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  1. I am making a planet pack as my first kopernicus mod. It is inspired by the old theorized planet Vulcan,However the it seems that it uses the map of its template(Moho) in map view and it is perfectly flat when landed on. I am sure that I am doing something stupid that is very simple but I do not know exactly what I am missing. The code for the ScaledVersion and PQS is ScaledVersion { fadeStart = 60000 fadeEnd = 90000 type = Vacuum Material { specColor = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 shininess = 0 } OnDemand { texture = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalcolormap.dds normals = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalnormalmap.dds//Normal map } } PQS { fadeStart = 90000 fadeEnd = 130000 deactivateAltitude = 130000 //Maybe I will need to make a material{} subnode Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalheightmap.dds offset = 0 deformity = 4000 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 20 enabled = true } VertexColorMap { map = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalcolormap.dds order = 20 enabled = true } } }
  2. As part of an assignment for graduate school I created a planet for KSP and its Kopernicus mod, which I have dubbed Hira. Beyond the orbit of Eeloo, between where Sarnus and Urlum orbit in the Outer Planets Mod, Hira is suspected to once have been a rogue planet that was captured in the last few thousand years by the combined gravitational influences of Kerbol and Jool. It includes five custom biomes and a number of unique Science reports. With low gravity, a moderately high rotation speed, and no atmosphere, its surface is relatively easy to visit once the planet's SOI is reached. I make no claims about this being an exceptionally interesting or elaborate planet pack, but since I made it I figured I'd share it, so if you are looking for a new planet to visit, here it is. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions or issues Prerequisites: Kopernicus Installation is the standard procedure for any planet pack and most mods. Extract the ZIP archive and either copy the GameData folder into your installation directory or copy the problemecium folder into your GameData directory. Download
  3. Hello all, and welcome to the release thread for Low Quality Planet Packs! Low Quality Planet Packs are small planet packs made for low-end computers, or for people who do not care about fancy graphics. The only dependencies these mods will ever have is Kopernicus (And all of its dependencies) and ModuleManager. Some will be interstellar, and some will add to the stock system. These mods contain: -Low quality textures (2000x1000 or less) -Small, compact systems -No sciDefs, ground scatters, etc. I decided to make these after playing many planet mods, with many being so well made that they'd lag my game even on the lowest graphics settings. RELEASES: LQPP: Truyot LQPP: Oasis Please send bug reports through the discord server so I can actually see them. You'll also be able to see upcoming content, screenshots, and other things through there.
  4. Nem - Binary Companion for Eve (All ingame screenshots were taken with Astronomer's Visual Pack, Scatterer and Parallax enabled.) - SUMMARY - A new binary planet companion for Eve, Nem is a volcanically active desert world with sweltering temperatures, massive volcanoes, deep canyons, and an oxygenated atmosphere. We don't know precisely how it's able to maintain this atmospheric oxygen. Some say the planet is actually hiding complex life, but this couldn't possibly be true. How could such a hostile world possibly sustain life? Regardless of its habitability, Nem represents a unique opportunity for our interplanetary SSTO program. Because of its low gravity, reasonably dense atmosphere and oxygen, Nem is ideally suited for an SSTO mission- especially if ISRU technology can be utilized. Ascent with a traditional lander, meanwhile, may prove difficult- as its aerodynamic properties will matter far more than a similar mission to Duna. At least your parachutes will work great! - FEATURES - Nem has an extensive feature set, including full science logs for almost every relevant stock science