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  1. The Minmus lander was sent off. The first landing was successful so plans were made for a short hop to a new biome. Which did not go well due to losing comms 100-200 meters above the surface. Mission accomplished, all objectives were achieved.
  2. I restarted the campaign (woah, I forgot how many million FPS you get at first!) and progressed to Mystery Signal on Minmus and Lil Chonker. I have a fairly typical tech level for this point in the campaign and just unlocked NERVS. So I thought to myself. "Well, let's do both missions at the same time, because Lil Chonk is /totally/ worth the 35 science points reward." (sarcasm). So, got to work with a 260-ton lander with 4 poodles, several reaction wheels (because landers have to be maneuverable) and a couple NERVs for Minmus orbital burns and landing. We don't have landing gear long enough yet to clear poodles, so we're going to use some medium horizontal stabilizers as landing struts instead. Should be fine in the low gravity of Minmus if we touch down softly. 13 mainsails and 12 skinny solid boosters for the launcher, with little rocket engines on top and bottom to safely carry each stage away. And away we go (thanks to K2-D2 for controlling launch profile leaving me to concentrate on rotating the vessel to ensure each asparagus stage could drop cleanly). It turned out that the Kerbin TWR of the lander was about 0.50, which just coincidentally was very close to the TWR of the final stage of the launcher. So this meant I could just perform one continuous burn from LKO to Minmus and the projected trajectory would still be fairly accurate. I'd use up some of my lander mass, but that's why the lander is 260 tons and not 200. I like to put my vessels into polar orbits because it means with enough time I can reach any particular point on the body. This was no different. On reaching Minmus I gave the vessel a high AP and burned to change my inclination to 90 for about 50dV. After settling into a 16 000 m orbit, the landing site was only a few orbits away. This is a completely manual landing, thanks to Micro Engineer that gives you separate readouts for vertical and horizontal velocity. I've come to learn that the ideal burn for landing has you saying "too fast, it's gonna crash, too fast" until about the last 10 seconds. Also look at the pretty green reflected lights on the skin of the lander near the glowy bits! So pretty. Good job KSP2 devs. I had like 4700 dV remaining after the landing. So I scopped up all remaining science on minmus and head back to orbit for a Kerbin return. But, why waste dV on a direct burn when you can gravity assist off the Mun and return back for only 98 dV? Yes, I did that. Landed in the mountains, which I had yet to visit on Kerbin, so performed some science there and recovered the vessel! Yeah. That was TOTALLY worth 35 science points.
  3. The Lil Chunker mission requires me to "land a vessel on Minmus with a current mass over 200 tons." What's "current mass?" How does it differ from normal mass? And 200 tons? Isn't that a bit extreme?
  4. I used the HT-240B. Only for a testflight. It is docked to the shuttle via C-200 CBM. I have installed IR + DockingFunctions + IRConnectionSystem + PayloadRetentionSystem.
  5. Just had photos for the engineering club at my school; we're near an airbase. The planes were like 200' above us directly and doing dives and barrel rolls. I swear they were showing off.(They train daily here)
  6. In an effort to recover some funds and make the whole endeavour profitable, a mission was launched to attach a control probe and parachute packs to the Phoenix's lifter, which I'd forgotten to do in the VAB. It all looked so promising. Alas, t'was not to be. Without airbrakes to slow the massive booster, nor enough spare fuel in the tanks, the stage was never able to slow to a safe velocity for even the drogue parachutes to deploy. The lifter hit the ocean at high velocity, destroying pretty much everything of value. This was rather pretty, though. Another contract involved getting crew reports from a pair of locations on Gilly. This mission was an absolute breeze, the only risk being if I accidentally timewarped into terrain. Yet another contract asks for a scan of a Duna Meteorite. While I could probably survey every Duna biome with the Matador, the lander has no scanning arm, and having to repeatedly land and take off from Duna in a craft with its low margins would be both time consuming and risky. As such, I designed a rover to do the job. At launch, its only science instrument was a Surface Scanner. Having realised I forgot the Scanner Arm, the thing that inspired this project in the first place, I sent up a mission to add one... except I got distracted and used that flight to carry deployable science experiments instead. I only realised after reaching orbit. So I sent another mission up, which finally installed the device. Let's hope it survives entry into Duna's atmosphere. I have updated the Krakatoa Ultra-Heavy Lifter (50 tons to LKO, reusable) with proper landing legs that don't explode. This is the Leopard Rover. The on-board habitat, cupola, recycler and hydroponics farm allow the vehicle to operate for around 200 days with a crew of four. It has a pair of advanced RTGs, solar panels, and an LFO fuel cell for power generation, to ensure that its hungry life support systems are always powered. Over 8,000 units of EC battery storage ensures that the 0.75 scale monster wheels can keep on trucking for a very long time. It also has a Bon Voyage controller, so I should be able to just set destinations and let it go while I handle other missions. The Matador's scientific instruments will be transferred to the Leopard, as a cheaper alternative to adding them prior to launch. On a final note, I find it odd that the original Bison command pod is more aesthetically pleasing to me than the Bison 2's. I tried to dock it with the 2m port but the wheels got in the way. Antelope will carry Leopard to Duna at the next window. It has plenty of delta-V to spare - 16,000 m/s. I considered increasing the size of the sustainer stage so Leopard could make the transit to Duna by itself, but rejected it on the basis that part of my philosophy for this entire series was that I didn't want to send whole armadas of vessels out at the same transfer window, because making sure they all arrive safely is a pain. That's also exactly how I ended up with the Ronin flying off into deep space. Better to have only two craft transit to Duna, even if it will split up on arrival. Next up, Eve contracts. I've got a tourist who wants a flyby, and a World Firsts requiring that I send something to Eve and land it back on Kerbin. That can be a command pod. I'm thinking I'll design a dedicated interplanetary crew transport, and have it bring whatever command pod carries the tourist up dock with it (has to to transfer tourists anyway) and bring it with for the whole mission.
  7. The comparison between the RL10A-4 and the J-2X is illustrative. The RL10A-4 has an expansion ratio 84 to 1 and gets an Isp of 451 s. The J-2X has an expansion ratio of 80 to 1 and gets an Isp of 448 s: http://www.astronautix.com/j/j-2x.html . So the J-2X Isp is over 99% of the RL10A-4 value. It is correct in general a gas generator engine loses efficiency compared to an expander cycle engine because the gas generator dumps some of the burned gases overboard. But another consideration is combustion chamber pressure. Higher chamber pressure allows higher Isp. The chamber pressure of the RL10’s is about ~40 bar while for the J-2X, it’s about ~100 bar. So if the same close Isp value holds for the ultra high expansion ratio case then the modeled 482.5 s Isp for an expander cycle engine would only be reduced to ~479.3 s for the J-2X. But you do have to do trades on whether the increased weight is worth the increased payload permitted by the higher Isp. I’ll estimate the increased weight by what happened with the RL10. From the table below adding the longer nozzle extension to the RL10-A4 to get the RL10-B2 added about 110 kg to the engine mass, while increasing the Isp from 451 s to 465.5 s. The J-2X is a 13 times larger engine as measured by thrust, so I’ll estimate the nozzle extension as 13 times heavier so about 1,400 kg. But we might be able to make the added mass somewhat smaller. The current nozzle extension on the J-2X is metallic. We can reduce the mass of the current nozzle extension by a half or more by using carbon fiber. RL10B-2 Active 1998 277 kg (611 lb) 110.1 kN (24,800 lbf) 465.5 s (4.565 km/s) 2.2 m (7 ft 2 in) Extended: 4.15 m (13 ft 7.5 in) 2.15 m (7 ft 1 in) 40:1 5.88:1 280:1 44.12 bar (4,412 kPa) 5-m: 1,125 s 4-m: 700 s Delta Cryogenic Second Stage, Interim Cyrogenic Propulsion Stage [1][42] RL10A-4-1 Retired 2000 167 kg (368 lb) 99.1 kN (22,300 lbf) 451 s (4.42 km/s) 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) 1.53 m (5 ft 0 in) 61:1 84:1 42 bar (4,200 kPa) 740 s Centaur IIIA [11][43] RL10A-4-2 Active 2002 168 kg (370 lb) 99.1 kN (22,300 lbf) 451 s (4.42 km/s) 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) 1.17 m (3 ft 10 in) 61:1 84:1 42 bar (4,200 kPa) 740 s Centaur IIIB Centaur SEC Centaur DEC [11][44][45] For a nozzle extension to 465.5 s on the J-2X and adding on also the 1,400 kg increased engine mass this would increase the LEO payload from 119.7 tons to ~122 tons by the Silverbirdastronautics.com estimator. This small size increase would be of doubtful value. If the 482.5 s nozzle extension could be added without much greater mass than the 1,400 kg, when taking into account also the current metallic nozzle could be reduced by carbon fiber, then we could get ~128 tons to LEO. Robert Clark
  8. ////////////////////MISSION_UPDATE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - Designing Heavy Tanker Vehicle - The certification launch of the new Heavy Tanker Vehicle. Foreword: Boy do I have an update for you guys. So I wanted to get both K.G.01 and K.G02 fully fueled before For Science landed. How ever - I was too late. Finding a more efficient vehicle for refueling took a lot of development time and resulted in many dead ends. Until I figured super sizing it all was going to be the way forward! Bellow you can read about how my first XL rocket came to be. Mission Tasks: A. Refuel K.G.01 B. Develop new Heavy refueling vehicle. Lessons Learned; Lessons Identified. A. The still glowing engines of the Hydrogen glider - as it slides into the pitch black shadow of Kerbin. I was well underway to refuel K.G.01 - It took 8 launches to fill 1 tank with Hydrogen. Which would mean 32 launches in total. I do like flying my little gliders - I suspect the Hydrogen glider is lighter than the Methalox glider - or the center of mass is better distributed. It usually has 100-200 more Δv than the Methalox glider upon mission end. Which means a more steep re-entry. It is a lot easier to line up the runway when you dont need to guestimate its position 1/3 of an orbit back - but you can do it 1/4 or less. How ever - Lets address the elephant in the room: 32 launches for Hydrogen. On top of that.. the Methalox come.. to enable refueling K.G.02. And with 1 digit frames pr. second around K.G.01 - It meant each launch took for ever to complete... Not because it was complex. But because the final maneuvering with RCS thrusters easily could take 30 min because everything was going in slowmotion - and the stations/sas had been wobbly ever since 0.1.4. Something else had to be made. The tours had to be reduced. Which is the perfect segway into the B section of this blog. But first! Detailed Mission Walkthrough In spoiler section: B. This endeavour would end up taking the entire week to get right. I was going down 2 paths - The first ended up being a development dead end. Prototype Heavy Tanker Vehicle A: Test run of Prototype H.T.Va I started by trying to design around the 8t hydrogen tank (size L) - it would fit with the launch rocket - I also discovered that I can land the rocket with 1400 Δv now that I have gotten better, rather than the 1800Δv I needed when I started. I tried multiple engine configs - 1 vacuum optimized engine and 3 atmospheric for landing. Or 3 vacuum optimized engines of different kinds and 1 atmospheric for landing. But No matter what I did it would never have enough Δv to get to orbit, refuel, de-orbit and land. It would always fall short of having enough Δv to land.. I therefore decided to try turn it into a glider: I really dont like the esthetic of the transition from L to M parts. Not only did I find this iteration extremely ugly - but no matter what engine config I gave it. It was to heavy for the 1st stage to get it enough speed before seperation to even get to orbit. It was a development dead end. It also glided like a brick. You would need to approach KSC at ÷45° - which would give you 160 m/s - just enough to flare up and land without exploding.. but a maneuver that demanded perfect timing. For a time I was contemplating giving up and just going ahead with the 24 missing hydrogen launches... But - reading that Starship will have a payload capacity of 100-150t! (which is insane!) and Arianne Groups S.U.S.I.E. will have a payload capacity of 7t (easier to emulate) - I decided I had to be able to do better than 2.5t Hydrogen 4t Methalox. There was nothing else to do than go XL! Which also allowed me to use the much more esthetic pleasing XL cone. Prototype Heavy Tanker Vehicle B: Proof of concept launch of Prototype H.T.Vb. I did a proof of concept run with the first heavy iteration of the Heavy Tanker vehicle. I decided to use 2x 48-7S "Spark" engines to flip the 1st stage, rather than reaction wheels and RCS - since there are no XL reaction wheels?! - Any way - besides the action group shenanigans I had to do to be able to turn off the main engines and the flip engines on - and reverse. It works great! The 1st stage has 3x medium RE-M3 "Mainsail" - providing the main thrust, and 4x S4 KS-25 "Vector" giving the vehicle gimble. An action group has been made that turns off all engines but 3x KS-25 for landing. The first vehicle had 2.200 Δv when stack separation occurred - which meant that I reduced it from 2x S4-51200 fuel tanks - to 1x S4-51200 and 1x S4-12800 tank. I tried to fly the prototype to 1800 Δv and could not get it back to KSC. I then discovered that what's important is "not" the Δv left. But it seems the angle and speed is what decides if you can get back or not. If I engine cut at 1000 m/s ~30km altitude and 45° (same spot stage separation occurs with the M.R.G.Vs) - you will have enough Δv to get back. It is very interesting. When the M.R.G.V.s stack separate and returns. Their Δv value is on 1800 - when the H.T.Vb separates - its on 2.300 vΔ Second stage Prototype H.T.Vb en-route to K.G.01 with 10t Hydrogen. The second stage consist of a payload of 10t Hydrogen and is fueled by a single S4-12800 methalox tank totaling at 64t Methalox. Powered by 3x S4 KS-25 "Vector" engines it gives it a total of 2728 Δv - more than enough to get into orbit, rendezvous with K.G.01, de-orbit and land at KSC. When the decision came to place the docking port I was figuring out how much fuel the rocket would have at the point of contact with K.G.01 - So I could place the port center of mass. One of the more annoying things with the M.R.G.Vs is that the port is not placed center of mass. Which makes docking a bit more annoying... I realised that I did not need to place the port on the side of the rocket. With the XL engine plate. there was both room for the docking port and the engines - and now no matter the fuel level.. the docking port will always be on the center of mass on that axis. Protype H.T.Vb docked at K.G.01 transferring its fuel load. The docking was pretty tough - the RCS thrusters was not placed optimally.. also In patch 0.1.4 I often had RCS thrusters that wouldn't work - control surfaces that wouldn't work.. and some times even landing gears that refused to extend. After shedding 10t the vehicle ended up with 1373 Δv. When doing the de-orbit burn I made sure to give myself ~400 Δv for a soft landing back at KCS. Protype H.T.Vb landing some odd 10km from KSC I landed the vehicle successful - there were some control issues on the way down - but without re-entry heat I didn't know if it would be an issue. I would find out soon! Now I just have to figure out where to aim to get to the right spot above KSC so I can re-enter nose first and then flip to land. With the proof of concept complete - It was time to make the final adjustments, give it a sleek paint over: The final version, and fully certified H.T.V. - 2nd stage and 1st stage. I would still have one single design blunder to correct. Because I did not think about re-entry characteristics I placed the Methalox tank at the bottom of the stack, and the Hydrogen tank on top. Which was all well and good until I had to re-enter. Even with all the control surfaces deployed - there was not enough drag to have it not flip its unprotected rear to the friction of re-entry. In the end the docking port would be the achilles heel: Notice the heat level of the exposed docking port. Even if the vehicle made it through the fiery part - the heat still build up to the point were the port would cause total vehicle failure. It was an easy fix though - flip the tanks around and it could re-enter nose first even with the control surfaces retracted. - Mission was completed! Now instead of 32 launches to refuel the 4 Hydrogen tanks - 8 is enough... and with the now improved performance I should get that done in no time! For detailed mission walkthrough See spoiler section bellow: Moving Forward: With the new vehicle designed - and the number of tours reduced. I suspect fueling up K.G.02 will take no time now. Giving me just enough time to get used to heat mechanics before going on to duna and beyond!
