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  1. I am a new player. I have a heat shield contract to be tested at 18,000 - 30,000 m at 2060 m/s - 3,300 m/s speed. But my bloody rocket is too slow. Max it can reach is 1500. Both upwards and downwards. What to do?
  2. whenever open ksp and try to use parachutes, it either -shows deployed in the vab and had a tab in the staging column but never works i saw this happen in parachutes from mods -not deployed in vab, no tab in staging column and not being able to be deployed while in flight happens in parachutes from stock https://imgur.com/gallery/76ejXcS in vab,, bdb's Saturn v with parachutes deployed https://imgur.com/gallery/xzPrqvY stock, outside vab no deploy chute tab open in staging column mod list link https://imgur.com/gallery/OzlSlap how do i fix this
  3. I've tried installing some graphics mods with CKAN, but it doesn't work. I was installing AVP mod and then only the recomended. I am playing KSP on version 1.12.. Is it just incompatible with this version, or am I doing something wrong?
  4. I just downloaded Airplane Plus, and only the propeller engines and mk 3 cargo cockpit are appearing in my parts list. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling from both CurseForge and Spacedock and neither is working. My other mods are BD Armory, Kerbal Engineer, EVE, KAS, and KIS. Thanks for any help!
  5. Howdy! So, I've been trying to get screenshots of KSP for challenges, bug reports, etc. But when I do Win+PrintScreen and take a screenshot, it doesn't appear in my KSP screenshots folder or my own screenshots folder. This isn't limited to KSP; in fact, I can't use the screenshot feature at all currently. Fingers crossed! PS: Few peeps online have been suggesting I edit my registry. Let me make it clear that I am not even attempting it. I know there's not a very high chance I corrupt Windows 11 but I just can't take that chance. ---------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Found a temporary fix; Win+Alt+PrtSc saves my image to xBox Gamebar. This isn't ideal, but it does work. I'd like to know how to fix Win+PrtSc though. EDIT 2: Okay... this is weird. If I go to This PC > Windows-SSD (C:) > Users > (my user) > Pictures > Screenshots all my screenshots are there. What in tarnation is going on?
  6. so ive just installed GU and its loading fine but until it gets to mass transfer 7 where it crashes my ksp. Please help:/
  7. Hey y'all, Today I decided to bulk download a load of interesting sounding mods. Afterwards I booted KSP and was greeted with an error message in the loading screen (it's still loading but with a KSP error on the screen). I'm having some trouble uploading screenshots atm, so I'll just copy and paste what the errors say (yes, multiple). Error 1 Error 2 Modlist is hard to write by hand, so here's a link to a text file that I imported from CKAN with all my mods and versions: https://we.tl/t-TmNWcpXwEV Here's the KSP.log: https://we.tl/t-0wL5zZFFXP All mods downloaded via CKAN, not touched the GameData folder by hand. Version of KSP is as stated in the second error, 1.12.0. Anyone got any idea what on earth is going on? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, SecondHandRocketScience
  8. Hey y'all, Been trying to convert some KSP flags recently from GIMP (.xcf) files to the supported filetype of KSP (png). However, the only site that actually worked said I needed to purchase premium to use it more than 3 times a day (and I needed to convert more than one flag). Does anyone know any safe, free filetype converters that can convert images from .xcf to .png? Preferably could it also be able to resize images and the like? I don't really mind if it is downloadable or online, to be honest. Thanks in advance, SecondHandRocketScience
  9. I've built a station that's meant to be for a long-term mission to Duna. I want to add an extra docking port to it, so I docked a rocket to it with an SEQ-24 Cargo Storage Unit containing a Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port. I have an engineer on the station, but for some reason I can't take it out of the storage unit to place on the side of the station. How could I go about doing this?
  10. I accidentally created two named Kerbals with the wrong gender. I need to 100% delete them from existance so I can make new ones with the correct gender. Is there no way to do this? I know there is another thread about the same topic, but that one is quite old. Are there any new methods that have been discovered? I can't code, and since they're custom Kerbals, the dismiss-and-cycle method doesn't work. The only way that I can think of is deleting my entire save file, but I have a lot of stuff that I've done in that save, and I would rather not lose all of my ships.