experiment, spanning each of its 16 biomes. This also includes full science logs for every usable DMagic Orbital Science experiment! For realism, it moves Gilly into orbit of Nem, as its previous orbit would've been unstable. However, as its hill sphere would be too small to be reasonably playable if Principia is installed, it will instead put Gilly at Eve's L5 lagrange point if that mod is enabled. Eve's rotation period is also modified to tidally lock it to Nem. If Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered is enabled, the mod will not touch Gilly/Gillian's Comet, and otherwise supports Alternis Eve just fine. (Though enabling Alternis Eve's rings is a tad unrealistic.) It includes custom Parallax surface textures, and even custom-modeled surface scatters- which can be installed optionally. The mod includes its own basic EVE clouds and supports Blackrack's beta Raymarched Volumetric Clouds, but if you have Astronomer's Visual Pack installed, it will hook into the mod and use your AVP install to generate its own clouds and auroras. It also supports SigmaDimensions. This functionality is now dynamic, meaning it will adjust Nem's HazardousBody setup and Eve's rotation period according to whatever configuration your SigmaDimensions install is running. - DELTA-V MAP - - SCREENSHOTS - (Spoilers!) - MOD COMPATIBILITY - Nem supports (but does not require): Astronomer's Visual Pack Community Resource Pack Environmental Visual Enhancements (Supports Raymarched Volumetric Clouds and old-style clouds) Parallax/Parallax_StockTextures Scatterer Distant Object Enhancement PlanetShine Principia ResearchBodies Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered DMagic Orbital Science Tarsier Space Technology (ChemCam and Telescope) SigmaDimensions - DOWNLOAD - Requires Kopernicus! GitHub Link Quick disclaimer- this is my first ever full celestial body made in Kopernicus. - CHANGELOG - - ATTRIBUTIONS - Niako's Kopernicus Utilities (bundled) is licensed under the MIT license. Link to Niako's Kopernicus Utilities Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er (bundled) is licensed under the GNU General Public License. Link to Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er Select textures from the old Environmental Visual Enhancements default config are bundled with the EVE support patch (everything except for Nem_Volcano_Smoke.dds), which is licensed under the MIT license. Link to Environmental Visual Enhancements legacy github page Parallax surface and various scatter textures created using Moss 002, Ground 054, Rock 029, Rock 030, Rocks 011, Rock 022, Rock 018, Bark 001, Foliage 005, and Leaf 002 from ambientCG.com, licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License. - LICENSE - Nem is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution - You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. Notices: You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation . No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.
  5. Я начал разработку своего мода для Kerbal Space Program, но во время тестирования заметил, что солнечная сторона планеты не обращена к Солнцу, как это исправить? [Moderator Added Translation] I started developing my mod for Kerbal Space Program, but during testing I noticed that the sunny side of the planet is not facing the Sun, how can I fix this?
  6. Exactly as the title. I have been experimenting with an idea to revamp the inner system, like OPM does for the outer system, but add really crazy planets with eccentric orbits and unique ideas that are hard to get to, but rewarding when you get there. Some of my ideas are: - A blue mars due to copper oxides (not cold, actually hot) - A hycean Kepler 22 b with glass storms that can shred your craft - A carbon world that blends in with space with tons of exposed diamonds in an eccentric orbit - A yellow/green sulfur gas dwarf - A torus world - Vulcan analogue with lava - Dwarf Planets i.e Sedna, Eris etc... Analogues - Pure Iron Planet -Radioactive Moon of Eve, Binary with Poison moon, with rocky moon orbiting them - MonMonMon, the third moon of Kerbin - Salt Flats planet with Helium Atmo - Kerbal Rock? So yeah, those are my ideas. Any tips or suggestions on how to go about this?