  9. The V-2 and R-7 turbopumps are rotated by H2O2 decomposition products. MHD can work on any fuel. A turbine needs just any expanding gas. The reason why the C-Stoff was abandoned is that post-WWII countries live on a planet with oxygen atmosphere and rich with natural oil. The Mars isn't. http://www.airpowerworld.info/aircraft-engine-manufacturers/walter-hwk-109-509.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_HWK_109-509 Its ISP is low, about 180 s, (17 300 N / 8 kg/s / 9.81 m/s2) It's not a fuel of choice when you have alternatives. But poor conditions sometimes need poor solutions. 0 .. 2° C (water and hydrazine freeze). But it's easier to keep a hangar +4°C warm than cryotanks -200°C cold. Also maybe it's wise not to keep it mixed (to store the hydrazine hydrate apart), so methanol can stay liquid even outdoors most part of the year.
  10. Because of the low air density on Mars the lifting performance is approximately 200 times worse than airships on Earth. It has to be huge just to lift it's own envelope. And then you're at the mercy of the wind.
  11. I sent 2 rescue missions for Bill. The first one was destined for failure at my ability level. I didn't think I would have had enough dV to land and return (although after finishing the second mission, maybe I would have). The only good thing that came out of the first mission was some extra science points banked to unlock another node on the tree. Did I need it... no, but it was gonna happen. I didn't actually expect success so the initial rocket design, launch and such I didn't capture. But I was able to get close enough to Bill to be comfortable. Now, as you can see it wasn't the closest rendezvous in the world, but I figured I can walk it. But even better, why walk when you can use your EVA Jetpack? I was able to close 5km in short order. Unfortunately when I got to Jeb and the return craft, the game had decided to push it over. Should have left SAS on. I tried an ill fated takeoff but I couldn't orient myself with the controls and that ended in failure. Had to reload an autosave. Round 2 (3 actually - don't impact the ground at 200 m/s, it doesn't end well), with SAS, and we're all set to go. Although the game seems to have forgotten my custom flag. Loaded, saved, ready to get the heck outta here. Notice the excessive dV remaining. I need insurance on my missions. Oriented for the circularization burn, and soon transfer burn. I was finally confident at this point. Hurtling back towards a 30km PE. I got to see some more reentry effects with a larger craft. I also decided to burn off that excess fuel because why not. As long as the parachutes pop, the past hour or two will have been worthwhile. Back on Kerbafirma. Hopefully the next mission to the Mun won't be such a hassle.
  12. It looks like ESA is transitioning away from ArianeSpace being the sole provider for European space flight so I’m writing this here rather than the ArianeSpace thread: ESA Publishes Call for Reusable Rocket Booster Concepts By Andrew Parsonson - February 10, 2024 The phrasing of “liquid reusable booster” and the fact that the programme will potentially be aimed at existing launch systems suggests that this may be part of an Ariane 6 evolution. If this is not one of the direct aims of the initiative, ArianeGroup will certainly be in a position to utilize BEST! as a means to fund, at least partially, the transfer of the knowledge gained during the ongoing development of the reusable booster demonstrator Themis to an evolved Ariane 6 variant. https://europeanspaceflight.com/esa-publishes-call-for-reusable-rocket-booster-concepts/ This is great news for European space flight. I find it quite notable the author of this article on the new ESA push for reusability is asserting that it may involve an evolution of the Ariane 6. This is important, for if it is to be reusable then the solid SRB’s must be dispensed with. Now, it is possible such an evolution would involve the methane-fueled Prometheus engine. But in my opinion, using a completely different engine with even different propellant should not be regarded as an evolution of the Ariane 6. It would be an evolution of the Ariane 6 to reusability if using the same hydrogen-fueled Vulcain engines but not using the SRB’s. Quite key for these new launcher developments is to follow the SpaceX model of private financing for the launchers. That way 90% of the development costs can be saved: a mid-sized orbital launcher can be developed for only a few hundred million development cost, not the billion dollars thought necessary when such launchers were government financed. See discussion here: Towards Every European Country's Own Crewed Spaceflight, Page 2: saved costs and time using already developed, operational engines. https://exoscientist.blogspot.com/2024/01/towards-every-european-countrys-own.html The key, and most controversial, points there: 1.)Any European country can field their own, independent, manned flight capable launcher in under 2 years, IF they design it around already developed and operational engines. 2.)By eliminating the two SRB’s on the Ariane 6, and instead adding 1 or 2 additional Vulcain engines on the core stage, ArianeSpace can field such a launcher in less than a year. 3.)In any case, such a manned flight capable launcher by following the commercial space approach spear-headed by SpaceX could be developed for less than $200 million, assuming they didn’t have to pay engine development costs by using already operational engines. Bob Clark
  13. I surmise the most silly was an accident happened during A'Twin maiden flight. A'Twin is a ship designed to complete a real solar system grand tour with stock parts and kerbalism. kerbalism does add a bunch of additional complications to the game in the form of complex life support, difficult isru, radiations, and a bunch of other stuff. great to add extra challenge. to tackle all that, A'Twin was enormous. It needed a large habitable section to keep stress levels in the crew under control, and it needed 100 tons just for radiation shielding, and 200 tons of water to be able to support the crew in the long voyages between worlds, and it needed multiple spare parts to deal with malfunctions... and then all this huge ship needed a lot of fuel to have a good deltaV, it topped at above 7000 tons. life support with kerbalism is a complex chain of events. kerbals eat, drink, breathe, and they produce carbon dioxide, waste solid, and waste water. and i had a bunch of processes to recycle all of that as best as possible, so that the total consumption of resources was only 500 kilograms per crewmember per year. in particular, after many calculations, I determined that the most efficient way to reuse solid waste was to burn it in a chemical reactor to produce carbon dioxide, which was then used to grow plants in the greenhouses. it turned out, though, that the chemical reactor only burns solid waste if there is a "solid waste" resource. and i did forgot to include a solid waste container. so the solid waste produced could not be stored, and the chemical reactor could not burn it and turn it into CO2. the other sources of CO2 in the ship were not enough to provide enough to grow the plants fast enough for the crew to eat, and the whole life support system was made unusable. Yep. I had a 7000 ton ship made unusable because i forgot to include a crap container. I couldn't even fix the issue easily with eva construction: crap containers are kerbalism parts, and were not upgraded with the newest functionalities yet: they could not be manipulated with eva construction. I had to launch and entirely new ship. A seven thousand tons ship. Because the crew could not be instructed to take a dump in a plastic bag.
