA, planted a flag, and then I jetpack back up to the top, press B when prompted, and nothing happens... Edit: After coming back a few IRL days later and reloading, I was able to get back in and get back to kerbin!
  6. Been working on the Weekly Challenge Wk #4 - Apollo Redux. I have a Command Module (CM) and a Munar Lander Module (LM) on the same ascent vehicle. In lower Kerbin orbit the CM detaches, rotates 180deg and docks with the LM. Just like the real Apollo missions did. At this point I still have 2 Kerbinauts in the CM and one in the LM. Then they get into Munar orbit, the LM detaches and descends, lands on the Mun. Ascents and rendezvous with the CM in Low Munar Orbit. At this time the 2 Kerbals that were the CM are gone. No EVA, not floating.. just GONE. Poof-vanished without a trace. I can't control the CM to re-dock with the returning LM. I've repeated this several times. And the two in the CM keep disappearing after the LM lands on the Mun. Has anyone else seen this? Are Kerb-aliens abducting my Kerbinauts?
  7. The updated maneuver node following the patch no longer works. Dragging prograde on the node eventually stops extending the orbit line. This typically occurs during an ascent of a planet. Creating a maneuver node at the apoapsis of the parabola as a ship is ascending ceases to function properly. In addition, there is no longer a 'next orbit' button, and visually the older maneuver node looked much better.
  8. For some reason, parallax's trees are funky. The Trees I don't know what I did wrong, or if I need to reinstall parallax, because I would like to fix this issue! If you have any solutions, please tell me.
  9. I know there are no heat elements yet in this game, but I did discover the heat indicators while going through the settings. I made a SLS and when I staged the side boosters, the indicators showed up, next to to the radial de couplers(Orange). When I switched to the map view i noticed that the indicators showed up on the map and started to drift away from view. Then they would reset, and do the same thing endlessly.
  10. Description of Bug: While In flight, a craft that I had on a separate launch pad began teleporting and remaining fixed in place relative to Kerbin at least a kilometer or two from me. After getting some distance away it would teleport again to a position in front of me resulting in it appearing to fly backwards relative to me. As I sped up, the time between teleportations decreased. Craft was still an active craft and could be clicked on. Both crafts were completely separate vehicles that were at no point connected or separate from each other. Steps to Replicate: Unknown Fixes / Workarounds: Unknown KSP Version: OS: Windows 10 Home edition CPU: Intel i7-9700 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti RAM: 16 GB Mods: none Images: (Image from active craft of teleporting craft in distance) (Using the arrow keys I flew my camera while the game was paused over to the ship) (Closer photo of craft) (Active craft in background) (Craft still able to be clicked) Log of play session:
  11. So I had just started my game and I launched a place that I had made and before I could take off the game froze for a few seconds and my pc just shut down. It tried to start up a few times but now it’s on a screen that says “ preparing automatic repair” but it’s frozen. I’ve tried to reboot it manually but the same thing happens. My pc should 100% be able to run this game. It ran the old version before the patch. I think the patch might have broken something and now my pc refuses to work. Any help would be super appreciated.
  12. I've encountered this problem before and after the most recent patch. While building satellites, the RV-105 RCS blocks seem to impart phantom forces on the craft. Might be due to hitbox clipping even though the visual models are not? Here is a picture of the satellite I'm building. RCS at the top. (I moved them during troubleshooting to no effect.) Struts added during troubleshooting as well. And here is a link to an unlisted YouTube video showcasing the problem: Taking the RCS block off stops the problem from occurring. Thanks! Specs: OS: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz (8) RAM: 32631 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (11049MB) SM: 50 (Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1])
  13. Hi I'm having a strange problem right now, so I'm building a base on the moon with modules and fps drops caught my attention. So when I'm looking any different direction that other vessels its fine (50-70fps) but when I'm looking at my base landers fps can drop to 15. Anybody have the same problem?