  7. I'm back again with a new mod! This mod only adds one planet but it is the closest planet to the Sun in the system, Xubol!! I have based Xubol off of this, https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Unimplemented_Content#Xubol Here is the facts of Xubol!! Radius: 200 kilometers Rotation period: 2.5 hours Eccentricity: 0.425 Semimajor Axis: 2,240,000 kilometers Inclination: 3.46 Surface gravity: 0.2 g Rotation period: 2.5 hours Atmospheric Pressure: 0.00493 atm I would be a bit careful on the planet since you can overheat on there!! Even if the atmosphere is thin it can still get very hot there!! But that is what it adds, I hope you enjoy it and please be safe everyone!! :DD It has compatibility with: Scatterer Planet Shine Distant Object Enhancement Parallax SpaceDock Link!! https://spacedock.info/mod/3475/The Revival of The Forgotten World, Xubol! Needs Kopernicus! :0 License: MIT
  8. Little Big Planets "Everything's just a hop, skip, and a jump away" What is Little Big Planets? Little Big Planets is a collaborative project, seeking to replace the stock system, with a 10x smaller system, effectively at 100x smaller than real scale, creating a new an unique experience similar to that of the ancient Toy Kerbin mod. This pack is being made by a handful of developers with great experience in KSP modding, and hopes to establish a fun and high quality experience. Can I join the development team? Yes, you can! All you need is to know how to make a planet, a planet texture, and to make it work! We'll consider it based on your skill level, but the project is open to new and beginner modders getting their bearings. How do I get in touch and view active development updates? We have a development discord here! Is it out? No, but Alpha testing is open to people willing to find bugs in the mod, you can join the discord to find more details. Credits @smushanoob@Sushut @Womby @Mrpasta44 @Souptime@Derpistheword@ballisticfox0 @PicoSpace @Clonos@RevanX_LSR
  9. So for my first mod release I have made a mod that makes the Mun have life! This does add some new things for it! Gave the Mun a breathable atmosphere New Biome Map Gave the Mun an ocean There is Scatterer and EVE support for it too!! I really hope you guys will enjoy it!! If there is any issues then I will try my best to fix them! Be safe! SpaceDock Link!! https://spacedock.info/mod/3467/Habitable Mun Needs Kopernicus! :0 License: GPLV3
  10. Are there any mods that add planets/moons in a polar orbit around their parent body? I'm just curious.
  11. This is no longer the main thread find the new one here^
  12. QuackPack QuackPack is intended to fill out an often neglected portion of the Kerbolar system: the deep inner system, far below the orbit of Moho. Oftentimes, when a player has conquered the stock system, it may feel like the only way to access more challenging destinations is to install full system replacers, or interstellar mods. System expansions such as Outer Planets Mod are a very popular first step, bridging the challenge gap between the stock system and full blown interstellar packs. QuackPack is designed to add an additional level of challenge to a stock + OPM install. Instead of looking outwards towards other stars, it is time to look inwards towards our own. These planets are not for the faint of heart. Transfer requirements are extreme, and their gravity wells are deep. Gravity assists are a near requirement. Failure lurks around every corner, as the unique thermal environments can cause unexpected problems, or outright destroy craft. Aerodynamics will work in unusual ways, as the superheated atmospheres are very different from anything else in the Kerbolar system. However, with smart design, clever planning, and skill, these bodies can be conquered, even fully reusable, or, theoretically, with single stage craft. Bodies Blas, a metal poor, scorching hot desert Superkerbin with a large ring system and one small moonlet. Geet, the lone moon of Blas, and a shepherd to the ring system. Jot, an inflated hot Jool with an extremely large atmosphere. Subon, a captured metallic asteroid in a close retrograde orbit of Jot. Cind, a Kerbin sized tidally locked hellworld, with an atmosphere made of sulfur and boiling metal. Features 5 challenging new bodies to explore. Science and career mode ready, with full biome and experiment definitions. Full scatterer integration. Full EVE integration, with clouds, sandstorms, lightning, aurorae, and thermal glow. Planetshine and Distant Object Enhancement integration. Notes This is my first planet mod, pls be gentle. Delta V grid https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t5JHSCVPWrMVtEfGHV__7xCjVrZGaRFoe4HQmvdFZwI Gallery Download Github SpaceDock CKAN Installation Remove any prexisting QuackPack installations (QuackPack folder within GameData folder in KSP directory) Install ALL listed dependencies, following the links bellow Download and extract the QuackPack zip file Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory Highly recommended to download and install Scatterer, EVE REDUX, and BetterKerbol as they provide massive visual improvement, and QuackPack is intended to be played with all three installed. Requirements ModuleManager Kopernicus Kopernicus Expansion EmissiveFX Community Terrain Texture Pack Bundled Dependencies Niako's Kopernicus Utilities Sigma Heat Shifter Provided Compatibility Scatterer EVE Redux Distant Object Enancement Planetshine Recommended Mods BetterKerbol Outer Planets Mod FAQ Q. Does QuackPack support Parallax 2? A. QuackPack does not currently provide configs for Parallax 2, but it will run alongside Parallax 2 enabled planets from the stock system or other planet mods Q. Will QuackPack ever support Parallax 2? A. QuackPack is intended to support Parallax 2 at some point, when I have the time to sit down and learn it. Q. Does QuackPack support EVE True Volumetrics? A. EVE True Volumetrics support will come in a future update. Q. Does QuackPack support rescaling via Sigma Dimensions? A. Not at the moment, also something to consider for a future update. Changelog v1.1.0 Licensing QuackPack is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
  13. I am using Grannus Expansion Pack and I've downloaded it via Ckan but whenever I open KSP none of the planets appear! I've created new save files multiple times. Could someone give me some info/help? Thanks a lot!