  14. Hi Again, Apologize for the double post. @linuxgurugamer After some serious headache setting up an env for C#/Mono dev, I ended up giving a try overriding ScienceModuleConverter's protected method "GetScientists()" in a plugin ddl. I am really not sure this is the best way to achieve what the original modder wanted to do. However, this solution seems to give satisfying result here. Here is what changed on my side to get the chip_lab working : I builded a CW_ModuleScienceConverter.ddl with following class (just overriding the inherited method mentioned above) : using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; namespace CW_ModuleScienceConverter { public class CW_ModuleScienceConverter : ModuleScienceConverter { protected override float GetScientists () { return 1.0f; } } } Adding the resulting ddl file into ChromaWorks/Plugins/ Notice I chose to create a new module (CW_ModuleScienceConverter) to avoid altering the existing ones, therefor I had to modify the chip_lab.cfg file (ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_lab.cfg) Previously : // MODULE // { // name = ModuleScienceConverter // scientistBonus = 0 //.25 //Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x // researchTime = 5 //Larger = slower. Exponential! // scienceMultiplier = 5 //How much science does data turn into? // scienceCap = 800 //How much science can we store before having to transmit? // powerRequirement = 10 // ConverterName = Analysis // StartActionName = Start Analysis // StopActionName = Stop Analysis // } After fixing it -> uncomment & change module's name to prefix it with CW_ MODULE { name = CW_ModuleScienceConverter scientistBonus = 0.25 //.25 //Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x researchTime = 5 //Larger = slower. Exponential! scienceMultiplier = 5 //How much science does data turn into? scienceCap = 200 //How much science can we store before having to transmit? powerRequirement = 10 ConverterName = Analysis StartActionName = Start Analysis StopActionName = Stop Analysis } With these modifications I ended up having the lab_chip part working without any crew on board. I'm really curious to know your thoughts about this fix. I'd be happy to send a pull request on your repo to get this mod working for all. Also, nothing to do witch the chip_lab but I noticed the KER_flight chip isn't working either, this is due to a misspelling in lab_KER_flight.cfg file : MODULE { name = FlightEngineer } should be MODULE { name = FlightEngineerModule } Same as lab_chib, I'd be happy to send a PR to fix these too. Let me know ! Cheers, Nok
  15. Hmm. Cost has to be an integer, right? So then this // THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED // DO NOT WRITE TO THIS FILE DIRECTLY // YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVER-WRITTEN! // // Please edit `tree.yml` and then run `yml2mm` to regenerate @PART[6.25_Heatshield]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[AccelerometerFGA]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[AntennaDF2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Antennacomtec1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Antennacomtec2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Antennaesc]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Antennaexpatvr2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[CLV_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[CLV_LFO_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[CLV_Nose_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[CLV_SRB_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[FASAExplorerLFTMed]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[FASAExplorerLFTSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[FASAGeminiLFTShort]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[FASAGeminiSciRadmeter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[FASAMercuryLFTShortLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[FASAProbeCamera]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[FASAProbeLaser]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[FalconLowerGear]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[LprobeFoil]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[PC_InflatableheatshieldLXX]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[PLV_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[PLV_Engine_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[PLV_LFO_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Polaris_Crew_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Polaris_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Polaris_Heatshield_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Polaris_LFO_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Polaris_Orbital_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Polaris_Port_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Polaris_Solar_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Polaris_Structure_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[PoodleM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXT16FuelTank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXT32FuelTank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXT8FuelTank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTK1Base5m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTKO211prop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTKOPO4E]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTLander]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTMk2LinearAerospike]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTOMS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTVernier885]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTmk2SAScore]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTtruckbox]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTtruckcabin]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTtruckcabinsmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTtruckearSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTtruckfueltank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTtruckmiddle]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTtruckmiddleSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[SXTtruckrear]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Tantares_Orbital_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[Tantares_Orbital_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[XPC_Inflatableheatshield31X]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[XPC_InflatableheatshieldLX]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[cone05ra]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[parachuteSingle_drogue]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[proceduralHeatshield]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[radialDrogue]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ORPHANS } @PART[AdjustableRailScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[GantryLargeScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[GantryLargeScaleableVariant]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[GrapplingDevice]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[IRHingeClosedScaleable2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[IRHingeOpenScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[IRHingeTallNDScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[IRHingeTallScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[IRPistonScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[IR_RotatronScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[IR_RotatronVTOLScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[IR_Rotatronmk2Scaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TelescopeFullAScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[dockingwasher_freeScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[dockingwasher_stdScaleable]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = actuators %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Adapter_C125]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Adapter_LM3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Adapter_SM1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Adapter_SM2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Adapter_SM3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Adapter_Y1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Aero_T2_Tail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Adapter_Mk2_125m_Bicoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Adapter_Mk2_125m_Long]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Adapter_Mk2_125m_Short]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Adapter_Mk2_125m_Shroud]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Adapter_Mk2_250m_Short]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Adapter_Mk2_Mk2_Rot]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Cargo_Bay_050m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 25 %entryCost = 65000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Cargo_Bay_100m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 50 %entryCost = 65000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Fuselage_025m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Fuselage_050m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Fuselage_100m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Fuselage_200m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Fuselage_400m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Nosecone_Long]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk1_Nosecone_Short]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Cargo_Bay_1m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 100 %entryCost = 65000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Cargo_Bay_2m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 200 %entryCost = 65000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Cockpit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 14000 %entryCost = 280000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Cockpit_Intake]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 14050 %entryCost = 281000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Fuselage_050m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Fuselage_1m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Fuselage_2m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Nosecone_Long]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Nosecone_Short]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_SAS_050m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cargo_M2_Adapter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cargo_M2_Body_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 250 %entryCost = 65000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cargo_M2_Separator]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_D25]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_M27]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 14000 %entryCost = 280000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK1_Body_2m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK1_Body_5m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK1_Control_ACU]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK1_Junction]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK1_Tail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 14000 %entryCost = 280000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Adapter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Adapter_M125]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Adapter_M125_2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Bicoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Bicoupler_S]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Body_2m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Body_5m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Body_Cargo_2m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 200 %entryCost = 65000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Body_Cargo_5m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 500 %entryCost = 75000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Body_Crew_2m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 6000 %entryCost = 120000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Body_RCS_05m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Nosecone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 25 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Nosecone_ASAS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Tail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 15000 %entryCost = 300000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Adapter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_BodyLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_BodyLarge_Back]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_BodyLarge_Back_EngineMount1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_BodyLarge_Back_EngineMount2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_BodyLarge_Cargo_2m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 1300 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_BodyLarge_Cargo_6m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 4000 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_BodyLarge_Front]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_BodyLarge_Front2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_05m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_6m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_Cargo_2m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 500 %entryCost = 75000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_Cargo_6m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 750000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_Crew]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 180000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_Crew_6m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 12000 %entryCost = 240000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_RCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Body_Tail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 180000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_PA_Adapter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[adapterSize2-Mk2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[mk2CargoBayL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk2CargoBayS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 1250 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk2Cockpit_Inline]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 14000 %entryCost = 280000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk2Cockpit_Standard]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 15000 %entryCost = 300000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk2CrewCabin]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 6000 %entryCost = 120000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk2DroneCore]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk2Fuselage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[mk2FuselageLongLFO]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[mk2FuselageShortLFO]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[mk2FuselageShortLiquid]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[mk2FuselageShortMono]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[mk2SpacePlaneAdapter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[mk2_1m_AdapterLong]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[mk2_1m_Bicoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advAerodynamics RP0conf = false } @PART[Apollo_CM_HeatShield]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 3000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApalloLFTJ2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 400 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApalloLFTJ25XPlate]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 400 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApalloLFTJ2Plate]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApalloLFTSVS1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 400 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApalloLFTSVS2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 400 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloDecSV5m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloStrJ2Fairing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 500 %entryCost = 17500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloStrJ2StrJ23m5mDec]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloStrJ2StrJ25mDec]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloStrS1BPlate]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApollo_CM_HeatShield]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 3000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAAtlasSLV3A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 450 %entryCost = 9000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAAtlasSLV3C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %entryCost = 450 RP0conf = false } 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%entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAS_Hook_Winch1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAS_Hook_Winch2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LLV_Decoupler_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction RP0conf = false } @PART[LLV_Decoupler_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction RP0conf = false } @PART[LLV_LFO_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction RP0conf = false } @PART[LLV_LFO_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction RP0conf = false } @PART[LLV_LFO_C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction RP0conf = false } @PART[LLV_LFO_D]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction RP0conf = false } @PART[LM_Interstage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-V_SkyLabFairing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } 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@PART[mm_shield2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 1200 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[skylab-trs]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advConstruction %cost = 3000 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[1x3SPanels]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[1x3WPanels]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 450 %entryCost = 9000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALSEP_Device]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALSEP_Reflector]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALSEP_Scanner]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Dishmccomu]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Dishomega2g]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 950 %entryCost = 19000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAALSEP_Device]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAALSEP_Reflector]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAALSEP_Scanner]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LM_ALSEPcase]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1 %entryCost = 5 RP0conf = true } @PART[LM_RoverBox]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 2 %entryCost = 7 RP0conf = true } @PART[RTGigaDish2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RTLongDish2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SCANsat_Scanner2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mediumDishAntenna]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[pioneer_10_11]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 800 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[radr]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_mol_solar_panel]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 220 %entryCost = 4400 RP0conf = true } @PART[rtg]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarPanels1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarPanels3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarPanelsond1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advElectrics %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Leg_H50]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advExploration %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Leg_H50P]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advExploration %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[BaseMount]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advExploration %cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_3R310_EVA_EVAX]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advExploration %cost = 4500 %entryCost = 22460 RP0conf = true } @PART[godLandingLeg]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advExploration %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[godLandingLeg2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advExploration %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[landingLeg1-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advExploration %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[plommsLandingLeg]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advExploration %cost = 120 %entryCost = 2400 RP0conf = true } @PART[Alnair_Engine_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl RP0conf = false } @PART[Apollo_CM_RCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[Apollo_DockingDevice]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Apollo_SM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 350000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Apollo_SM_RCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloAPS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 500 %entryCost = 17500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloIU]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApollo_CM_RCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApollo_DockingDevice]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApollo_SM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 350000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApollo_SM_RCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASADeltaAv1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 200 %entryCost = 5000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASALM_DockingConern]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASALM_RCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 300 %entryCost = 10500 RP0conf = true } @PART[GuidanceLate1m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LM_RCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 300 %entryCost = 10500 RP0conf = true } @PART[Libra_LFO_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 367 %entryCost = 7340 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-ApolloDockingPort]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RP0probeAvionics66m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-1C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 400 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-1Cdecoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-1CenginesMount]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 400 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-1Cinterstage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 100 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-1CsepSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 15 %entryCost = 1700 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-II]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 800 %entryCost = 28000 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-II_ullageSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 7 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-IIinterstage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-IIsepSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 7 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-IVB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-IVB_InstrumentUnit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[S-IVB_ullageSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 7 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-DP-0P]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Decoupler_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 200 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_DockingMechanism_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_DockingMechanism_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Engine_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 75000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Engine_C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 75000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_RCS_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 100 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[Vega_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl RP0conf = false } @PART[Vega_Engine_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl RP0conf = false } @PART[almaz_sr_retro]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_dec]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 200 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_hs]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_pao]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 75000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_sa_cap]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 800 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_tft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 800 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[r7_les]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 87500 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@PART[t_dp]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[t_pao]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 55000 RP0conf = true } @PART[tg_sa]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFlightControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 75000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO_RLA_AJ260_FL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFuelSystems %cost = 33081 %entryCost = 661620 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO_RLA_AJ260_HL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFuelSystems %cost = 22054 %entryCost = 441080 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_dnepr1_ejector_cap]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advFuelSystems %cost = 10 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTNERVA]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advNuclearPropulsion %cost = 28000 %entryCost = 2500000 RP0conf = true } @PART[constellationBNTR]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advNuclearPropulsion %cost = 21500 %entryCost = 1750000 RP0conf = true } @PART[nervaII_kerbscalexx]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advNuclearPropulsion %cost = 