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  1. So, I was attempting to build an F-8 Crusader in KSP today, and that got me thinking: Is there anyone out there who would be willing to make a mod for KSP that adds in the right parts to make a Vought F-8 Crusader? Then, I started thinking about what else a mod like that could include, other than the Crusader's Nose-section, engine-shroud/engine, tail fins, wings, and landing gear. One of my ideas was that with this mod adding F-8 Crusader parts, it could also add in a few other cockpits, wings/control surfaces, and engines. Among these could be different variations of the Crusader nose-section (such as a more futuristic and sleek one, a larger two-seat version, etc), and possibly entirely different plane cockpits. What do y'all think?
  2. I've had an idea of a fuel tank, which simultaneously has extra service bays for fuel, craft etc. The question is, how do I do it? The model is done, just the programming is what I'm missing.
  3. Hey all. It is very hard for me to play KSP without the mods from RoverDude. I love most of the mods of USI. Anyone knows what is going on with RoverDude? I know he become part of the KSP team but it has been a while since I hang around here. I just came back to play KSP since it got the 1.10 update, I got basically most of my mods working but it seams USI mods have not been updated since 1.8. If RoverDude is still around, can you give us some info mate? Hope all is well. Thank you.
  4. I know this might be off the title of this page, but I have ksp v1.10 and cant download mods.. please help
  5. Hi! I have a (what i believe) a really useful mod idea and an even vaguer idea of how to execute it, but it involves reverse engineering an already existing squad part. If anyone is feeling extra kind and has a few hours in spare time, feel free to reach out to me on discord at Fishfinger#8513.
  6. My pc specs are: CPU: Intel Core 2 duo e7200 2.53GHz Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 8490 1GB Vram issue: My graphics Card overheats After 5 minutes or less of playing KSP Mods: Luciole , ReentryParticleEffectRenewed
  7. Installing visual mods for myself was very frusturating, because they often were outdated and didnt work on CKAN. I would install the mods, and then they just didnt work. Because I know the struggle, I thought I would save it for others wanting visual mods by compiling all of the mods and necessities (other than ModuleManager) in one zip file. This file contains the following mods: PlanetShine: Adds a reflection to ships near a bright planet Scatterer: Adds atmospheric scattering, sunflare, eclipse shadows, etc. DistantObjectEnhancment: Enhances distant crafts and celestial bodies, and adds dynamic skybox dimming Environmental Visual Enhancements and Stock Visual Enhancements: Adds auroras, city lights (only on Kerbin), clouds, and a better Jool texture on bodies with an atmosphere. Real Plume: Adds much better engine thrust visuals SmokeScreen: Allows Real Plume to work Pood's 8k Milky Way Skybox: A beautiful skybox of the real milky way based on NASA data TextureReplacer: Allows Pood's Skybox to work I have left out ModuleManager. Make sure to install it to allow Module Manager before installing these mods. Module Manager is a necessity for most mods anyway. https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager Here is the zip file containing the mods [snip] Instructions for install: 1. Download and unzip the .zip file 2. Copy the contents of the downloaded GameData folder (NOT the folder itself, the CONTENTS within it) into KSP's GameData folder. (Remember you need ModuleManager) 3. Open KSP and enjoy! I chose to use the medium resolution textures for stock visual enhancements, which are best suited for average systems. This works good on my pretty weak laptop. If you want to change this, follow these instructions: 1. Visit this website https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/1.0.8 2. Download your desired texture resolution (Low res for lesser operating systems, high res for good operating systems) 3. Unzip the file 4. Go to the StockVisualEnhancements folder that you have installed in KSP's GameData folder and delete the "Textures" Folder 5. Drop the new "Textures" file you have just download into the "StockVisualEnhancemets" folder If you have any questions, feel free to reply.
  8. I am not a very creative person and I really want to make a mod for KSP. If you guys have any concepts plz tell me and I'm gonna probably make a mod out of it.
  9. Every time I try to add a parachute to a spacecraft I have no option to deploy it or set altitude parameters, I only have the ability to change the name tag . The deploy and altitude parameter functions have always worked in the past but suddenly this seems to happen. In the recent time I have installed a few mods such as kOS, Procedural Parts and Module Manager, but because of this error I am now forced to do propulsive landings. I just wanted to know if anyone else has/had this problem or if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks!
  10. Specifics: I have the mod "Beyond Home" Installed and I want to test how some aircraft fly. The problem is, the mod changes the default planet, so the gravity, atmospheric density, and aerodynamic forces are all different. I also have a world where I've done lots of thing with the planets in the mod. I don't know if removing the mod to work on planes with Kerbin in one world would corrupt another that needs the mod, even if I didn't interact with the modded world while the mod was uninstalled.
  11. I like to make fighter jets from real life, but I was wondering if anybody knew any mods (besides BDarmory or airplanesplus) that could help with that.
  12. So I'm using several mods in my game including MKS from USI, however I can't seem to be able to transfer enriched uranium between storage with docked vessels or even within the same vessel. I've seen a few posts about using 'maintenance' function to transfer it but I haven't been able to get this to work. I'm probably missing something really simple! Thanks!