  14. Land on every Planet/Moon including jool at -249m with a satalite in orbit around Jool,Duna,Moho and return to kerbin safely
  15. I'm working on a mod that will add a new Solar System, and I wanted to tell each planet's story in a fun, humorous way through Science reports. How do I implement custom EVA descriptions instead of using the Stock ones? I can't seem to find any info on it
  16. This thread is outdated and old, check out the new one here Check out the discord server! This thread will remain up for archive stuff and also because why not
  17. Very self-explanatory mod. It changes overall looks of Jool and adds a simple procedural wasteland beneath its clouds, making it into a new destination for your space frogs. It should run any visual packs, EVE, Scatterer, without problems, it has resources and other stuff normal Jool will get from mods. With pressure limits it will be even more interesting. --------------------------------------------------------- Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International ------------------------------------------------------ Suggested mods: Visual packs. Will add true clouds that can be seen from surface. EveEngines, ExplodiumBreathingEngines. Absolutely must have for flying there. Any mods with electric jets or propellers - RationalResources, KAX, you got it. Also, Jool remains ore-abundant with RationalResources so you won't run out of fuel If you feel need to touch it by Kopernicus patches(adding moons?), use JooI, not Jool (last letter is big "i") Have fun, report bugs! https://spacedock.info/mod/2967/JoolSurface https://github.com/hohmannson/jool_surface/releases Pics, clicks, stock EVE-less clouds. If someone doesn't like them or they a getting in the way of a visual mod, change fadestart, fadeend and deactivatealtitude to commented out values in Jool.cfg
  18. This project's goal: Create a monument to the KSP Community, A star cluster made entirely by members of the community. Rules Every User May submit a maximum of 2 Planets and 4 Moons per month Stars are Pre-Placed, But you may request a star type to be added, stars will be added as systems fill up Be Kind, Everyone is at a different experience level, so please do not act in a way that is only meant to hurt the feelings of others, or pointless complaining/insulting of another's work Help Others, If someone is asking for help, help them if you can, if you cannot, refer them to someone who can For a submission you must include within the Zip File : Your Planet Configs, Your Planet's Heightmap, And Your Planet's ColorMap, Normals can also be provided, but if not, will be produced as implementation occurs, You need to make the planet. Make it interesting, the more varied the submissions, the better, if you have some amazing idea, do it, we will get a spot to place it. Every Person who submits a planet/moon will get credit for their work, All Usernames will be placed within the mod DO NOT take configs, parts of configs, or maps from other mods, if we find out it is stolen, you will be removed from the contributors list and the planets in question will be removed Systems - Systems will be set up as planets are suggested, and will be filled out below as it goes on, upon completion of a system, it will be released, Systems will have 3-5 planets and 6-10 moons Lelon - An F7V Star About halfway through it's life Maldos A-B - A Close binary between a G3V Star and a M0V Star, Planets orbit both stars at once Blubol - A singular K4V Star, Habitable zone is closer to the star as a result. >Retol - 1000 km gas dwarf orbiting Blubon at around Duna's orbit - ffx >Oloa - 250 km Duna like moon but its colored minty blue from rusted copper - ffx >Gul - 19 km marron astroid - ffx Planets will be placed within these systems, As Systems fill up, more will be added to make more space, the more systems, the better. If this goes well, and we make it to 10+ systems, we will continue both development of this, and a follow up with the improved skills of everyone involved.