16200 %entryCost = 1750000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApalloLFTS1BStage1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 1800 %entryCost = 36000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloLFEH1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 750 %entryCost = 53750 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAE1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 1300 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiLFECentarTwin]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 4300 %entryCost = 86000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASASaturnUllage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAStrS1BWing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASA_SIB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 1800 %entryCost = 36000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FREVIKINGEARLY]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 550 %entryCost = 15000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FREVIKINGUPPER]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KW2mengineMaverickV]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 750 %entryCost = 53750 RP0conf = true } @PART[KWsrbGlobeV]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[KWsrbUllage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[LargeOMS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NLV_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry RP0conf = false } @PART[RD0110]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-E1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 1300 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-H1-RS27]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 750 %entryCost = 53750 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineH1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advRocketry %cost = 750 %entryCost = 53750 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineVikas]:FOR[RP-0] { 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20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[Maxurpod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 15000 %entryCost = 300000 RP0conf = true } @PART[UAEcubplate]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 15000 %entryCost = 300000 RP0conf = true } @PART[explonpod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 15000 %entryCost = 300000 RP0conf = true } @PART[neo_ds1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 1207 %entryCost = 24139 RP0conf = true } @PART[neo_stardust]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 1894 %entryCost = 37881 RP0conf = true } @PART[neo_stardust_collector]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 30 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[neo_stardust_para]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 30 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[neptuno]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 15000 %entryCost = 300000 RP0conf = true } @PART[novapod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = advUnmanned %cost = 15000 %entryCost = 300000 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} @PART[LMKIIIAircaftFusLong]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LMkIIAircaftTail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LMkIIIAircaftFus]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 250 %entryCost = 5000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MK1Cargobay]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MK1Fuselage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 500 %entryCost = 5000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Mark1Cockpit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 3000 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Mark2Cockpit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Mk1?S39?Cockpit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 350 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Mk1FuselageStructural]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 600 %entryCost = 5500 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_lfe_25m_Orbitalbertha_Mini]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 44000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-XLR99]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 44000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTNK12M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTSmallFuselage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 100 %entryCost = 5000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTmk3Cockpit52]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 2265 %entryCost = 45300 RP0conf = true } @PART[airbrake1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_atar]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 220 %entryCost = 4400 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_j75]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems %cost = 223 %entryCost = 4460 RP0conf = true } 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true } @PART[r7_blok_bvgd]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[r7_blok_bvgd_m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[r7_blok_bvgd_sput]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_WING_R7]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicConstruction %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_luna_base]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicConstruction %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_luna_fairing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicConstruction %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_adapter_blok_e]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_adapter_blok_i_m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicConstruction %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_adapter_blok_i_v]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = 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%entryCost = 24000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarPanels5HiTech]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicScience %cost = 50 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpaneles1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicScience %cost = 100 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASADeltaCastorSrb]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicSolids %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-X-248]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicSolids %cost = 170 %entryCost = 3400 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralSRBRealFuels]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicSolids %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_thor_altair]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicSolids %cost = 170 %entryCost = 3400 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_thor_altair_e1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicSolids %cost = 170 %entryCost = 3400 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_thor_altair_e1_1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicSolids %cost = 170 %entryCost = 3400 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_thor_castor]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicSolids %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solidBooster1-1Small]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = basicSolids %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_SABRE_Intake_M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = colossalRocketry %cost = 600 %entryCost = 12000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_SABRE_Intake_S]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = colossalRocketry %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_SABRE_M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = colossalRocketry %cost = 19000 %entryCost = 380000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_SABRE_S]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = colossalRocketry %cost = 6750 %entryCost = 135000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RAPIER]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = colossalRocketry %cost = 4800 %entryCost = 96000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Alnair_Crew_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 600000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Alnair_Decoupler_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules RP0conf = false } @PART[Alnair_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { 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commandModules %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiBigGWhite]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 41000 %entryCost = 462000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiLES]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 175000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiNoseCone2Aero]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 300 %entryCost = 5200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiPod2White]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 6000 %entryCost = 316000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASA_Apollo_Float_Ring]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 800 %entryCost = 28000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASA_Apollo_Float_Round]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 800 %entryCost = 28000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASA_BigGeminiParachute2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Hamal_Orbital_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1800 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LaunchEscapeSystem]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 175000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MK2VApod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 600000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Mark1-2Pod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 1000000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-A-BPC]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-A-DM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-A-OM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-A-SM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 75000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-B-BPC]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 175000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-B-CM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 350000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-B-SM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 350000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ShieldCapLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TLV_LES]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 175000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Crew_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Habitation_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Parachute_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 800 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_bo_fem]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_bo_male]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_para]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 800 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ok_sa]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[orbitalorb]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_astp_bo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules RP0conf = false } @PART[rn_lok_bo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_lok_para]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 800 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_lok_sa]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 3500 %entryCost = 95000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_les_okt]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules RP0conf = false } @PART[rn_zond_sa]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[t_af_bo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1800 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[t_bo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1800 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[tg_bo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = commandModules %cost = 1800 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ICPSAdapterx2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = composites %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[stationHub]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = composites %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[stationHubLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = composites %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAExplorerNosecone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 250 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAExplorerProbe]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 158 %entryCost = 3160 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAProbeGeigerCounter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[FuelController]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } 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RP0conf = true } @PART[kb-fuel-breaker1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_prox_sensor]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_smart_alt_low]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_smart_fuel]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_smart_radio]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_smart_time]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_valve]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_valve2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[sputnik1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyAvionics %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } 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@PART[almaz3-5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyStations %cost = 50000 %entryCost = 150000 RP0conf = true } @PART[crewCabin]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyStations %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 360000 RP0conf = true } @PART[cupola]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyStations %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 80000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_skylab_telescope]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyStations %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 15000 RP0conf = true } @PART[salyut1-4]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyStations %cost = 48000 %entryCost = 145000 RP0conf = true } @PART[salyut6]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyStations %cost = 65000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[salyut7]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyStations %cost = 75000 %entryCost = 170000 RP0conf = true } @PART[skylab]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = earlyStations %cost = 70000 %entryCost = 275000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-blanket-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electricalSystems %cost = 57000 %entryCost = 1140000 RP0conf = true } 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%cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApollo_SM_Dish]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApollo_SM_Light]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1750 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiEngineFuel2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 3560 %entryCost = 71200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiUtilityPack]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 3560 %entryCost = 71200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASALM_Antenna]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 500 %entryCost = 17500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FuelCell]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FuelCellArray]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LM_Antenna]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 500 %entryCost = 17500 RP0conf = true } @PART[RTLongAntenna2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 600 %entryCost = 12000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SCANsat_Scanner]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Spica_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 3560 %entryCost = 71200 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Antenna_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Solar_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[USRPWS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_1P110_Wedge_Fuelcell]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_solarPanels]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics %cost = 400 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_7k_astp_lsolar]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics RP0conf = false } @PART[rn_7k_astp_rsolar]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = electrics RP0conf = false } @PART[rpwsAnt]:FOR[RP-0] { 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%TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 1.5 %entryCost = 30 RP0conf = true } @PART[RCSFuelTank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-IPA-N]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-IPA-W]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-ISDC]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-TANK-MFT-D]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 100 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-TANK-MFT-L]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 75 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-TANK-MFT-R]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 50 %entryCost = 300 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-TANK-MUS-CB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 90 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } 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@PART[US_1R330_Wedge_Hydrogen]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_1R340_Wedge_Oxygen]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_1R360_Wedge_Water]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_2R340_Radial_Oxygen]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_Radial_R30_Water]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[basepuntv2r10]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 1.8 %entryCost = 36 RP0conf = true } @PART[conenoseram]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[decouplersv05]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 RP0conf = false } @PART[decouplersvblack]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = engineering101 RP0conf = false } @PART[decoupvector]:FOR[RP-0] { 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= 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAMercruyCap]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAMercruyCap2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAMercuryDec]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAMercuryMiniSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability %cost = 2 %entryCost = 40 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAMercuryPod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability %cost = 3730 %entryCost = 90600 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAMercuryPodRCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability %cost = 17 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASA_Mercury_Eng]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability %cost = 80 %entryCost = 1600 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASA_Mercury_LES]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } 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36000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MassiveBooster]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = exoticFuelStorage %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_SRB_2_5m_AdvSRB5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = exoticFuelStorage %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO_KWsrbGlobeI_GEM46]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = exoticFuelStorage %cost = 1200 %entryCost = 24000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO_KWsrbGlobeI_GEM60]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = exoticFuelStorage %cost = 1800 %entryCost = 36000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO_KWsrbGlobeI_GEM63]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = exoticFuelStorage %cost = 2400 %entryCost = 48000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO_KWsrbGlobeI_GEM63XL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = exoticFuelStorage %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBdelta3srm]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = exoticFuelStorage %cost = 1200 %entryCost = 24000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBdelta3srmG]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = exoticFuelStorage %cost = 1200 %entryCost = 24000 RP0conf = true } 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%cost = 93 %entryCost = 1860 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_al31]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics %cost = 450 %entryCost = 9000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-curved-375-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 150 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-curved-deploying-25-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 450 %entryCost = 9000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-deploying-1x3-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 550 %entryCost = 11000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-deploying-1x4-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 770 %entryCost = 15400 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-deploying-1x4-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 880 %entryCost = 17600 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-deploying-1x5-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-deploying-1x5-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 2250 %entryCost = 45000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-deploying-circular-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 870 %entryCost = 17400 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-static-truss-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solarpanel-static-truss-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalElectrics %cost = 150 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[roverWheel3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalMotors %cost = 250 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_lfb_25m_Adv]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalRocketry %cost = 43000 %entryCost = 860000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineF1B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalRocketry %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 409361 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-F1B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = experimentalRocketry %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 409361 RP0conf = true } 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fieldScience %cost = 50 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[seatExternalCmd]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fieldScience %cost = 250 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[xLERroverbodyx]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fieldScience %cost = 750 %entryCost = 7500 RP0conf = true } @PART[45DegreeRCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 35 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Control_RCS_Block_R12]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 180 %entryCost = 5000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Control_RCS_Block_R5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 90 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Control_RCS_Block_R6]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 90 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Control_RCS_Block_S5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 180 %entryCost = 5000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Control_RCS_Port_R1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 35 %entryCost = 1600 RP0conf = true } 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flightControl %cost = 160 %entryCost = 3200 RP0conf = true } @PART[RP0probeAvionics3-05m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 1100 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXT375mProbe]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTRCSRack]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 45 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Spica_Port_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Spica_RCS_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 60 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[dockingPort3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 700 %entryCost = 48000 RP0conf = true } @PART[linearRcs]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 15 %entryCost = 900 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_voskhod_airlock]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_voskhod_retro]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 800 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_voskhod_retro_dec]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 200 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[sasModule]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[vernierEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = flightControl %cost = 10 %entryCost = 700 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALV_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 3580 %entryCost = 71600 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALV_Engine_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 1300 %entryCost = 26000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NK9]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 450 %entryCost = 9000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NK9V]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_lfe_125m_BearcatSingle]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 515 %entryCost = 10300 RP0conf = true } @PART[RD0210]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RD0212]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems RP0conf = false } @PART[RD275]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 515 %entryCost = 10300 RP0conf = true } @PART[RD58]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-RD-0210]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-RD-253]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 515 %entryCost = 10300 RP0conf = true } @PART[liquidEngine2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[r7_blok_i_m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 714 %entryCost = 14280 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_proton_rd0210]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_proton_rd0212]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_proton_rd253]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = fuelSystems %cost = 515 %entryCost = 10300 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALV_Decoupler_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 75 %entryCost = 1500 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALV_LFO_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 312 %entryCost = 6240 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALV_LFO_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 72 %entryCost = 1440 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAAgenaLFT]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAAtlasLV3C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiLFTLongIF]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiLFTLonger]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 243 %entryCost = 4860 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiLFTMedWhite]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 265 %entryCost = 5275 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiMOLEquip]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 150 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiMOLEquipCap]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 25 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiMOLEquipStack]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 265 %entryCost = 5275 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAMercuryAtlasLFTLong]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASA_Atlas_LFT_Cone2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[HeatShield0]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 500 %entryCost = 31000 RP0conf = true } @PART[HeatShield1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 33000 RP0conf = true } @PART[HeatShield2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalConstruction %cost = 3000 %entryCost = 35000 RP0conf = true } 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} @PART[rn_r7_blok_a_engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalRocketry %cost = 700 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_bvgd_engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalRocketry %cost = 680 %entryCost = 13600 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_vernier_engine_v_fg]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalRocketry %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_vostok_blok_e]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalRocketry %cost = 520 %entryCost = 10400 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_vostok_blok_e_lunar]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalRocketry %cost = 535 %entryCost = 10700 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_r7_vostok_blok_e_vernier]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalRocketry %cost = 2 %entryCost = 40 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_s3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalRocketry %cost = 650 %entryCost = 13000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_s3_vernier]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = generalRocketry %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CHAKAOME2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FREFRE1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 36 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FREFRE2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 350 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FRERUTHERFORD]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 21 %entryCost = 15000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FRERUTHERFORDVAC]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 28 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LazTekFalcon9EngineCenter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 175 %entryCost = 32000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LazTekMerlin1dVacuumEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 200 %entryCost = 34000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NK33attachment]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry RP0conf = false } @PART[NP_lfe_5m_AdvHL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 25000 %entryCost = 114000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RLA_small_ntr]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 82 %entryCost = 1640 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-Merlin-1D]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 175 %entryCost = 32000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-Merlin-1DV]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 200 %entryCost = 34000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Size3EngineCluster]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 25000 %entryCost = 114000 RP0conf = true } @PART[fregat1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 250 %entryCost = 5000 RP0conf = true } @PART[liquidEngineMiniRescale]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 700 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[liquidEngineMiniTurbo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 2700 %entryCost = 54000 RP0conf = true } @PART[merlin1D]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 175 %entryCost = 32000 RP0conf = true } @PART[merlin1D_vac]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = giganticRocketry %cost = 200 %entryCost = 34000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_dnepr1_rd0255_vernier]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavierRocketry %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_dnepr1_ts]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavierRocketry %cost = 510 %entryCost = 10200 RP0conf = true } @PART[25mKossak]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 1575 %entryCost = 31500 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_Jet_Pod_Medium]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 1175 %entryCost = 23500 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_Jet_Pod_Small]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 260 %entryCost = 5200 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_VA1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAXjumpjet]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTEntenteCordiale]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 5320 %entryCost = 106400 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_cf6]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 850 %entryCost = 17000 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_d30]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 1200 %entryCost = 24000 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_f404]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 600 %entryCost = 12000 RP0conf = true } @PART[turboFanSize2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 850 %entryCost = 17000 RP0conf = true } @PART[turboJet]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics %cost = 850 %entryCost = 17000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ATV_RCS_back]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyControl RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Control_SAS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyControl %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_S2_Control_SAS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyControl %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } @PART[asasmodule1-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = heavyControl %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } 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highAltitudeFlight %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-Mk1Cockpit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 180000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-Mk1CockpitInline]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 180000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-Mk1CrewModule]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight %cost = 3000 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-Mk1Fuselage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-Mk1FuselagePres]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-ProcTankSpaceplane]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RTLongAntenna3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highEnergyScience %cost = 700 %entryCost = 14000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGerminiSRB175_7Seg]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 6250 %entryCost = 125000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASA_RO_UA1207]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 7218 %entryCost = 144360 RP0conf = true } @PART[KK_ATK_Castor4A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 640 %entryCost = 12020 RP0conf = true } @PART[KK_ATK_Star48B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 1203 %entryCost = 24060 RP0conf = true } @PART[KWsrbGlobeI]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 640 %entryCost = 12020 RP0conf = true } @PART[KWsrbGlobeX10L]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 7218 %entryCost = 144360 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineCastor120]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 10630 %entryCost = 212600 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineCastor30]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 750 %entryCost = 15000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ius_bottom]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 12000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ius_dec_fs]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 60 %entryCost = 1200 RP0conf = true } @PART[ius_dec_ss]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 60 %entryCost = 1200 RP0conf = true } @PART[ius_top]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 800 %entryCost = 15000 RP0conf = true } @PART[pam_d]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 1203 %entryCost = 24060 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1206]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 6050 %entryCost = 121000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1206_dec]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1206_nc]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1207]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 7018 %entryCost = 140360 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1207_dec]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1207_nc]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solidBooster1-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 10630 %entryCost = 212600 RP0conf = true } @PART[solidBoosterSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 750 %entryCost = 15000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solidBooster_sm]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems %cost = 1203 %entryCost = 24060 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloLFERL10]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL2 %cost = 1300 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiLFTCentar]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL2 %cost = 1201 %entryCost = 24020 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiLFTCentarCSM_D1T]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL2 %cost = 1301 %entryCost = 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%cost = 1300 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_gex430]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL2 %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 50000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloLFEJ2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL3 %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[J2engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL3 %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KW5mengineTitanV]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL3 %cost = 12500 %entryCost = 250000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_lfe_125m_K2XEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL3 %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_lfe_375m_K2X]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL3 %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineJ2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL3 %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-J-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL3 %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTLT80]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL3 %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAApolloLFEM1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL4 %cost = 22000 %entryCost = 770000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_lfe_125m_AerospikeEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL4 %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 180000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RLA_mp_large_spike]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL4 %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 180000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO_KVD1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL4 %cost = 650 %entryCost = 27750 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-M1-RO]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL4 %cost = 22000 %entryCost = 770000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Vodorod_M1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL4 %cost = 22000 %entryCost = 770000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Vodorod_RD57]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL4 RP0conf = false } @PART[toroidalAerospike]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL4 %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 180000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FRELE5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL5 %cost = 2650 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} @PART[km_ssme_STS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL5 %cost = 5700 %entryCost = 114000 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_ssme_rs25]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL5 %cost = 5700 %entryCost = 114000 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_ssme_rs25s]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL5 %cost = 5700 %entryCost = 114000 RP0conf = true } @PART[km_ssme_rs25ss]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL5 %cost = 5700 %entryCost = 114000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rd0120]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL5 %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 100000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FRELE7]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 6210 %entryCost = 192000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KW2mengineVestaVR9D]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 12420 %entryCost = 192000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KW3mengineTitanT1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 6400 %entryCost = 320000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineRS68]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 2850 %entryCost = 57000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineVulcain2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 6400 %entryCost = 320000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10A-5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 1300 %entryCost = 26000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-RS-68]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 2850 %entryCost = 57000 RP0conf = true } @PART[VR1vulcan]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 2850 %entryCost = 57000 RP0conf = true } @PART[bahars68b]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 2850 %entryCost = 57000 RP0conf = true } @PART[cryoengine-125-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 6400 %entryCost = 320000 RP0conf = true } @PART[cryoengine-25-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 6210 %entryCost = 192000 RP0conf = true } @PART[cryoengine-375-1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 2850 %entryCost = 57000 RP0conf = true } @PART[xbahars68bx]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL6 %cost = 2850 %entryCost = 57000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_L2_Atlas]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 3800 %entryCost = 76000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RD0146_StockVersion]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RD0146engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RLA_mp_large_vac]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 2300 %entryCost = 46000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineJ2X]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 3310 %entryCost = 158860 RP0conf = true } @PART[RSBengineRL10B2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 3800 %entryCost = 76000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-J-2X]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 3310 %entryCost = 158860 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-RL10B-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 1300 %entryCost = 26000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-Vinci]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 4800 %entryCost = 96000 RP0conf = true } @PART[XKosmos_TKS_RD-0225_EngineLANDERS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[XXxAres1J2-XHIGH]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 3800 %entryCost = 76000 RP0conf = true } @PART[cryoengine-125-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 3800 %entryCost = 76000 RP0conf = true } @PART[cryoengine-25-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 3310 %entryCost = 158860 RP0conf = true } @PART[engineexper05]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 2300 %entryCost = 46000 RP0conf = true } @PART[liquidEngineconstelacion]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hydroloxTL7 %cost = 3310 %entryCost = 158860 RP0conf = true } @PART[APASport]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 3500 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Ares?SRB?Nose?Cone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 1250 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[BoosterSeperator]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSAirlock]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 3000 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSCrewCompartment]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 196000 %entryCost = 2631300 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSCtrlSrfLeft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSCtrlSrfRight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSEngineMount]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 73000 %entryCost = 952000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSForwardRCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 35800 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSFuselage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 73000 %entryCost = 952000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSGearLeft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSGearRight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSNose]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 2200 %entryCost = 31500 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSNoseGear]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSVStabilizer]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 550 %entryCost = 11000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSVStabilizerCtrlSrf]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 350 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSWingLeft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSWingRight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSS_ExTank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 10330 %entryCost = 195850 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSS_SRBDecoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Cone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ETDoors]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[STS?SRB?Nose?Cone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 1250 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSAirlock]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 6500 %entryCost = 130000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSBodyFlap]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 350 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSCAM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSCanadarmP1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSCanadarmP2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSCanadarmP3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSCanadarmP4]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSCanadarmP5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSCanadarmP6]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSChute]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSGearLeft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSGearRight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSNoseGear]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSOrbiter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 347000 %entryCost = 4602000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSTAIL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 550 %entryCost = 11000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSTAILCS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 350 %entryCost = 7000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSWingLeft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSWingRight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STS_ExTank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 10330 %entryCost = 195850 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSctrlSrfLeft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSctrlSrfRight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Shuttle?Manipulator]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[adapterEngines]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[adapterMk3-Mk2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[adapterMk3-Size2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[adapterMk3-Size2Slant]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[adapterSize3-Mk3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[mk3CargoBayL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk3CargoBayM]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk3CargoBayS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 2500 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk3CargoRamp]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 3300 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 40000 %entryCost = 800000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk3CrewCabin]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 15000 %entryCost = 300000 RP0conf = true } @PART[mk3FuselageLFO_100]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[mk3FuselageLFO_25]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[mk3FuselageLFO_50]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[mk3FuselageLF_100]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[mk3FuselageLF_25]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[mk3FuselageLF_50]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[mk3FuselageMONO]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[noseConeAdapter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight RP0conf = false } @PART[parachuteDrogue2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = hypersonicFlight %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTNERVAB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = improvedNuclearPropulsion %cost = 75000 %entryCost = 2000000 RP0conf = true } @PART[ionEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = ionPropulsion %cost = 380 %entryCost = 7600 RP0conf = true } 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= largeElectrics %cost = 4200 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAFairingNosecone_3mSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGerminiSRB175]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 5320 %entryCost = 106400 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGerminiSRB175White]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 5320 %entryCost = 106400 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGerminiSRB175_5Seg]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 4600 %entryCost = 92000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGerminiSRBInlineSep]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-STAR-37]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 180 %entryCost = 3600 RP0conf = true } @PART[RT2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 320 %entryCost = 6400 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_thor_star37d]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 180 %entryCost = 3600 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1205]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 5120 %entryCost = 102400 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1205_dec]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_ua1205_nc]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[solidBoosterMAX]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeSolids %cost = 5320 %entryCost = 106400 RP0conf = true } @PART[Capella_Control_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Capella_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Capella_Mono_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Capella_Solar_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Capella_Structure_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Capella_Structure_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Pollux_Control_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Pollux_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Pollux_RCS_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[Pollux_Solar_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned RP0conf = false } @PART[eos_aqua]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned %cost = 8404 %entryCost = 168095 RP0conf = true } @PART[eos_aura]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned %cost = 6644 %entryCost = 132892 RP0conf = true } @PART[eos_terra]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned %cost = 6776 %entryCost = 135536 RP0conf = true } @PART[eos_terraalt]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned %cost = 60 %entryCost = 1200 RP0conf = true } @PART[neo_near]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned %cost = 1131 %entryCost = 16972 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_messenger]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeUnmanned %cost = 3775 %entryCost = 75502 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSS_SSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment %cost = 6780 %entryCost = 135600 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@PART[RSBengineSTSSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment %cost = 6780 %entryCost = 135600 RP0conf = true } @PART[RT1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment %cost = 361 %entryCost = 7224 RP0conf = true } @PART[SRB2D]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment %cost = 6780 %entryCost = 135600 RP0conf = true } @PART[XSLSSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = largeVolumeContainment %cost = 6780 %entryCost = 135600 RP0conf = true } @PART[InflatableHAB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 20700 %entryCost = 414000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KarmonyNodeMkIII_Adapter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MonkeyPodADAPTER]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MonkeyPodAirlock]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MonkeyPodLanderPS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MonkeyPodLanderPs]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MonkeyPodMTVTypeR]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MonkeyPodpsADAPTER]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 8000 %entryCost = 160000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MonkeySMA8FPodLANDERPs]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 5400 %entryCost = 108000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STXCANIOT]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 13500 %entryCost = 390000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTDLK83EHabitat]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 49500 %entryCost = 420000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TESTMODULEADAPTER]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 5400 %entryCost = 108000 RP0conf = true } @PART[XKarmonyStarModule_AdapterS6632]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 5400 %entryCost = 108000 RP0conf = true } @PART[centrifuge1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 14960 %entryCost = 299200 RP0conf = true } @PART[centrifugeXL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 48980 %entryCost = 489820 RP0conf = true } @PART[inflato1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 16550 %entryCost = 331000 RP0conf = true } @PART[inflato2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 8275 %entryCost = 165500 RP0conf = true } @PART[inflatoFlat]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 9000 %entryCost = 180000 RP0conf = true } @PART[inflatoXL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = longTermHabitation %cost = 66200 %entryCost = 1324000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KK_ATK_Star17A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 172 %entryCost = 3440 RP0conf = true } @PART[M55]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 750 %entryCost = 15000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-X-258]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTCastor30]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 172 %entryCost = 3440 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTWaxWing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_thor_altair_e1_2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_thor_altair_e2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_thor_star20]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 172 %entryCost = 3440 RP0conf = true } @PART[sepMotorLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = matureSolids %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[pioneer_6_7_8_9]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = miniaturization %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[probeCoreHex]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = miniaturization %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAAtlasH]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = nanolathing %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Castor_Nerva]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion %cost = 25000 %entryCost = 1750000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_lfe_25m_NERVA]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion %cost = 25000 %entryCost = 1750000 RP0conf = true } @PART[nuclearEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion %cost = 25000 %entryCost = 1750000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiLFTCentarCSM_D5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalAssembly RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX0_E]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX0_S]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_A_375]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_A_375B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_A_375C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_A_LLL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_A_P]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_A_S0]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_A_SD]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_E1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_H]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_SAS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_S_H3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_S_H4]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_S_H6]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_S_HS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_S_T]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_U]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX1_U_S]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX2_A_375]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX2_A_HX1_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX2_A_S1_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX2_A_S1_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX2_H]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX2_U]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX4_A_375]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX4_A_HX1_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX4_A_HX2_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX4_A_HX2_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX4_H]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX4_U]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX_S_2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX_S_8]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures RP0conf = false } @PART[B9_Structure_HX_S_RCS_F]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 120 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_HX_S_RCS_L]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 240 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTMTVGirder]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 990 %entryCost = 19800 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTMTVGirderBasic]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 320 %entryCost = 6400 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTMTVGirderOpen]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 660 %entryCost = 13200 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTMTVGirderOpenMedium]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 330 %entryCost = 6600 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 165 %entryCost = 3300 RP0conf = true } @PART[coperniTrussLong]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 1390 %entryCost = 27800 RP0conf = true } @PART[coperniTrussShort]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = orbitalMegastructures %cost = 565 %entryCost = 11300 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Cockpit_MK2_Nosecone_Science]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionEngineering %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTsciencenosecone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionEngineering %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_voyager]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionEngineering %cost = 2841 %entryCost = 90921 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_vpam]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionEngineering %cost = 970 %entryCost = 22729 RP0conf = true } @PART[sensorAtmosphere]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionEngineering %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FRERD843]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionPropulsion %cost = 200 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[NP_lfe_25m_4x800Engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionPropulsion RP0conf = false } @PART[RSBengineRS27A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionPropulsion %cost = 1850 %entryCost = 37000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTK1BaseLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionPropulsion RP0conf = false } @PART[rn_dnepr1_rd264]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = precisionPropulsion %cost = 445 %entryCost = 35600 RP0conf = true } @PART[ALV_Engine_C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems RP0conf = false } @PART[LLV_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 20100 %entryCost = 402000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LLV_Engine_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 6240 %entryCost = 124800 RP0conf = true } @PART[LLV_Engine_C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[LLV_Engine_D]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 450 %entryCost = 9000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Libra_Engine_B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 1468 %entryCost = 29360 RP0conf = true } @PART[NK33_StockVersion]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 670 %entryCost = 13400 RP0conf = true } @PART[NK33engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 670 %entryCost = 13400 RP0conf = true } @PART[NK43_StockVersion]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 780 %entryCost = 15600 RP0conf = true } @PART[NK43engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 780 %entryCost = 15600 RP0conf = true } @PART[RD270]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 6500 %entryCost = 130000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RD270M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 8500 %entryCost = 170000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTNK21BlockV]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_proton_blockd]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = propulsionSystems %cost = 1835 %entryCost = 36700 RP0conf = true } @PART[TacCarbonExtractor]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TacCarbonExtractorLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TacSabatierRecycler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TacSabatierRecyclerLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 40000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TacWaterPurifier]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TacWaterPurifierLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 3000 %entryCost = 60000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TacWaterSplitter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 500 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[TacWaterSplitterLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_1P120_Wedge_Elektron]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 250 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_1P130_Wedge_Sabatier]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 500 %entryCost = 22000 RP0conf = true } @PART[US_1P140_Wedge_WRS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = recycling %cost = 250 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[MonkeyPodOrionTypeS22]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = scientificOutposts %cost = 16000 %entryCost = 320000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SHABLANDER-SLR]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = scientificOutposts %cost = 21600 %entryCost = 432000 RP0conf = true } @PART[L25mSci]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = shortTermHabitation %cost = 6000 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTCrewCabSSP10]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = shortTermHabitation %cost = 5000 %entryCost = 200000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTCrewCabSSP20]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = shortTermHabitation %cost = 10000 %entryCost = 230000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiAntenna]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 100 %entryCost = 5000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiMiniSRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 6 %entryCost = 120 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiNoseCone2Cap]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 10 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiParachute2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 110 %entryCost = 5500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiParachute2D]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 60 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiPod2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 5400 %entryCost = 286000 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGeminiPodLight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[HexCanMFTLifeSupport]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules RP0conf = false } @PART[HexCanMFTLifeSupportLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules RP0conf = false } @PART[HexCanMFTLifeSupportSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules RP0conf = false } @PART[K2Pod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 6120 %entryCost = 322000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Spica_Crew_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 5400 %entryCost = 286000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Spica_Parachute_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = simpleCommandModules %cost = 110 %entryCost = 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1500 RP0conf = true } @PART[Alnair_Engine_C]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = specializedControl RP0conf = false } @PART[FASADeltaAv2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = specializedControl %cost = 400 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Tantares_Engine_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = specializedControl %cost = 2000 %entryCost = 75000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO_gx256]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = specializedElectrics %cost = 2150 %entryCost = 43000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RTGigaDish1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = specializedElectrics %cost = 1900 %entryCost = 38000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTDepolyRTGI]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = specializedElectrics %cost = 524 %entryCost = 10480 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTDepolyRTGII]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = specializedElectrics %cost = 524 %entryCost = 10480 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTsolarPanelLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = specializedElectrics %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTsolarPanelhex]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = 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%TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Aero_Wing_ControlSurface_SH_4mProcedural]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Control_RCS_Port_R1X]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 6 %entryCost = 120 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Control_RCS_Port_R1X1x]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 12 %entryCost = 240 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_Jet_Pod_Medium_PylonR]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_Jet_Pod_Medium_PylonS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_Jet_Pod_Small_PylonR]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_Jet_Pod_Small_PylonS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_T2A_SRB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 7 %entryCost = 140 RP0conf = true } 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@PART[B9_Structure_P2_Surface_Half]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_P4_Surface]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_P4_Surface_Half]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_P8_Surface]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 80 %entryCost = 1600 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_P8_Surface_Half]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_R0_Railing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_R1_Railing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 2 %entryCost = 40 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_R2_Railing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 4 %entryCost = 80 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Structure_R4_Railing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 8 %entryCost = 160 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_InfoDrive]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Landing_Gear_HDG1A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 3 %entryCost = 60 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Landing_Gear_HDG1AL]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 3 %entryCost = 60 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Light_A1_Closed]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Light_A1_White]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Light_A4_White]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Light_A8_White]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Light_N1_Large_White]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 2 %entryCost = 40 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Utility_Light_N1_White]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[BD_Adj_LG_Large_Early]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[BD_Adj_LG_Medium_Early]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 8 %entryCost = 160 RP0conf = true } @PART[BD_Adj_LG_Side_Early]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[Bumper_Body]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[Bumper_Control]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Bumper_Engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 150 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Bumper_Engine_Unclad]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 150 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Bumper_Fin]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[Bumper_Nose]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[CanardController]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[CircularIntake]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[Decal?curved]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[DoubleWasp-R280065W]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 25 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAFlagPod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAFlagPod2x]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAFlagPod4x]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAProbeParachute]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAUmbilicalTower]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAlaunchClamp125]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAlaunchClamp25]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAlaunchClampApollo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAlaunchClampAtlas]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[Flat?decal]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[GearFixed]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[GearFree]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1.5 %entryCost = 30 RP0conf = true } @PART[GearSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 6 %entryCost = 120 RP0conf = true } @PART[GooExperiment]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[GuidanceStart1m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Interceptor?Cockpit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 60 %entryCost = 1200 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAXelectricprop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAXradialR-2800-18W]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 23.7 %entryCost = 474 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAXradialR-2800-21]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 27 %entryCost = 540 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAXradialR-2800-63W]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 32 %entryCost = 640 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAXradialR3350]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 33 %entryCost = 660 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAXradialprop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 22 %entryCost = 440 RP0conf = true } @PART[KIS_bomb1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[KIS_electricScrewdriver]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[KIS_guide]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[KIS_wrench]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } 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start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingChina]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingConegg]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingFuselage1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingFuselage2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingJupiter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingSide1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingSide1st]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingSide1stock]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingSide1us]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingSide2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingSide2ger]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzProcFairingTitan]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzResizableFairingBase]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzResizableFairingBaseRing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[KzThrustPlate]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[LGLadderUtility]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[LMiniAircaftTail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[LRDecoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[LRadialAirIntake]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[Libra_Ladder_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[Long?decal?1x2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[Long?decal?1x4]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[Long?decal?1x8]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[Long?decal?2x16]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[Long?decal?4x32]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[LongLadder]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 3 %entryCost = 60 RP0conf = true } @PART[MK1IntakeFuselage]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[MSIKerbPro]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[MedLadder]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 2 %entryCost = 40 RP0conf = true } @PART[MedLadderUtility]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[MercuryIX]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start RP0conf = false } @PART[MercuryXV]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start RP0conf = false } @PART[OscarDtank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[OscarEtank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[PAPBarometer]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 8 %entryCost = 160 RP0conf = true } @PART[ProceduralAllMovingWing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[Proceduralwing2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[Proceduralwing2EndPiece]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[Proceduralwing4]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } 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200 RP0conf = true } @PART[RTShortAntenna1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 2 %entryCost = 40 RP0conf = true } @PART[SMLadderUtility]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-FR-N]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-FR-W]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-PDC]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-RBDC]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-TANK-MFT-A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-TANK-MFT-B]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTAntenna]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTBuzzard]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTClyde]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTFuel625m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTInlineAirIntake]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTInlineAirIntakeTiny]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTJ213]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTKO211Dprop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 16 %entryCost = 320 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTMerlin46Prop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 19 %entryCost = 380 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTMerlin66prop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTPWR2800]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 32 %entryCost = 640 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTProbeGooo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTProtonlikeNoseCone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTR280018WProp]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 23.7 %entryCost = 474 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTR280021Prop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 