  11. Can anyone help me with what/where this overylay is. I don't remember what setting adding a MOD or setting change for this as i hadn't played for a few months. I have uninstalled and deleted folders numerous times but it continue to shows. How do i remove?? Sorry can't figure out how to upload an image.... ugh In the upper left corner i have an overlay as soon as the program starts with CPU and GPU status
  12. It never loads into the game and I'm not sure why, log file says that I didn't specify a "Object reference" or some type of stuff .cfg file And the log file I initially thought that it was an error due of a spelling mistake but I didn't find any can someone please help me out? Edit: So, I've made another file and this time it worked out, it was about the extension thing and I didn't have to specify it, but another problem came in log file I think it's telling me that I need an atmosphere even tho I don't want it, I dont really know Also the new .cfg for my new planet So yeah uh, anyone that can help me in both issues?
  13. I am a complete beginner to making custom EVE content, and I want to use clouds to enhance my planet pack Precursors. I've been looking for a step-by-step tutorial on how to make an EVE cloud map for a long time, but I haven't been able to find anything. Every custom texture I've tried to make fails to load in-game. How do I make a cloud texture for use with EVE? What file type should I use? Do I need to use alpha channels? How exactly do I do that? Is this process supposed to be really easy? Where are some additional resources I can look at? I'm very stumped and frustrated. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  14. I unlocked liquid engines and they were working but now when i put throttle up, they flash the fire and stop. I restarted the game twice and they won't work in sandbox either and after I launch the rocket in the VAB it dosen't show delta v
  15. I am making a mod right now and I have encountered some bugs that I cant seem to solve. This gas planet is having lighting issues Planet texture bugging out bad
  16. When I go to start a dogfight, I put equal amounts of planes on each side, I go to the menu, click "Start competition", Then it responds with Competition: Failed! One or more teams are empty How do I fix this?
  17. So I recently had a problem with ksp enhanced edition on The Xbox series x. A while back like a week ago, I had lost one of my worlds due to a corrupted lost deleted world file and I had spoke to ksp support and they were unable to help me but they told me that I could put ksp enhanced edition on to a hard drive and plug it into a computer and to look at the persistent.sfs files to possibly recover this world. I would really like if someone told me what to do because I'm not a expert on computers because I specifically bought a laptop so I could recover the lost world file and that would be amazing because I have put with out a doubt 3000+ hours playing in that world save and I would like to recover it so I'f anyone could tell me the steps on how to find and how to access the hardrive and how to get to persistent.sfs files for ksp and how to recover my lost corrupted deleted save file that would be the best day of my life.
  18. (new member) I've been tearing my hair out over this for the past 2-3 days. I'm currently making a simple mod that calculates if a flight is possible given current delta-v's. However, I cannot figure out how to get the delta-v's of a ship in an editor, nor able to even get any sign of a ship being detected. I think it has to do with ShipConstruct, but I can't figure out how to get current vessel as a Ship. It could also be Vessel that handles editor, but I found nothing suggesting that to be the case. I've skimmed through the class index on the API site, and found nothing. Does anyone know about this? I'm very new to C# modding.
  19. everytime i try to use tweakscale. the crew dissapears making the craft unusable, i can only use unmanned probes. can anyone help?
  20. Hi all, Recently I have been having problems with specific engines on Waterfall. It's quite hard to explain... here's a screenshot (bit hard to see) https://imgur.com/a/k8p6XrO Mod list: --START MODS-- [x] Science! 000_ClickThroughBlocker 001_ToolbarControl Astronomers Visual Pack B9 Part Switch Better Time Warp CactEye Space Telescopes 2: Refocused Distant Object Enhancement Environmental Visual Enhancements [EVE] Eskandare Heavy Industries Kopernicus Kraken Science Kronal Vessel Viewer Modular Flight Integrator MSP-3000 Material Science Pod Persistent Thrust ReStock ReStock+ Scatterer Scatterer Atmosphere Cache Sigma Space Tux Library SSCEP Stock Waterfall Effects Waterfall Zero Mini AVC Module Manager Module Manager Config Cache --END MODS-- All mods are the latest version the last time I checked. I have not touched the files, they were all installed by CKAN. .log file: https://we.tl/t-Ijgh4FBFYC Any help would be appreciated.