  14. v0.1.1.0 I lost control of all my ships. I cannot steer new or current vessels and I don't know why. I can control the throttle, SAS and RCS. But not the actual movement of ships (including planes) The only thing I can think of is typing a ship name with the letter "M" which took me to the map (shocked this hasn't been fixed yet honestly) Edit: Wrong category but don't know how to fix
  15. I've noticed that when you timewarp and then go back to normal x1 speed when near another vessel, to dock for instance, the other vessel 'pops' away in the distance, as if the position is actually incorrect? I've had this happen numerous of times and its made me waste fuel and time to correct this sudden change in position
  16. KSP Version: v0. Operating System: Windows 11 CPU and GPU models: AMD 5900X - NVIDIA RTX 3090 Description of the bug: As the title goes, once I've docked two or more ships in orbit, I cannot use any decoupler at all because that invokes the Kracken for an instant ritual destruction of the ship. I've found this after taking this ship to Duna's low orbit (200km): Everything worked well during all the trip. Every decoupler (SRBs and previous stages) worked as intended. But there I want to decouple both auxiliary ships (a lander and a returner) to dock them to the main ship's docking ports. And their TD-25 decouplers work. Once I've decoupled any of those ships and docked with the main ship, any other decoupler from any of the individual ships now combined won't work. Trying to separate the mid-stage (TD-37) or the side stages (AD-25) destroys the ship. With the main vehicle, I can continue activating every single decoupler if no other ship until when any other ship is docked. In another try, I decoupled both ships before docking them to the main one Then I can undock again the ships (via part's manager docking port's "decouple" action) and everything's fine. But every single time I have a "combined ship", if I try to activate any decoupler via staging or via part's manager this happens: And then the ship and the undocked parts start to sink down like lead into the planet, as if they suddenly had zero orbital velocity. But if you look close to the falling wreck, it seems like the decoupling happened. I mean, decouplers work, but they just destroy every single part (coupled or decoupled) after doing their job. Fixes / Workarounds: None (as far as I know) A list of ALL mods: None. Other Notes / Screenshots : Included in the description. Iguess the Kracken wants his toll. But that results in missions that require on-orbit redocking may be unfeasible.
  17. KSP Version v0.1.1.0 Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 11 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant i7 12700F with RTX 3060 Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior Apoapsis and Periapsis values should not change when orbiting Minmun with all engines deactivated. Observed Behavior Apoapsis and Periapsis values are changing when orbiting Minmun with all engines deactivated. Steps to Replicate - Happens when try to orbit Minmun Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) - Unknown A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. - NO MODS Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) - Video of the bug happening - Save file and log file directory
  18. My idea to use my transfer stage as a probe failed as the Communotron 16-S doesn't even connect to the Commnet
  19. You can see the flare of Kerbol in the ground of Minus, usually in the hilly areas
  20. KSP2 Version Info: OS: Windows 11 (10.0.22621) 64bit CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor (32) RAM: 130992 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (24340MB) SM: 50 (Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGB64, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8, ARGBInt, RGInt, RInt, BGRA32, RGB111110Float, RG32, RGBAUShort, RG16, BGRA10101010_XR, BGR101010_XR, R16 Description of the bug. Expected Behavior - When in the Tracking Station View, and one selects an item (vessel or debris) from the left hand menu, the Information panel opens, and provide 2-4 colored buttons a the top (Focus, Control, Destroy, ??) Observed Behavior - the Destroy and 4th button are clipped by the horizontal divider bar. (see image, upper right hand corner of image, you can barely make out the red destroy button) UPDATE: Restarted the game, and at the main menu screen, I reset the Scale UI mod back to 100%, via main game settings, entered the game, and the clipped button was still there in the tracking station view. While in the game I went to main game settings, and changes the UI scale there, and the Destroy button became visible. I could now set any scale and the Destroy button remained visible. Steps to Replicate - Select an item from the tracking station (vessel preferably) to open its information panel. See if its clipped. Might need the Scale UI mod and set to 60%. My screen resolution is 3840x2160 - 4K, on a 65" monitor. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) - might be related to Scale UI mod. I have it set at 60%. Will try 100% and see if it gets un-clipped. A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)
  21. KSP2 version Windows 10 AMD Ryzen 5 5600X RTX 3070 Vehicles will fall apart either immediately or when time warping, making a launch with this bug impossible. The parts hubs are immediately attached to will float in place. Works with all hub sizes/types. An image of the bug for reference:
  22. KSP2 Version Info: OS: Windows 11 (10.0.22621) 64bit CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor (32) RAM: 130992 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (24340MB) SM: 50 (Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGB64, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8, ARGBInt, RGInt, RInt, BGRA32, RGB111110Float, RG32, RGBAUShort, RG16, BGRA10101010_XR, BGR101010_XR, R16 Description of the bug. Expected Behavior - When pressing the Solar Panel Action Button on upper left menu, all solar panels on vessel are deployed or retracted (if able to be retracted). Observed Behavior - The action button does not do anything. Does not deploy panels or change color state when pressed. Steps to Replicate - Built a vessel, attached deployable solar panels to it, launch and while in orbit, press the action button. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) - Select the Solar Panel part directly or via the parts manager and deploy.
  23. After the 0.1.1 update I flew a small space plane to orbit. Circularized and deployed the landing gear (All were the medium airplane type) only for when the gear went to “lock” at the end of the extension animation it vaporized my craft. I’ve done this several times before the update and never had this happen.
  24. Video below shows engineless probe with crazy orbit changes. Timewarp seems to also have an effect
  25. Description of Bug: Kerbols flare detaching from Kerbol in tracking station Steps to Replicate: hate to submit a bug without detailed replication steps but all I know is that it occurred while switching focus of planets in the tracking station. Fixes / Workarounds: unknown KSP Version: OS: Windows 10 Home edition CPU: Intel i7-9700 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti RAM: 16 GB Mods: none
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