27 %entryCost = 540 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTTinyprop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 8 %entryCost = 160 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTWingSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXT_Jumo213A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTelevonLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 115 %entryCost = 2300 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTelevonSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 25 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTelevonSmallHalf]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 15 %entryCost = 300 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTelevonVeryLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 185 %entryCost = 3700 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTke111]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTlaunchclamp1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTradialWindow]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[ShvetsovM63]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start RP0conf = false } @PART[ShvetsovM82]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start RP0conf = false } @PART[SmallGearBay]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 3 %entryCost = 60 RP0conf = true } @PART[SmallPointLight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[SmallSpotLight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[SmallStripLight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[SnubOtron]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 3 %entryCost = 60 RP0conf = true } @PART[StandardCtrlSrf]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 25 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[Thermometermt1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 8 %entryCost = 160 RP0conf = true } @PART[TinyTim]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 36 %entryCost = 720 RP0conf = true } @PART[TwinCyclone-R2600-23]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 25 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[TwinCyclone-R2600-7]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[TwinWasp-R1830-94]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 15 %entryCost = 300 RP0conf = true } @PART[aerocam]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[airScoop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[airplaneTail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[airplaneTailB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_nene]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_welland]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[basepunta1ur5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.07 %entryCost = 1.4 RP0conf = true } @PART[basicFin]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[deltaWing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 70 %entryCost = 1400 RP0conf = true } @PART[delta_small]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[dmUSGoo]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 100 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[elevon2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 35 %entryCost = 700 RP0conf = true } @PART[elevon3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[elevon5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[escaleralad1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[escalerar2s]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[fairingSize1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[hc_booster]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[hc_kazzelblad]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[hc_launchcam]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[hc_navcam]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[hc_nightvision]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[hc_scicam]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[hc_wideangle]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[hullcam_hubbazoot]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[hypergolicFluidRadial]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[ladder1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[launchClamp1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[longAntenna]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[miniFuelTank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[miniIntake]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[nacelleBody]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start RP0conf = false } @PART[noseCone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[pCtrlSrf1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[parachuteDrogue]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[parachuteLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[parachuteRadial]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[parachuteSingle]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[pointyNoseConeA]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[pointyNoseConeB]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralAvionics]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralBattery]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralConeLiquid]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralCrewTube]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralNoseCone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralStackDecoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralStructural]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[proceduralTankRealFuels]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 2 RP0conf = true } @PART[radialDecoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[radialDecoupler1-2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[radialEngineBody]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start RP0conf = false } @PART[rcsTankMini]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[rocketNoseCone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[saltguia]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[satpropt300FuelTank]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 12 %entryCost = 240 RP0conf = true } @PART[sensorBarometer]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 8 %entryCost = 160 RP0conf = true } @PART[sensorThermometer]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 8 %entryCost = 160 RP0conf = true } @PART[sep1a1ur5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start RP0conf = false } @PART[sepMotor1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 7 %entryCost = 140 RP0conf = true } @PART[smallCtrlSrf]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[smallHardpoint]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 30 %entryCost = 600 RP0conf = true } @PART[smallRadialDecoupler]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[spotLight1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[spotLight2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[stackDecouplerMini]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 2 %entryCost = 40 RP0conf = true } @PART[standardNoseCone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralIBeam1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralIBeam2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralIBeam3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralMiniNode]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralPanel1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralPanel2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralPylon]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralWing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 25 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralWing2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 60 %entryCost = 1200 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralWing3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 45 %entryCost = 900 RP0conf = true } @PART[structuralWing4]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[strutConnector]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[strutCube]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 2 %entryCost = 40 RP0conf = true } @PART[strutCubeLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 15 %entryCost = 300 RP0conf = true } @PART[strutCubeMedium]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 8 %entryCost = 160 RP0conf = true } @PART[strutCubeSmall]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 4 %entryCost = 80 RP0conf = true } @PART[strutOcto]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 7 %entryCost = 140 RP0conf = true } @PART[sweptWing]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 145 %entryCost = 2900 RP0conf = true } @PART[sweptWing1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 55 %entryCost = 1100 RP0conf = true } @PART[sweptWing2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 140 %entryCost = 2800 RP0conf = true } @PART[tailfin]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[tankminsond]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 12 %entryCost = 240 RP0conf = true } @PART[tanktoemv2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 108 %entryCost = 2160 RP0conf = true } @PART[telescopicLadder]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[telescopicLadderBay]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[top100a1ur5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.975 %entryCost = 19.5 RP0conf = true } @PART[top100a1ur5b]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1.125 %entryCost = 22.5 RP0conf = true } @PART[top500a1ur5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1.5 %entryCost = 30 RP0conf = true } @PART[topb1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 0.3 %entryCost = 6 RP0conf = true } @PART[trussAdapter]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[trussPiece1x]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[trussPiece3x]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 20 %entryCost = 400 RP0conf = true } @PART[wingConnector]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 50 %entryCost = 1000 RP0conf = true } @PART[wingConnector2]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 140 %entryCost = 2800 RP0conf = true } @PART[wingConnector3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 45 %entryCost = 900 RP0conf = true } @PART[wingConnector4]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 15 %entryCost = 300 RP0conf = true } @PART[wingConnector5]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[wingStrake]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[winglet]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 15 %entryCost = 300 RP0conf = true } @PART[winglet3]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[xluzopl]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1 %entryCost = 20 RP0conf = true } @PART[BD_Adj_LG_Large_Supersonic]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 16 %entryCost = 320 RP0conf = true } @PART[BD_Adj_LG_Medium_Supersonic]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 13 %entryCost = 260 RP0conf = true } @PART[BD_Adj_LG_Side_Supersonic]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 10 %entryCost = 200 RP0conf = true } @PART[FASAGemini4X800Mini]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 150 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-B9ProcAMWing-Supersonic]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-B9ProcCS-Supersonic]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-B9ProcWing-Supersonic]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 0.1 %entryCost = 10000 RP0conf = true } @PART[RP0Nose-Cockpit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[X1_Body]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 80 %entryCost = 1600 RP0conf = true } @PART[X1_Crew]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 300 %entryCost = 6000 RP0conf = true } @PART[X1_Engine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 150 %entryCost = 3000 RP0conf = true } @PART[X1_Tail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = subsonicFlight %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[B9_Engine_Jet_Turbojet]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KAXsportprop]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 19 %entryCost = 380 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 3980 %entryCost = 79600 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTOsaulTail]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTOsualHullLarge]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 180 %entryCost = 3600 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTOsualRadCockpit]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 3500 %entryCost = 70000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTOsualRadHull]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 120 %entryCost = 2400 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTOsualRadHullEnd]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 120 %entryCost = 2400 RP0conf = true } @PART[SXTPWPT6]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 19 %entryCost = 380 RP0conf = true } @PART[aje_jt8d]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 800 %entryCost = 16000 RP0conf = true } @PART[turboFanEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = supersonicFlight %cost = 1200 %entryCost = 24000 RP0conf = true } @PART[0625_Heatshield]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 300 %entryCost = 18000 RP0conf = true } @PART[1.25_Heatshield]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 600 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[2.5_Heatshield]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 800 %entryCost = 21000 RP0conf = true } @PART[3_75_Heatshield]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 1100 %entryCost = 22000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Heatshield-15M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 700 %entryCost = 20000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Heatshield-1M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 400 %entryCost = 19000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Heatshield-25M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 800 %entryCost = 21000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Heatshield-2M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 800 %entryCost = 21000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Heatshield-375M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 1100 %entryCost = 22000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Heatshield-3M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 1000 %entryCost = 22000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Heatshield-4M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 1500 %entryCost = 25000 RP0conf = true } @PART[Heatshield-5M]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 1700 %entryCost = 30000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-GEN-MHS]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 0 %entryCost = 0 RP0conf = true } @PART[SoyuzHeatshieldLEO]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 800 %entryCost = 21000 RP0conf = true } @PART[decoupler_ftr_small]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = survivability %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[Agena_Control_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech RP0conf = false } @PART[Agena_Mono_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech RP0conf = false } @PART[Agena_RCS_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech RP0conf = false } @PART[Agena_Solar_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech RP0conf = false } @PART[Agena_Structure_A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech RP0conf = false } @PART[avionicsNoseCone]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 200 %entryCost = 4000 RP0conf = true } @PART[galileo_aprobe]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 212 %entryCost = 2240 RP0conf = true } @PART[galileo_aprobe_bot]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 60 %entryCost = 1200 RP0conf = true } @PART[galileo_hs_bot]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 30 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[galileo_hs_mid]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 30 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[galileo_hs_top]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 30 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[galileo_mb]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 8816 %entryCost = 176325 RP0conf = true } @PART[galileo_probe_hs_parachute]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 20 %entryCost = 250 RP0conf = true } @PART[galileo_probe_parachute]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 30 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[gdish_actual]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 30 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[gdish_intended]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 30 %entryCost = 500 RP0conf = true } @PART[investpod]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 5 %entryCost = 100 RP0conf = true } @PART[magellan]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 3448 %entryCost = 69778 RP0conf = true } @PART[neo_ulysses]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 2679 %entryCost = 53596 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_galileo_scanner]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 200 %entryCost = 2000 RP0conf = true } @PART[rn_magellan_scanner]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = unmannedTech %cost = 60 %entryCost = 1200 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSOMSEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSOMSEngineLeft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[CSSOMSEngineRight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[KW1mengineVestaVR1]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 615 %entryCost = 12300 RP0conf = true } @PART[RO-Kestrel]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 40 %entryCost = 800 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-AJ10-190]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[SSTU-SC-ENG-Merlin-1A]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 205 %entryCost = 17050 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSOMSEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSOMSEngineLeft]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[STSOMSEngineRight]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } @PART[engineLargeSkipper_125m]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 175 %entryCost = 3500 RP0conf = true } @PART[omsEngine]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry %cost = 400 %entryCost = 8000 RP0conf = true } which is called Tree.cfg must be wrong regarding KW parts. There are many entries with decimal values, like @PART[KW1mDecouplerShroud]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start %cost = 1.23 %entryCost = 24.6 RP0conf = true } Was it meant to be like that? @PART[KW1mDecouplerShroud]:FOR[RP-0] { %TechRequired = start @cost *= 1.23 @entryCost *= 24.6 RP0conf = true }
  16. Just turned on FPS and it shows around 10 for an 200 part ship cruising out of Kerbin SOI on its way to Jool. Does not feel like 10 fps at all, but looks like they does some tricks as it feels smooth. As for launches its 3rd in an row. 1 the Tylo lander, second the manned mission, 3 is more methane and two Laythe probes and two probes trying to enter Jool for science. Likely to launch an 4th with just more hydrogen, Jool window is closing and one and a half year to it open again so has to throw stuff now. Now the burns are perfect, did an 17 minutes and 1.600 m/s burn to Duna who ended inside Duna SOI, that is stupid impressive, 300 m/s was with chemical engines rest was with two nuclear and a bucket of hydrogen tanks. The Jool fleet used stronger first stage so core was mostly intact into orbit, now this is probably wrong and me thinking KSP 1. Now I kind of suspect they cheat with the burns? but you can mess them up like my Duna mission tumbling.
  17. I am using a Ryzen 5600G and an AMD 6650 8GB dedicated GPU with 32GB DDR4@1600. Initial game release was very poor performance. Granted, everyone's experience wasn't great, the game wasn't really playable regardless of the visual. The December update gave me a huge boost up to 120FPS. But this only lasted for small ship designs. As I progressed through the game and had to use multiple engine design to compensate for the weaker engines in early science mode. Lots of parts equals lots lof frame rates lost. 200-300 part ships became a nightmare to fly due to less than 10FPS on average. Changing GPU settings had little effect on performance. This most recent update helped a bit with the performance.
  18. Well, first we say goodbye to my first interplanetary probe. It could only end one way. Contract to send something interplanetary, well I found I could do an Eve intercept but no good antennas. Then unlocking nuclear engines I build an probe carrier and send it to Eve as window was closing. It arrived before this probe and probably could linked up with it but pointless as in Eve orbit, cleared Gilly And yes the probe is comical small and also ridiculous overbuild, as in I could return to Kerbin with but 2K science But no time for that as Jool window is closing and Duna one is optimal. So have to design stuff to throw. https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/#/Kerbin/100/Jool/100/false/ballistic/false/1/200 Says 6 Km/s but that is low Jool orbit not playing with Tylo, still getting back is nice but will throw so much I don't have time to play
  19. KramaxAutoPilotPlans { } KramaxAutoPilotPlansDefault { Earth { FlightPlan { planet = Earth name = Ksc Runway description = SPACE COAST RGNL RNAV RWY 09 (NORTH) WayPoints } FlightPlan { planet = Earth name = R09 Cape Caneveral description = Cape Caneveral WayPoints { WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535480819622 lon = -80.654483101065 alt = 100 name = R09 Dep } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5536691681812 lon = -80.5597841504006 alt = 200 name = R09 Climb } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535480819622 lon = -80.2099399970557 alt = 1000 name = R09 Ascent } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5839329412693 lon = -80.6867476554833 alt = 1000 name = R09 Localiser } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5807426433006 lon = -80.8594632872108 alt = 900 name = R09 Donut } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.6447567144193 lon = -80.9328527470692 alt = 800 name = R09 Donut 2 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.6590994802035 lon = -81.0771904479993 alt = 700 name = R09 Donut 3 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.6143845392291 lon = -81.0912811686739 alt = 600 name = R09 Donut 4 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535294223846 lon = -81.0462926516392 alt = 500 name = R09 Lineup } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535294223846 lon = -80.8674048007813 alt = 400 name = R09 Approach } WayPoint { Vertical = true IAF = true lat = 28.5535294223846 lon = -80.7633929030822 alt = 300 name = IAF } WayPoint { Vertical = true FAF = true lat = 28.5535294223846 lon = -80.7537525999965 alt = 200 name = FAF } WayPoint { Vertical = true RW = true lat = 28.5535294223846 lon = -80.707525999965 alt = 100 name = Flare rw } WayPoint { Vertical = true STOP = true lat = 28.5535294223846 lon = -80.6724494560567 alt = 21 name = Touchdown Stop } } } FlightPlan { planet = Earth name = R27 Cape Caneveral description = Cape Caneveral WayPoints { WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.7918641659757 lon = -80.2273972401085 alt = 1000 name = R27 Intercept } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.8573429833046 lon = -80.0631285821229 alt = 800 name = R27 Donut 1 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.8161351622206 lon = -80.0499096603379 alt = 700 name = R27 Donut 2 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.8036173003367 lon = -80.0656174953415 alt = 600 name = R27 Donut 3 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.7811261246653 lon = -80.1470518408905 alt = 500 name = R27 Donut 4 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.6104194001694 lon = -80.4109857715712 alt = 450 name = R27 localizer } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.4586142154309 alt = 400 name = Approach 1 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.5312463358264 alt = 300 name = Approach 2 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.5536929033009 alt = 200 name = Approach 3 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.594794931099 alt = 100 name = Approach 4 } WayPoint { Vertical = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.6168308818209 alt = 81 name = Approach 5 } WayPoint { Vertical = true IAF = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.6306580102335 alt = 61 name = IAF } WayPoint { Vertical = true FAF = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.6403175194006 alt = 41 name = FAF } WayPoint { Vertical = true RW = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.6503175194006 alt = 21 name = Flare rw } WayPoint { Vertical = true STOP = true lat = 28.5535452361263 lon = -80.6703175194006 alt = 21 name = Touchdown Stop } } } }
  20. Progress update Hello! I've been working on the Field-Emission Electric Propulsion (FEEP) thruster and its fuel tanks recently. This engine uses liquid caesium as a propellant, has an Isp of 10,200 seconds, produces 0.8 kN of thrust, and takes in 40 ec/s. The engine has a beautiful green plume (disclaimer: I don't actually know what colour plume you'd get with caesium, I think it would be blue/cyan, but I'm not entirely sure. I've always wanted more engines with green plumes in KSP, and green is way more unique than cyan with this sort of stuff so green it is. Perhaps the propellant contains some amount of some other chemical that turns it green, who knows). The (relatively) low power cost and high Isp can make this engine attractive for situations where you need lots of delta-v, but the thrust is somewhat lacking. More importantly, caesium is very pricy - even more so than xenon. So you'll have to be careful with its use if you're in career mode (caesium is also extremely reactive and explodes violently when it comes into contact with water, but that's for the Kerbals to worry about). Oh also, the actual caesium resource is a part of the mod - you won't have to download community resource pack or anything for this to work. Next on the list is the arcjets (a 0.625m engine and a 1.25m engine, and a set of RCS thrusters). Once those are done I'll release them and the FEEP stuff as an update. Thank you for your time.