  19. Since this is the first result on google i wanted to make something clear, this is not the full mod The full mod is being worked on here: Endless expanse: DOT-33 is the first part of an eventual galaxy. The current system (DOT-33) is a binary star system consisting of a yellow dwarf and an orange dwarf, each with their own system. So, will you be able to survive the endless expanse? https://spacedock.info/mod/2936/Endless Expanse: DOT-33 To all of the people who supported me during development, thank you. See you in the full release -TheOrios CC-BY-NC-ND
  20. A whole new universe to explore! Welcome to the Kerbal Universe! This mod will (eventually) add a whole new universe (including galaxies and nebulas) to KSP. Contains the Gravitas, Iris-Zephyrus, and Juno systems. Download (Github): https://github.com/RMSpace/KerbalUniverse/releases Credits: @blackrack for Singularity License: CC-BY (you can contribute to this mod!)
  21. Hi, i'm making a planet mod called Endless Expanse. It's by no means done but i think it's already presentable. I'll probably have a development thingy out eventually first i just kinda wanna get the word out. So here's the planetary line up i have right now, it may change in the future. expect full development thread soon.
  22. Wabi Sabi - Perfect Imperfection The Overview: Wabi-Sabi. A word that has held prevalence in Japanese culture for centuries. A word that holds so much meaning and depth, it lacks a proper translation into English. It means the acceptance of transience and imperfection, and appreciation of beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete in nature. Wabi-Sabi holds an appreciation of both natural objects and forces of nature, appreciating austerity, modesty, intimacy, asymmetry and roughness. Our planets easily fit this brand. Instead of embracing perfect spheres, habitable planets, perfect and balanced solar systems, we have a different unique approach. Each of our bodies has something unique to offer. In this mod, you won't cheat orbit around each body, or just observe from afar in tracking station, but be motivated to say "I want to go there for myself", and furthermore, "I want to stay here and keep coming back". Planets are unique experiences. They shouldn't be one off screenshot generators, but full of worth, value, and creativity blended with realism. Everything from a super-kerbin with exotic ammonia based life, to a lonely vacuum planet should have a relatively similar amount of value and unique content. If you want solar systems crammed with content, uniquely hand crafted planets, with plenty of gameplay, offering new challenges and reasons to explore, then this is it. Quality > quantity. No filler. In-depth lore and story that will send you on an odyssey spanning the small cluster of stars you find yourself in, somewhere between galaxies. Coming soon™️. Incompatibility Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HYZcvaK (Check back occasionally, I will be updating this! Also also, stuff is heavy WIP so it might not be great as of now, please be nice lol) @Bendy SnowballCo-Developer, PR work, Director, Management, etc. @ballisticfox0 EVE help @ShbibePlaytesting @bobjonesisthebest:D Sciencedefs @Caps Lock Sunflare The Kopernicus Discord Server - Being a great help to me. I can't list all the names individually, but thanks @TheOrios system help/making, concepting @KerbinSphere Part making/modelling @Jason Kerman Their pole spike fixing python script @R-T-B Maintaining Kopernicus @TheProtagonists While their textures are no longer in use, I just think they are cool @RJVB09 Lightcurve Calculator @OhioBobAtmosphere calculator @JadeOfMaar System maps Soon This mod is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND. Any reuse of my/Wabi-Sabi team's assets is strictly forbidden. Contact me at smushanoob#4556 or the discord server if you have questions about the mod.
  23. Oh hai. This is a basic planet pack so far that adds a Near-Kerbin binary asteroid, Doppler-Dyva, a Pallas-like two-toned potato, Quazen, and four binary Jool trojans. Basically asteroids not filled by niches such as Minor Planets Expansion. Download here on SpaceDock. This was the old picture of Doppler, once named Onor (please don't deadname it). It's a relic of my past and how I've improved. Requirements: Kopernicus ModuleManager A good computer
  24. Just a thread I thought this forum needed. Is Pluto still a planet? Kindly and respectfully share your thoughts about Pluto. I think @Pluto_Is_A_Planet might want to join in. (Sorry for "pinging" random users, but it's sort of for a reason)
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