  21. As says the title, i'm only really looking for the best of the best, so i have some requirements that the mods needs to fit in if someone has any suggestions that i haven't documented yet, they are: I would prefer for them to have no space engine textures, since it feels kind of cheap, at least for advanced modders; Most (preferably all) of the textures need to have at least mid or high resolution, because i don't really like looking at pixels or bad looking terrain, however it doesn't need to be 8k resolution or whatever, it just needs to look at least a little bit good; All of the celestial bodies added need to have proper descriptions on the tracking station, by that i mean that when i check the "knowledge base" i don't want to see a blank space with nothing written on it except for the usual stuff like, radius, mass, etc, since that is mandatory for any planet mod to work anyways; And it needs to have proper grammar on the descriptions, i'm fine with a few typos since that is basically unavoidable and i can fix them myself on the configs if i want to anyways, such as switching its with it's, missing periods at the end of a sentence, minor stuff like that is okay, although i would prefer the quantity of typos to be low, however major stuff, like entire sentences written incorrectly or even mixing up the description of one body for another that is in a different place (yes, that happens, although i only saw it once, and the mod was simply too good to not put here, hopefully that gets fixed in the future) kind of annoys me in a game about exploring space, i would at least like to have descriptions i can mostly understand and that keeps typos to a minimum. Here's all of the ones i have found that mostly fit into these criteria: Alternis Kerbol 1.7.3 Asclepius 1.5x Corelian 1.11x Dres moons 1.8.1 Eve moons 1.7.3 Galileo Planet Pack 1.12.1 Gameslinx Planet Overhaul 1.4.3 Ghekta 1.11.2 Heracleitus 1.12.2 Kronkus Planet Pack 1.5x Minor Planets Expansion 1.12.2 New Horizons Outer Planets Mod 1.11x Real Solar System 1.8x Xenonclave's Planet Collection Revived 1.7x After Kerbin 1.7.3 Before Kerbin 1.4.2 JNSQ Planet Pack 1.12.1 Kerbol Origins 1.8.1 Beyond Home 1.9.1-1.10x Blinding Light Levels 1.10x EventHorizon 1.7x Extrasolar: Planets Beyond Kerbol 1.7.3 Galaxies Unbound 1.12x Grannus Expansion Pack 1.12.1 Low Light Levels Blue 1.8.1 Low Light Levels Red 1.8.1 Precursors Planet Pack 1.9x-1.11x Seven Worlds Around Slippist-1 1.7.3 Whirligig World Planetary System 1.11.2 Endless Expanse 1.12.3 Other Worlds Reboot 1.6 Real Exoplanets 1.8.1 Strange New Worlds 1.8x-1.11x Are there any good planet/star pack you guys know that is not in this list? Thanks to whoever read this wall of text and have a good day!
  22. When the game is about to finish loading, it crashes. I'm assuming that it's something to do with my mods. Mod list:
  23. I got an awesome new gaming laptop to play KSP with, but it has poor battery life. So, I went and bought a new Maxoak 50000mAh power bank to use with it. It was going fine until it kept shutting itself off while I played KSP. If I wanted to play KSP, I'd have to lower my rig's GPU to low power mode, or else it would trip the power bank. I looked at what happens whenever I did this, and apparently the battery rapidly alternates between being charged and not being charged while on higher performance modes. It would be stable, but the Maxoak is programmed to automatically shut itself off if it's not charging something. This makes it totally unusable. I went to Reddit with this, and I've had no luck. Does anyone here know how to fix/workaround this?
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