  21. Background to this discussion: So what I have been trying to figure out is whether it ever would have been possible to have a rapidly reusable Space Shuttle as the mainstay of the Earth orbital launch fleet. I've done some Googling and these are my findings. Ideally to fulfill the Integrated Program Plan (the main proposal to succeed Apollo that got watered down into the Space Shuttle) it would need to fly once a week. One way to help do this would be to have multiple space shuttles, launchpads, and processing facilities, so that multiple shuttles could be prepared for flight at a time. If it takes one month to turn around a Space Shuttle, you just can have four space shuttles and four sets of processing and launch infrastructure, and then a Space Shuttle can launch every week. Realistically there probably was not enough processing infrastructure to allow such a launch rate, and the maximum turn around time for the Space Shuttle was 54 days- almost two months. So how could this have been improved? Well, for one thing, SRB recovery and refurbishment took a lot of time. Under this scenario, there is a major movement from one political party to play up the narrative that the Vietnam War is costing the US men and money that would otherwise be used to improve society at home and abroad, combatting Soviet influence. Under this pressure, the President decides to act by ending the Vietnam War instead of escalating it, and use the freed up funding to put more money into the space program. So there is enough $$$ to build a fully reusable Space Shuttle. So this rules out my personal favorite never built Space Shuttle design, the Lockheed LS-200, and leaves us with either the "Baseline" which as far as I can tell did not have any serious studies, or the North American DC-3. Both had a flyback booster, while the LS-200 and others had some portion of the vehicle expendable. Another option might be Chrysler's SERV/MURP, but it would have been even more technologically risky. But we'll get back to that later. Now the only issue is getting a good turn around time with the orbiter. From what I've read, here are some of the major issues: SSME inspection involved taking the entire engine apart and putting it back together. This took a lot of time, to say the least. TPS inspection and refurbishment also took a lot of time. Almost every piece of the Space Shuttle TPS was unique, and so it took lots of time to refurbish pieces of it. The Shuttle was originally planned to use "field replaceable units" that were screwed on and would be simple to replace if something broke. Because of how heavy the TPS was, however, these had to be removed to save mass, resulting in numerous components becoming much more labor and time intensive to replace. The use of hypergolics on the OMS/RCS pods required all work on the rest of the orbiter to be stopped due to the toxic nature of the fuels. How could these issues be alleviated? The DC-3 and Baseline orbiter-booster configurations were still planned to use a "silica based TPS" which presumably would have just been a variant of the IRL Space Shuttle TPS. It is very hard to solve the issue of hundreds or thousands of unique tiles with a spaceplane shape. Starship doesn't have this issue as much because it is more uniform in shape and is made of steel, which deals with heat better, making it a little safer for the tiles to have gaps in between them for heat expansion. The DC-3 was planned to be made out of aluminum and would not have this luxury: it would require a tight fitting TPS like the Shuttle. On the other hand, the DC-3 was much smaller in size compared to the real life Space Shuttle, and this might decrease the amount of time needed to inspect the TPS. But the booster required TPS inspections too, and it was massive, even larger than the IRL Space Shuttle. This would take an enormous amount of time, but due to the booster having jet engines and being capable of flight at greater distances than the orbiter, perhaps this could be carried out at facilities other than KCS, allowing more boosters to be build and improve turn around times. The funding issue is eliminated in my scenario, so FRUs should be workable on the Shuttle. This would greatly reduce turn around time to some degree. Unlike the real life Space Shuttle, the DC-3 was planned to use RL-10s for its orbital maneuvering engines. These used cryogenic fuel and would not require operations to be stopped when something was done with the OMS. Now improving the refurbishment process with those engines is what is really daunting. I want to look at what process SpaceX uses for the Merlin engines on F9, but apparently it is a corporate secret So I'm not really sure how the refurbishment time might have been decreased. If anyone has any thoughts feel free to share. According to a r/SpaceXLounge user, a couple of the main bottlenecks in Falcon 9's already impressive flight rate (fastest turn around is something like 21 days I think?) are A) production of second stages and B) the kerolox engines produce soot which needs to be cleaned out. Starship and the hypothetical Space Shuttle solve the issue of second stage availability. But what about the fuel issue? Starship solves this be using methalox, which burns cleaner. The XLR-129s on the DC-3 would use cryogenic fuel like the RS-25s of the IRL Shuttle, and thus might have a similar refurbishment process. Another thing that would go a long way in improving Shuttle flight rates would be flying more often and building more vehicles. Part of the reason why Falcon 9 has become so efficient is because of how often it flies. This allows more data to be gathered and iterations to be made. The DC-3 might not have this luxury, because the necessity of having crew onboard would make each flight a high stakes affair. Inspections times would still be long. With the TPS being such an issue, it begs the question as to if it would be possible to have an alternative to the silica tile system. Enter Chrysler's SERV/MURP. It was basically an upsized Apollo CM with aerospike engines. While it also had a modular TPS, it would have had a more uniform shape, perhaps simplifying refurbishment. But the development of an aerospike presents a whole new set of issues. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion the Space Shuttle was simply never going to have a high flight rate. It just wasn't possible with spaceplanes. I thus think Big Gemini would have been the most viable option for a big, post-Apollo LEO transport. Big G came in at roughly 18 tons, and the Titan III cost 9.5 million dollars per ton to launch according to an early 90s GAO report: in other words, 171 million dollars per launch in early 1990s dollars, contrasting with a 900,000,000 dollar Space Shuttle launch cost (if the 2010 estimate of 1.5 billion per launch is put into an inflation calculator for 1990). Comparing Titan III to a Saturn IB, the latter costed about 55,000,000 dollars in 1972, while the Big G's booster cost converted to that year is roughly 54,000,000: similar price but far more capability, and Big G was partially reusable, helping to alleviate the cost of the spacecraft itself. Thus in my world, the American space program will probably become an area of high expenditure with a priority loosely akin to that of the military (although obviously with a far, far lower budget allocation when directly compared) until Elon Musk comes along, wanting to colonize Mars and builds Starship, reviving the long dead idea of a fully reusable spacecraft. What are your thoughts? Could a fully reusable and economical spacecraft have been built in the 1970s? Or was it never going to happen until the 2020s?
  22. I'm sorry to tell you that your math ain't mathing.... ....because a 18 meters starship, even without it getting taller, would carry to orbit at least 600 tons, because a doubling in diameter get you 4 times the area and so volume. And this is without considering: The better usage of space and a more advantageous tank/fuel fraction ( you need only double the tank mass to store 4 times more fuel), and the fact that at that point you will stretch the rocket a bit. Right now a starship stack can lift around 250 tons expended, and 150 tons reusable, with a weight of 5000 tons, so 5% payload expended, 3% reusable. It would be not unrealistic to see an 18 meters starship let's say 200 meters high, with a liftoff mass of 30k tons, putting into orbit 2000 tons expended (6.5% payload) and around 1200 tons reusable (4%). It would make it also heat less on reentry, slow down more and more controllable. The problem would be at liftoff with 130 raptors generating 40-50k tons of thrust, just the sound would probably melt everything in a couple miles.
  23. One issue I can't fix in this mod is that I can't timewarp or return to KSC until the craft is over 170km but the atmospheric effects stop at 85km, i.e. vacuum starts at 85 km. I've tried to mix around in the mod files but alas I am to stupid to figure it out. It would be nice if atmospheres didn't reach far out into space, that is one of the things I love about KSP 1 rescale mods, you really feel the size of kerbin thanks to being able to orbit so close relative to it's size. If I need a 200 km orbit then it doesn't really feel as big anymore I hope this issue can be adressed, the mod is otherwise fantastic
  24. A well written book is always better than a 200 million dollar special effects movie.
  25. This game has seen many creations which the creators cannot have imagined would be possible, like stock piston engines, rotating hinges, and even submarines. However, as far as I know, this is the first real trebuchet to be created in Kerbal Space Program*. *Scott Manley did make a trebuchet several years ago, however it had no sling, no hinge, and used a mod for the bearing. For those who do not know, a trebuchet is a form of siege weapon used in the Middle Ages in Europe. Before gunpowder artillery was invented, the trebuchet was the largest, most powerful weapon used against fortified castles, and many were so large that they had to be built on the site of the siege itself, as they were too massive to be transported easily. The biggest trebuchets were able to lob boulders weighing nearly half a ton hundreds of meters[citation needed]. A trebuchet in general is actually quite simple, being essentially a first class lever. The energy needed to operate the arm is provided by gravity (or lots of really strong guys pulling on ropes, in the case of a traction trebuchet), and an extremely heavy counterweight is mounted on the end opposite the throwing arm. A sling is often used to transfer as much energy as possible to the projectile, and the counterweight is usually mounted on a hinge to relieve stress on the arm and help conserve energy. This design proved so effective that trebuchets continued to be used in warfare long after gunpowder weapons arrived on the battlefield, and their construction is so simple that many people still build recreations of them today. The projectile fired by my trebuchet is a stayputnik probe core. It may be too light to smash buildings, but because of its weight (or lack thereof), I can make the counterweight lighter and still get a cool looking projectile. The sling is a KAS winch, which can be extended to various lengths to allow for different release angles. The only problem with this (aside from the fact that I had to use a mod) is that the projectile must be released by an action group, making it nearly impossible to achieve a consistent, repeatable release. As you can see, I can launch the projectile a considerable distance using nothing but the power of gravity and instinct. By tuning the length of the sling and finding the best time to release the projectile, I daresay that this machine could actually launch even farther, but I haven't tested it yet. Here's the trebuchet after firing. Technically it can be reloaded because it uses a KAS winch, but I'm not sure if the action group used to release the ball would remain. To give you an idea of just how big this is, try and find the Kerbal standing in front of the machine. FIRING PROCEDURE Stage once to release the hinge. This allows it to swing freely. Extend the sling to the desired length. I typically use 10 meter long sling for my shots. Stage again to release the arm. it should not fire because of the landing legs I have placed in the way. Press G to retract the landing legs, allowing the arm to swing upwards. Once you do this, you have committed to the shot, and you must act fast in these next steps to get a good angle and range. Switch to the arm (it's a good idea to test which key you need to press before you pull the legs back) and watch for the sling to reach your desired release point Once the sling is in position, press 1, triggering AG1, which releases the projectile from the sling ??? Profit!! DOWNLOAD Required Mod: KAS If you can make a further shot than me, post a picture of it here, and I'll keep a leaderboard of record shots. Whoever can make the furthest shot will get... uh... an honorary Kerbal Siege Engineer certification? Yeah, that sounds good. If you make it on the leaderboard, you can make people refer to you as *insert name here*, KSE. Sounds cool, right? I can probably come up with a cool badge for your signature too, although I don't know how well MS Paint will work for that... Anyway, Enjoy!
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