  13. the title says it all, im looking for professionals who can build epic space stations to collab with me and other professionals who can take kerbals to every single planet in the kerbolar system, if you want to collab with me you will need, restock, restock+, space station expansion parts redux, and planetary base systems. The space station will take kerbals to everywhere and jebidiah will land on every single one of the kerbolar planets, i know this is quite a bit of a challenge as i can just do it myself with a ion powered craft but i want to explore the kerbolar system in style, think about this, would you rather go to laythe in a boring old cramped spacecraft or would you go in a gigantic mothership that has alot of space, and plenty of things to do for the kerbals, you can use visual mods like scatterer if you like but thats pretty much it, im hoping we can get into a group chat and once its done we could stream it live on twitch, invite your friends to come see, and it will be split into 4 parts and the final craft cant be more than 1200 parts if its more than 1200 parts then im gona ask someone else (with a better pc) to fly the craft anyways i hope we can get into a group chat and build the station of our dreams.
  14. Upon loading a new save/world I encounter a black screen. It's not frozen, I can still move around my cursor and the thingy spinning around in the bottom right corner still spins. I've tried waiting 20 min once and it didn't change. Also when KSP has loaded, into the main menu, it gives me a error of kopernicus which is my only clue. Could this error message have something to do with this? I am playing with mods, in version 1.7.3 After Kerbin/Beyond Kerbin. I want to include my KSP log but I could not find it so please help me find this aswell so I can include it. I found something called "output_log.txt" in "AppData/LocalLow/KSP" or whatever. I think I should also say that I am using CKAN. I've tried finding a solution for this, for a while now, nothing has worked. Some things I've tried: Changing the desktop size and position to see if it was some problem with KSP not finding my monitor, I tried removing Module Manager Cache. It's really getting to me that everytime I try something new it doesn't work. At all. Crashes, errors, Black Screens, Infinite Loading, etc... Again, if you could help me find the KSP logs too that'd be awesome. I mean it doesn't seem to be here? https://gyazo.com/776ab82faf33f804278e314d9a73d90e - The Logs folder. EDIT: KSP Logs: "output_log" and "Player.log" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u0dedbj8fj61i56/AACjxRQx2NM4p3QwWJsOemg9a?dl=0 (I think this should work, first time using dropbox )
  15. Whenever i try to load up kerbal space program it gets to the end then stops. and says, "Loading expansions/Serenity" and it just sits there log file?:https://drive.google.com/file/d/177jjnAjfy-5eb1a_MtEZdUneud7YEAf4/view?usp=sharing I am not very experienced So let me know if you need anything else I will put a picture in soon. Picture: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ol0oG2UddmC97k8F0daJp-PzDgtf7yHX/view?usp=sharing
  16. Is there any shuttle mod for 1.9 that doesn't require CKAN? Please reply! Also I hope the one who reads this has a good day. I'd resign with anything from KSO to STS mod or even to the aeronautics ones. Thanks!
  17. I have looked everywhere and all the videos are like from 5 years ago. I know that you need a 3 modeling engine which is blender (for me) and unity. Can maybe an experienced Modder or anyone please tell me how to get started?
  18. I got enhanced edition the day it came out and I've been loving it, but I've been wondering is it possible to maybe get mod support for KSP on Xbox/PS4? Thanks!
  19. I've been playing KSP for a few months and had a great time with it - only using career mode so far. Having watched a bunch of videos on youtube, I had noticed many of them seemed to not be launching from Kerbin. So after some investigation, I found out about the RealSolarSystem mod and some further investigation - a beginner guide to modding KSP (that has sadly been left to rot and is now no good for specific mods)... long story short... I installed the latest versions I could find of - Kopernicus (1.9.1) Module Manager (4.1.3) Real Solar System (16.4) And the 4k RSS_Texture pack (no version number but updated 4 days ago) After some initial issues with the location of the textures, I finally got a clean load with these mods installed and no errors... noting the textured being loaded during the startup sequence I was excited to start a new career mode in our Solar System. To my dismay... after starting a new save, i was still on Kerbin. I would really appreciate some help with this as I am usually a purest and have never modded any game before this so there may be something simple I have missed. I checked for other threads on this but only found out dated ones that didn't address this particular issue. Thanks
  20. Is there a mod that allows players to manufacture new parts on a base outside of Kerbin? The best way to do this would be to convert ores into metals using factories, and then having factories convert these metals into parts. Along with KAS and KIS, this would be really useful. Any ideas of plugins I can use?
  21. KSP desperately needs larger (1.875 and 2.5 meter) jets, to bring down part and engine-count for players who build really large spaceplanes (since they take so long to get to orbit, the only way to do them, IMHO). I would like to request a modder build a simple mod with stock-alike 1.875 and 2.5 meter jet engines. The objective, eventually, would be to hopefully get SQUAD to work with that modder to make the engines Stock. So focusing on doing a really, really good job with just a few parts would be preferable.
  22. I'm creating a mod that requires a gui or some type of hud menu. Kinda like the gui of extraplanetary launchpads, or any other mod. I have found a gui tutorial on the ksp wiki Here That tells little to absolutely nothing in terms of anything. Could someone please tell me something, or update the wiki page to say something. That would be amazing.
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